hardware-configuration.nix is still relied upon for hard drive
configuration, and it handles variations of hardware (custom
configurations, subrevisions).
* hardware.trackpoint.emulateWheel = true; is very biased, this module
is only for ThinkPads anyway, so default value should be used
* All options that should be overridable (e.g. services.tlp.enable)
* Hardware profile should not pull in stuff into system environment
unless it's hardware-specific (pkgs.acpi is not)
* sound.mediaKeys clashes with DE, e.g. Xfce handling sound keys
* Drop redundant synaptics.enable = false;
The x1xx series relies on a AMD CPU, but all other (currently supported)
ThinkPads use an Intel CPU, so `general-intel.nix` is responsible
for all Intel defaults.
Here's a patch that shows how to add support for
- TrackPoint
- (alternatively) better touchpad support
- volume/mute buttons
- active hard-drive protection
- fingerprint reader
I've been using these options for a couple of days on a non-tablet X220i. See https://github.com/dancek/dotfiles/blob/master/nixos/thinkpad-x220i/configuration.nix