2008-10-31 20:27:55 +00:00

341 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2008
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "global.h"
#include "llconclientdlg.h"
#include "llconserverdlg.h"
#include "settings.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
// these pointers are only used for the post-event routine
QApplication* pApp = NULL;
QDialog* pMainWindow = NULL;
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
std::string strArgument;
double rDbleArgument;
/* check if server or client application shall be started */
bool bIsClient = true;
bool bUseGUI = true;
bool bUseServerLogging = false;
bool bForceLowUploadRate = false;
quint16 iPortNumber = LLCON_PORT_NUMBER;
std::string strIniFileName = "";
std::string strHTMLStatusFileName = "";
std::string strServerName = "";
/* QT docu: argv()[0] is the program name, argv()[1] is the first
argument and argv()[argc()-1] is the last argument.
Start with first argument, therefore "i = 1" */
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
/* Server mode flag ------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( GetFlagArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-s", "--server" ) )
bIsClient = false;
cerr << "server mode chosen" << std::endl;
/* Use GUI flag ----------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( GetFlagArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-n", "--nogui" ) )
bUseGUI = false;
cerr << "no GUI mode chosen" << std::endl;
/* Use logging flag ------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( GetFlagArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-l", "--log" ) )
bUseServerLogging = true;
cerr << "logging enabled" << std::endl;
/* Force low upload data rate flag ---------------------------------------- */
if ( GetFlagArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-u", "--lowuploadrate" ) )
bForceLowUploadRate = true;
cerr << "force low upload rate" << std::endl;
/* Port number ------------------------------------------------------------ */
if ( GetNumericArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-p", "--port",
0, 65535, rDbleArgument ) )
iPortNumber = static_cast<quint16> ( rDbleArgument );
cerr << "selected port number: " << iPortNumber << std::endl;
/* HTML status file ------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( GetStringArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-m", "--htmlstatus", strArgument ) )
strHTMLStatusFileName = strArgument;
cerr << "HTML status file name: " << strHTMLStatusFileName << std::endl;
if ( GetStringArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-a", "--servername", strArgument ) )
strServerName = strArgument;
cerr << "server name for HTML status file: " << strServerName << std::endl;
/* Initialization file ---------------------------------------------------- */
if ( GetStringArgument ( argc, argv, i, "-i", "--inifile", strArgument ) )
strIniFileName = strArgument;
cerr << "initialization file name: " << strIniFileName << std::endl;
/* Help (usage) flag ------------------------------------------------------ */
if ( ( !strcmp ( argv[i], "--help" ) ) ||
( !strcmp ( argv[i], "-h" ) ) || ( !strcmp ( argv[i], "-?" ) ) )
const std::string strHelp = UsageArguments(argv);
cerr << strHelp;
exit ( 1 );
/* Unknown option --------------------------------------------------------- */
cerr << argv[0] << ": ";
cerr << "Unknown option '" << argv[i] << "' -- use '--help' for help"
<< endl;
exit ( 1 );
#ifdef _WIN32
// Set application priority class -> high priority
SetPriorityClass ( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS );
// Application object
QApplication app ( argc, argv, bUseGUI );
// init resources
extern int qInitResources();
if ( bIsClient )
// client
// actual client object
CClient Client ( iPortNumber );
// load settings from init-file
CSettings Settings ( &Client );
// TODO use QString
Settings.Load ( strIniFileName.c_str() );
// GUI object
CLlconClientDlg ClientDlg ( &Client, 0, Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint );
// set main window
pMainWindow = &ClientDlg;
pApp = &app; // Needed for post-event routine
// show dialog
// save settings to init-file
// TODO use QString
Settings.Save ( strIniFileName.c_str() );
// server
// actual server object
// TODO use QString
CServer Server ( bUseServerLogging, iPortNumber,
bForceLowUploadRate );
if ( bUseGUI )
// GUI object for the server
CLlconServerDlg ServerDlg ( &Server, 0 );
// set main window
pMainWindow = &ServerDlg;
pApp = &app; // needed for post-event routine
// show dialog
// only start application without using the GUI
qDebug() << CAboutDlg::GetVersionAndNameStr ( false );
catch ( CGenErr generr )
// show generic error
if ( bUseGUI )
QMessageBox::critical ( 0, APP_NAME, generr.GetErrorText(), "Quit", 0 );
qDebug() << generr.GetErrorText();
return 0;
* Command Line Argument Parsing *
std::string UsageArguments ( char **argv )
"Usage: " + std::string ( argv[0] ) + " [option] [argument]\n"
"Recognized options:\n"
" -s, --server start server\n"
" -n, --nogui disable GUI (only avaiable for server)\n"
" -l, --log enable logging\n"
" -i, --inifile initialization file name (only available for client)\n"
" -p, --port local port number (only avaiable for server)\n"
" -m, --htmlstatus enable HTML status file, set file name (only avaiable for server)\n"
" -u, --lowuploadrate force low upload rate (only avaiable for server)\n"
" -h, -?, --help this help text\n"
"Example: " + std::string ( argv[0] ) + " -l -inifile myinifile.ini\n";
bool GetFlagArgument ( int, char **argv, int &i,
std::string strShortOpt, std::string strLongOpt )
if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) )
return true;
return false;
bool GetStringArgument ( int argc, char **argv, int &i,
std::string strShortOpt, std::string strLongOpt,
std::string & strArg )
if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) )
if ( ++i >= argc )
cerr << argv[0] << ": ";
cerr << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a string argument" << endl;
exit ( 1 );
strArg = argv[i];
return true;
return false;
bool GetNumericArgument ( int argc, char **argv, int &i,
std::string strShortOpt, std::string strLongOpt,
double rRangeStart, double rRangeStop,
double & rValue)
if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) )
if ( ++i >= argc )
cerr << argv[0] << ": ";
cerr << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a numeric argument between "
<< rRangeStart << " and " << rRangeStop << endl;
exit ( 1 );
char *p;
rValue = strtod ( argv[i], &p );
if ( *p || rValue < rRangeStart || rValue > rRangeStop )
cerr << argv[0] << ": ";
cerr << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a numeric argument between "
<< rRangeStart << " and " << rRangeStop << endl;
exit ( 1 );
return true;
return false;
* Window Message System *
void PostWinMessage ( const _MESSAGE_IDENT MessID, const int iMessageParam,
const int iChanNum )
// first check if application is initialized
if ( pApp != NULL )
CLlconEvent* LlconEv =
new CLlconEvent ( MessID, iMessageParam, iChanNum );
// Qt will delete the event object when done
QCoreApplication::postEvent ( pMainWindow, LlconEv );