
# This script is intended to setup a clean Raspberry Pi system for running Jamulus

# install required packages
pkgs='alsamixergui build-essential qt5-default libasound2-dev cmake libglib2.0-dev'
if ! dpkg -s $pkgs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  read -p "Do you want to install missing packages? " -n 1 -r
  if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
    sudo apt-get install $pkgs -y

# Opus audio codec, custom compilation with custom modes and fixed point support
if [ -d "${OPUS}" ]; then
  echo "The Opus directory is present, we assume it is compiled and ready to use. If not, delete the opus directory and call this script again."
  wget https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/opus/${OPUS}.tar.gz
  tar -xzf ${OPUS}.tar.gz
  rm ${OPUS}.tar.gz
  cd ${OPUS}
  if [ ${OPUS} == "opus-1.3.1" ]; then
    echo "@@ -117,13 +117,19 @@ void validate_celt_decoder(CELTDecoder *st)
    celt_assert(st->mode == opus_custom_mode_create(48000, 960, NULL));
    celt_assert(st->overlap == 120);
+   celt_assert(st->end <= 21);
+/* From Section 4.3 in the spec: The normal CELT layer uses 21 of those bands,
+   though Opus Custom (see Section 6.2) may use a different number of bands
+   Check if it's within the maximum number of Bark frequency bands instead */
+   celt_assert(st->end <= 25);
    celt_assert(st->channels == 1 || st->channels == 2);
    celt_assert(st->stream_channels == 1 || st->stream_channels == 2);
    celt_assert(st->downsample > 0);
    celt_assert(st->start == 0 || st->start == 17);
    celt_assert(st->start < st->end);
-   celt_assert(st->end <= 21);
    celt_assert(st->arch >= 0);
    celt_assert(st->arch <= OPUS_ARCHMASK);" >> opus_patch_file.diff
    patch celt/celt_decoder.c opus_patch_file.diff
  ./configure --enable-custom-modes --enable-fixed-point
  make -j${NCORES}
  mkdir include/opus
  cp include/*.h include/opus
  cd ..

# Jack audio without DBUS support
if [ -d "jack2" ]; then
  echo "The Jack2 directory is present, we assume it is compiled and ready to use. If not, delete the jack2 directory and call this script again."
  git clone https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2.git
  cd jack2
  git checkout v1.9.12
  ./waf configure --alsa --prefix=/usr/local --libdir=$(pwd)/build
  ./waf -j${NCORES}
  mkdir build/jack
  cp build/*.so build/jack
  cp build/common/*.so build/jack
  cp build/example-clients/*.so build/jack
  cd ..

  # give audio group rights to do realtime
  if grep -Fq "@audio" /etc/security/limits.conf; then
    echo "audio group already has realtime rights"
    sudo sh -c 'echo "@audio   -  rtprio   95" >> /etc/security/limits.conf'
    sudo sh -c 'echo "@audio   -  memlock  unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.conf'

# compile Jamulus with external Opus library
cd ..
qmake "CONFIG+=opus_shared_lib raspijamulus headless" "INCLUDEPATH+=distributions/${OPUS}/include" "QMAKE_LIBDIR+=distributions/${OPUS}/.libs" "INCLUDEPATH+=distributions/jack2/common" "QMAKE_LIBDIR+=distributions/jack2/build/common" Jamulus.pro
make -j${NCORES}

# get first USB audio sound card device
ADEVICE=$(aplay -l|grep "USB Audio"|tail -1|cut -d' ' -f3)
echo "Using USB audio device: ${ADEVICE}"

# write Jamulus ini file for setting the client name and buffer settings, if there is
# just one CPU core, we assume that we are running on a Raspberry Pi Zero
NAME64=$(echo "Raspi $(hostname)"|cut -c -16|tr -d $'\n'|base64)
if [ "$NCORES" -gt "1" ]; then
  echo -e "<client>\n  <name_base64>${NAME64}</name_base64>" > ${JAMULUSINIFILE}
  echo -e "  <autojitbuf>1</autojitbuf>\n  <jitbuf>3</jitbuf>\n  <jitbufserver>3</jitbufserver>" >> ${JAMULUSINIFILE}
  echo -e "  <audiochannels>2</audiochannels>\n  <audioquality>1</audioquality>\n</client>" >> ${JAMULUSINIFILE}
  echo -e "<client>\n  <name_base64>${NAME64}</name_base64>" > ${JAMULUSINIFILE}
  echo -e "  <autojitbuf>1</autojitbuf>\n  <jitbuf>3</jitbuf>\n  <jitbufserver>3</jitbufserver>" >> ${JAMULUSINIFILE}
  echo -e "  <audiochannels>0</audiochannels>\n  <audioquality>1</audioquality>\n</client>" >> ${JAMULUSINIFILE}

# taken from "Raspberry Pi and realtime, low-latency audio" homepage at wiki.linuxaudio.org
#sudo service triggerhappy stop
#sudo service dbus stop
#sudo mount -o remount,size=128M /dev/shm

# start Jack2 and Jamulus in headless mode
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="distributions/${OPUS}/.libs:distributions/jack2/build:distributions/jack2/build/common"
distributions/jack2/build/jackd -R -T --silent -P70 -p16 -t2000 -d alsa -dhw:${ADEVICE} -p 128 -n 3 -r 48000 -s &
./Jamulus -n -i ${JAMULUSINIFILE} -c jamulus.fischvolk.de &

echo "###---------- PRESS ANY KEY TO TERMINATE THE JAMULUS SESSION ---------###"
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
killall Jamulus