/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include "llconclientdlg.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags f) : pClient ( pNCliP ), CLlconClientDlgBase ( parent, name, modal, f ) { /* add help text to controls */ QString strInpLevH = tr("Input level meter: Shows the level of the " "input audio signal of the sound card. The level is in dB. Overload " "should be avoided."); QWhatsThis::add(TextLabelInputLevel, strInpLevH); QWhatsThis::add(ProgressBarInputLevelL, strInpLevH); QWhatsThis::add(ProgressBarInputLevelR, strInpLevH); QWhatsThis::add(PushButtonConnect, tr("Connect / Disconnect Button:" " Push this button to connect the server. A valid IP address has " "to be specified before. If the client is connected, pressing this " "button will disconnect the connection.")); QWhatsThis::add(TextLabelNameVersion, tr("Version: Shows the " "current version of the software.")); QWhatsThis::add(TextLabelStatus, tr("Status Bar: In the status bar " "different messages are displayed. E.g., if an error ocurred or the " "status of the connection is shown.")); QString strServAddrH = tr("Server Address: In this edit control, " "the IP address of the server can be set. If an invalid address was " "chosen, an error message is shown in the status bar."); QWhatsThis::add(TextLabelServerAddr, strServAddrH); QWhatsThis::add(LineEditServerAddr, strServAddrH); /* set text for version and application name */ TextLabelNameVersion-> setText(QString(APP_NAME) + tr(" client ") + QString(VERSION) + " (" + QString().setNum(BLOCK_DURATION_MS) + " ms)"); /* init server address line edit */ LineEditServerAddr->setText ( pClient->strIPAddress.c_str () ); /* init status label */ OnTimerStatus (); /* init connection button text */ PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT ); /* Init timing jitter text label */ TextLabelStdDevTimer->setText ( "" ); /* init input level meter bars */ ProgressBarInputLevelL->setTotalSteps ( NUM_STEPS_INP_LEV_METER ); ProgressBarInputLevelL->setProgress ( 0 ); ProgressBarInputLevelR->setTotalSteps ( NUM_STEPS_INP_LEV_METER ); ProgressBarInputLevelR->setProgress ( 0 ); /* init slider controls --- */ /* sound buffer in */ SliderSndBufIn->setRange(2, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH); const int iCurNumInBuf = pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetInNumBuf(); SliderSndBufIn->setValue(iCurNumInBuf); TextSndBufIn->setText("In: " + QString().setNum(iCurNumInBuf)); /* sound buffer out */ SliderSndBufOut->setRange(2, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH); const int iCurNumOutBuf = pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetOutNumBuf(); SliderSndBufOut->setValue(iCurNumOutBuf); TextSndBufOut->setText("Out: " + QString().setNum(iCurNumOutBuf)); /* network buffer */ SliderNetBuf->setRange(MIN_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL, MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL); const int iCurNumNetBuf = pClient->GetSockBufSize(); SliderNetBuf->setValue(iCurNumNetBuf); TextNetBuf->setText("Size: " + QString().setNum(iCurNumNetBuf)); /* audio in fader */ SliderAudInFader->setRange(0, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX); const int iCurAudInFader = pClient->GetAudioInFader(); SliderAudInFader->setValue(iCurAudInFader); SliderAudInFader->setTickInterval(AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 9); /* audio reverberation */ SliderAudReverb->setRange(0, AUD_REVERB_MAX); const int iCurAudReverb = pClient->GetReverbLevel(); SliderAudReverb->setValue ( AUD_REVERB_MAX - iCurAudReverb ); SliderAudReverb->setTickInterval(AUD_REVERB_MAX / 9); /* set radio buttons --- */ /* reverb channel */ if (pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan()) RadioButtonRevSelL->setChecked(true); else RadioButtonRevSelR->setChecked(true); /* Main menu bar -------------------------------------------------------- */ pMenu = new QMenuBar(this); CHECK_PTR(pMenu); pMenu->insertItem(tr("&?"), new CLlconHelpMenu(this)); pMenu->setSeparator(QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle); /* Now tell the layout about the menu */ CLlconClientDlgBaseLayout->setMenuBar(pMenu); /* connections ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* push-buttons */ QObject::connect(PushButtonConnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnConnectDisconBut())); /* timers */ QObject::connect(&TimerSigMet, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(OnTimerSigMet())); QObject::connect(&TimerStatus, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(OnTimerStatus())); /* sliders */ QObject::connect(SliderSndBufIn, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSliderSndBufInChange(int))); QObject::connect(SliderSndBufOut, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSliderSndBufOutChange(int))); QObject::connect(SliderNetBuf, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSliderNetBuf(int))); QObject::connect(SliderAudInFader, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSliderAudInFader(int))); QObject::connect(SliderAudReverb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSliderAudReverb(int))); /* radio buttons */ QObject::connect(RadioButtonRevSelL, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRevSelL())); QObject::connect(RadioButtonRevSelR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRevSelR())); /* timers --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* start timer for status bar */ TimerStatus.start(STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME); } CLlconClientDlg::~CLlconClientDlg() { /* if connected, terminate connection */ if (pClient->IsRunning()) { pClient->Stop(); } } void CLlconClientDlg::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * Event ) { // store IP address pClient->strIPAddress = LineEditServerAddr->text().latin1(); // default implementation of this event handler routine Event->accept(); } void CLlconClientDlg::OnConnectDisconBut() { /* start/stop client, set button text */ if (pClient->IsRunning()) { pClient->Stop(); PushButtonConnect->setText(CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT); /* stop timer for level meter bars and reset them */ TimerSigMet.stop(); ProgressBarInputLevelL->setProgress(0); ProgressBarInputLevelR->setProgress(0); /* immediately update status bar */ OnTimerStatus(); } else { /* set address and check if address is valid */ if (pClient->SetServerAddr(LineEditServerAddr->text())) { pClient->start(); PushButtonConnect->setText(CON_BUT_DISCONNECTTEXT); /* start timer for level meter bar */ TimerSigMet.start(LEVELMETER_UPDATE_TIME); } else { /* Restart timer to ensure that the text is visible at least the time for one complete interval */ TimerStatus.changeInterval(STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME); /* show the error in the status bar */ TextLabelStatus->setText(tr("invalid address")); } } } void CLlconClientDlg::OnSliderSndBufInChange(int value) { pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetInNumBuf(value); TextSndBufIn->setText("In: " + QString().setNum(value)); } void CLlconClientDlg::OnSliderSndBufOutChange(int value) { pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetOutNumBuf(value); TextSndBufOut->setText("Out: " + QString().setNum(value)); } void CLlconClientDlg::OnSliderNetBuf(int value) { pClient->SetSockBufSize ( MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_SAMPLES, value ); TextNetBuf->setText("Size: " + QString().setNum(value)); } void CLlconClientDlg::OnTimerSigMet () { /* get current input levels */ double dCurSigLevelL = pClient->MicLevelL (); double dCurSigLevelR = pClient->MicLevelR (); /* linear transformation of the input level range to the progress-bar range */ dCurSigLevelL -= LOW_BOUND_SIG_METER; dCurSigLevelL *= NUM_STEPS_INP_LEV_METER / ( UPPER_BOUND_SIG_METER - LOW_BOUND_SIG_METER ); // lower bound the signal if ( dCurSigLevelL < 0 ) { dCurSigLevelL = 0; } dCurSigLevelR -= LOW_BOUND_SIG_METER; dCurSigLevelR *= NUM_STEPS_INP_LEV_METER / ( UPPER_BOUND_SIG_METER - LOW_BOUND_SIG_METER ); // lower bound the signal if ( dCurSigLevelR < 0 ) { dCurSigLevelR = 0; } /* show current level */ ProgressBarInputLevelL->setProgress ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelL ) ); ProgressBarInputLevelR->setProgress ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelR ) ); } void CLlconClientDlg::OnTimerStatus () { /* show connection status in status bar */ if ( pClient->IsConnected () && pClient->IsRunning () ) { TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "connected" ) ); } else { TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "disconnected" ) ); } /* response time */ TextLabelStdDevTimer->setText(QString(). setNum(pClient->GetTimingStdDev(), 'f', 2) + " ms"); } void CLlconClientDlg::customEvent(QCustomEvent* Event) { if (Event->type() == QEvent::User + 11) { const int iMessType = ((CLlconEvent*) Event)->iMessType; const int iStatus = ((CLlconEvent*) Event)->iStatus; switch(iMessType) { case MS_SOUND_IN: CLEDSoundIn->SetLight(iStatus); break; case MS_SOUND_OUT: CLEDSoundOut->SetLight(iStatus); break; case MS_JIT_BUF_PUT: CLEDNetwPut->SetLight(iStatus); break; case MS_JIT_BUF_GET: CLEDNetwGet->SetLight(iStatus); break; case MS_RESET_ALL: CLEDSoundIn->Reset(); CLEDSoundOut->Reset(); CLEDNetwPut->Reset(); CLEDNetwGet->Reset(); break; } } }