HIGH PRIORITY ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Improvement of Jitter Buffer Right now in case of a buffer over-/underrun the jitter buffer is reset and the pointer is set to the middle of the buffer. This is a good compromise for most situations but leads to problems if very small jitter buffer sizes are used. An optimized pointer position in case of buffer failures will improve the performance on very small buffer sizes. - Support for Stereo Audio Streams * Wait for CELT code domain mixing feature. * Preserve mono mode for low CPU usage at the server and low up-/download rate at the client. * Server switches to stereo on first client which is connected and has stereo mode enabled. - Detect Server on Same Computer Detect that a server is running on the same computer by trying to bind the server socket port. If a server is running, ask the client user if "localhost" shall be substituted on the host address edit box. -> Aids server operation on client PC. - Auto Jitter Buffer Algorithm Improvement Auto jitter buffer algorithm needs to be revised and optimized (maybe using a histogram instead of calculating the standard deviation is more suitable to set the optimum jitter buffer size since the variance of the jitter is not Gaussian but follows some other unknown distribution). - Bug With Channel Gains Channel gains are not transported to the server if the server was closed and reopend during a client connection (this issue has to be investigated in more detail, it seems that sometimes the gain is still valid even if the server was shutdown and restarted...). - Mac Port Porting the llcon software so that it can be run on MacOS. QT is already available on Mac, even a Jack port is there. But it might be better to use the native Mac audio interface Core Audio. A new audio interface should be written. LOW PRIORITY ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Disconnect issue Disconnect functionality requires some more work -> does not work reliably - Fancy GUI Design Implementation Fancy GUI design is almost finished but has some issues (update problem in Windows, size of fader background seems to be differently interpreted in Linux and Windows).