Stefan Weil 3e3fe44a7f Fix some typos (found by codespell)
Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <sw@weilnetz.de>
2020-06-30 12:59:53 +02:00

702 lines
23 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "channel.h"
// CChannel implementation *****************************************************
CChannel::CChannel ( const bool bNIsServer ) :
vecdGains ( MAX_NUM_CHANNELS, 1.0 ),
vecdPannings ( MAX_NUM_CHANNELS, 0.5 ),
iCurSockBufNumFrames ( INVALID_INDEX ),
bDoAutoSockBufSize ( true ),
iFadeInCnt ( 0 ),
bIsEnabled ( false ),
bIsServer ( bNIsServer ),
SignalLevelMeter ( false, 0.5 ) // server mode with mono out and faster smoothing
// reset network transport properties
// initial value for connection time out counter, we calculate the total
// number of samples here and subtract the number of samples of the block
// which we take out of the buffer to be independent of block sizes
// init time-out for the buffer with zero -> no connection
iConTimeOut = 0;
// init the socket buffer
SetSockBufNumFrames ( DEF_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL );
// initialize channel info
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO if we later do not fire vectors in the emits, we can remove this again
qRegisterMetaType<CVector<uint8_t> > ( "CVector<uint8_t>" );
qRegisterMetaType<CHostAddress> ( "CHostAddress" );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::MessReadyForSending,
this, &CChannel::OnSendProtMessage );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ChangeJittBufSize,
this, &CChannel::OnJittBufSizeChange );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ReqJittBufSize,
this, &CChannel::ReqJittBufSize );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ReqChanInfo,
this, &CChannel::ReqChanInfo );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ReqConnClientsList,
this, &CChannel::ReqConnClientsList );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ConClientListMesReceived,
this, &CChannel::ConClientListMesReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ChangeChanGain,
this, &CChannel::OnChangeChanGain );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ChangeChanPan,
this, &CChannel::OnChangeChanPan );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ClientIDReceived,
this, &CChannel::ClientIDReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::MuteStateHasChangedReceived,
this, &CChannel::MuteStateHasChangedReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ChangeChanInfo,
this, &CChannel::OnChangeChanInfo );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ChatTextReceived,
this, &CChannel::ChatTextReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::NetTranspPropsReceived,
this, &CChannel::OnNetTranspPropsReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ReqNetTranspProps,
this, &CChannel::OnReqNetTranspProps );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::LicenceRequired,
this, &CChannel::LicenceRequired );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::VersionAndOSReceived,
this, &CChannel::VersionAndOSReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::RecorderStateReceived,
this, &CChannel::RecorderStateReceived );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::ReqChannelLevelList,
this, &CChannel::OnReqChannelLevelList );
bool CChannel::ProtocolIsEnabled()
// for the server, only enable protocol if the channel is connected, i.e.,
// successfully audio packets are received from a client
// for the client, enable protocol if the channel is enabled, i.e., the
// connection button was hit by the user
if ( bIsServer )
return IsConnected();
return bIsEnabled;
void CChannel::SetEnable ( const bool bNEnStat )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// set internal parameter
bIsEnabled = bNEnStat;
// if channel is not enabled, reset time out count and protocol
if ( !bNEnStat )
iConTimeOut = 0;
void CChannel::SetAudioStreamProperties ( const EAudComprType eNewAudComprType,
const int iNewNetwFrameSize,
const int iNewNetwFrameSizeFact,
const int iNewNumAudioChannels )
this function is intended for the client (not the server)
CNetworkTransportProps NetworkTransportProps;
// store new values
eAudioCompressionType = eNewAudComprType;
iNumAudioChannels = iNewNumAudioChannels;
iNetwFrameSize = iNewNetwFrameSize;
iNetwFrameSizeFact = iNewNetwFrameSizeFact;
// update audio frame size
if ( eAudioCompressionType == CT_OPUS )
// init socket buffer
SockBuf.SetUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ( eAudioCompressionType == CT_OPUS ); // NOTE must be set BEFORE the init()
SockBuf.Init ( iNetwFrameSize, iCurSockBufNumFrames );
// init conversion buffer
ConvBuf.Init ( iNetwFrameSize * iNetwFrameSizeFact );
// fill network transport properties struct
NetworkTransportProps = GetNetworkTransportPropsFromCurrentSettings();
// tell the server about the new network settings
Protocol.CreateNetwTranspPropsMes ( NetworkTransportProps );
bool CChannel::SetSockBufNumFrames ( const int iNewNumFrames,
const bool bPreserve )
bool ReturnValue = true; // init with error
bool bCurDoAutoSockBufSize = false; // we have to init but init values does not matter
// first check for valid input parameter range
if ( ( iNewNumFrames >= MIN_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL ) &&
( iNewNumFrames <= MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL ) )
// only apply parameter if new parameter is different from current one
if ( iCurSockBufNumFrames != iNewNumFrames )
// store new value
iCurSockBufNumFrames = iNewNumFrames;
// the network block size is a multiple of the minimum network
// block size
SockBuf.Init ( iNetwFrameSize, iNewNumFrames, bPreserve );
// store current auto socket buffer size setting in the mutex
// region since if we use the current parameter below in the
// if condition, it may have been changed in between the time
// when we have left the mutex region and entered the if
// condition
bCurDoAutoSockBufSize = bDoAutoSockBufSize;
ReturnValue = false; // -> no error
// only in case there is no error, we are the server and auto jitter buffer
// setting is enabled, we have to report the current setting to the client
if ( !ReturnValue && bIsServer && bCurDoAutoSockBufSize )
// we cannot call the "CreateJitBufMes" function directly since
// this would give us problems with different threads (e.g. the
// timer thread) and the protocol mechanism (problem with
// qRegisterMetaType(), etc.)
emit ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( iNewNumFrames );
return ReturnValue; // set error flag
void CChannel::SetGain ( const int iChanID,
const double dNewGain )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// set value (make sure channel ID is in range)
if ( ( iChanID >= 0 ) && ( iChanID < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS ) )
// signal mute change
if ( ( vecdGains[iChanID] == 0 ) && ( dNewGain > 0 ) )
emit MuteStateHasChanged ( iChanID, false );
if ( ( vecdGains[iChanID] > 0 ) && ( dNewGain == 0 ) )
emit MuteStateHasChanged ( iChanID, true );
vecdGains[iChanID] = dNewGain;
double CChannel::GetGain ( const int iChanID )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// get value (make sure channel ID is in range)
if ( ( iChanID >= 0 ) && ( iChanID < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS ) )
return vecdGains[iChanID];
return 0;
void CChannel::SetPan ( const int iChanID,
const double dNewPan )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// set value (make sure channel ID is in range)
if ( ( iChanID >= 0 ) && ( iChanID < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS ) )
vecdPannings[iChanID] = dNewPan;
double CChannel::GetPan ( const int iChanID )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// get value (make sure channel ID is in range)
if ( ( iChanID >= 0 ) && ( iChanID < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS ) )
return vecdPannings[iChanID];
return 0;
void CChannel::SetChanInfo ( const CChannelCoreInfo& NChanInf )
// apply value (if different from previous one)
if ( ChannelInfo != NChanInf )
ChannelInfo = NChanInf;
// fire message that the channel info has changed
emit ChanInfoHasChanged();
QString CChannel::GetName()
// make sure the string is not written at the same time when it is
// read here -> use mutex to secure access
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
return ChannelInfo.strName;
void CChannel::OnSendProtMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage )
// only send messages if protocol is enabled, otherwise delete complete
// queue
if ( ProtocolIsEnabled() )
// emit message to actually send the data
emit MessReadyForSending ( vecMessage );
// delete send message queue
void CChannel::OnJittBufSizeChange ( int iNewJitBufSize )
// for server apply setting, for client emit message
if ( bIsServer )
// first check for special case: auto setting
SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( true );
// manual setting is received, turn OFF auto setting and apply new value
SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( false );
SetSockBufNumFrames ( iNewJitBufSize, true );
emit JittBufSizeChanged ( iNewJitBufSize );
void CChannel::OnChangeChanGain ( int iChanID,
double dNewGain )
SetGain ( iChanID, dNewGain );
void CChannel::OnChangeChanPan ( int iChanID,
double dNewPan )
SetPan ( iChanID, dNewPan );
void CChannel::OnChangeChanInfo ( CChannelCoreInfo ChanInfo )
SetChanInfo ( ChanInfo );
bool CChannel::GetAddress ( CHostAddress& RetAddr )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
if ( IsConnected() )
RetAddr = InetAddr;
return true;
RetAddr = CHostAddress();
return false;
void CChannel::OnNetTranspPropsReceived ( CNetworkTransportProps NetworkTransportProps )
// only the server shall act on network transport properties message
if ( bIsServer )
// OPUS and OPUS64 codecs are the only supported codecs right now
if ( ( NetworkTransportProps.eAudioCodingType != CT_OPUS ) &&
( NetworkTransportProps.eAudioCodingType != CT_OPUS64 ) )
// store received parameters
eAudioCompressionType = NetworkTransportProps.eAudioCodingType;
iNumAudioChannels = static_cast<int> ( NetworkTransportProps.iNumAudioChannels );
iNetwFrameSizeFact = NetworkTransportProps.iBlockSizeFact;
iNetwFrameSize = static_cast<int> ( NetworkTransportProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize );
// update maximum number of frames for fade in counter (only needed for server)
// and audio frame size
if ( eAudioCompressionType == CT_OPUS )
iFadeInCntMax = FADE_IN_NUM_FRAMES / iNetwFrameSizeFact;
// the fade-in counter maximum value may have changed, make sure the fade-in counter
// is not larger than the allowed maximum value
iFadeInCnt = std::min ( iFadeInCnt, iFadeInCntMax );
// update socket buffer (the network block size is a multiple of the
// minimum network frame size)
SockBuf.SetUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ( eAudioCompressionType == CT_OPUS ); // NOTE must be set BEFORE the init()
SockBuf.Init ( iNetwFrameSize, iCurSockBufNumFrames );
// init conversion buffer
ConvBuf.Init ( iNetwFrameSize * iNetwFrameSizeFact );
void CChannel::OnReqNetTranspProps()
// fill network transport properties struct from current settings and send it
Protocol.CreateNetwTranspPropsMes ( GetNetworkTransportPropsFromCurrentSettings() );
CNetworkTransportProps CChannel::GetNetworkTransportPropsFromCurrentSettings()
// use current stored settings of the channel to fill the network transport
// properties structure
return CNetworkTransportProps ( static_cast<uint32_t> ( iNetwFrameSize ),
static_cast<uint16_t> ( iNetwFrameSizeFact ),
static_cast<uint32_t> ( iNumAudioChannels ),
0, // version of the codec
0 );
void CChannel::Disconnect()
// we only have to disconnect the channel if it is actually connected
if ( IsConnected() )
// set time out counter to a small value > 0 so that the next time a
// received audio block is queried, the disconnection is performed
// (assuming that no audio packet is received in the meantime)
iConTimeOut = 1; // a small number > 0
void CChannel::PutProtcolData ( const int iRecCounter,
const int iRecID,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyMesBodyData,
const CHostAddress& RecHostAddr )
// Only process protocol message if:
// - for client only: the packet comes from the server we want to talk to
// - the channel is enabled
// - the protocol mechanism is enabled
if ( ( bIsServer || ( GetAddress() == RecHostAddr ) ) &&
IsEnabled() &&
ProtocolIsEnabled() )
// parse the message assuming this is a regular protocol message
Protocol.ParseMessageBody ( vecbyMesBodyData, iRecCounter, iRecID );
EPutDataStat CChannel::PutAudioData ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData,
const int iNumBytes,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
// init return state
EPutDataStat eRet = PS_GEN_ERROR;
// Only process audio data if:
// - for client only: the packet comes from the server we want to talk to
// - the channel is enabled
if ( ( bIsServer || ( GetAddress() == RecHostAddr ) ) &&
IsEnabled() )
// only process audio if packet has correct size
if ( iNumBytes == ( iNetwFrameSize * iNetwFrameSizeFact ) )
// store new packet in jitter buffer
if ( SockBuf.Put ( vecbyData, iNumBytes ) )
// manage audio fade-in counter
if ( iFadeInCnt < iFadeInCntMax )
// the protocol parsing failed and this was no audio block,
// we treat this as protocol error (unknown packet)
// All network packets except of valid protocol messages
// regardless if they are valid or invalid audio packets lead to
// a state change to a connected channel.
// This is because protocol messages can only be sent on a
// connected channel and the client has to inform the server
// about the audio packet properties via the protocol.
// check if channel was not connected, this is a new connection
if ( !IsConnected() )
// overwrite status
// init audio fade-in counter
iFadeInCnt = 0;
// init level meter
// reset time-out counter (note that this must be done after the
// "IsConnected()" query above)
return eRet;
EGetDataStat CChannel::GetData ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData,
const int iNumBytes )
EGetDataStat eGetStatus;
// the socket access must be inside a mutex
const bool bSockBufState = SockBuf.Get ( vecbyData, iNumBytes );
// decrease time-out counter
if ( iConTimeOut > 0 )
// subtract the number of samples of the current block since the
// time out counter is based on samples not on blocks (definition:
// always one atomic block is get by using the GetData() function
// where the atomic block size is "iAudioFrameSizeSamples")
iConTimeOut -= iAudioFrameSizeSamples;
if ( iConTimeOut <= 0 )
// channel is just disconnected
iConTimeOut = 0; // make sure we do not have negative values
// reset network transport properties
if ( bSockBufState )
// everything is ok
eGetStatus = GS_BUFFER_OK;
// channel is not yet disconnected but no data in buffer
// channel is disconnected
// in case we are just disconnected, we have to fire a message
// emit message
emit Disconnected();
return eGetStatus;
void CChannel::PrepAndSendPacket ( CHighPrioSocket* pSocket,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyNPacket,
const int iNPacketLen )
QMutexLocker locker ( &MutexConvBuf );
// use conversion buffer to convert sound card block size in network
// block size
if ( ConvBuf.Put ( vecbyNPacket, iNPacketLen ) )
pSocket->SendPacket ( ConvBuf.GetAll(), GetAddress() );
double CChannel::UpdateAndGetLevelForMeterdB ( const CVector<short>& vecsAudio,
const int iInSize,
const bool bIsStereoIn )
// update the signal level meter and immediately return the current value
SignalLevelMeter.Update ( vecsAudio,
bIsStereoIn );
return SignalLevelMeter.GetLevelForMeterdBLeftOrMono();
int CChannel::GetUploadRateKbps()
const int iAudioSizeOut = iNetwFrameSizeFact * iAudioFrameSizeSamples;
// we assume that the UDP packet which is transported via IP has an
// additional header size of ("Network Music Performance (NMP) in narrow
// band networks; Carot, Kraemer, Schuller; 2006")
// 8 (UDP) + 20 (IP without optional fields) = 28 bytes
// 2 (PPP) + 6 (PPPoE) + 18 (MAC) = 26 bytes
// 5 (RFC1483B) + 8 (AAL) + 10 (ATM) = 23 bytes
return ( iNetwFrameSize * iNetwFrameSizeFact + 28 + 26 + 23 /* header */ ) *
8 /* bits per byte */ *
SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ / iAudioSizeOut / 1000;
void CChannel::UpdateSocketBufferSize()
// just update the socket buffer size if auto setting is enabled, otherwise
// do nothing
if ( bDoAutoSockBufSize )
// use auto setting result from channel, make sure we preserve the
// buffer memory since we just adjust the size here
SetSockBufNumFrames ( SockBuf.GetAutoSetting(), true );