
1732 lines
87 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "server.h"
// CHighPrecisionTimer implementation ******************************************
#ifdef _WIN32
CHighPrecisionTimer::CHighPrecisionTimer ( const bool bNewUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ) :
bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ( bNewUseDoubleSystemFrameSize )
// add some error checking, the high precision timer implementation only
// supports 64 and 128 samples frame size at 48 kHz sampling rate
# error "Only system frame size of 64 and 128 samples is supported by this module"
#if ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ != 48000 )
# error "Only a system sample rate of 48 kHz is supported by this module"
// Since QT only supports a minimum timer resolution of 1 ms but for our
// server we require a timer interval of 2.333 ms for 128 samples
// frame size at 48 kHz sampling rate.
// To support this interval, we use a timer with 2 ms resolution for 128
// samples frame size and 1 ms resolution for 64 samples frame size.
// Then we fire the actual frame timer if the error to the actual
// required interval is minimum.
veciTimeOutIntervals.Init ( 3 );
// for 128 sample frame size at 48 kHz sampling rate with 2 ms timer resolution:
// actual intervals: 0.0 2.666 5.333 8.0
// quantized to 2 ms: 0 2 6 8 (0)
// for 64 sample frame size at 48 kHz sampling rate with 1 ms timer resolution:
// actual intervals: 0.0 1.333 2.666 4.0
// quantized to 2 ms: 0 1 3 4 (0)
veciTimeOutIntervals[0] = 0;
veciTimeOutIntervals[1] = 1;
veciTimeOutIntervals[2] = 0;
// connect timer timeout signal
QObject::connect ( &Timer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );
void CHighPrecisionTimer::Start()
// reset position pointer and counter
iCurPosInVector = 0;
iIntervalCounter = 0;
if ( bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize )
// start internal timer with 2 ms resolution for 128 samples frame size
Timer.start ( 2 );
// start internal timer with 1 ms resolution for 64 samples frame size
Timer.start ( 1 );
void CHighPrecisionTimer::Stop()
// stop timer
void CHighPrecisionTimer::OnTimer()
// check if maximum number of high precision timer intervals are
// finished
if ( veciTimeOutIntervals[iCurPosInVector] == iIntervalCounter )
// reset interval counter
iIntervalCounter = 0;
// go to next position in vector, take care of wrap around
if ( iCurPosInVector == veciTimeOutIntervals.Size() )
iCurPosInVector = 0;
// minimum time error to actual required timer interval is reached,
// emit signal for server
emit timeout();
// next high precision timer interval
#else // Mac and Linux
CHighPrecisionTimer::CHighPrecisionTimer ( const bool bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ) :
bRun ( false )
// calculate delay in ns
uint64_t iNsDelay;
if ( bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize )
iNsDelay = ( (uint64_t) DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * 1000000000 ) /
(uint64_t) SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ; // in ns
iNsDelay = ( (uint64_t) SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * 1000000000 ) /
(uint64_t) SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ; // in ns
#if defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX )
// calculate delay in mach absolute time
struct mach_timebase_info timeBaseInfo;
mach_timebase_info ( &timeBaseInfo );
Delay = ( iNsDelay * (uint64_t) timeBaseInfo.denom ) /
(uint64_t) timeBaseInfo.numer;
// set delay
Delay = iNsDelay;
void CHighPrecisionTimer::Start()
// only start if not already running
if ( !bRun )
// set run flag
bRun = true;
// set initial end time
#if defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX )
NextEnd = mach_absolute_time() + Delay;
clock_gettime ( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &NextEnd );
NextEnd.tv_nsec += Delay;
if ( NextEnd.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L )
NextEnd.tv_nsec -= 1000000000L;
// start thread
QThread::start ( QThread::TimeCriticalPriority );
void CHighPrecisionTimer::Stop()
// set flag so that thread can leave the main loop
bRun = false;
// give thread some time to terminate
wait ( 5000 );
void CHighPrecisionTimer::run()
// loop until the thread shall be terminated
while ( bRun )
// call processing routine by fireing signal
// TODO by emit a signal we leave the high priority thread -> maybe use some
// other connection type to have something like a true callback, e.g.
// "Qt::DirectConnection" -> Can this work?
emit timeout();
// now wait until the next buffer shall be processed (we
// use the "increment method" to make sure we do not introduce
// a timing drift)
#if defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX )
mach_wait_until ( NextEnd );
NextEnd += Delay;
clock_nanosleep ( CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
NextEnd.tv_nsec += Delay;
if ( NextEnd.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L )
NextEnd.tv_nsec -= 1000000000L;
// CServer implementation ******************************************************
CServer::CServer ( const int iNewMaxNumChan,
const int iMaxDaysHistory,
const QString& strLoggingFileName,
const quint16 iPortNumber,
const QString& strHTMLStatusFileName,
const QString& strHistoryFileName,
const QString& strServerNameForHTMLStatusFile,
const QString& strCentralServer,
const QString& strServerInfo,
const QString& strNewWelcomeMessage,
const QString& strRecordingDirName,
const bool bNCentServPingServerInList,
const bool bNDisconnectAllClients,
const bool bNUseDoubleSystemFrameSize,
const ELicenceType eNLicenceType ) :
bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ( bNUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ),
iMaxNumChannels ( iNewMaxNumChan ),
Socket ( this, iPortNumber ),
Logging ( iMaxDaysHistory ),
JamRecorder ( strRecordingDirName ),
bEnableRecording ( !strRecordingDirName.isEmpty() ),
bWriteStatusHTMLFile ( false ),
HighPrecisionTimer ( bNUseDoubleSystemFrameSize ),
ServerListManager ( iPortNumber,
&ConnLessProtocol ),
bAutoRunMinimized ( false ),
strWelcomeMessage ( strNewWelcomeMessage ),
eLicenceType ( eNLicenceType ),
bDisconnectAllClients ( bNDisconnectAllClients )
int iOpusError;
int i;
// create OPUS encoder/decoder for each channel (must be done before
// enabling the channels), create a mono and stereo encoder/decoder
// for each channel
for ( i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
// init OPUS -----------------------------------------------------------
OpusMode[i] = opus_custom_mode_create ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ,
&iOpusError );
Opus64Mode[i] = opus_custom_mode_create ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ,
&iOpusError );
// init audio encoders and decoders
OpusEncoderMono[i] = opus_custom_encoder_create ( OpusMode[i], 1, &iOpusError ); // mono encoder legacy
OpusDecoderMono[i] = opus_custom_decoder_create ( OpusMode[i], 1, &iOpusError ); // mono decoder legacy
OpusEncoderStereo[i] = opus_custom_encoder_create ( OpusMode[i], 2, &iOpusError ); // stereo encoder legacy
OpusDecoderStereo[i] = opus_custom_decoder_create ( OpusMode[i], 2, &iOpusError ); // stereo decoder legacy
Opus64EncoderMono[i] = opus_custom_encoder_create ( Opus64Mode[i], 1, &iOpusError ); // mono encoder OPUS64
Opus64DecoderMono[i] = opus_custom_decoder_create ( Opus64Mode[i], 1, &iOpusError ); // mono decoder OPUS64
Opus64EncoderStereo[i] = opus_custom_encoder_create ( Opus64Mode[i], 2, &iOpusError ); // stereo encoder OPUS64
Opus64DecoderStereo[i] = opus_custom_decoder_create ( Opus64Mode[i], 2, &iOpusError ); // stereo decoder OPUS64
// we require a constant bit rate
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderMono[i], OPUS_SET_VBR ( 0 ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderStereo[i], OPUS_SET_VBR ( 0 ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( Opus64EncoderMono[i], OPUS_SET_VBR ( 0 ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( Opus64EncoderStereo[i], OPUS_SET_VBR ( 0 ) );
// we want as low delay as possible
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderMono[i], OPUS_SET_APPLICATION ( OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderStereo[i], OPUS_SET_APPLICATION ( OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( Opus64EncoderMono[i], OPUS_SET_APPLICATION ( OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( Opus64EncoderStereo[i], OPUS_SET_APPLICATION ( OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY ) );
// set encoder low complexity for legacy 128 samples frame size
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderMono[i], OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY ( 1 ) );
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( OpusEncoderStereo[i], OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY ( 1 ) );
// init double-to-normal frame size conversion buffers -----------------
// use worst case memory initialization to avoid allocating memory in
// the time-critical thread
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufIn[i].Init ( 2 /* stereo */ * DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES /* worst case buffer size */ );
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufOut[i].Init ( 2 /* stereo */ * DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES /* worst case buffer size */ );
// define colors for chat window identifiers
vstrChatColors.Init ( 6 );
vstrChatColors[0] = "mediumblue";
vstrChatColors[1] = "red";
vstrChatColors[2] = "darkorchid";
vstrChatColors[3] = "green";
vstrChatColors[4] = "maroon";
vstrChatColors[5] = "coral";
// set the server frame size
if ( bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize )
iServerFrameSizeSamples = SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES;
// To avoid audio clitches, in the entire realtime timer audio processing
// routine including the ProcessData no memory must be allocated. Since we
// do not know the required sizes for the vectors, we allocate memory for
// the worst case here:
// we always use stereo audio buffers (which is the worst case)
vecsSendData.Init ( 2 /* stereo */ * DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES /* worst case buffer size */ );
// allocate worst case memory for the temporary vectors
vecChanIDsCurConChan.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecvecdGains.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecvecsData.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecNumAudioChannels.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecNumFrameSizeConvBlocks.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecAudioComprType.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
for ( i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
// init vectors storing information of all channels
vecvecdGains[i].Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
// we always use stereo audio buffers (see "vecsSendData")
vecvecsData[i].Init ( 2 /* stereo */ * DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES /* worst case buffer size */ );
// allocate worst case memory for the coded data
vecbyCodedData.Init ( MAX_SIZE_BYTES_NETW_BUF );
// allocate worst case memory for the channel levels
vecChannelLevels.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
// enable history graph (if requested)
if ( !strHistoryFileName.isEmpty() )
Logging.EnableHistory ( strHistoryFileName );
// enable logging (if requested)
if ( !strLoggingFileName.isEmpty() )
// in case the history is enabled and a logging file name is
// given, parse the logging file for old entries which are then
// added in the history on software startup
if ( !strHistoryFileName.isEmpty() )
Logging.ParseLogFile ( strLoggingFileName );
Logging.Start ( strLoggingFileName );
// HTML status file writing
if ( !strHTMLStatusFileName.isEmpty() )
QString strCurServerNameForHTMLStatusFile = strServerNameForHTMLStatusFile;
// if server name is empty, substitude a default name
if ( strCurServerNameForHTMLStatusFile.isEmpty() )
strCurServerNameForHTMLStatusFile = "[server address]";
// (the static cast to integer of the port number is required so that it
// works correctly under Linux)
StartStatusHTMLFileWriting ( strHTMLStatusFileName,
strCurServerNameForHTMLStatusFile + ":" +
QString().number( static_cast<int> ( iPortNumber ) ) );
// Enable jam recording (if requested)
if ( bEnableRecording )
JamRecorder.Init ( this, iServerFrameSizeSamples );
// enable all channels (for the server all channel must be enabled the
// entire life time of the software)
for ( i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
vecChannels[i].SetEnable ( true );
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// connect timer timeout signal
QObject::connect ( &HighPrecisionTimer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLMessReadyForSending ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSendCLProtMessage ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLPingReceived ( CHostAddress, int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLPingReceived ( CHostAddress, int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLRegisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress, CHostAddress, CServerCoreInfo ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLRegisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress, CHostAddress, CServerCoreInfo ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLUnregisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLUnregisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqServerList ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqServerList ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLSendEmptyMes ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLSendEmptyMes ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLDisconnection ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLDisconnection ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqVersionAndOS ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqVersionAndOS ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqConnClientsList ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqConnClientsList ( CHostAddress ) ) );
// make sure we have MAX_NUM_CHANNELS connections!!!
// send message
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[0], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh0 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[1], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh1 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[2], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh2 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[3], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh3 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[4], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh4 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[5], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh5 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[6], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh6 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[7], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh7 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[8], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh8 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[9], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh9 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[10], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh10 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[11], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh11 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[12], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh12 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[13], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh13 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[14], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh14 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[15], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh15 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[16], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh16 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[17], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh17 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[18], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh18 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[19], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh19 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[20], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh20 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[21], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh21 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[22], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh22 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[23], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh23 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[24], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh24 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[25], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh25 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[26], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh26 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[27], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh27 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[28], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh28 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[29], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh29 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[30], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh30 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[31], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh31 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[32], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh32 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[33], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh33 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[34], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh34 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[35], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh35 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[36], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh36 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[37], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh37 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[38], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh38 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[39], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh39 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[40], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh40 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[41], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh41 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[42], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh42 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[43], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh43 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[44], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh44 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[45], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh45 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[46], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh46 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[47], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh47 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[48], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh48 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[49], SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessCh49 ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
// request connected clients list
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[0], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh0() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[1], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh1() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[2], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh2() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[3], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh3() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[4], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh4() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[5], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh5() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[6], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh6() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[7], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh7() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[8], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh8() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[9], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh9() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[10], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh10() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[11], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh11() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[12], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh12() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[13], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh13() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[14], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh14() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[15], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh15() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[16], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh16() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[17], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh17() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[18], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh18() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[19], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh19() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[20], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh20() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[21], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh21() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[22], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh22() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[23], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh23() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[24], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh24() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[25], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh25() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[26], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh26() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[27], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh27() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[28], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh28() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[29], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh29() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[30], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh30() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[31], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh31() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[32], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh32() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[33], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh33() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[34], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh34() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[35], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh35() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[36], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh36() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[37], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh37() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[38], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh38() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[39], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh39() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[40], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh40() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[41], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh41() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[42], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh42() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[43], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh43() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[44], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh44() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[45], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh45() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[46], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh46() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[47], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh47() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[48], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh48() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[49], SIGNAL ( ReqConnClientsList() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqConnClientsListCh49() ) );
// channel info has changed
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[0], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh0() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[1], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh1() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[2], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh2() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[3], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh3() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[4], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh4() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[5], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh5() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[6], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh6() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[7], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh7() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[8], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh8() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[9], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh9() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[10], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh10() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[11], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh11() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[12], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh12() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[13], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh13() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[14], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh14() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[15], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh15() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[16], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh16() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[17], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh17() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[18], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh18() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[19], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh19() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[20], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh20() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[21], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh21() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[22], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh22() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[23], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh23() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[24], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh24() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[25], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh25() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[26], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh26() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[27], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh27() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[28], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh28() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[29], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh29() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[30], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh30() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[31], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh31() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[32], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh32() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[33], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh33() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[34], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh34() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[35], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh35() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[36], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh36() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[37], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh37() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[38], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh38() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[39], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh39() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[40], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh40() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[41], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh41() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[42], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh42() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[43], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh43() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[44], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh44() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[45], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh45() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[46], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh46() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[47], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh47() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[48], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh48() ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[49], SIGNAL ( ChanInfoHasChanged() ), this, SLOT ( OnChanInfoHasChangedCh49() ) );
// chat text received
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[0], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh0 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[1], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh1 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[2], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh2 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[3], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh3 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[4], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh4 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[5], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh5 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[6], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh6 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[7], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh7 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[8], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh8 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[9], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh9 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[10], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh10 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[11], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh11 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[12], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh12 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[13], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh13 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[14], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh14 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[15], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh15 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[16], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh16 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[17], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh17 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[18], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh18 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[19], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh19 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[20], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh20 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[21], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh21 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[22], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh22 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[23], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh23 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[24], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh24 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[25], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh25 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[26], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh26 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[27], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh27 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[28], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh28 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[29], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh29 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[30], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh30 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[31], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh31 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[32], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh32 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[33], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh33 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[34], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh34 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[35], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh35 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[36], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh36 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[37], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh37 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[38], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh38 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[39], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh39 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[40], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh40 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[41], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh41 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[42], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh42 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[43], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh43 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[44], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh44 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[45], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh45 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[46], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh46 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[47], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh47 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[48], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh48 ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[49], SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceivedCh49 ( QString ) ) );
// auto socket buffer size change
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[0], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh0 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[1], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh1 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[2], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh2 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[3], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh3 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[4], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh4 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[5], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh5 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[6], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh6 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[7], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh7 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[8], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh8 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[9], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh9 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[10], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh10 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[11], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh11 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[12], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh12 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[13], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh13 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[14], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh14 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[15], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh15 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[16], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh16 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[17], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh17 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[18], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh18 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[19], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh19 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[20], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh20 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[21], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh21 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[22], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh22 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[23], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh23 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[24], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh24 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[25], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh25 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[26], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh26 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[27], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh27 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[28], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh28 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[29], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh29 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[30], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh30 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[31], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh31 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[32], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh32 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[33], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh33 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[34], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh34 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[35], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh35 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[36], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh36 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[37], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh37 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[38], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh38 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[39], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh39 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[40], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh40 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[41], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh41 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[42], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh42 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[43], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh43 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[44], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh44 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[45], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh45 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[46], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh46 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[47], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh47 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[48], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh48 ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &vecChannels[49], SIGNAL ( ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( OnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh49 ( int ) ) );
// start the socket (it is important to start the socket after all
// initializations and connections)
void CServer::OnSendProtMessage ( int iChID, CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage )
// the protocol queries me to call the function to send the message
// send it through the network
Socket.SendPacket ( vecMessage, vecChannels[iChID].GetAddress() );
void CServer::OnNewConnection ( int iChID,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
// in the special case that all clients shall be disconnected, just send the
// disconnect message and leave this function
if ( bDisconnectAllClients )
ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLDisconnection ( RecHostAddr );
// on a new connection we query the network transport properties for the
// audio packets (to use the correct network block size and audio
// compression properties, etc.)
// this is a new connection, query the jitter buffer size we shall use
// for this client (note that at the same time on a new connection the
// client sends the jitter buffer size by default but maybe we have
// reached a state where this did not happen because of network trouble,
// client or server thinks that the connection was still active, etc.)
// logging of new connected channel
Logging.AddNewConnection ( RecHostAddr.InetAddr );
// A new client connected to the server, the channel list
// at all clients have to be updated. This is done by sending
// a channel name request to the client which causes a channel
// name message to be transmitted to the server. If the server
// receives this message, the channel list will be automatically
// updated (implicitely).
// To make sure the protocol message is transmitted, the channel
// first has to be marked as connected.
// Usually it is not required to send the channel list to the
// client currently connecting since it automatically requests
// the channel list on a new connection (as a result, he will
// usually get the list twice which has no impact on functionality
// but will only increase the network load a tiny little bit). But
// in case the client thinks he is still connected but the server
// was restartet, it is important that we send the channel list
// at this place.
// since old versions of the software did not implement the channel name
// request message, we have to explicitely send the channel list here
// send welcome message (if enabled)
if ( !strWelcomeMessage.isEmpty() )
// create formated server welcome message and send it just to
// the client which just connected to the server
const QString strWelcomeMessageFormated =
"<b>Server Welcome Message:</b> " + strWelcomeMessage;
vecChannels[iChID].CreateChatTextMes ( strWelcomeMessageFormated );
// send licence request message (if enabled)
if ( eLicenceType != LT_NO_LICENCE )
vecChannels[iChID].CreateLicReqMes ( eLicenceType );
// reset the conversion buffers
void CServer::OnServerFull ( CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
// inform the calling client that no channel is free
ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLServerFullMes ( RecHostAddr );
void CServer::OnSendCLProtMessage ( CHostAddress InetAddr,
CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage )
// the protocol queries me to call the function to send the message
// send it through the network
Socket.SendPacket ( vecMessage, InetAddr );
void CServer::OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int iRecID,
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
// connection less messages are always processed
ConnLessProtocol.ParseConnectionLessMessageBody ( vecbyMesBodyData,
RecHostAddr );
void CServer::OnCLDisconnection ( CHostAddress InetAddr )
// check if the given address is actually a client which is connected to
// this server, if yes, disconnect it
const int iCurChanID = FindChannel ( InetAddr );
void CServer::Start()
// only start if not already running
if ( !IsRunning() )
// start timer
// emit start signal
emit Started();
void CServer::Stop()
// Under Mac we have the problem that the timer shutdown might
// take some time and therefore we get a lot of "server stopped"
// entries in the log. The following condition shall prevent this.
// For the other OSs this should not hurt either.
if ( IsRunning() )
// stop timer
// logging (add "server stopped" logging entry)
// emit stopped signal
emit Stopped();
void CServer::OnTimer()
int i, j;
int iClientFrameSizeSamples;
OpusCustomDecoder* CurOpusDecoder;
OpusCustomEncoder* CurOpusEncoder;
unsigned char* pCurCodedData;
// TEST do a timer jitter measurement
static CTimingMeas JitterMeas ( 1000, "test2.dat" );
// Get data from all connected clients -------------------------------------
// some inits
int iNumClients = 0; // init connected client counter
bool bChannelIsNowDisconnected = false;
bool bSendChannelLevels = false;
// Make put and get calls thread safe. Do not forget to unlock mutex
// afterwards!
// first, get number and IDs of connected channels
for ( i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
// add ID and increment counter (note that the vector length is
// according to the worst case scenario, if the number of
// connected clients is less, only a subset of elements of this
// vector are actually used and the others are dummy elements)
vecChanIDsCurConChan[iNumClients] = i;
// process connected channels
for ( i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ )
// get actual ID of current channel
const int iCurChanID = vecChanIDsCurConChan[i];
// get and store number of audio channels and compression type
vecNumAudioChannels[i] = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetNumAudioChannels();
vecAudioComprType[i] = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetAudioCompressionType();
// get info about required frame size conversion properties
vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] = ( !bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize && ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS ) );
if ( bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize && ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS64 ) )
vecNumFrameSizeConvBlocks[i] = 2;
vecNumFrameSizeConvBlocks[i] = 1;
// update conversion buffer size (nothing will happen if the size stays the same)
if ( vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] )
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufIn[iCurChanID].SetBufferSize ( DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] );
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufOut[iCurChanID].SetBufferSize ( DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] );
// select the opus decoder and raw audio frame length
if ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS )
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[i] == 1 )
CurOpusDecoder = OpusDecoderMono[iCurChanID];
CurOpusDecoder = OpusDecoderStereo[iCurChanID];
else if ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS64 )
iClientFrameSizeSamples = SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES;
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[i] == 1 )
CurOpusDecoder = Opus64DecoderMono[iCurChanID];
CurOpusDecoder = Opus64DecoderStereo[iCurChanID];
CurOpusDecoder = nullptr;
// get gains of all connected channels
for ( j = 0; j < iNumClients; j++ )
// The second index of "vecvecdGains" does not represent
// the channel ID! Therefore we have to use
// "vecChanIDsCurConChan" to query the IDs of the currently
// connected channels
vecvecdGains[i][j] = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetGain ( vecChanIDsCurConChan[j] );
// consider audio fade-in
vecvecdGains[i][j] *= vecChannels[vecChanIDsCurConChan[j]].GetFadeInGain();
// If the server frame size is smaller than the received OPUS frame size, we need a conversion
// buffer which stores the large buffer.
// Note that we have a shortcut here. If the conversion buffer is not needed, the boolean flag
// is false and the Get() function is not called at all. Therefore if the buffer is not needed
// we do not spend any time in the function but go directly inside the if condition.
if ( ( vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] == 0 ) ||
!DoubleFrameSizeConvBufIn[iCurChanID].Get ( vecvecsData[i], SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] ) )
// get current number of OPUS coded bytes
const int iCeltNumCodedBytes = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetNetwFrameSize();
for ( int iB = 0; iB < vecNumFrameSizeConvBlocks[i]; iB++ )
// get data
const EGetDataStat eGetStat = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetData ( vecbyCodedData, iCeltNumCodedBytes );
// if channel was just disconnected, set flag that connected
// client list is sent to all other clients
// and emit the client disconnected signal
if ( bEnableRecording )
emit ClientDisconnected ( iCurChanID ); // TODO do this outside the mutex lock?
bChannelIsNowDisconnected = true;
// get pointer to coded data
if ( eGetStat == GS_BUFFER_OK )
pCurCodedData = &vecbyCodedData[0];
// for lost packets use null pointer as coded input data
pCurCodedData = nullptr;
// OPUS decode received data stream
if ( CurOpusDecoder != nullptr )
opus_custom_decode ( CurOpusDecoder,
&vecvecsData[i][iB * SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i]],
iClientFrameSizeSamples );
// a new large frame is ready, if the conversion buffer is required, put it in the buffer
// and read out the small frame size immediately for further processing
if ( vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] != 0 )
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufIn[iCurChanID].PutAll ( vecvecsData[i] );
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufIn[iCurChanID].Get ( vecvecsData[i], SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] );
// a channel is now disconnected, take action on it
if ( bChannelIsNowDisconnected )
// update channel list for all currently connected clients
Mutex.unlock(); // release mutex
// Process data ------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if at least one client is connected. If not, stop server until
// one client is connected.
if ( iNumClients > 0 )
// low frequency updates
iFrameCount = 0;
// Calculate channel levels if any client has requested them
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[vecChanIDsCurConChan[i]].ChannelLevelsRequired() )
bSendChannelLevels = true;
CreateLevelsForAllConChannels ( iNumClients,
vecChannelLevels );
if ( bUseDoubleSystemFrameSize )
// additional increment needed for double frame size to get to the same time interval
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ )
// get actual ID of current channel
const int iCurChanID = vecChanIDsCurConChan[i];
// get number of audio channels of current channel
const int iCurNumAudChan = vecNumAudioChannels[i];
// export the audio data for recording purpose
if ( bEnableRecording )
emit AudioFrame ( iCurChanID,
vecvecsData[i] );
// generate a sparate mix for each channel
// actual processing of audio data -> mix
ProcessData ( vecvecsData,
iNumClients );
// get current number of CELT coded bytes
const int iCeltNumCodedBytes = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetNetwFrameSize();
// select the opus encoder and raw audio frame length
if ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS )
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[i] == 1 )
CurOpusEncoder = OpusEncoderMono[iCurChanID];
CurOpusEncoder = OpusEncoderStereo[iCurChanID];
else if ( vecAudioComprType[i] == CT_OPUS64 )
iClientFrameSizeSamples = SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES;
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[i] == 1 )
CurOpusEncoder = Opus64EncoderMono[iCurChanID];
CurOpusEncoder = Opus64EncoderStereo[iCurChanID];
CurOpusEncoder = nullptr;
// If the server frame size is smaller than the received OPUS frame size, we need a conversion
// buffer which stores the large buffer.
// Note that we have a shortcut here. If the conversion buffer is not needed, the boolean flag
// is false and the Get() function is not called at all. Therefore if the buffer is not needed
// we do not spend any time in the function but go directly inside the if condition.
if ( ( vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] == 0 ) ||
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufOut[iCurChanID].Put ( vecsSendData, SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] ) )
if ( vecUseDoubleSysFraSizeConvBuf[i] != 0 )
// get the large frame from the conversion buffer
DoubleFrameSizeConvBufOut[iCurChanID].GetAll ( vecsSendData, DOUBLE_SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i] );
for ( int iB = 0; iB < vecNumFrameSizeConvBlocks[i]; iB++ )
// OPUS encoding
if ( CurOpusEncoder != nullptr )
// TODO find a better place than this: the setting does not change all the time
// so for speed optimization it would be better to set it only if the network
// frame size is changed
opus_custom_encoder_ctl ( CurOpusEncoder,
OPUS_SET_BITRATE ( CalcBitRateBitsPerSecFromCodedBytes ( iCeltNumCodedBytes, iClientFrameSizeSamples ) ) );
opus_custom_encode ( CurOpusEncoder,
&vecsSendData[iB * SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES * vecNumAudioChannels[i]],
iCeltNumCodedBytes );
// send separate mix to current clients
vecChannels[iCurChanID].PrepAndSendPacket ( &Socket,
iCeltNumCodedBytes );
// update socket buffer size
// send channel levels
if ( bSendChannelLevels && vecChannels[iCurChanID].ChannelLevelsRequired() )
ConnLessProtocol.CreateCLChannelLevelListMes ( vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetAddress(), vecChannelLevels, iNumClients );
// Disable server if no clients are connected. In this case the server
// does not consume any significant CPU when no client is connected.
/// @brief Mix all audio data from all clients together.
void CServer::ProcessData ( const CVector<CVector<int16_t> >& vecvecsData,
const CVector<double>& vecdGains,
const CVector<int>& vecNumAudioChannels,
CVector<int16_t>& vecsOutData,
const int iCurNumAudChan,
const int iNumClients )
int i, j, k;
// init return vector with zeros since we mix all channels on that vector
vecsOutData.Reset ( 0 );
// distinguish between stereo and mono mode
if ( iCurNumAudChan == 1 )
// Mono target channel -------------------------------------------------
for ( j = 0; j < iNumClients; j++ )
// get a reference to the audio data and gain of the current client
const CVector<int16_t>& vecsData = vecvecsData[j];
const double dGain = vecdGains[j];
// if channel gain is 1, avoid multiplication for speed optimization
if ( dGain == static_cast<double> ( 1.0 ) )
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[j] == 1 )
// mono
for ( i = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++ )
vecsOutData[i] = Double2Short (
static_cast<double> ( vecsOutData[i] ) + vecsData[i] );
// stereo: apply stereo-to-mono attenuation
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++, k += 2 )
vecsOutData[i] =
Double2Short ( vecsOutData[i] +
( static_cast<double> ( vecsData[k] ) + vecsData[k + 1] ) / 2 );
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[j] == 1 )
// mono
for ( i = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++ )
vecsOutData[i] = Double2Short (
vecsOutData[i] + vecsData[i] * dGain );
// stereo: apply stereo-to-mono attenuation
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++, k += 2 )
vecsOutData[i] =
Double2Short ( vecsOutData[i] + dGain *
( static_cast<double> ( vecsData[k] ) + vecsData[k + 1] ) / 2 );
// Stereo target channel -----------------------------------------------
for ( j = 0; j < iNumClients; j++ )
// get a reference to the audio data and gain of the current client
const CVector<int16_t>& vecsData = vecvecsData[j];
const double dGain = vecdGains[j];
// if channel gain is 1, avoid multiplication for speed optimization
if ( dGain == static_cast<double> ( 1.0 ) )
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[j] == 1 )
// mono: copy same mono data in both out stereo audio channels
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++, k += 2 )
// left channel
vecsOutData[k] = Double2Short (
static_cast<double> ( vecsOutData[k] ) + vecsData[i] );
// right channel
vecsOutData[k + 1] = Double2Short (
static_cast<double> ( vecsOutData[k + 1] ) + vecsData[i] );
// stereo
for ( i = 0; i < ( 2 * iServerFrameSizeSamples ); i++ )
vecsOutData[i] = Double2Short (
static_cast<double> ( vecsOutData[i] ) + vecsData[i] );
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[j] == 1 )
// mono: copy same mono data in both out stereo audio channels
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i++, k += 2 )
// left channel
vecsOutData[k] = Double2Short (
vecsOutData[k] + vecsData[i] * dGain );
// right channel
vecsOutData[k + 1] = Double2Short (
vecsOutData[k + 1] + vecsData[i] * dGain );
// stereo
for ( i = 0; i < ( 2 * iServerFrameSizeSamples ); i++ )
vecsOutData[i] = Double2Short (
vecsOutData[i] + vecsData[i] * dGain );
CVector<CChannelInfo> CServer::CreateChannelList()
CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo ( 0 );
// look for free channels
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
// append channel ID, IP address and channel name to storing vectors
vecChanInfo.Add ( CChannelInfo (
i, // ID
vecChannels[i].GetAddress().InetAddr.toIPv4Address(), // IP address
vecChannels[i].GetChanInfo() ) );
return vecChanInfo;
void CServer::CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels()
// create channel list
CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo ( CreateChannelList() );
// now send connected channels list to all connected clients
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
// send message
vecChannels[i].CreateConClientListMes ( vecChanInfo );
// create status HTML file if enabled
if ( bWriteStatusHTMLFile )
void CServer::CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( const int iCurChanID )
// create channel list
CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo ( CreateChannelList() );
// now send connected channels list to the channel with the ID "iCurChanID"
vecChannels[iCurChanID].CreateConClientListMes ( vecChanInfo );
void CServer::CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( const int iCurChanID,
const QString& strChatText )
// Create message which is sent to all connected clients -------------------
// get client name, if name is empty, use IP address instead
QString ChanName = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetName();
if ( ChanName.isEmpty() )
// convert IP address to text and show it
ChanName = vecChannels[iCurChanID].GetAddress().
toString ( CHostAddress::SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE );
// add time and name of the client at the beginning of the message text and
// use different colors
QString sCurColor = vstrChatColors[iCurChanID % vstrChatColors.Size()];
const QString strActualMessageText =
"<font color=""" + sCurColor + """>(" +
QTime::currentTime().toString ( "hh:mm:ss AP" ) + ") <b>" + ChanName +
"</b></font> " + strChatText;
// Send chat text to all connected clients ---------------------------------
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
// send message
vecChannels[i].CreateChatTextMes ( strActualMessageText );
int CServer::GetFreeChan()
// look for a free channel
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( !vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
return i;
// no free channel found, return invalid ID
int CServer::GetNumberOfConnectedClients()
int iNumConnClients = 0;
// check all possible channels for connection status
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
// this channel is connected, increment counter
return iNumConnClients;
int CServer::FindChannel ( const CHostAddress& CheckAddr )
CHostAddress InetAddr;
// check for all possible channels if IP is already in use
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
// the "GetAddress" gives a valid address and returns true if the
// channel is connected
if ( vecChannels[i].GetAddress ( InetAddr ) )
// IP found, return channel number
if ( InetAddr == CheckAddr )
return i;
// IP not found, return invalid ID
void CServer::OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int iRecCounter,
int iRecID,
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
// find the channel with the received address
const int iCurChanID = FindChannel ( RecHostAddr );
// if the channel exists, apply the protocol message to the channel
vecChannels[iCurChanID].PutProtcolData ( iRecCounter,
RecHostAddr );
bool CServer::PutAudioData ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyRecBuf,
const int iNumBytesRead,
const CHostAddress& HostAdr,
int& iCurChanID )
bool bNewConnection = false; // init return value
bool bChanOK = true; // init with ok, might be overwritten
// Get channel ID ------------------------------------------------------
// check address
iCurChanID = FindChannel ( HostAdr );
// a new client is calling, look for free channel
iCurChanID = GetFreeChan();
// initialize current channel by storing the calling host
// address
vecChannels[iCurChanID].SetAddress ( HostAdr );
// reset channel info
// reset the channel gains of current channel, at the same
// time reset gains of this channel ID for all other channels
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
vecChannels[iCurChanID].SetGain ( i, 1.0 );
// other channels (we do not distinguish the case if
// i == iCurChanID for simplicity)
vecChannels[i].SetGain ( iCurChanID, 1.0 );
// no free channel available
bChanOK = false;
// Put received audio data in jitter buffer ----------------------------
if ( bChanOK )
// put packet in socket buffer
if ( vecChannels[iCurChanID].PutAudioData ( vecbyRecBuf,
// in case we have a new connection return this information
bNewConnection = true;
// return the state if a new connection was happening
return bNewConnection;
void CServer::GetConCliParam ( CVector<CHostAddress>& vecHostAddresses,
CVector<QString>& vecsName,
CVector<int>& veciJitBufNumFrames,
CVector<int>& veciNetwFrameSizeFact )
CHostAddress InetAddr;
// init return values
vecHostAddresses.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
vecsName.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
veciJitBufNumFrames.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
veciNetwFrameSizeFact.Init ( iMaxNumChannels );
// check all possible channels
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].GetAddress ( InetAddr ) )
// get requested data
vecHostAddresses[i] = InetAddr;
vecsName[i] = vecChannels[i].GetName();
veciJitBufNumFrames[i] = vecChannels[i].GetSockBufNumFrames();
veciNetwFrameSizeFact[i] = vecChannels[i].GetNetwFrameSizeFact();
void CServer::StartStatusHTMLFileWriting ( const QString& strNewFileName,
const QString& strNewServerNameWithPort )
// set important parameters
strServerHTMLFileListName = strNewFileName;
strServerNameWithPort = strNewServerNameWithPort;
// set flag
bWriteStatusHTMLFile = true;
// write initial file
void CServer::WriteHTMLChannelList()
// prepare file and stream
QFile serverFileListFile ( strServerHTMLFileListName );
if ( !serverFileListFile.open ( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
QTextStream streamFileOut ( &serverFileListFile );
streamFileOut << strServerNameWithPort << endl << "<ul>" << endl;
// depending on number of connected clients write list
if ( GetNumberOfConnectedClients() == 0 )
// no clients are connected -> empty server
streamFileOut << " No client connected" << endl;
// write entry for each connected client
for ( int i = 0; i < iMaxNumChannels; i++ )
if ( vecChannels[i].IsConnected() )
QString strCurChanName = vecChannels[i].GetName();
// if text is empty, show IP address instead
if ( strCurChanName.isEmpty() )
// convert IP address to text and show it, remove last
// digits
strCurChanName = vecChannels[i].GetAddress().
toString ( CHostAddress::SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE );
streamFileOut << " <li>" << strCurChanName << "</li>" << endl;
// finish list
streamFileOut << "</ul>" << endl;
void CServer::customEvent ( QEvent* pEvent )
if ( pEvent->type() == QEvent::User + 11 )
const int iMessType = ( (CCustomEvent*) pEvent )->iMessType;
switch ( iMessType )
// wake up the server if a packet was received
// if the server is still running, the call to Start() will have
// no effect
/// @brief Compute frame peak level for each client
void CServer::CreateLevelsForAllConChannels ( const int iNumClients,
const CVector<int>& vecNumAudioChannels,
const CVector<CVector<int16_t> > vecvecsData,
CVector<uint16_t>& vecLevelsOut )
int i, j, k;
// init return vector with zeros since we mix all channels on that vector
vecLevelsOut.Reset ( 0 );
for ( j = 0; j < iNumClients; j++ )
// get a reference to the audio data
const CVector<int16_t>& vecsData = vecvecsData[j];
double dCurLevel = 0.0;
if ( vecNumAudioChannels[j] == 1 )
// mono
for ( i = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i += 3 )
dCurLevel = std::max ( dCurLevel, fabs ( static_cast<double> ( vecsData[i] ) ) );
// stereo: apply stereo-to-mono attenuation
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < iServerFrameSizeSamples; i += 3, k += 6 )
double sMix = ( static_cast<double> ( vecsData[k] ) + vecsData[k + 1] ) / 2;
dCurLevel = std::max ( dCurLevel, fabs ( sMix ) );
// smoothing
const int iChId = vecChanIDsCurConChan[j];
dCurLevel = std::max ( dCurLevel, vecChannels[iChId].GetPrevLevel() * 0.5 );
vecChannels[iChId].SetPrevLevel ( dCurLevel );
// logarithmic measure
double dCurSigLevel = CStereoSignalLevelMeter::CalcLogResult ( dCurLevel );
// map to signal level meter
dCurSigLevel *= NUM_STEPS_LED_BAR /
if ( dCurSigLevel < 0 )
dCurSigLevel = 0;
vecLevelsOut[j] = static_cast<uint16_t> ( ceil ( dCurSigLevel ) );