2020-06-28 08:48:48 +01:00

527 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020
* Author(s):
* pljones
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "jamrecorder.h"
using namespace recorder;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamClient
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamClient::CJamClient
* @param frame Start frame of the client within the session
* @param numChannels 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
* @param name The client's current name
* @param address IP and Port
* @param recordBaseDir Session recording directory
* Creates a file for the raw PCM data and sets up a QDataStream to which to write received frames.
* The data is stored Little Endian.
CJamClient::CJamClient(const qint64 frame, const int _numChannels, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const QDir recordBaseDir) :
startFrame (frame),
numChannels (static_cast<uint16_t>(_numChannels)),
name (name),
address (address)
// At this point we may not have much of a name
QString fileName = ClientName() + "-" + QString::number(frame) + "-" + QString::number(_numChannels);
QString affix = "";
while (recordBaseDir.exists(fileName + affix + ".wav"))
affix = affix.length() == 0 ? "_1" : "_" + QString::number(affix.remove(0, 1).toInt() + 1);
fileName = fileName + affix + ".wav";
wavFile = new QFile(recordBaseDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
if (!wavFile->open(QFile::OpenMode(QIODevice::OpenModeFlag::ReadWrite))) // need to allow rewriting headers
throw new std::runtime_error( ("Could not write to WAV file " + wavFile->fileName()).toStdString() );
out = new CWaveStream(wavFile, numChannels);
filename = wavFile->fileName();
* @brief CJamClient::Frame Handle a frame of PCM data from a client connected to the server
* @param _name The client's current name
* @param pcm The PCM data
void CJamClient::Frame(const QString _name, const CVector<int16_t>& pcm, int iServerFrameSizeSamples)
name = _name;
for(int i = 0; i < numChannels * iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++)
*out << pcm[i];
* @brief CJamClient::Disconnect Clean up after a disconnected client
void CJamClient::Disconnect()
out = nullptr;
delete wavFile;
wavFile = nullptr;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamSession
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamSession::CJamSession Construct a new jam recording session
* @param recordBaseDir The recording base directory
* Each session is stored into its own subdirectory of the recording base directory.
CJamSession::CJamSession(QDir recordBaseDir) :
sessionDir (QDir(recordBaseDir.absoluteFilePath("Jam-" + QDateTime().currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmsszzz")))),
currentFrame (0),
chIdDisconnected (-1),
vecptrJamClients (MAX_NUM_CHANNELS),
QFileInfo fi(sessionDir.absolutePath());
if (!fi.exists() && !QDir().mkpath(sessionDir.absolutePath()))
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " does not exist but could not be created").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isDir())
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " exists but is not a directory").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isWritable())
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " is a directory but cannot be written to").toStdString() );
// Explicitly set all the pointers to "empty"
* @brief CJamSession::DisconnectClient Capture details of the departing client's connection
* @param iChID the channel id of the client that disconnected
void CJamSession::DisconnectClient(int iChID)
jamClientConnections.append(new CJamClientConnection(vecptrJamClients[iChID]->NumAudioChannels(),
delete vecptrJamClients[iChID];
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
chIdDisconnected = iChID;
* @brief CJamSession::Frame Process a frame emited for a client by the server
* @param iChID the client channel id
* @param name the client name
* @param address the client IP and port number
* @param numAudioChannels the client number of audio channels
* @param data the frame data
* Manages changes that affect how the recording is stored - i.e. if the number of audio channels changes, we need a new file.
* Files are grouped by IP and port number, so if either of those change for a connection, we also start a new file.
* Also manages the overall current frame counter for the session.
void CJamSession::Frame(const int iChID, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const int numAudioChannels, const CVector<int16_t> data, int iServerFrameSizeSamples)
if ( iChID == chIdDisconnected )
// DisconnectClient has just been called for this channel - this frame is "too late"
chIdDisconnected = -1;
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] == nullptr)
// then we have not seen this client this session
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = new CJamClient(currentFrame, numAudioChannels, name, address, sessionDir);
else if (numAudioChannels != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->NumAudioChannels()
|| address.InetAddr != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->ClientAddress().InetAddr
|| address.iPort != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->ClientAddress().iPort)
if (numAudioChannels == 0)
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = new CJamClient(currentFrame, numAudioChannels, name, address, sessionDir);
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] == nullptr)
// Frame allegedly from iChID but unable to establish client details
vecptrJamClients[iChID]->Frame(name, data, iServerFrameSizeSamples);
// If _any_ connected client frame steps past currentFrame, increase currentFrame
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID]->StartFrame() + vecptrJamClients[iChID]->FrameCount() > currentFrame)
* @brief CJamSession::End Clean up any "hanging" clients when the server thinks they all left
void CJamSession::End()
for (int iChID = 0; iChID < vecptrJamClients.size(); iChID++)
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] != nullptr)
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
* @brief CJamSession::Tracks Retrieve a map of (latest) client name to connection items
* @return a map of (latest) client name to connection items
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> CJamSession::Tracks()
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> tracks;
for (int i = 0; i < jamClientConnections.count(); i++ )
STrackItem track (
if (!tracks.contains(jamClientConnections[i]->Name()))
tracks.insert(jamClientConnections[i]->Name(), { });
return tracks;
* @brief CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir Replica of CJamSession::Tracks but using the directory contents to construct the track item map
* @param sessionDirName the directory name to scan
* @return a map of (latest) client name to connection items
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir(const QString& sessionDirName, int iServerFrameSizeSamples)
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> tracks;
const QDir sessionDir(sessionDirName);
foreach(auto entry, sessionDir.entryList({ "*.pcm" }))
auto split = entry.split(".")[0].split("-");
QString name = split[0];
QString hostPort = split[1];
QString frame = split[2];
QString tail = split[3]; //numChannels may have _nnn
QString numChannels = tail.count("_") > 0 ? tail.split("_")[0] : tail;
QString trackName = name + "-" + hostPort;
if (!tracks.contains(trackName))
tracks.insert(trackName, { });
QFileInfo fiEntry(sessionDir.absoluteFilePath(entry));
qint64 length = fiEntry.size() / numChannels.toInt() / iServerFrameSizeSamples;
STrackItem track (
return tracks;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamRecorder
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamRecorder::Init Create recording directory, if necessary, and connect signal handlers
* @param server Server object emiting signals
* @return QString::null on success else the failure reason
QString CJamRecorder::Init()
QString errmsg = QString::null;
QFileInfo fi ( recordBaseDir.absolutePath() );
fi.setCaching ( false );
if ( !fi.exists() && !QDir().mkpath ( recordBaseDir.absolutePath() ) )
errmsg = recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " does not exist but could not be created";
// TODO we should use the ConsoleWriterFactory() instead of qCritical()
qCritical() << errmsg;
return errmsg;
if (!fi.isDir())
errmsg = recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " exists but is not a directory";
// TODO we should use the ConsoleWriterFactory() instead of qCritical()
qCritical() << errmsg;
return errmsg;
if (!fi.isWritable())
errmsg = recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " is a directory but cannot be written to";
// TODO we should use the ConsoleWriterFactory() instead of qCritical()
qCritical() << errmsg;
return errmsg;
return errmsg;
* @brief CJamRecorder::Start Start up tasks for a new session
void CJamRecorder::Start() {
// Ensure any previous cleaning up has been done.
currentSession = new CJamSession( recordBaseDir );
isRecording = true;
emit RecordingSessionStarted ( currentSession->SessionDir().path() );
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnEnd Finalise the recording and write the Reaper RPP file
void CJamRecorder::OnEnd()
if ( isRecording )
isRecording = false;
delete currentSession;
currentSession = nullptr;
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnTriggerSession End one session and start a new one
void CJamRecorder::OnTriggerSession()
// This should magically get everything right...
if ( isRecording )
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnAboutToQuit End any recording and exit thread
void CJamRecorder::OnAboutToQuit()
void CJamRecorder::ReaperProjectFromCurrentSession()
QString reaperProjectFileName = currentSession->SessionDir().filePath(currentSession->Name().append(".rpp"));
const QFileInfo fi(reaperProjectFileName);
if (fi.exists())
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::ReaperProjectFromCurrentSession():" << fi.absolutePath() << "exists and will not be overwritten.";
QFile outf (reaperProjectFileName);
if ( outf.open(QFile::WriteOnly) )
QTextStream out(&outf);
out << CReaperProject( currentSession->Tracks(), iServerFrameSizeSamples ).toString() << endl;
qDebug() << "Session RPP:" << reaperProjectFileName;
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::ReaperProjectFromCurrentSession():" << fi.absolutePath() << "could not be created, no RPP written.";
void CJamRecorder::AudacityLofFromCurrentSession()
QString audacityLofFileName = currentSession->SessionDir().filePath(currentSession->Name().append(".lof"));
const QFileInfo fi(audacityLofFileName);
if (fi.exists())
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::AudacityLofFromCurrentSession():" << fi.absolutePath() << "exists and will not be overwritten.";
QFile outf (audacityLofFileName);
if ( outf.open(QFile::WriteOnly) )
QTextStream sOut(&outf);
foreach ( auto trackName, currentSession->Tracks().keys() )
foreach ( auto item, currentSession->Tracks()[trackName] ) {
QFileInfo fi ( item.fileName );
sOut << "file " << '"' << fi.fileName() << '"';
sOut << " offset " << secondsAt48K( item.startFrame, iServerFrameSizeSamples ) << endl;
qDebug() << "Session LOF:" << audacityLofFileName;
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::AudacityLofFromCurrentSession():" << fi.absolutePath() << "could not be created, no LOF written.";
* @brief CJamRecorder::SessionDirToReaper Replica of CJamRecorder::OnEnd() but using the directory contents to construct the CReaperProject object
* @param strSessionDirName
void CJamRecorder::SessionDirToReaper(QString& strSessionDirName, int serverFrameSizeSamples)
const QFileInfo fiSessionDir(QDir::cleanPath(strSessionDirName));
if (!fiSessionDir.exists() || !fiSessionDir.isDir())
throw std::runtime_error( (fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath() + " does not exist or is not a directory. Aborting.").toStdString() );
const QDir dSessionDir(fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath());
const QString reaperProjectFileName = dSessionDir.absoluteFilePath(fiSessionDir.baseName().append(".rpp"));
const QFileInfo fiRPP(reaperProjectFileName);
if (fiRPP.exists())
throw std::runtime_error( (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath() + " exists and will not be overwritten. Aborting.").toStdString() );
QFile outf (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath());
if (!outf.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
throw std::runtime_error( (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath() + " could not be written. Aborting.").toStdString() );
QTextStream out(&outf);
out << CReaperProject( CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir( fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath(), serverFrameSizeSamples ), serverFrameSizeSamples ).toString() << endl;
qDebug() << "Session RPP:" << reaperProjectFileName;
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected Handle disconnection of a client
* @param iChID the client channel id
void CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected(int iChID)
if ( !isRecording )
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected: channel" << iChID << "disconnected but not recording";
if ( currentSession == nullptr )
qWarning() << "CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected: channel" << iChID << "disconnected but no currentSession";
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnFrame Handle a frame emited for a client by the server
* @param iChID the client channel id
* @param name the client name
* @param address the client IP and port number
* @param numAudioChannels the client number of audio channels
* @param data the frame data
* Ensures recording has started.
void CJamRecorder::OnFrame(const int iChID, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const int numAudioChannels, const CVector<int16_t> data)
// Make sure we are ready
if ( !isRecording )
currentSession->Frame( iChID, name, address, numAudioChannels, data, iServerFrameSizeSamples );