
445 lines
17 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#pragma once
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QMessageBox>
# include "opus/opus_custom.h"
# include "opus_custom.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "buffer.h"
# include "vstsound.h"
# if defined ( _WIN32 ) && !defined ( JACK_REPLACES_ASIO )
# include "../windows/sound.h"
# else
# if ( defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) ) && !defined ( JACK_REPLACES_COREAUDIO )
# include "../mac/sound.h"
# else
# ifdef ANDROID
# include "../android/sound.h"
# else
# include "../linux/sound.h"
# ifndef JACK_REPLACES_ASIO // these headers are not available in Windows OS
# include <sched.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# endif
# include <socket.h>
# endif
# endif
# endif
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// audio in fader range
#define AUD_FADER_IN_MIN 0
#define AUD_FADER_IN_MAX 100
// audio reverberation range
#define AUD_REVERB_MAX 100
// OPUS number of coded bytes per audio packet
// TODO we have to use new numbers for OPUS to avoid that old CELT packets
// are used in the OPUS decoder (which gives a bad noise output signal).
// Later on when the CELT is completely removed we could set the OPUS
// numbers back to the original CELT values (to reduce network load)
// calculation to get from the number of bytes to the code rate in bps:
// rate [pbs] = Fs / L * N * 8, where
// Fs: sampling rate (SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ)
// L: number of samples per packet (SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES)
// N: number of bytes per packet (values below)
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
class CClient : public QObject
CClient ( const quint16 iPortNumber,
const QString& strConnOnStartupAddress,
const int iCtrlMIDIChannel,
const bool bNoAutoJackConnect,
const QString& strNClientName );
void Start();
void Stop();
bool IsRunning() { return Sound.IsRunning(); }
bool SetServerAddr ( QString strNAddr );
double MicLeveldB_L() { return SignalLevelMeter.MicLeveldBLeft(); }
double MicLeveldB_R() { return SignalLevelMeter.MicLeveldBRight(); }
bool GetAndResetbJitterBufferOKFlag();
bool IsConnected() { return Channel.IsConnected(); }
EGUIDesign GetGUIDesign() const { return eGUIDesign; }
void SetGUIDesign ( const EGUIDesign eNGD ) { eGUIDesign = eNGD; }
bool GetDisplayChannelLevels() const { return bDisplayChannelLevels; }
void SetDisplayChannelLevels ( const bool bNDCL );
EAudioQuality GetAudioQuality() const { return eAudioQuality; }
void SetAudioQuality ( const EAudioQuality eNAudioQuality );
EAudChanConf GetAudioChannels() const { return eAudioChannelConf; }
void SetAudioChannels ( const EAudChanConf eNAudChanConf );
void SetServerListCentralServerAddress ( const QString& sNCentServAddr ) { strCentralServerAddress = sNCentServAddr; }
QString GetServerListCentralServerAddress() { return strCentralServerAddress; }
void SetCentralServerAddressType ( const ECSAddType eNCSAT );
ECSAddType GetCentralServerAddressType() { return eCentralServerAddressType; }
int GetAudioInFader() const { return iAudioInFader; }
void SetAudioInFader ( const int iNV ) { iAudioInFader = iNV; }
int GetReverbLevel() const { return iReverbLevel; }
void SetReverbLevel ( const int iNL ) { iReverbLevel = iNL; }
bool IsReverbOnLeftChan() const { return bReverbOnLeftChan; }
void SetReverbOnLeftChan ( const bool bIL )
bReverbOnLeftChan = bIL;
void SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( const bool bValue );
bool GetDoAutoSockBufSize() const { return Channel.GetDoAutoSockBufSize(); }
void SetSockBufNumFrames ( const int iNumBlocks,
const bool bPreserve = false )
Channel.SetSockBufNumFrames ( iNumBlocks, bPreserve );
int GetSockBufNumFrames() { return Channel.GetSockBufNumFrames(); }
void SetServerSockBufNumFrames ( const int iNumBlocks )
iServerSockBufNumFrames = iNumBlocks;
// if auto setting is disabled, inform the server about the new size
if ( !GetDoAutoSockBufSize() )
Channel.CreateJitBufMes ( iServerSockBufNumFrames );
int GetServerSockBufNumFrames() { return iServerSockBufNumFrames; }
int GetUploadRateKbps() { return Channel.GetUploadRateKbps(); }
// sound card device selection
int GetSndCrdNumDev() { return Sound.GetNumDev(); }
QString GetSndCrdDeviceName ( const int iDiD )
{ return Sound.GetDeviceName ( iDiD ); }
QString SetSndCrdDev ( const int iNewDev );
int GetSndCrdDev() { return Sound.GetDev(); }
void OpenSndCrdDriverSetup() { Sound.OpenDriverSetup(); }
// sound card channel selection
int GetSndCrdNumInputChannels() { return Sound.GetNumInputChannels(); }
QString GetSndCrdInputChannelName ( const int iDiD ) { return Sound.GetInputChannelName ( iDiD ); }
void SetSndCrdLeftInputChannel ( const int iNewChan );
void SetSndCrdRightInputChannel ( const int iNewChan );
int GetSndCrdLeftInputChannel() { return Sound.GetLeftInputChannel(); }
int GetSndCrdRightInputChannel() { return Sound.GetRightInputChannel(); }
int GetSndCrdNumOutputChannels() { return Sound.GetNumOutputChannels(); }
QString GetSndCrdOutputChannelName ( const int iDiD ) { return Sound.GetOutputChannelName ( iDiD ); }
void SetSndCrdLeftOutputChannel ( const int iNewChan );
void SetSndCrdRightOutputChannel ( const int iNewChan );
int GetSndCrdLeftOutputChannel() { return Sound.GetLeftOutputChannel(); }
int GetSndCrdRightOutputChannel() { return Sound.GetRightOutputChannel(); }
void SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( const int iNewFactor );
int GetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor() { return iSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor; }
void SetEnableOPUS64 ( const bool eNEnableOPUS64 );
bool GetEnableOPUS64() { return bEnableOPUS64; }
int GetSndCrdActualMonoBlSize()
// the actual sound card mono block size depends on whether a
// sound card conversion buffer is used or not
if ( bSndCrdConversionBufferRequired )
return iSndCardMonoBlockSizeSamConvBuff;
return iMonoBlockSizeSam;
int GetSystemMonoBlSize() { return iMonoBlockSizeSam; }
int GetSndCrdConvBufAdditionalDelayMonoBlSize()
if ( bSndCrdConversionBufferRequired )
// by introducing the conversion buffer we also introduce additional
// delay which equals the "internal" mono buffer size
return iMonoBlockSizeSam;
return 0;
bool GetFraSiFactPrefSupported() { return bFraSiFactPrefSupported; }
bool GetFraSiFactDefSupported() { return bFraSiFactDefSupported; }
bool GetFraSiFactSafeSupported() { return bFraSiFactSafeSupported; }
void SetMuteOutStream ( const bool bDoMute ) { bMuteOutStream = bDoMute; }
void SetRemoteChanGain ( const int iId, const double dGain )
{ Channel.SetRemoteChanGain ( iId, dGain ); }
void SetRemoteInfo() { Channel.SetRemoteInfo ( ChannelInfo ); }
void CreateChatTextMes ( const QString& strChatText )
{ Channel.CreateChatTextMes ( strChatText ); }
void CreateCLPingMes()
{ ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLPingMes ( Channel.GetAddress(), PreparePingMessage() ); }
void CreateCLServerListPingMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLPingWithNumClientsMes ( InetAddr,
0 /* dummy */ );
void CreateCLServerListReqVerAndOSMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
{ ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLReqVersionAndOSMes ( InetAddr ); }
void CreateCLServerListReqConnClientsListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
{ ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLReqConnClientsListMes ( InetAddr ); }
void CreateCLReqServerListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr )
{ ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLReqServerListMes ( InetAddr ); }
int EstimatedOverallDelay ( const int iPingTimeMs );
void GetBufErrorRates ( CVector<double>& vecErrRates, double& dLimit, double& dMaxUpLimit )
{ Channel.GetBufErrorRates ( vecErrRates, dLimit, dMaxUpLimit ); }
// settings
CVector<QString> vstrIPAddress;
CChannelCoreInfo ChannelInfo;
CVector<QString> vecStoredFaderTags;
CVector<int> vecStoredFaderLevels;
CVector<int> vecStoredFaderIsSolo;
CVector<int> vecStoredFaderIsMute;
int iNewClientFaderLevel;
bool bConnectDlgShowAllMusicians;
QString strClientName;
// window position/state settings
QByteArray vecWindowPosMain;
QByteArray vecWindowPosSettings;
QByteArray vecWindowPosChat;
QByteArray vecWindowPosProfile;
QByteArray vecWindowPosConnect;
bool bWindowWasShownSettings;
bool bWindowWasShownChat;
bool bWindowWasShownProfile;
bool bWindowWasShownConnect;
// VST version must have direct access to sound object
CSound* GetSound() { return &Sound; }
// callback function must be static, otherwise it does not work
static void AudioCallback ( CVector<short>& psData, void* arg );
void Init();
void ProcessSndCrdAudioData ( CVector<short>& vecsMultChanAudioSndCrd );
void ProcessAudioDataIntern ( CVector<short>& vecsStereoSndCrd );
int PreparePingMessage();
int EvaluatePingMessage ( const int iMs );
void CreateServerJitterBufferMessage();
// only one channel is needed for client application
CChannel Channel;
CProtocol ConnLessProtocol;
// audio encoder/decoder
OpusCustomMode* Opus64Mode;
OpusCustomEncoder* Opus64EncoderMono;
OpusCustomDecoder* Opus64DecoderMono;
OpusCustomEncoder* Opus64EncoderStereo;
OpusCustomDecoder* Opus64DecoderStereo;
OpusCustomMode* OpusMode;
OpusCustomEncoder* OpusEncoderMono;
OpusCustomDecoder* OpusDecoderMono;
OpusCustomEncoder* OpusEncoderStereo;
OpusCustomDecoder* OpusDecoderStereo;
OpusCustomEncoder* CurOpusEncoder;
OpusCustomDecoder* CurOpusDecoder;
EAudComprType eAudioCompressionType;
int iCeltNumCodedBytes;
int iOPUSFrameSizeSamples;
EAudioQuality eAudioQuality;
EAudChanConf eAudioChannelConf;
int iNumAudioChannels;
bool bIsInitializationPhase;
bool bMuteOutStream;
CVector<unsigned char> vecCeltData;
CHighPrioSocket Socket;
CSound Sound;
CStereoSignalLevelMeter SignalLevelMeter;
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyNetwData;
int iAudioInFader;
bool bReverbOnLeftChan;
int iReverbLevel;
CAudioReverb AudioReverbL;
CAudioReverb AudioReverbR;
int iSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor;
int iSndCrdFrameSizeFactor;
bool bSndCrdConversionBufferRequired;
int iSndCardMonoBlockSizeSamConvBuff;
CBufferBase<int16_t> SndCrdConversionBufferIn;
CBufferBase<int16_t> SndCrdConversionBufferOut;
CVector<int16_t> vecDataConvBuf;
CVector<int16_t> vecsStereoSndCrdTMP;
CVector<int16_t> vecsStereoSndCrdMuteStream;
CVector<int16_t> vecZeros;
bool bFraSiFactPrefSupported;
bool bFraSiFactDefSupported;
bool bFraSiFactSafeSupported;
int iMonoBlockSizeSam;
int iStereoBlockSizeSam;
EGUIDesign eGUIDesign;
bool bDisplayChannelLevels;
bool bEnableOPUS64;
bool bJitterBufferOK;
QString strCentralServerAddress;
ECSAddType eCentralServerAddressType;
// server settings
int iServerSockBufNumFrames;
// for ping measurement
CPreciseTime PreciseTime;
public slots:
void OnSendProtMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void OnInvalidPacketReceived ( CHostAddress RecHostAddr );
void OnDetectedCLMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
int iRecID,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr );
void OnReqJittBufSize() { CreateServerJitterBufferMessage(); }
void OnJittBufSizeChanged ( int iNewJitBufSize );
void OnReqChanInfo() { Channel.SetRemoteInfo ( ChannelInfo ); }
void OnNewConnection();
void OnCLDisconnection ( CHostAddress InetAddr ) { if ( InetAddr == Channel.GetAddress() ) { emit Disconnected(); } }
void OnCLPingReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
int iMs );
void OnSendCLProtMessage ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void OnCLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
int iMs,
int iNumClients );
void OnSndCrdReinitRequest ( int iSndCrdResetType );
void OnCLChannelLevelListReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<uint16_t> vecLevelList );
void ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo );
void ChatTextReceived ( QString strChatText );
void LicenceRequired ( ELicenceType eLicenceType );
void PingTimeReceived ( int iPingTime );
void CLServerListReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<CServerInfo> vecServerInfo );
void CLConnClientsListMesReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo );
void CLPingTimeWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
int iPingTime,
int iNumClients );
void CLVersionAndOSReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
COSUtil::EOpSystemType eOSType,
QString strVersion );
void CLChannelLevelListReceived ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<uint16_t> vecLevelList );
void Disconnected();
void ControllerInFaderLevel ( int iChannelIdx, int iValue );
void CentralServerAddressTypeChanged();