2020-03-28 21:02:55 +01:00

517 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#pragma once
#include "util.h"
#include "global.h"
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// number of simulation network jitter buffers for evaluating the statistic
// NOTE If you want to change this number, the code has to modified, too!
// hysteresis for buffer size decision to avoid fast changes if close to the bound
// definition of the upper error bound of the jitter buffers
#define ERROR_RATE_BOUND 0.001
// definition of the upper jitter buffer error bound, if that one is reached we
// have to speed up the filtering to quickly get out of a incorrect buffer
// size state
#define UP_MAX_ERROR_BOUND 0.01
// each regular buffer access lead to a count for put and get, assuming 2.66 ms
// blocks we have 15 s / 1.33 ms * 2 = approx. 22500
# define MAX_STATISTIC_COUNT 22500
// convert numbers from 128 samples case using http://www.tsdconseil.fr/tutos/tuto-iir1-en.pdf
// and https://octave-online.net:
// gamma = exp(-Ts/tau), after some calculations we get: x=0.999995;exp(64/128*log(x))
# define IIR_WEIGTH_UP_NORMAL 0.9999975
# define IIR_WEIGTH_DOWN_NORMAL 0.99994999875
# define IIR_WEIGTH_UP_FAST 0.9997499687422
# define IIR_WEIGTH_DOWN_FAST 0.999499875
// each regular buffer access lead to a count for put and get, assuming 2.66 ms
// blocks we have 15 s / 2.66 ms * 2 = approx. 11000
# define MAX_STATISTIC_COUNT 11000
// Note that the following definitions of the weigh constants assume a block
// size of 128 samples at a sampling rate of 48 kHz.
# define IIR_WEIGTH_UP_NORMAL 0.999995
# define IIR_WEIGTH_DOWN_NORMAL 0.9999
# define IIR_WEIGTH_UP_FAST 0.9995
# define IIR_WEIGTH_DOWN_FAST 0.999
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
// Buffer base class -----------------------------------------------------------
template<class TData> class CBufferBase
CBufferBase ( const bool bNIsSim = false ) :
bIsSimulation ( bNIsSim ), bIsInitialized ( false ) {}
void SetIsSimulation ( const bool bNIsSim ) { bIsSimulation = bNIsSim; }
void Init ( const int iNewMemSize,
const bool bPreserve = false )
// in simulation mode the size is not changed during operation -> we do
// not have to implement special code for this case
// only enter the "preserve" branch, if object was already initialized
if ( bPreserve && ( !bIsSimulation ) && bIsInitialized )
// copy old data in new vector using get pointer as zero per
// definition
int iCurPos;
// copy current data in temporary vector
CVector<TData> vecTempMemory ( vecMemory );
// resize actual buffer memory
vecMemory.Init ( iNewMemSize );
// get maximum number of data to be copied
int iCopyLen = GetAvailData();
if ( iCopyLen > iNewMemSize )
iCopyLen = iNewMemSize;
// set correct buffer state
if ( iCopyLen == iNewMemSize )
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_FULL;
if ( iCopyLen == 0 )
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_EMPTY;
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_OK;
if ( iGetPos < iPutPos )
// "get" position is before "put" position -> no wrap around
for ( iCurPos = 0; iCurPos < iCopyLen; iCurPos++ )
vecMemory[iCurPos] = vecTempMemory[iGetPos + iCurPos];
// "put" position is before "get" position -> wrap around
bool bEnoughSpaceForSecondPart = true;
int iFirstPartLen = iMemSize - iGetPos;
// check that first copy length is not larger then new memory
if ( iFirstPartLen >= iCopyLen )
iFirstPartLen = iCopyLen;
bEnoughSpaceForSecondPart = false;
for ( iCurPos = 0; iCurPos < iFirstPartLen; iCurPos++ )
vecMemory[iCurPos] = vecTempMemory[iGetPos + iCurPos];
if ( bEnoughSpaceForSecondPart )
// calculate remaining copy length
const int iRemainingCopyLen = iCopyLen - iFirstPartLen;
// perform copying of second part
for ( iCurPos = 0; iCurPos < iRemainingCopyLen; iCurPos++ )
vecMemory[iCurPos + iFirstPartLen] =
// update put pointer
if ( eBufState == CBufferBase<TData>::BS_FULL )
iPutPos = 0;
iPutPos = iCopyLen;
// update get position -> zero per definition
iGetPos = 0;
// allocate memory for actual data buffer
if ( !bIsSimulation )
vecMemory.Init ( iNewMemSize );
// init buffer pointers and buffer state (empty buffer)
iGetPos = 0;
iPutPos = 0;
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_EMPTY;
// store total memory size value
iMemSize = iNewMemSize;
// set initialized flag
bIsInitialized = true;
virtual bool Put ( const CVector<TData>& vecData,
const int iInSize )
if ( bIsSimulation )
// in this simulation only the buffer pointers and the buffer state
// is updated, no actual data is transferred
iPutPos += iInSize;
if ( iPutPos >= iMemSize )
iPutPos -= iMemSize;
// copy new data in internal buffer
int iCurPos = 0;
if ( iPutPos + iInSize > iMemSize )
// remaining space size for second block
const int iRemSpace = iPutPos + iInSize - iMemSize;
// data must be written in two steps because of wrap around
while ( iPutPos < iMemSize )
vecMemory[iPutPos++] = vecData[iCurPos++];
for ( iPutPos = 0; iPutPos < iRemSpace; iPutPos++ )
vecMemory[iPutPos] = vecData[iCurPos++];
// data can be written in one step
std::copy ( vecData.begin(),
vecData.begin() + iInSize,
vecMemory.begin() + iPutPos );
// set the put position one block further (no wrap around needs
// to be considered here)
iPutPos += iInSize;
// take care about wrap around of put pointer
if ( iPutPos == iMemSize )
iPutPos = 0;
// set buffer state flag
if ( iPutPos == iGetPos )
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_FULL;
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_OK;
return true; // no error check in base class, alyways return ok
virtual bool Get ( CVector<TData>& vecData,
const int iOutSize )
if ( bIsSimulation )
// in this simulation only the buffer pointers and the buffer state
// is updated, no actual data is transferred
iGetPos += iOutSize;
if ( iGetPos >= iMemSize )
iGetPos -= iMemSize;
// copy data from internal buffer in output buffer
int iCurPos = 0;
if ( iGetPos + iOutSize > iMemSize )
// remaining data size for second block
const int iRemData = iGetPos + iOutSize - iMemSize;
// data must be read in two steps because of wrap around
while ( iGetPos < iMemSize )
vecData[iCurPos++] = vecMemory[iGetPos++];
for ( iGetPos = 0; iGetPos < iRemData; iGetPos++ )
vecData[iCurPos++] = vecMemory[iGetPos];
// data can be read in one step
std::copy ( vecMemory.begin() + iGetPos,
vecMemory.begin() + iGetPos + iOutSize,
vecData.begin() );
// set the get position one block further (no wrap around needs
// to be considered here)
iGetPos += iOutSize;
// take care about wrap around of get pointer
if ( iGetPos == iMemSize )
iGetPos = 0;
// set buffer state flag
if ( iPutPos == iGetPos )
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_EMPTY;
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_OK;
return true; // no error check in base class, alyways return ok
virtual int GetAvailSpace() const
// calculate available space in buffer
int iAvSpace = iGetPos - iPutPos;
// check for special case and wrap around
if ( iAvSpace < 0 )
iAvSpace += iMemSize; // wrap around
if ( ( iAvSpace == 0 ) && ( eBufState == BS_EMPTY ) )
iAvSpace = iMemSize;
return iAvSpace;
virtual int GetAvailData() const
// calculate available data in buffer
int iAvData = iPutPos - iGetPos;
// check for special case and wrap around
if ( iAvData < 0 )
iAvData += iMemSize; // wrap around
if ( ( iAvData == 0 ) && ( eBufState == BS_FULL ) )
iAvData = iMemSize;
return iAvData;
enum EBufState { BS_OK, BS_FULL, BS_EMPTY };
virtual void Clear()
// clear memory
if ( !bIsSimulation )
vecMemory.Reset ( 0 );
// init buffer pointers and buffer state (empty buffer)
iGetPos = 0;
iPutPos = 0;
eBufState = CBufferBase<TData>::BS_EMPTY;
CVector<TData> vecMemory;
int iMemSize;
int iGetPos;
int iPutPos;
EBufState eBufState;
bool bIsSimulation;
bool bIsInitialized;
// Network buffer (jitter buffer) ----------------------------------------------
class CNetBuf : public CBufferBase<uint8_t>
CNetBuf ( const bool bNewIsSim = false ) :
CBufferBase<uint8_t> ( bNewIsSim ) {}
void Init ( const int iNewBlockSize,
const int iNewNumBlocks,
const bool bPreserve = false );
int GetSize() { return iMemSize / iBlockSize; }
virtual bool Put ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData, const int iInSize );
virtual bool Get ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData, const int iOutSize );
int iBlockSize;
// Network buffer (jitter buffer) with statistic calculations ------------------
class CNetBufWithStats : public CNetBuf
void Init ( const int iNewBlockSize,
const int iNewNumBlocks,
const bool bPreserve = false );
virtual bool Put ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData, const int iInSize );
virtual bool Get ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData, const int iOutSize );
int GetAutoSetting() { return iCurAutoBufferSizeSetting; }
void GetErrorRates ( CVector<double>& vecErrRates,
double& dLimit,
double& dMaxUpLimit );
void UpdateAutoSetting();
void ResetInitCounter();
// statistic (do not use the vector class since the classes do not have
// appropriate copy constructor/operator)
double dCurIIRFilterResult;
int iCurDecidedResult;
int iInitCounter;
int iCurAutoBufferSizeSetting;
// Conversion buffer (very simple buffer) --------------------------------------
// For this very simple buffer no wrap around mechanism is implemented. We
// assume here, that the applied buffers are an integer fraction of the total
// buffer size.
template<class TData> class CConvBuf
CConvBuf() { Init ( 0 ); }
void Init ( const int iNewMemSize )
// set memory size
iMemSize = iNewMemSize;
// allocate and clear memory for actual data buffer
vecsMemory.Init ( iMemSize );
iPutPos = 0;
int GetSize() const { return iMemSize; }
bool Put ( const CVector<TData>& vecsData,
const int iVecSize )
// calculate the input size and the end position after copying
const int iEnd = iPutPos + iVecSize;
// first check for buffer overrun
if ( iEnd <= iMemSize )
// copy new data in internal buffer
std::copy ( vecsData.begin(),
vecsData.begin() + iVecSize,
vecsMemory.begin() + iPutPos );
// set buffer pointer one block further
iPutPos = iEnd;
// return "buffer is ready for readout" flag
return ( iEnd == iMemSize );
// buffer overrun or not initialized, return "not ready"
return false;
const CVector<TData>& Get()
iPutPos = 0;
return vecsMemory;
CVector<TData> vecsMemory;
int iMemSize;
int iPutPos;