33 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable file
33 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable file
@echo off
rem To set up a new Qt and Visual Studio version
rem - set environment path variable to the correct Qt bin directory (e.g. 32 bit version)
rem - if using Visual Studio Express version, download the redistributable (it is not automatically there)
rem - change the Qt distribute dll names in the installer.nsi file (some contain version numbers)
rem settings and check ---------------------------------------------------------
if "%VSINSTALLDIR%" == "" goto vsenvproblem
rem create visual studio project file ------------------------------------------
cd ..
rem set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2015
qmake -tp vc
rem clean and compile solution -------------------------------------------------
devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Clean "Release|x64"
devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Build "Release|x64"
rem create installer -----------------------------------------------------------
cd windows
"%NSIS_PATH%\makensis.exe" installer.nsi
move Jamulusinstaller.exe ../deploy/Jamulus-version-installer.exe
goto endofskript
echo Use the Visual Studio Command Prompt to call this skript