
195 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2011
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "connectdlg.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CConnectDlg::CConnectDlg ( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
: QDialog ( parent, f ),
bServerListReceived ( false )
setupUi ( this );
// Add help text to controls -----------------------------------------------
// set up list view for connected clients
ListViewServers->setColumnWidth ( 0, 170 );
ListViewServers->setColumnWidth ( 1, 130 );
ListViewServers->setColumnWidth ( 2, 55 );
ListViewServers->setColumnWidth ( 3, 80 );
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// timers
QObject::connect ( &TimerPing, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerPing() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerReRequestServList, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerReRequestServList() ) );
void CConnectDlg::showEvent ( QShowEvent* )
// reset flag (on opening the connect dialg, we always want to request a new
// updated server list per definition)
bServerListReceived = false;
QString strNAddr = "llcon.dyndns.org:22122";
// get the IP address of the central server (using the ParseNetworAddress
// function) when the connect dialog is opened, this seems to be the correct
// time to do it
if ( LlconNetwUtil().ParseNetworkAddress ( strNAddr,
CentralServerAddress ) )
// send the request for the server list
emit ReqServerListQuery ( CentralServerAddress );
// start timer, if this message did not get any respond to retransmit
// the server list request message
TimerReRequestServList.start ( SERV_LIST_REQ_UPDATE_TIME_MS );
void CConnectDlg::hideEvent ( QHideEvent* )
// if window is closed, stop timers
void CConnectDlg::OnTimerReRequestServList()
// if the server list is not yet received, retransmit the request for the
// server list
if ( !bServerListReceived )
emit ReqServerListQuery ( CentralServerAddress );
void CConnectDlg::SetServerList ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr,
const CVector<CServerInfo>& vecServerInfo )
// set flag
bServerListReceived = true;
// first clear list
// add list item for each server in the server list
const int iServerInfoLen = vecServerInfo.Size();
for ( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < iServerInfoLen; iIdx++ )
QTreeWidgetItem* pNewListViewItem =
new QTreeWidgetItem ( ListViewServers );
// server name
pNewListViewItem->setText ( 0, vecServerInfo[iIdx].strName );
// server country
pNewListViewItem->setText ( 1,
QLocale::countryToString ( vecServerInfo[iIdx].eCountry ) );
// number of clients
pNewListViewItem->setText ( 2,
QString().setNum ( vecServerInfo[iIdx].iNumClients ) );
// store host address, note that for the very first entry which is
// the central server, we have to use the receive host address
// instead
if ( iIdx > 0 )
pNewListViewItem->setData ( 0, Qt::UserRole,
vecServerInfo[iIdx].HostAddr.toString() );
// substitude the receive host address for central server
pNewListViewItem->setData ( 0, Qt::UserRole, InetAddr.toString() );
pNewListViewItem->setText ( 2,
pNewListViewItem->data ( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toString() );
// start the ping timer since the server list is filled now
TimerPing.start ( PING_UPDATE_TIME_MS );
void CConnectDlg::OnTimerPing()
// send ping messages to the servers in the list
const int iServerListLen = ListViewServers->topLevelItemCount();
for ( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < iServerListLen; iIdx++ )
CHostAddress CurServerAddress;
// try to parse host address string which is stored as user data
// in the server list item GUI control element
if ( LlconNetwUtil().ParseNetworkAddress (
ListViewServers->topLevelItem ( iIdx )->
data ( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
CurServerAddress ) )
// if address is valid, send ping
emit CreateCLPingMes ( CurServerAddress );
void CConnectDlg::SetPingTimeResult ( CHostAddress& InetAddr,
const int iPingTime )
// apply the received ping time to the correct server list entry
const int iServerListLen = ListViewServers->topLevelItemCount();
for ( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < iServerListLen; iIdx++ )
// compare the received address with the user data string of the
// host address by a string compare
if ( !ListViewServers->topLevelItem ( iIdx )->
data ( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toString().
compare ( InetAddr.toString() ) )
ListViewServers->topLevelItem ( iIdx )->
setText ( 3, QString().setNum ( iPingTime ) );