2015-12-31 13:14:09 +00:00

783 lines
32 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2016
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "clientsettingsdlg.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
Qt::WindowFlags f ) : QDialog ( parent, f ), pClient ( pNCliP )
setupUi ( this );
// Add help text to controls -----------------------------------------------
// jitter buffer
QString strJitterBufferSize = tr ( "<b>Jitter Buffer Size:</b> The jitter "
"buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The "
"size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of "
"the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay "
"(the longer the buffer, the higher the delay).<br>"
"The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client "
"and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the "
"audio stream are indicated by the light on the bottom "
"of the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer "
"overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.<br>"
"The jitter buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio "
"quality and overall delay.<br>"
"An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If "
"the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and "
"the remote server are set automatically "
"based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If "
"the <i>Auto</i> check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are "
"disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse)." );
QString strJitterBufferSizeTT = tr ( "In case the auto setting of the "
"jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and "
"the remote server are set to a conservative "
"value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To <b>tweak the "
"audio delay/latency</b> it is recommended to disable the auto setting "
"functionality and to <b>lower the jitter buffer size manually</b> by "
"using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount "
"of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio "
"dropouts of the local jitter buffer by a red light" ) +
lblNetBuf->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
lblNetBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
grbJitterBuffer->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
grbJitterBuffer->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
sldNetBuf->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
sldNetBuf->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Local jitter buffer slider control" ) );
sldNetBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
sldNetBufServer->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
sldNetBufServer->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Server jitter buffer slider control" ) );
sldNetBufServer->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
chbAutoJitBuf->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Auto jitter buffer switch" ) );
chbAutoJitBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
ledNetw->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Jitter buffer status LED indicator" ) );
ledNetw->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
// sound card device
cbxSoundcard->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Sound Card Device:</b> The ASIO "
"driver (sound card) can be selected using " ) + APP_NAME +
tr ( " under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound "
"card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid "
"an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected.<br>"
"If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection "
"is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again "
"automatically." ) );
cbxSoundcard->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Sound card device selector combo box" ) );
#ifdef _WIN32
// set Windows specific tool tip
cbxSoundcard->setToolTip ( tr ( "In case the <b>ASIO4ALL</b> driver is used, "
"please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of "
"additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver "
"is therefore recommended.<br>If you are using the <b>kX ASIO</b> "
"driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings "
"panel." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT );
// sound card input/output channel mapping
QString strSndCrdChanMapp = tr ( "<b>Sound Card Channel Mapping:</b> "
"In case the selected sound card device offers more than one "
"input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Ouptut "
"Channel Mapping settings are visible.<br>"
"For each " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " input/output channel (Left and "
"Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be "
"selected." );
lblInChannelMapping->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
lblOutChannelMapping->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
cbxLInChan->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
cbxLInChan->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Left input channel selection combo box" ) );
cbxRInChan->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
cbxRInChan->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Right input channel selection combo box" ) );
cbxLOutChan->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
cbxLOutChan->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Left output channel selection combo box" ) );
cbxROutChan->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdChanMapp );
cbxROutChan->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Right output channel selection combo box" ) );
// sound card buffer delay
QString strSndCrdBufDelay = tr ( "<b>Sound Card Buffer Delay:</b> The "
"buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the " ) +
APP_NAME + tr ( " software. This setting has influence on many "
"connection properties.<br>"
"Three buffer sizes are supported:"
"<li>128 samples: This is the preferred setting since it gives lowest "
"latency but does not work with all sound cards.</li>"
"<li>256 samples: This setting should work on most of the available "
"sound cards.</li>"
"<li>512 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow "
"computer or a slow internet connection is available.</li>"
"Some sound card driver do not allow the buffer delay to be changed "
"from within the " ) + APP_NAME +
tr ( " software. In this case the buffer delay setting "
"is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this "
"setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press "
"the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, "
"use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size.<br>"
"If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an "
"unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The " ) + APP_NAME +
tr ( " software will still work with this setting but with restricted "
"The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the "
"current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, "
"the higher the probability of red light in the status indicator (drop "
"outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall "
"The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio "
"quality and overall delay." );
QString strSndCrdBufDelayTT = tr ( "If the buffer delay settings are "
"disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this "
"setting from within the " ) + APP_NAME +
tr ( " software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the "
"driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to "
"change the buffer size." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT;
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "128 samples setting radio button" ) );
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "256 samples setting radio button" ) );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "512 samples setting radio button" ) );
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
butDriverSetup->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
butDriverSetup->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "ASIO setup push button" ) );
butDriverSetup->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
// fancy skin
chbGUIDesignFancy->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Fancy Skin:</b> If enabled, "
"a fancy skin will be applied to the main window." ) );
chbGUIDesignFancy->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Fancy skin check box" ) );
// audio channels
QString strAudioChannels = tr ( "<b>Audio Channels:</b> "
"Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three "
"modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two "
"audio channels respectively. In the mono-in/stereo-out mode "
"the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the "
"return signal is stereo. This is useful for the case that the "
"sound card puts the instrument on one input channel and the "
"microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals "
"can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in "
"Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the "
"stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not "
"exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection.<br>"
"In case of the stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection "
"for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window "
"since the effect is applied on both channels in this case." );
lblAudioChannels->setWhatsThis ( strAudioChannels );
cbxAudioChannels->setWhatsThis ( strAudioChannels );
cbxAudioChannels->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Audio channels combo box" ) );
// audio quality
QString strAudioQuality = tr ( "<b>Audio Quality:</b> "
"Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio "
"quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher "
"the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current "
"upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your "
"internet connection." );
lblAudioQuality->setWhatsThis ( strAudioQuality );
cbxAudioQuality->setWhatsThis ( strAudioQuality );
cbxAudioQuality->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Audio quality combo box" ) );
// new client fader level
QString strNewClientLevel = tr ( "<b>New Client Level:</b> The "
"new client level setting defines the fader level of a new "
"connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects "
"to the current server, it will get the specified initial "
"fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection "
"of that client was already stored." );
lblNewClientLevel->setWhatsThis ( strNewClientLevel );
edtNewClientLevel->setWhatsThis ( strNewClientLevel );
edtNewClientLevel->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "New client level edit box" ) );
// central server address
QString strCentrServAddr = tr ( "<b>Central Server Address:</b> The "
"central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server "
"at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. If the "
"Default check box is checked, the default central server address is "
"shown read-only." );
lblCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
chbDefaultCentralServer->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
edtCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
chbDefaultCentralServer->setAccessibleName (
tr ( "Default central server check box" ) );
edtCentralServerAddress->setAccessibleName (
tr ( "Central server address line edit" ) );
// current connection status parameter
QString strConnStats = tr ( "<b>Current Connection Status "
"Parameter:</b> The ping time is the time required for the audio "
"stream to travel from the client to the server and backwards. This "
"delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as "
"20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to "
"the server is too large or your internet connection is not "
"The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the "
"delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.<br>"
"The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the "
"audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not "
"higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of "
"your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net)." );
lblPingTime->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
lblPingTimeValue->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
lblOverallDelay->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
lblOverallDelayValue->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
lblUpstream->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
lblUpstreamValue->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
ledOverallDelay->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
ledOverallDelay->setToolTip ( tr ( "If this LED indicator turns red, "
"you will not have much fun using the " ) + APP_NAME +
tr ( " software." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT );
// init driver button
#ifdef _WIN32
butDriverSetup->setText ( "ASIO Setup" );
// no use for this button for MacOS/Linux right now -> hide it
// init delay and other information controls
lblPingTimeValue->setText ( "---" );
lblOverallDelayValue->setText ( "---" );
lblUpstreamValue->setText ( "---" );
edtNewClientLevel->setValidator ( new QIntValidator ( 0, 100, this ) ); // % range from 0-100
// init slider controls ---
// network buffer sliders
// init combo box containing all available sound cards in the system
for ( int iSndDevIdx = 0; iSndDevIdx < pClient->GetSndCrdNumDev(); iSndDevIdx++ )
cbxSoundcard->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdDeviceName ( iSndDevIdx ) );
cbxSoundcard->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdDev() );
// init sound card channel selection frame
// fancy GUI design check box
if ( pClient->GetGUIDesign() == GD_STANDARD )
chbGUIDesignFancy->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );
chbGUIDesignFancy->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
// "Audio Channels" combo box
cbxAudioChannels->addItem ( "Mono" ); // CC_MONO
cbxAudioChannels->addItem ( "Mono-in/Stereo-out" ); // CC_MONO_IN_STEREO_OUT
cbxAudioChannels->addItem ( "Stereo" ); // CC_STEREO
cbxAudioChannels->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pClient->GetAudioChannels() ) );
// "Audio Quality" combo box
cbxAudioQuality->addItem ( "Low" ); // AQ_LOW
cbxAudioQuality->addItem ( "Normal" ); // AQ_NORMAL
cbxAudioQuality->addItem ( "High" ); // AQ_HIGH
cbxAudioQuality->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pClient->GetAudioQuality() ) );
// update default central server address check box
if ( pClient->GetUseDefaultCentralServerAddress() )
chbDefaultCentralServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
chbDefaultCentralServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );
// update new client fader level edit box
edtNewClientLevel->setText ( QString::number ( pClient->iNewClientFaderLevel ) );
// set text for sound card buffer delay radio buttons
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setText ( GenSndCrdBufferDelayString (
", preferred" ) );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setText ( GenSndCrdBufferDelayString (
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setText ( GenSndCrdBufferDelayString (
// sound card buffer delay inits
SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup.addButton ( rbtBufferDelayPreferred );
SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup.addButton ( rbtBufferDelayDefault );
SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup.addButton ( rbtBufferDelaySafe );
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// timers
QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerStatus() ) );
// slider controls
QObject::connect ( sldNetBuf, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnNetBufValueChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( sldNetBufServer, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnNetBufServerValueChanged ( int ) ) );
// check boxes
QObject::connect ( chbGUIDesignFancy, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnGUIDesignFancyStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbAutoJitBuf, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAutoJitBufStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbDefaultCentralServer, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnDefaultCentralServerStateChanged ( int ) ) );
// line edits
QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished() ) );
QObject::connect ( edtNewClientLevel, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
this, SLOT ( OnNewClientLevelEditingFinished() ) );
// combo boxes
QObject::connect ( cbxSoundcard, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSoundcardActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxLInChan, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnLInChanActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxRInChan, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnRInChanActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxLOutChan, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnLOutChanActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxROutChan, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnROutChanActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxAudioChannels, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAudioChannelsActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxAudioQuality, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAudioQualityActivated ( int ) ) );
// buttons
QObject::connect ( butDriverSetup, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( OnDriverSetupClicked() ) );
// misc
QObject::connect ( &SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup,
SIGNAL ( buttonClicked ( QAbstractButton* ) ), this,
SLOT ( OnSndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroupClicked ( QAbstractButton* ) ) );
// Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
// start timer for status bar
TimerStatus.start ( DISPLAY_UPDATE_TIME );
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateJitterBufferFrame()
// update slider value and text
const int iCurNumNetBuf = pClient->GetSockBufNumFrames();
sldNetBuf->setValue ( iCurNumNetBuf );
lblNetBuf->setText ( "Size: " + QString().setNum ( iCurNumNetBuf ) );
const int iCurNumNetBufServer = pClient->GetServerSockBufNumFrames();
sldNetBufServer->setValue ( iCurNumNetBufServer );
lblNetBufServer->setText ( "Size: " + QString().setNum ( iCurNumNetBufServer ) );
// if auto setting is enabled, disable slider control
const bool bIsAutoSockBufSize = pClient->GetDoAutoSockBufSize();
chbAutoJitBuf->setChecked ( bIsAutoSockBufSize );
sldNetBuf->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
lblNetBuf->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
lblNetBufLabel->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
sldNetBufServer->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
lblNetBufServer->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
lblNetBufServerLabel->setEnabled ( !bIsAutoSockBufSize );
QString CClientSettingsDlg::GenSndCrdBufferDelayString ( const int iFrameSize,
const QString strAddText )
// use two times the buffer delay for the entire delay since
// we have input and output
return QString().setNum ( (double) iFrameSize * 2 *
1000 / SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ, 'f', 2 ) + " ms (" +
QString().setNum ( iFrameSize ) + strAddText + ")";
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateSoundCardFrame()
// get current actual buffer size value
const int iCurActualBufSize =
// check which predefined size is used (it is possible that none is used)
const bool bPreferredChecked =
const bool bDefaultChecked =
const bool bSafeChecked =
// Set radio buttons according to current value (To make it possible
// to have all radio buttons unchecked, we have to disable the
// exclusive check for the radio button group. We require all radio
// buttons to be unchecked in the case when the sound card does not
// support any of the buffer sizes and therefore all radio buttons
// are disabeld and unchecked.).
SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup.setExclusive ( false );
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setChecked ( bPreferredChecked );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setChecked ( bDefaultChecked );
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setChecked ( bSafeChecked );
SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup.setExclusive ( true );
// disable radio buttons which are not supported by audio interface
rbtBufferDelayPreferred->setEnabled (
pClient->GetFraSiFactPrefSupported() );
rbtBufferDelayDefault->setEnabled (
pClient->GetFraSiFactDefSupported() );
rbtBufferDelaySafe->setEnabled (
pClient->GetFraSiFactSafeSupported() );
// If any of our predefined sizes is chosen, use the regular group box
// title text. If not, show the actual buffer size. Otherwise the user
// would not know which buffer size is actually used.
if ( bPreferredChecked || bDefaultChecked || bSafeChecked )
// default title text
grbSoundCrdBufDelay->setTitle ( "Buffer Delay" );
// special title text with buffer size information added
grbSoundCrdBufDelay->setTitle ( "Buffer Delay: " +
GenSndCrdBufferDelayString ( iCurActualBufSize ) );
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateSoundChannelSelectionFrame()
#if defined ( _WIN32 ) || defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX )
int iSndChanIdx;
// Definition: The channel selection frame shall only be visible,
// if more than two input or output channels are available
const int iNumInChannels = pClient->GetSndCrdNumInputChannels();
const int iNumOutChannels = pClient->GetSndCrdNumOutputChannels();
if ( ( iNumInChannels <= 2 ) && ( iNumOutChannels <= 2 ) )
// as defined, make settings invisible
FrameSoundcardChannelSelection->setVisible ( false );
// update combo boxes
FrameSoundcardChannelSelection->setVisible ( true );
// input
for ( iSndChanIdx = 0; iSndChanIdx < pClient->GetSndCrdNumInputChannels(); iSndChanIdx++ )
cbxLInChan->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdInputChannelName ( iSndChanIdx ) );
cbxRInChan->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdInputChannelName ( iSndChanIdx ) );
cbxLInChan->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdLeftInputChannel() );
cbxRInChan->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdRightInputChannel() );
// output
for ( iSndChanIdx = 0; iSndChanIdx < pClient->GetSndCrdNumOutputChannels(); iSndChanIdx++ )
cbxLOutChan->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdOutputChannelName ( iSndChanIdx ) );
cbxROutChan->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdOutputChannelName ( iSndChanIdx ) );
cbxLOutChan->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdLeftOutputChannel() );
cbxROutChan->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdRightOutputChannel() );
// for other OS, no sound card channel selection is supported
FrameSoundcardChannelSelection->setVisible ( false );
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateCentralServerDependency()
const bool bCurUseDefCentServAddr =
// make sure the line edit does not fire signals when we update the text
edtCentralServerAddress->blockSignals ( true );
if ( bCurUseDefCentServAddr )
// if the default central server is used, just show a text of the
// server name
edtCentralServerAddress->setText ( DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME );
// show the current user defined server address
edtCentralServerAddress->setText (
pClient->GetServerListCentralServerAddress() );
edtCentralServerAddress->blockSignals ( false );
// the line edit of the central server address is only enabled, if not the
// default address is used
edtCentralServerAddress->setEnabled ( !bCurUseDefCentServAddr );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnDriverSetupClicked()
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnNetBufValueChanged ( int value )
pClient->SetSockBufNumFrames ( value, true );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnNetBufServerValueChanged ( int value )
pClient->SetServerSockBufNumFrames ( value );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnSliderSndCrdBufferDelay ( int value )
pClient->SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( value );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnSoundcardActivated ( int iSndDevIdx )
const QString strError = pClient->SetSndCrdDev ( iSndDevIdx );
if ( !strError.isEmpty() )
QMessageBox::critical ( this, APP_NAME,
QString ( tr ( "The selected audio device could not be used "
"because of the following error: " ) ) + strError +
QString ( tr ( " The previous driver will be selected." ) ),
"Ok", 0 );
// recover old selection
cbxSoundcard->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdDev() );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnLInChanActivated ( int iChanIdx )
pClient->SetSndCrdLeftInputChannel ( iChanIdx );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnRInChanActivated ( int iChanIdx )
pClient->SetSndCrdRightInputChannel ( iChanIdx );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnLOutChanActivated ( int iChanIdx )
pClient->SetSndCrdLeftOutputChannel ( iChanIdx );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnROutChanActivated ( int iChanIdx )
pClient->SetSndCrdRightOutputChannel ( iChanIdx );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnAudioChannelsActivated ( int iChanIdx )
pClient->SetAudioChannels ( static_cast<EAudChanConf> ( iChanIdx ) );
emit AudioChannelsChanged();
UpdateDisplay(); // upload rate will be changed
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnAudioQualityActivated ( int iQualityIdx )
pClient->SetAudioQuality ( static_cast<EAudioQuality> ( iQualityIdx ) );
UpdateDisplay(); // upload rate will be changed
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnAutoJitBufStateChanged ( int value )
pClient->SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( value == Qt::Checked );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnGUIDesignFancyStateChanged ( int value )
if ( value == Qt::Unchecked )
pClient->SetGUIDesign ( GD_STANDARD );
pClient->SetGUIDesign ( GD_ORIGINAL );
emit GUIDesignChanged();
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnDefaultCentralServerStateChanged ( int value )
// apply new setting to the client
pClient->SetUseDefaultCentralServerAddress ( value == Qt::Checked );
// update GUI dependencies
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished()
// store new setting in the client
pClient->SetServerListCentralServerAddress (
edtCentralServerAddress->text() );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnNewClientLevelEditingFinished()
// store new setting in the client
pClient->iNewClientFaderLevel =
// inform that the level has changed and the mixer board settings must
// be updated
emit NewClientLevelChanged();
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnSndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroupClicked ( QAbstractButton* button )
if ( button == rbtBufferDelayPreferred )
pClient->SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_PREFERRED );
if ( button == rbtBufferDelayDefault )
pClient->SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_DEFAULT );
if ( button == rbtBufferDelaySafe )
pClient->SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_SAFE );
void CClientSettingsDlg::SetPingTimeResult ( const int iPingTime,
const int iOverallDelayMs,
const CMultiColorLED::ELightColor eOverallDelayLEDColor )
// apply values to GUI labels, take special care if ping time exceeds
// a certain value
if ( iPingTime > 500 )
const QString sErrorText =
"<font color=""red""><b>&#62;500 ms</b></font>";
lblPingTimeValue->setText ( sErrorText );
lblOverallDelayValue->setText ( sErrorText );
lblPingTimeValue->setText ( QString().setNum ( iPingTime ) + " ms" );
lblOverallDelayValue->setText (
QString().setNum ( iOverallDelayMs ) + " ms" );
// set current LED status
ledOverallDelay->SetLight ( eOverallDelayLEDColor );
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateDisplay()
// update slider controls (settings might have been changed)
if ( !pClient->IsRunning() )
// clear text labels with client parameters
lblPingTimeValue->setText ( "---" );
lblOverallDelayValue->setText ( "---" );
lblUpstreamValue->setText ( "---" );
// update upstream rate information label (only if client is running)
lblUpstreamValue->setText (
QString().setNum ( pClient->GetUploadRateKbps() ) + " kbps" );