
794 lines
24 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2006
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
Protocol message definition
- All messages received need to be acknowledged by an acknowledge packet
| 2 bytes TAG | 2 bytes ID | 1 byte cnt | 2 bytes length n | n bytes data | 2 bytes CRC |
- TAG is an all zero bit word to identify protocol messages
- message ID defined by the defines PROTMESSID_x
- cnt: counter which is increment for each message and wraps around at 255
- length n in bytes of the data
- actual data, dependent on message type
- 16 bits CRC, calculating over the entire message, is transmitted inverted
Generator polynom: G_16(x) = x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1, initial state: all ones
- Acknowledgement message: PROTMESSID_ACKN
| 2 bytes ID of message to be ackn. |
note: the cnt value is the same as of the message to be acknowledged
- Jitter buffer size: PROTMESSID_JITT_BUF_SIZE
| 2 bytes number of blocks |
- Request jitter buffer size: PROTMESSID_REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE
note: does not have any data -> n = 0
- Server full message: PROTMESSID_SERVER_FULL
note: does not have any data -> n = 0
- Network buffer block size factor PROTMESSID_NET_BLSI_FACTOR
note: size, relative to minimum block size
| 2 bytes factor |
| 1 byte channel ID | 2 bytes gain |
- IP number and name of connected clients PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST
for each connected client append following data:
| 1 byte channel ID | 4 bytes IP address | 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string |
- Request connected clients list: PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST
note: does not have any data -> n = 0
for each connected client append following data:
| 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "protocol.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CProtocol::CProtocol() : iCounter ( 0 ), iOldRecID ( PROTMESSID_ILLEGAL ),
iOldRecCnt ( 0 )
// connections
QObject::connect ( &TimerSendMess, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerSendMess() ) );
void CProtocol::EnqueueMessage ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecMessage,
const int iCnt,
const int iID )
bool bListWasEmpty;
// check if list is empty so that we have to initiate a send process
bListWasEmpty = SendMessQueue.empty();
// create send message object for the queue
CSendMessage SendMessageObj ( vecMessage, iCnt, iID );
// we want to have a FIFO: we add at the end and take from the beginning
SendMessQueue.push_back ( SendMessageObj );
// if list was empty, initiate send process
if ( bListWasEmpty )
void CProtocol::SendMessage()
CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage;
bool bSendMess = false;
// we have to check that list is not empty, since in another thread the
// last element of the list might have been erased
if ( !SendMessQueue.empty() )
vecMessage.Init ( SendMessQueue.front().vecMessage.Size() );
vecMessage = SendMessQueue.front().vecMessage;
bSendMess = true;
if ( bSendMess )
// send message
emit MessReadyForSending ( vecMessage );
// start time-out timer if not active
if ( !TimerSendMess.isActive() )
TimerSendMess.start ( SEND_MESS_TIMEOUT_MS );
// no message to send, stop timer
void CProtocol::CreateAndSendMessage ( const int iID,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
CVector<uint8_t> vecNewMessage;
int iCurCounter;
// store current counter value
iCurCounter = iCounter;
// increase counter (wraps around automatically)
// build complete message
GenMessageFrame ( vecNewMessage, iCurCounter, iID, vecData );
// enqueue message
EnqueueMessage ( vecNewMessage, iCurCounter, iID );
void CProtocol::CreateAndSendAcknMess ( const int& iID, const int& iCnt )
CVector<uint8_t> vecAcknMessage;
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
// build data vector
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iID ), 2 );
// build complete message
GenMessageFrame ( vecAcknMessage, iCnt, PROTMESSID_ACKN, vecData );
// immediately send acknowledge message
emit MessReadyForSending ( vecAcknMessage );
void CProtocol::DeleteSendMessQueue()
// delete complete "send message queue"
bool CProtocol::ParseMessage ( const CVector<unsigned char>& vecbyData,
const int iNumBytes )
return code: true -> ok; false -> error
bool bRet, bSendNextMess;
int iRecCounter, iRecID;
unsigned int iPos;
CVector<uint8_t> vecData;
// convert unsigned char in uint8_t, TODO convert all buffers in uint8_t
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyDataConv ( iNumBytes );
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumBytes; i++ ) {
vecbyDataConv[i] = static_cast<uint8_t> ( vecbyData[i] );
// important: vecbyDataConv must have iNumBytes to get it work!!!
if ( ParseMessageFrame ( vecbyDataConv, iRecCounter, iRecID, vecData ) )
// In case we received a message and returned an answer but our answer
// did not make it to the receiver, he will resend his message. We check
// here if the message is the same as the old one, and if this is the
// case, just resend our old answer again
if ( ( iOldRecID == iRecID ) && ( iOldRecCnt == iRecCounter ) )
// acknowledgments are not acknowledged
// re-send acknowledgement
CreateAndSendAcknMess ( iRecID, iRecCounter );
// special treatment for acknowledge messages
// extract data from stream and emit signal for received value
iPos = 0;
const int iData =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// check if this is the correct acknowledgment
if ( ( SendMessQueue.front().iCnt == iRecCounter ) &&
( SendMessQueue.front().iID == iData ) )
// message acknowledged, remove from queue
// send next message in queue
bSendNextMess = true;
bSendNextMess = false;
if ( bSendNextMess )
// init position pointer which is used for extracting data from
// received data vector
iPos = 0;
// check which type of message we received and do action
switch ( iRecID )
EvaluateJitBufMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateReqJitBufMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateServerFullMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateNetwBlSiFactMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateChanGainMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateConClientListMes ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateReqConnClientsList ( iPos, vecData );
EvaluateChanNameMes ( iPos, vecData );
// send acknowledge message
CreateAndSendAcknMess ( iRecID, iRecCounter );
// save current message ID and counter to find out if message was re-sent
iOldRecID = iRecID;
iOldRecCnt = iRecCounter;
bRet = true; // everything was ok
bRet = false; // return error code
return bRet;
/* Access-functions for creating and parsing messages ----------------------- */
void CProtocol::CreateJitBufMes ( const int iJitBufSize )
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
// build data vector
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iJitBufSize ), 2 );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_JITT_BUF_SIZE, vecData );
void CProtocol::EvaluateJitBufMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// extract jitter buffer size
const int iData =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// invoke message action
emit ChangeJittBufSize ( iData );
void CProtocol::CreateReqJitBufMes()
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE, CVector<uint8_t> ( 0 ) );
void CProtocol::EvaluateReqJitBufMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// invoke message action
emit ReqJittBufSize();
void CProtocol::CreateServerFullMes()
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_SERVER_FULL, CVector<uint8_t> ( 0 ) );
void CProtocol::EvaluateServerFullMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// invoke message action
emit ServerFull();
void CProtocol::CreateNetwBlSiFactMes ( const int iNetwBlSiFact )
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
// build data vector
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iNetwBlSiFact ), 2 );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_NET_BLSI_FACTOR, vecData );
void CProtocol::EvaluateNetwBlSiFactMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
const int iData =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// invoke message action
emit ChangeNetwBlSiFact ( iData );
void CProtocol::CreateChanGainMes ( const int iChanID, const double dGain )
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 3 ); // 3 bytes of data
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
// build data vector
// channel ID
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iChanID ), 1 );
// actual gain, we convert from double with range 0..1 to integer
const int iCurGain = static_cast<int> ( dGain * ( 1 << 15 ) );
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iCurGain ), 2 );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_GAIN, vecData );
void CProtocol::EvaluateChanGainMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// channel ID
const int iCurID =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
// actual gain, we convert from integer to double with range 0..1
const int iData =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
const double dNewGain = static_cast<double> ( iData ) / ( 1 << 15 );
// invoke message action
emit ChangeChanGain ( iCurID, dNewGain );
void CProtocol::CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector<CChannelShortInfo>& vecChanInfo )
const int iNumClients = vecChanInfo.Size();
// build data vector
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 0 );
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ )
// current string size
const int iCurStrLen = vecChanInfo[i].strName.size();
// size of current list entry
const int iCurListEntrLen =
1 /* chan ID */ + 4 /* IP addr. */ + 2 /* str. size */ + iCurStrLen;
// make space for new data
vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen );
// channel ID
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iChanID ), 1 );
// IP address (4 bytes)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iIpAddr ), 4 );
// number of bytes for name string (2 bytes)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( iCurStrLen ), 2 );
// name string (n bytes)
for ( int j = 0; j < iCurStrLen; j++ )
// byte-by-byte copying of the string data
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].strName[j] ), 1 );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, vecData );
void CProtocol::EvaluateConClientListMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
int iData;
const int iDataLen = vecData.Size();
CVector<CChannelShortInfo> vecChanInfo ( 0 );
while ( iPos < iDataLen )
// channel ID (1 byte)
const int iChanID = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
// IP address (4 bytes)
const int iIpAddr = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) );
// number of bytes for name string (2 bytes)
const int iStringLen =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// name string (n bytes)
std::string strCurStr = "";
for ( int j = 0; j < iStringLen; j++ )
// byte-by-byte copying of the string data
iData = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
strCurStr += std::string ( (char*) &iData );
// add channel information to vector
vecChanInfo.Add ( CChannelShortInfo ( iChanID, iIpAddr, strCurStr ) );
// invoke message action
emit ConClientListMesReceived ( vecChanInfo );
void CProtocol::CreateReqConnClientsList()
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, CVector<uint8_t> ( 0 ) );
void CProtocol::EvaluateReqConnClientsList ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// invoke message action
emit ReqConnClientsList();
void CProtocol::CreateChanNameMes ( const std::string strName )
unsigned int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
const int iStrLen = strName.size(); // get string size
// size of current list entry
const int iEntrLen = 2 /* str. size */ + iStrLen;
// build data vector
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( iEntrLen );
// number of bytes for name string (2 bytes)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast<uint32_t> ( iStrLen ), 2 );
// name string (n bytes)
for ( int j = 0; j < iStrLen; j++ )
// byte-by-byte copying of the string data
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( strName[j] ), 1 );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_NAME, vecData );
void CProtocol::EvaluateChanNameMes ( unsigned int iPos, const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
// number of bytes for name string (2 bytes)
const int iStrLen =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// name string (n bytes)
std::string strName = "";
for ( int j = 0; j < iStrLen; j++ )
// byte-by-byte copying of the string data
int iData = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
strName += std::string ( (char*) &iData );
// invoke message action
emit ChangeChanName ( strName );
* Message generation (parsing) *
bool CProtocol::ParseMessageFrame ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecIn,
int& iCnt,
int& iID,
CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
return code: true -> ok; false -> error
int iLenBy, i;
unsigned int iCurPos;
// query length of input vector
const int iVecInLenByte = vecIn.Size();
// vector must be at least "MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE" bytes long
return false; // return error code
// decode header -----
iCurPos = 0; // start from beginning
// 2 bytes TAG
const int iTag = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 2 ) );
// check if tag is correct
if ( iTag != 0 )
return false; // return error code
/* 2 bytes ID */
iID = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 2 ) );
/* 1 byte cnt */
iCnt = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 1 ) );
/* 2 bytes length */
iLenBy = static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 2 ) );
// make sure the length is correct
if ( iLenBy != iVecInLenByte - MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE )
return false; // return error code
// now check CRC -----
const int iLenCRCCalc = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE + iLenBy;
iCurPos = 0; // start from beginning
for ( i = 0; i < iLenCRCCalc; i++ )
CRCObj.AddByte ( static_cast<uint8_t> (
GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 1 ) ) );
if ( CRCObj.GetCRC () != GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 2 ) )
return false; // return error code
// decode data -----
vecData.Init ( iLenBy );
iCurPos = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE; // start from beginning of data
for ( i = 0; i < iLenBy; i++ )
vecData[i] = static_cast<uint8_t> (
GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iCurPos, 1 ) );
return true; // everything was ok
uint32_t CProtocol::GetValFromStream ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecIn,
unsigned int& iPos,
const unsigned int iNumOfBytes )
note: iPos is automatically incremented in this function
// 4 bytes maximum since we return uint32
Q_ASSERT ( ( iNumOfBytes > 0 ) && ( iNumOfBytes <= 4 ) );
Q_ASSERT ( vecIn.Size() >= iPos + iNumOfBytes );
uint32_t iRet = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumOfBytes; i++ )
iRet |= vecIn[iPos] << ( i * 8 /* size of byte */ );
return iRet;
void CProtocol::GenMessageFrame ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecOut,
const int iCnt,
const int iID,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
int i;
// query length of data vector
const int iDataLenByte = vecData.Size();
// total length of message
const int iTotLenByte = MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE + iDataLenByte;
// init message vector
vecOut.Init ( iTotLenByte );
// encode header -----
unsigned int iCurPos = 0; // init position pointer
// 2 bytes TAG (all zero bits)
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( 0 ), 2 );
// 2 bytes ID
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( iID ), 2 );
// 1 byte cnt
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( iCnt ), 1 );
// 2 bytes length
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( iDataLenByte ), 2 );
// encode data -----
for ( i = 0; i < iDataLenByte; i++ )
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecData[i] ), 1 );
// encode CRC -----
iCurPos = 0; // start from beginning
const int iLenCRCCalc = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE + iDataLenByte;
for ( i = 0; i < iLenCRCCalc; i++ )
CRCObj.AddByte ( static_cast<uint8_t> (
GetValFromStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, 1 ) ) );
PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( CRCObj.GetCRC() ), 2 );
void CProtocol::PutValOnStream ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecIn,
unsigned int& iPos,
const uint32_t iVal,
const unsigned int iNumOfBytes )
note: iPos is automatically incremented in this function
// 4 bytes maximum since we use uint32
Q_ASSERT ( ( iNumOfBytes > 0 ) && ( iNumOfBytes <= 4 ) );
Q_ASSERT ( vecIn.Size() >= iPos + iNumOfBytes );
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumOfBytes; i++ )
vecIn[iPos] =
( iVal >> ( i * 8 /* size of byte */ ) ) & 255 /* 11111111 */;