298 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file
298 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "soundbase.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CSoundBase::CSoundBase ( const QString& strNewSystemDriverTechniqueName,
const bool bNewIsCallbackAudioInterface,
void (*fpNewProcessCallback) ( CVector<int16_t>& psData, void* pParg ),
void* pParg,
const int iNewCtrlMIDIChannel,
const bool bNewNoAutoJackConnect ) :
fpProcessCallback ( fpNewProcessCallback ),
pProcessCallbackArg ( pParg ), bRun ( false ),
bIsCallbackAudioInterface ( bNewIsCallbackAudioInterface ),
strSystemDriverTechniqueName ( strNewSystemDriverTechniqueName ),
iCtrlMIDIChannel ( iNewCtrlMIDIChannel ),
bNoAutoJackConnect ( bNewNoAutoJackConnect )
// initializations for the sound card names (default)
lNumDevs = 1;
strDriverNames[0] = strSystemDriverTechniqueName;
// set current device
lCurDev = 0; // default device
int CSoundBase::Init ( const int iNewPrefMonoBufferSize )
// init audio sound card buffer
if ( !bIsCallbackAudioInterface )
vecsAudioSndCrdStereo.Init ( 2 * iNewPrefMonoBufferSize /* stereo */ );
return iNewPrefMonoBufferSize;
void CSoundBase::Start()
bRun = true;
// TODO start audio interface
// start the audio thread in case we do not have an callback
// based audio interface
if ( !bIsCallbackAudioInterface )
void CSoundBase::Stop()
// set flag so that thread can leave the main loop
bRun = false;
// give thread some time to terminate
if ( !bIsCallbackAudioInterface )
wait ( 5000 );
void CSoundBase::run()
// main loop of working thread
while ( bRun )
// get audio from sound card (blocking function)
Read ( vecsAudioSndCrdStereo );
// process audio data
(*fpProcessCallback) ( vecsAudioSndCrdStereo, pProcessCallbackArg );
// play the new block
Write ( vecsAudioSndCrdStereo );
* Device handling *
QString CSoundBase::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
// init return parameter with "no error"
QString strReturn = "";
// first check if valid input parameter
if ( iNewDev >= lNumDevs )
// we should actually never get here...
return tr ( "Invalid device selection." );
// check if an ASIO driver was already initialized
// a device was already been initialized and is used, first clean up
// driver
const QString strErrorMessage = LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev );
if ( !strErrorMessage.isEmpty() )
if ( iNewDev != lCurDev )
// loading and initializing the new driver failed, go back to
// original driver and display error message
LoadAndInitializeDriver ( lCurDev );
// the same driver is used but the driver properties seems to
// have changed so that they are not compatible to our
// software anymore
QMessageBox::critical (
nullptr, APP_NAME, QString ( tr ( "The audio driver properties "
"have changed to a state which is incompatible to this "
"software. The selected audio device could not be used "
"because of the following error: <b>" ) ) +
strErrorMessage +
QString ( tr ( "</b><br><br>Please restart the software." ) ),
"Close", nullptr );
_exit ( 0 );
// store error return message
strReturn = strErrorMessage;
// init flag for "load any driver"
bool bTryLoadAnyDriver = false;
// This is the first time a driver is to be initialized, we first
// try to load the selected driver, if this fails, we try to load
// the first available driver in the system. If this fails, too, we
// throw an error that no driver is available -> it does not make
// sense to start the software if no audio hardware is available.
if ( !LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev ).isEmpty() )
// loading and initializing the new driver failed, try to find
// at least one usable driver
bTryLoadAnyDriver = true;
// try to find one usable driver (select the first valid driver)
bTryLoadAnyDriver = true;
if ( bTryLoadAnyDriver )
// try to load and initialize any valid driver
QVector<QString> vsErrorList =
if ( !vsErrorList.isEmpty() )
// create error message with all details
QString sErrorMessage = tr ( "<b>No usable " ) +
strSystemDriverTechniqueName + tr ( " audio device "
"(driver) found.</b><br><br>"
"In the following there is a list of all available drivers "
"with the associated error message:<ul>" );
for ( int i = 0; i < lNumDevs; i++ )
sErrorMessage += "<li><b>" + GetDeviceName ( i ) + "</b>: " + vsErrorList[i] + "</li>";
sErrorMessage += "</ul>";
throw CGenErr ( sErrorMessage );
return strReturn;
QVector<QString> CSoundBase::LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver()
QVector<QString> vsErrorList;
// load and initialize first valid ASIO driver
bool bValidDriverDetected = false;
int iCurDriverIdx = 0;
// try all available drivers in the system ("lNumDevs" devices)
while ( !bValidDriverDetected && ( iCurDriverIdx < lNumDevs ) )
// try to load and initialize current driver, store error message
const QString strCurError = LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iCurDriverIdx );
vsErrorList.append ( strCurError );
if ( strCurError.isEmpty() )
// initialization was successful
bValidDriverDetected = true;
// store ID of selected driver
lCurDev = iCurDriverIdx;
// empty error list shows that init was successful
// try next driver
return vsErrorList;
* MIDI handling *
void CSoundBase::ParseMIDIMessage ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vMIDIPaketBytes )
if ( vMIDIPaketBytes.Size() > 0 )
const uint8_t iStatusByte = vMIDIPaketBytes[0];
// check if status byte is correct
if ( ( iStatusByte >= 0x80 ) && ( iStatusByte < 0xF0 ) )
// zero-based MIDI channel number (i.e. range 0-15)
const int iMIDIChannelZB = iStatusByte & 0x0F;
// debugging
printf ( "%02X: ", iMIDIChannelZB );
for ( int i = 0; i < vMIDIPaketBytes.Size(); i++ )
printf ( "%02X ", vMIDIPaketBytes[i] );
printf ( "\n" );
// per definition if MIDI channel is 0, we listen to all channels
// note that iCtrlMIDIChannel is one-based channel number
if ( ( iCtrlMIDIChannel == 0 ) || ( iCtrlMIDIChannel - 1 == iMIDIChannelZB ) )
// we only want to parse controller messages
if ( ( iStatusByte >= 0xB0 ) && ( iStatusByte < 0xC0 ) )
// make sure paket is long enough
if ( vMIDIPaketBytes.Size() > 2 )
// we are assuming that the controller number is the same
// as the audio fader index and the range is 0-127
const int iFaderLevel = static_cast<int> ( static_cast<double> (
qMin ( vMIDIPaketBytes[2], uint8_t ( 127 ) ) ) / 127 * AUD_MIX_FADER_MAX );
// Behringer X-TOUCH: offset of 0x46
const int iChID = vMIDIPaketBytes[1] - 70;
EmitControllerInFaderLevel ( iChID, iFaderLevel );