 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009
 * Author(s):
 *  Volker Fischer
 * Description:
 * Sound card interface for Windows operating systems
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include "Sound.h"

/* Implementation *************************************************************/
// external references
extern AsioDrivers* asioDrivers;
bool   loadAsioDriver ( char *name );

// TODO the following variables should be in the class definition but we cannot
// do it here since we have static callback functions which cannot access the
// class members :-(((

// ASIO stuff
ASIODriverInfo   driverInfo;
ASIOBufferInfo   bufferInfos[2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS]; // for input and output buffers -> "2 *"
ASIOChannelInfo  channelInfos[2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS];
bool             bASIOPostOutput;
ASIOCallbacks    asioCallbacks;
int              iASIOBufferSizeMono;
int              iASIOBufferSizeStereo;

CVector<short>   vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo;

QMutex           ASIOMutex;

CSound* pSound;

* Common                                                                       *
std::string CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
    std::string strReturn = ""; // init with no error

    // check if an ASIO driver was already initialized
    if ( lCurDev >= 0 )
        // a device was already been initialized and is used, first clean up
        // dispose ASIO buffers

        // remove old driver

        const std::string strErrorMessage = LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev );

        if ( !strErrorMessage.empty() )
            // loading and initializing the new driver failed, go back to
            // original driver and display error message
            LoadAndInitializeDriver ( lCurDev );

            // store error return message
            strReturn = strErrorMessage;

        Init ( iASIOBufferSizeStereo );
        if ( iNewDev != INVALID_SNC_CARD_DEVICE )
            // This is the first time a driver is to be initialized, we first
            // try to load the selected driver, if this fails, we try to load
            // the first available driver in the system. If this fails, too, we
            // throw an error that no driver is available -> it does not make
            // sense to start the llcon software if no audio hardware is
            // available
            if ( !LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev ).empty() )
                // loading and initializing the new driver failed, try to find
                // at least one usable driver
                if ( !LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver() )
                    throw CGenErr ( "No usable ASIO audio device "
                        "(driver) found." );
            // try to find one usable driver (select the first valid driver)
            if ( !LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver() )
                throw CGenErr ( "No usable ASIO audio device (driver) found." );

    return strReturn;

bool CSound::LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver()
    // load and initialize first valid ASIO driver
    bool bValidDriverDetected = false;
    int  iCurDriverIdx = 0;

    // try all available drivers in the system ("lNumDevs" devices)
    while ( !bValidDriverDetected && ( iCurDriverIdx < lNumDevs ) )
        if ( LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iCurDriverIdx ).empty() )
            // initialization was successful
            bValidDriverDetected = true;

            // store ID of selected driver
            lCurDev = iCurDriverIdx;

        // try next driver

    return bValidDriverDetected;

std::string CSound::LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iDriverIdx )
    // first check and correct input parameter
    if ( iDriverIdx >= lNumDevs )
        // we assume here that at least one driver is in the system
        iDriverIdx = 0;

    // load driver
    loadAsioDriver ( cDriverNames[iDriverIdx] );
    if ( ASIOInit ( &driverInfo ) != ASE_OK )
        // clean up and return error string
        return "The audio driver could not be initialized.";

    // check device capabilities if it fullfills our requirements
    const std::string strStat = CheckDeviceCapabilities();

    // store ID of selected driver if initialization was successful
    if ( strStat.empty() )
        lCurDev = iDriverIdx;
        // driver cannot be used, clean up

    return strStat;

std::string CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
    // This function checks if our required input/output channel
    // properties are supported by the selected device. If the return
    // string is empty, the device can be used, otherwise the error
    // message is returned.

    // check the sample rate
    const ASIOError CanSaRateReturn = ASIOCanSampleRate ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE );
    if ( ( CanSaRateReturn == ASE_NoClock ) ||
         ( CanSaRateReturn == ASE_NotPresent ) )
        // return error string
        return "The audio device does not support the "
            "required sample rate.";

    // check the number of available channels
    long lNumInChan;
    long lNumOutChan;
    ASIOGetChannels ( &lNumInChan, &lNumOutChan );
    if ( ( lNumInChan < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS ) ||
         ( lNumOutChan < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS ) )
        // return error string
        return "The audio device does not support the "
            "required number of channels.";

    // check sample format
    for ( int i = 0; i < 2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ )
        // check all used input and output channels
        channelInfos[i].channel = i % NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS;
        if ( i < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS )
            channelInfos[i].isInput = ASIOTrue;
            channelInfos[i].isInput = ASIOFalse;
        ASIOGetChannelInfo ( &channelInfos[i] );

        // only 16/24/32 LSB is supported
        if ( ( channelInfos[i].type != ASIOSTInt16LSB ) &&
             ( channelInfos[i].type != ASIOSTInt24LSB ) &&
             ( channelInfos[i].type != ASIOSTInt32LSB ) )
            // return error string
            return "Required audio sample format not "
                "available (16/24/32 bit LSB).";

    // everything is ok, return empty string for "no error" case
    return "";

int CSound::GetActualBufferSize ( const int iDesiredBufferSizeMono )
    int iActualBufferSizeMono;

    // query the usable buffer sizes
    ASIOGetBufferSize ( &HWBufferInfo.lMinSize,
                        &HWBufferInfo.lGranularity );

    // calculate "nearest" buffer size and set internal parameter accordingly
    // first check minimum and maximum values
    if ( iDesiredBufferSizeMono < HWBufferInfo.lMinSize )
        iActualBufferSizeMono = HWBufferInfo.lMinSize;
        if ( iDesiredBufferSizeMono > HWBufferInfo.lMaxSize )
            iActualBufferSizeMono = HWBufferInfo.lMaxSize;
            // ASIO SDK 2.2: "Notes: When minimum and maximum buffer size are 
            // equal, the preferred buffer size has to be the same value as
            // well; granularity should be 0 in this case."
            if ( HWBufferInfo.lMinSize == HWBufferInfo.lMaxSize )
                iActualBufferSizeMono = HWBufferInfo.lMinSize;
                // General case ------------------------------------------------
                // initialization
                int  iTrialBufSize     = HWBufferInfo.lMinSize;
                int  iLastTrialBufSize = HWBufferInfo.lMinSize;
                bool bSizeFound        = false;

                // test loop
                while ( ( iTrialBufSize <= HWBufferInfo.lMaxSize ) && ( !bSizeFound ) )
                    if ( iTrialBufSize >= iDesiredBufferSizeMono )
                        // test which buffer size fits better: the old one or the
                        // current one
                        if ( ( iTrialBufSize - iDesiredBufferSizeMono ) >
                             ( iDesiredBufferSizeMono - iLastTrialBufSize ) )
                            iTrialBufSize = iLastTrialBufSize;

                        // exit while loop
                        bSizeFound = true;

                    if ( !bSizeFound )
                        // store old trial buffer size
                        iLastTrialBufSize = iTrialBufSize;

                        // increment trial buffer size (check for special case first)
                        if ( HWBufferInfo.lGranularity == -1 )
                            // special case: buffer sizes are a power of 2
                            iTrialBufSize *= 2;
                            iTrialBufSize += HWBufferInfo.lGranularity;

                // set ASIO buffer size
                iActualBufferSizeMono = iTrialBufSize;

    return iActualBufferSizeMono;

int CSound::Init ( const int iNewPrefMonoBufferSize )
    ASIOMutex.lock(); // get mutex lock
        // get the actual sound card buffer size which is supported
        // by the audio hardware
        iASIOBufferSizeMono =
            GetActualBufferSize ( iNewPrefMonoBufferSize );

        // init base clasee
        CSoundBase::Init ( iASIOBufferSizeMono );

        // set internal buffer size value and calculate stereo buffer size
        iASIOBufferSizeStereo = 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono;

        // set the sample rate
        ASIOSetSampleRate ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE );

        // create memory for intermediate audio buffer
        vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo.Init ( iASIOBufferSizeStereo );

        // create and activate ASIO buffers (buffer size in samples),
        // dispose old buffers (if any)
        ASIOCreateBuffers ( bufferInfos,
            2 /* in/out */ * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS /* stereo */,
            iASIOBufferSizeMono, &asioCallbacks );

        // check wether the driver requires the ASIOOutputReady() optimization
        // (can be used by the driver to reduce output latency by one block)
        bASIOPostOutput = ( ASIOOutputReady() == ASE_OK );

    return iASIOBufferSizeMono;

void CSound::Start()
    // start audio

    // call base class

void CSound::Stop()
    // stop audio

    // call base class

CSound::CSound ( void (*fpNewCallback) ( CVector<short>& psData, void* arg ), void* arg ) :
    CSoundBase ( true, fpNewCallback, arg )
    int i;

pSound = this;

    // get available ASIO driver names in system
    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_SOUND_CARDS; i++ )
        cDriverNames[i] = new char[32];

    loadAsioDriver ( "dummy" ); // to initialize external object
    lNumDevs = asioDrivers->getDriverNames ( cDriverNames, MAX_NUMBER_SOUND_CARDS );

    // in case we do not have a driver available, throw error
    if ( lNumDevs == 0 )
        throw CGenErr ( "No ASIO audio device (driver) found." );

    // init device index with illegal value to show that driver is not initialized
    lCurDev = -1;

    // init buffer infos, we always want to have two input and
    // two output channels
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ )
        // prepare input channels
        bufferInfos[i].isInput    = ASIOTrue;
        bufferInfos[i].channelNum = i;
        bufferInfos[i].buffers[0] = 0;
        bufferInfos[i].buffers[1] = 0;

        // prepare output channels
        bufferInfos[NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS + i].isInput    = ASIOFalse;
        bufferInfos[NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS + i].channelNum = i;
        bufferInfos[NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS + i].buffers[0] = 0;
        bufferInfos[NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS + i].buffers[1] = 0;

    // set up the asioCallback structure
    asioCallbacks.bufferSwitch         = &bufferSwitch;
    asioCallbacks.sampleRateDidChange  = &sampleRateChanged;
    asioCallbacks.asioMessage          = &asioMessages;
    asioCallbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &bufferSwitchTimeInfo;

    // cleanup ASIO stuff

// ASIO callbacks -------------------------------------------------------------
ASIOTime* CSound::bufferSwitchTimeInfo ( ASIOTime *timeInfo,
                                         long index,
                                         ASIOBool processNow )
    bufferSwitch ( index, processNow );
    return 0L;

void CSound::bufferSwitch ( long index, ASIOBool processNow )
    int iCurSample;

    ASIOMutex.lock(); // get mutex lock
        // perform the processing for input and output
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ ) // stereo
            if ( bufferInfos[i].isInput == ASIOTrue )
                // CAPTURE -----------------------------------------------------
                // copy new captured block in thread transfer buffer (copy
                // mono data interleaved in stereo buffer)
                switch ( channelInfos[i].type )
                case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] =
                            ( (short*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index] )[iCurSample];

                case ASIOSTInt24LSB:

// not yet tested, horrible things might happen with the following code ;-)

                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        // convert current sample in 16 bit format
                        int iCurSam = 0;
                        memcpy ( &iCurSam, ( (char*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index] ) + iCurSample * 3, 3 );
                        iCurSam >>= 8;

                        vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] =
                            static_cast<short> ( iCurSam );

                case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        // convert to 16 bit
                        vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] =
                            (((int*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index])[iCurSample] >> 16);

        // call processing callback function
        pSound->ProcessCallback ( vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo );

        // perform the processing for input and output
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ ) // stereo
            if ( bufferInfos[i].isInput != ASIOTrue )
                // PLAYBACK ----------------------------------------------------
                // copy data from sound card in output buffer (copy
                // interleaved stereo data in mono sound card buffer)
                switch ( channelInfos[i].type )
                case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        ( (short*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index] )[iCurSample] =
                            vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum];

                case ASIOSTInt24LSB:

// not yet tested, horrible things might happen with the following code ;-)

                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        // convert current sample in 24 bit format
                        int iCurSam = static_cast<int> ( vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] );
                        iCurSam <<= 8;

                        memcpy ( ( (char*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index] ) + iCurSample * 3, &iCurSam, 3 );

                case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
                    for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
                        // convert to 32 bit
                        int iCurSam = static_cast<int> ( vecsTmpAudioSndCrdStereo[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] );
                        ( (int*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index] )[iCurSample] = ( iCurSam << 16 );

        // finally if the driver supports the ASIOOutputReady() optimization,
        // do it here, all data are in place -----------------------------------
        if ( bASIOPostOutput )

long CSound::asioMessages ( long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt )
    long ret = 0;
        case kAsioEngineVersion:
            // return the supported ASIO version of the host application
            ret = 2L; // Host ASIO implementation version, 2 or higher

        // both messages might be send if the buffer size changes
        case kAsioBufferSizeChange:
        case kAsioResetRequest:
            ret = 1L; // 1L if request is accepted or 0 otherwise
    return ret;