When a recording directory doesn't exist, the server creates it successfully but the QFileInfo object holding the directory information is not updated as the information is cached by default. The server then exits unexpectedly as the check on the directory existence incorrectly fails. Disable caching to resolve the issue.
440 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
440 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
* Author(s):
* pljones
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "jamrecorder.h"
using namespace recorder;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamClient
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamClient::CJamClient
* @param frame Start frame of the client within the session
* @param numChannels 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
* @param name The client's current name
* @param address IP and Port
* @param recordBaseDir Session recording directory
* Creates a file for the raw PCM data and sets up a QDataStream to which to write received frames.
* The data is stored Little Endian.
CJamClient::CJamClient(const qint64 frame, const int _numChannels, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const QDir recordBaseDir) :
startFrame (frame),
numChannels (static_cast<uint16_t>(_numChannels)),
name (name),
address (address)
// At this point we may not have much of a name
QString fileName = ClientName() + "-" + QString::number(frame) + "-" + QString::number(_numChannels);
QString affix = "";
while (recordBaseDir.exists(fileName + affix + ".wav"))
affix = affix.length() == 0 ? "_1" : "_" + QString::number(affix.remove(0, 1).toInt() + 1);
fileName = fileName + affix + ".wav";
wavFile = new QFile(recordBaseDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
if (!wavFile->open(QFile::OpenMode(QIODevice::OpenModeFlag::ReadWrite))) // need to allow rewriting headers
throw new std::runtime_error( ("Could not write to WAV file " + wavFile->fileName()).toStdString() );
out = new CWaveStream(wavFile, numChannels);
filename = wavFile->fileName();
* @brief CJamClient::Frame Handle a frame of PCM data from a client connected to the server
* @param _name The client's current name
* @param pcm The PCM data
void CJamClient::Frame(const QString _name, const CVector<int16_t>& pcm)
name = _name;
for(int i = 0; i < numChannels * SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES; i++)
*out << pcm[i];
* @brief CJamClient::Disconnect Clean up after a disconnected client
void CJamClient::Disconnect()
out = nullptr;
delete wavFile;
wavFile = nullptr;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamSession
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamSession::CJamSession Construct a new jam recording session
* @param recordBaseDir The recording base directory
* Each session is stored into its own subdirectory of the recording base directory.
CJamSession::CJamSession(QDir recordBaseDir) :
sessionDir (QDir(recordBaseDir.absoluteFilePath("Jam-" + QDateTime().currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmsszzz")))),
currentFrame (0),
vecptrJamClients (MAX_NUM_CHANNELS),
QFileInfo fi(sessionDir.absolutePath());
if (!fi.exists() && !QDir().mkpath(sessionDir.absolutePath()))
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " does not exist but could not be created").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isDir())
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " exists but is not a directory").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isWritable())
throw std::runtime_error( (sessionDir.absolutePath() + " is a directory but cannot be written to").toStdString() );
// Explicitly set all the pointers to "empty"
currentFrame = 0;
* @brief CJamSession::DisconnectClient Capture details of the departing client's connection
* @param iChID the channel id of the client that disconnected
void CJamSession::DisconnectClient(int iChID)
jamClientConnections.append(new CJamClientConnection(vecptrJamClients[iChID]->NumAudioChannels(),
delete vecptrJamClients[iChID];
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
* @brief CJamSession::Frame Process a frame emited for a client by the server
* @param iChID the client channel id
* @param name the client name
* @param address the client IP and port number
* @param numAudioChannels the client number of audio channels
* @param data the frame data
* Manages changes that affect how the recording is stored - i.e. if the number of audio channels changes, we need a new file.
* Files are grouped by IP and port number, so if either of those change for a connection, we also start a new file.
* Also manages the overall current frame counter for the session.
void CJamSession::Frame(const int iChID, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const int numAudioChannels, const CVector<int16_t> data)
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] == nullptr)
// then we have not seen this client this session
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = new CJamClient(currentFrame, numAudioChannels, name, address, sessionDir);
else if (numAudioChannels != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->NumAudioChannels()
|| address.InetAddr != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->ClientAddress().InetAddr
|| address.iPort != vecptrJamClients[iChID]->ClientAddress().iPort)
if (numAudioChannels == 0)
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = new CJamClient(currentFrame, numAudioChannels, name, address, sessionDir);
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] == nullptr)
// Frame allegedly from iChID but unable to establish client details
vecptrJamClients[iChID]->Frame(name, data);
// If _any_ connected client frame steps past currentFrame, increase currentFrame
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID]->StartFrame() + vecptrJamClients[iChID]->FrameCount() > currentFrame)
* @brief CJamSession::End Clean up any "hanging" clients when the server thinks they all left
void CJamSession::End()
for (int iChID = 0; iChID < vecptrJamClients.size(); iChID++)
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] != nullptr)
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
* @brief CJamSession::Tracks Retrieve a map of (latest) client name to connection items
* @return a map of (latest) client name to connection items
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> CJamSession::Tracks()
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> tracks;
for (int i = 0; i < jamClientConnections.count(); i++ )
STrackItem track (
if (!tracks.contains(jamClientConnections[i]->Name()))
tracks.insert(jamClientConnections[i]->Name(), { });
return tracks;
* @brief CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir Replica of CJamSession::Tracks but using the directory contents to construct the track item map
* @param sessionDirName the directory name to scan
* @return a map of (latest) client name to connection items
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir(const QString& sessionDirName)
QMap<QString, QList<STrackItem>> tracks;
const QDir sessionDir(sessionDirName);
foreach(auto entry, sessionDir.entryList({ "*.pcm" }))
auto split = entry.split(".")[0].split("-");
QString name = split[0];
QString hostPort = split[1];
QString frame = split[2];
QString tail = split[3]; //numChannels may have _nnn
QString numChannels = tail.count("_") > 0 ? tail.split("_")[0] : tail;
QString trackName = name + "-" + hostPort;
if (!tracks.contains(trackName))
tracks.insert(trackName, { });
QFileInfo fiEntry(sessionDir.absoluteFilePath(entry));
qint64 length = fiEntry.size() / numChannels.toInt() / SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES;
STrackItem track (
return tracks;
/* ********************************************************************************************************
* CJamRecorder
* ********************************************************************************************************/
* @brief CJamRecorder::Init Create recording directory, if necessary, and connect signal handlers
* @param server Server object emiting signals
void CJamRecorder::Init(const CServer* server)
QFileInfo fi(recordBaseDir.absolutePath());
if (!fi.exists() && !QDir().mkpath(recordBaseDir.absolutePath()))
throw std::runtime_error( (recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " does not exist but could not be created").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isDir())
throw std::runtime_error( (recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " exists but is not a directory").toStdString() );
if (!fi.isWritable())
throw std::runtime_error( (recordBaseDir.absolutePath() + " is a directory but cannot be written to").toStdString() );
QObject::connect((const QObject *)server, SIGNAL ( Stopped() ),
this, SLOT( OnEnd() ),
QObject::connect((const QObject *)server, SIGNAL ( ClientDisconnected(int) ),
this, SLOT( OnDisconnected(int) ),
QObject::connect((const QObject *)server, SIGNAL ( AudioFrame(const int, const QString, const CHostAddress, const int, const CVector<int16_t>) ),
this, SLOT( OnFrame(const int, const QString, const CHostAddress, const int, const CVector<int16_t>) ),
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnStart Start up tasks when the first client connects
void CJamRecorder::OnStart() {
// Ensure any previous cleaning up has been done.
currentSession = new CJamSession(recordBaseDir);
isRecording = true;
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnEnd Finalise the recording and emit the Reaper RPP file
void CJamRecorder::OnEnd()
if (isRecording)
isRecording = false;
QString reaperProjectFileName = currentSession->SessionDir().filePath(currentSession->Name().append(".rpp"));
const QFileInfo fi(reaperProjectFileName);
if (fi.exists())
tsConsole << "CJamRecorder::OnEnd() - " << fi.absolutePath() << " exists and will not be overwritten." << endl;
QFile outf (reaperProjectFileName);
QTextStream out(&outf);
out << CReaperProject(currentSession->Tracks()).toString() << endl;
tsConsole << "Session RPP: " << reaperProjectFileName << endl;
delete currentSession;
currentSession = nullptr;
* @brief CJamRecorder::SessionDirToReaper Replica of CJamRecorder::OnEnd() but using the directory contents to construct the CReaperProject object
* @param strSessionDirName
void CJamRecorder::SessionDirToReaper(QString& strSessionDirName)
const QFileInfo fiSessionDir(QDir::cleanPath(strSessionDirName));
if (!fiSessionDir.exists() || !fiSessionDir.isDir())
throw std::runtime_error( (fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath() + " does not exist or is not a directory. Aborting.").toStdString() );
const QDir dSessionDir(fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath());
const QString reaperProjectFileName = dSessionDir.absoluteFilePath(fiSessionDir.baseName().append(".rpp"));
const QFileInfo fiRPP(reaperProjectFileName);
if (fiRPP.exists())
throw std::runtime_error( (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath() + " exists and will not be overwritten. Aborting.").toStdString() );
QFile outf (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath());
if (!outf.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
throw std::runtime_error( (fiRPP.absoluteFilePath() + " could not be written. Aborting.").toStdString() );
QTextStream out(&outf);
out << CReaperProject(CJamSession::TracksFromSessionDir(fiSessionDir.absoluteFilePath())).toString() << endl;
(*(new ConsoleWriterFactory())->get()) << "Session RPP: " << reaperProjectFileName << endl;
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected Handle disconnection of a client
* @param iChID the client channel id
void CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected(int iChID)
if (!isRecording)
tsConsole << "CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected: channel " << iChID << " disconnected but not recording" << endl;
if (currentSession == nullptr)
tsConsole << "CJamRecorder::OnDisconnected: channel " << iChID << " disconnected but no currentSession" << endl;
* @brief CJamRecorder::OnFrame Handle a frame emited for a client by the server
* @param iChID the client channel id
* @param name the client name
* @param address the client IP and port number
* @param numAudioChannels the client number of audio channels
* @param data the frame data
* Ensures recording has started.
void CJamRecorder::OnFrame(const int iChID, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const int numAudioChannels, const CVector<int16_t> data)
// Make sure we are ready
if (!isRecording)
currentSession->Frame(iChID, name, address, numAudioChannels, data);