Stefan Weil 3e3fe44a7f Fix some typos (found by codespell)
Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <sw@weilnetz.de>
2020-06-30 12:59:53 +02:00

618 lines
23 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "serverlist.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CServerListManager::CServerListManager ( const quint16 iNPortNum,
const QString& sNCentServAddr,
const QString& strServerInfo,
const int iNumChannels,
const bool bNCentServPingServerInList,
CProtocol* pNConLProt )
: tsConsoleStream ( *( ( new ConsoleWriterFactory() )->get() ) ),
iNumPredefinedServers ( 0 ),
eCentralServerAddressType ( AT_CUSTOM ), // must be AT_CUSTOM for the "no GUI" case
bCentServPingServerInList ( bNCentServPingServerInList ),
pConnLessProtocol ( pNConLProt ),
iSvrRegRetries ( 0 )
// set the central server address
SetCentralServerAddress ( sNCentServAddr );
// set the server internal address, including internal port number
SlaveCurLocalHostAddress = CHostAddress( NetworkUtil::GetLocalAddress().InetAddr, iNPortNum );
// prepare the server info information
QStringList slServInfoSeparateParams;
int iServInfoNumSplitItems = 0;
if ( !strServerInfo.isEmpty() )
// split the different parameter strings
slServInfoSeparateParams = strServerInfo.split ( ";" );
// get the number of items in the split list
iServInfoNumSplitItems = slServInfoSeparateParams.count();
// per definition, the very first entry is this server and this entry will
// never be deleted
// Init server list entry (server info for this server) with defaults. Per
// definition the client substitutes the IP address of the central server
// itself for his server list. If we are the central server, we assume that
// we have a permanent server.
CServerListEntry ThisServerListEntry ( CHostAddress(),
GetIsCentralServer() );
// parse the server info string according to definition:
// [this server name];[this server city]; ...
// [this server country as QLocale ID]; ...
// per definition, we expect at least three parameters
if ( iServInfoNumSplitItems >= 3 )
// [this server name]
ThisServerListEntry.strName = slServInfoSeparateParams[0].left ( MAX_LEN_SERVER_NAME );
// [this server city]
ThisServerListEntry.strCity = slServInfoSeparateParams[1].left ( MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY );
// [this server country as QLocale ID]
const int iCountry = slServInfoSeparateParams[2].toInt();
if ( !slServInfoSeparateParams[2].isEmpty() && ( iCountry >= 0 ) && ( iCountry <= QLocale::LastCountry ) )
ThisServerListEntry.eCountry = static_cast<QLocale::Country> (
iCountry );
// per definition, the first entry in the server list is the own server
ServerList.append ( ThisServerListEntry );
// parse the predefined server infos (if any) according to definition:
// [server1 address];[server1 name];[server1 city]; ...
// [server1 country as QLocale ID]; ...
// [server2 address];[server2 name];[server2 city]; ...
// [server2 country as QLocale ID]; ...
// ...
int iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems = 3; // three items are used for this server
// we always expect four items per new server, also check for maximum
// allowed number of servers in the server list
while ( ( iServInfoNumSplitItems - iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems >= 4 ) &&
( iNumPredefinedServers <= MAX_NUM_SERVERS_IN_SERVER_LIST ) )
// create a new server list entry, we assume that servers which are
// registered via the command line are permanent servers
CServerListEntry NewServerListEntry ( CHostAddress(),
true );
// [server n address]
NetworkUtil().ParseNetworkAddress (
NewServerListEntry.HostAddr );
// [server n server internal address]
// Not included in the static server info, so use external address
NewServerListEntry.LHostAddr = NewServerListEntry.HostAddr;
// [server n name]
NewServerListEntry.strName =
slServInfoSeparateParams[iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems + 1].left ( MAX_LEN_SERVER_NAME );
// [server n city]
NewServerListEntry.strCity =
slServInfoSeparateParams[iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems + 2].left ( MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY );
// [server n country as QLocale ID]
const int iCountry =
slServInfoSeparateParams[iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems + 3].toInt();
if ( ( iCountry >= 0 ) && ( iCountry <= QLocale::LastCountry ) )
NewServerListEntry.eCountry = static_cast<QLocale::Country> (
iCountry );
// add the new server to the server list
ServerList.append ( NewServerListEntry );
// we have used four items and have created one predefined server
// (adjust counters)
iCurUsedServInfoSplitItems += 4;
// for slave servers start the one shot timer for determining if it is a
// permanent server
if ( !GetIsCentralServer() )
// 1 minute = 60 * 1000 ms
QTimer::singleShot ( SERVLIST_TIME_PERMSERV_MINUTES * 60000,
this, SLOT ( OnTimerIsPermanent() ) );
// prepare the register server response timer (single shot timer)
TimerCLRegisterServerResp.setSingleShot ( true );
TimerCLRegisterServerResp.setInterval ( REGISTER_SERVER_TIME_OUT_MS );
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerPollList, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPollList );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingServerInList, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPingServerInList );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingCentralServer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPingCentralServer );
QObject::connect ( &TimerRegistering, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerRegistering );
QObject::connect ( &TimerCLRegisterServerResp, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerCLRegisterServerResp );
void CServerListManager::SetCentralServerAddress ( const QString sNCentServAddr )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
strCentralServerAddress = sNCentServAddr;
// per definition: If the central server address is empty, the server list
// is disabled.
// per definition: If we are in server mode and the central server address
// is the localhost address, we are in central server mode. For the central
// server, the server list is always enabled.
if ( !strCentralServerAddress.isEmpty() )
bIsCentralServer =
( !strCentralServerAddress.toLower().compare ( "localhost" ) ||
!strCentralServerAddress.compare ( "" ) ) &&
( eCentralServerAddressType == AT_CUSTOM )
bEnabled = true;
bIsCentralServer = false;
bEnabled = false;
void CServerListManager::Update()
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
if ( bEnabled )
if ( bIsCentralServer )
// start timer for polling the server list if enabled
// 1 minute = 60 * 1000 ms
TimerPollList.start ( SERVLIST_POLL_TIME_MINUTES * 60000 );
if ( bCentServPingServerInList )
// start timer for sending ping messages to servers in the list
TimerPingServerInList.start ( SERVLIST_UPDATE_PING_SERVERS_MS );
// initiate registration right away so that we do not have to wait
// for the first time out of the timer until the slave server gets
// registered at the central server, note that we have to unlock
// the mutex before calling the function since inside this function
// the mutex is locked, too
// reset the retry counter to zero because update was called
iSvrRegRetries = 0;
// start timer for registration timeout
// start timer for registering this server at the central server
// 1 minute = 60 * 1000 ms
TimerRegistering.start ( SERVLIST_REGIST_INTERV_MINUTES * 60000 );
// Start timer for ping the central server in short intervals to
// keep the port open at the NAT router.
// If no NAT is used, we send the messages anyway since they do
// not hurt (very low traffic). We also reuse the same update
// time as used in the central server for pinging the slave
// servers.
TimerPingCentralServer.start ( SERVLIST_UPDATE_PING_SERVERS_MS );
// disable service -> stop timer
if ( bIsCentralServer )
if ( bCentServPingServerInList )
/* Central server functionality ***********************************************/
void CServerListManager::OnTimerPingServerInList()
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
const int iCurServerListSize = ServerList.size();
// send ping to list entries except of the very first one (which is the central
// server entry) and the predefined servers
for ( int iIdx = 1 + iNumPredefinedServers; iIdx < iCurServerListSize; iIdx++ )
// send empty message to keep NAT port open at slave server
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLEmptyMes ( ServerList[iIdx].HostAddr );
void CServerListManager::OnTimerPollList()
CVector<CHostAddress> vecRemovedHostAddr;
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// Check all list entries except of the very first one (which is the central
// server entry) and the predefined servers if they are still valid.
// Note that we have to use "ServerList.size()" function in the for loop
// since we may remove elements from the server list inside the for loop.
for ( int iIdx = 1 + iNumPredefinedServers; iIdx < ServerList.size(); )
// 1 minute = 60 * 1000 ms
if ( ServerList[iIdx].RegisterTime.elapsed() > ( SERVLIST_TIME_OUT_MINUTES * 60000 ) )
// remove this list entry
vecRemovedHostAddr.Add ( ServerList[iIdx].HostAddr );
ServerList.removeAt ( iIdx );
// move to the next entry (only on else)
foreach ( const CHostAddress HostAddr, vecRemovedHostAddr )
tsConsoleStream << "Expired entry for " << HostAddr.toString() << endl;
void CServerListManager::CentralServerRegisterServer ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr,
const CHostAddress& LInetAddr,
const CServerCoreInfo& ServerInfo )
if ( bIsCentralServer && bEnabled )
tsConsoleStream << "Requested to register entry for "
<< InetAddr.toString() << " (" << LInetAddr.toString() << ")"
<< ": " << ServerInfo.strName << endl;
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
const int iCurServerListSize = ServerList.size();
// Check if server is already registered.
// The very first list entry must not be checked since
// this is per definition the central server (i.e., this server)
int iSelIdx = INVALID_INDEX; // initialize with an illegal value
for ( int iIdx = 1; iIdx < iCurServerListSize; iIdx++ )
if ( ServerList[iIdx].HostAddr == InetAddr )
// store entry index
iSelIdx = iIdx;
// entry found, leave for-loop
// if server is not yet registered, we have to create a new entry
if ( iSelIdx == INVALID_INDEX )
// check for maximum allowed number of servers in the server list
if ( iCurServerListSize < MAX_NUM_SERVERS_IN_SERVER_LIST )
// create a new server list entry and init with received data
ServerList.append ( CServerListEntry ( InetAddr, LInetAddr, ServerInfo ) );
iSelIdx = iCurServerListSize;
// do not update the information in the predefined servers
if ( iSelIdx > iNumPredefinedServers )
// update all data and call update registration function
ServerList[iSelIdx].LHostAddr = LInetAddr;
ServerList[iSelIdx].strName = ServerInfo.strName;
ServerList[iSelIdx].eCountry = ServerInfo.eCountry;
ServerList[iSelIdx].strCity = ServerInfo.strCity;
ServerList[iSelIdx].iMaxNumClients = ServerInfo.iMaxNumClients;
ServerList[iSelIdx].bPermanentOnline = ServerInfo.bPermanentOnline;
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLRegisterServerResp ( InetAddr, iSelIdx == INVALID_INDEX
: ESvrRegResult::SRR_REGISTERED );
void CServerListManager::CentralServerUnregisterServer ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
if ( bIsCentralServer && bEnabled )
tsConsoleStream << "Requested to unregister entry for "
<< InetAddr.toString() << endl;
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
const int iCurServerListSize = ServerList.size();
// Find the server to unregister in the list. The very first list entry
// must not be checked since this is per definition the central server
// (i.e., this server), also the predefined servers must not be checked.
for ( int iIdx = 1 + iNumPredefinedServers; iIdx < iCurServerListSize; iIdx++ )
if ( ServerList[iIdx].HostAddr == InetAddr )
// remove this list entry
ServerList.removeAt ( iIdx );
// entry found, leave for-loop (it is important to exit the
// for loop since when we remove an item from the server list,
// "iCurServerListSize" is not correct anymore and we could get
// a segmentation fault)
void CServerListManager::CentralServerQueryServerList ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
if ( bIsCentralServer && bEnabled )
const int iCurServerListSize = ServerList.size();
// allocate memory for the entire list
CVector<CServerInfo> vecServerInfo ( iCurServerListSize );
// copy the list (we have to copy it since the message requires
// a vector but the list is actually stored in a QList object and
// not in a vector object
for ( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < iCurServerListSize; iIdx++ )
// copy list item
vecServerInfo[iIdx] = ServerList[iIdx];
if ( iIdx > 0 )
// check if the address of the client which is requesting the
// list is the same address as one server in the list -> in this
// case he has to connect to the local host address and port
// to allow for NAT.
if ( vecServerInfo[iIdx].HostAddr.InetAddr == InetAddr.InetAddr )
// for a predefined server:
// - LHostAddr and HostAddr are the same
// - no local port number is supplied
// otherwise, use the supplied details
if ( iIdx > iNumPredefinedServers )
vecServerInfo[iIdx].HostAddr = ServerList[iIdx].LHostAddr;
// create "send empty message" for all registered servers
// (except of the very first list entry since this is this
// server (central server) per definition) and also it is
// not required to send this message, if the server is on
// the same computer
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLSendEmptyMesMes (
InetAddr );
// send the server list to the client
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLServerListMes ( InetAddr, vecServerInfo );
/* Slave server functionality *************************************************/
void CServerListManager::StoreRegistrationResult ( ESvrRegResult eResult )
// we need the lock since the user might change the server properties at
// any time so another response could arrive
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// we got some response, so stop the retry timer
switch ( eResult )
case ESvrRegResult::SRR_REGISTERED:
SetSvrRegStatus ( ESvrRegStatus::SRS_REGISTERED );
SetSvrRegStatus ( ESvrRegStatus::SRS_CENTRAL_SVR_FULL );
case ESvrRegResult::SRR_VERSION_TOO_OLD:
SetSvrRegStatus ( ESvrRegStatus::SRS_VERSION_TOO_OLD );
SetSvrRegStatus ( ESvrRegStatus::SRS_UNKNOWN_RESP );
void CServerListManager::OnTimerPingCentralServer()
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// first check if central server address is valid
if ( !( SlaveCurCentServerHostAddress == CHostAddress() ) )
// send empty message to central server to keep NAT port open -> we do
// not require any answer from the central server
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLEmptyMes ( SlaveCurCentServerHostAddress );
void CServerListManager::OnTimerCLRegisterServerResp()
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
if ( eSvrRegStatus == SRS_REQUESTED )
SetSvrRegStatus ( SRS_TIME_OUT );
// re-start timer for registration timeout
void CServerListManager::SlaveServerRegisterServer ( const bool bIsRegister )
// we need the lock since the user might change the server properties at
// any time
QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex );
// get the correct central server address
const QString strCurCentrServAddr =
NetworkUtil::GetCentralServerAddress ( eCentralServerAddressType,
strCentralServerAddress );
// For the slave server, the slave server properties are stored in the
// very first item in the server list (which is actually no server list
// but just one item long for the slave server).
// Note that we always have to parse the server address again since if
// it is an URL of a dynamic IP address, the IP address might have
// changed in the meanwhile.
if ( NetworkUtil().ParseNetworkAddress ( strCurCentrServAddr,
SlaveCurCentServerHostAddress ) )
if ( bIsRegister )
// register server
SetSvrRegStatus ( SRS_REQUESTED );
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLRegisterServerMes ( SlaveCurCentServerHostAddress,
ServerList[0] );
// unregister server
pConnLessProtocol->CreateCLUnregisterServerMes ( SlaveCurCentServerHostAddress );
SetSvrRegStatus ( SRS_BAD_ADDRESS );
void CServerListManager::SetSvrRegStatus ( ESvrRegStatus eNSvrRegStatus )
// output regirstation result/update on the console
tsConsoleStream << "Server Registration Status update: " << svrRegStatusToString ( eNSvrRegStatus ) << endl;
// store the state and inform the GUI about the new status
eSvrRegStatus = eNSvrRegStatus;
emit SvrRegStatusChanged();