/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2020 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * \******************************************************************************/ /* Protocol message definition --------------------------- - All messages received need to be acknowledged by an acknowledge packet (except of connection less messages) MAIN FRAME ---------- +-------------+------------+------------+------------------+ ... | 2 bytes TAG | 2 bytes ID | 1 byte cnt | 2 bytes length n | ... +-------------+------------+------------+------------------+ ... ... --------------+-------------+ ... n bytes data | 2 bytes CRC | ... --------------+-------------+ - TAG is an all zero bit word to identify protocol messages - message ID defined by the defines PROTMESSID_x - cnt: counter which is increment for each message and wraps around at 255 - length n in bytes of the data - actual data, dependent on message type - 16 bits CRC, calculated over the entire message and is transmitted inverted Generator polynom: G_16(x) = x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1, initial state: all ones MESSAGES (with connection) -------------------------- - PROTMESSID_ACKN: Acknowledgement message +------------------------------------------+ | 2 bytes ID of message to be acknowledged | +------------------------------------------+ note: the cnt value is the same as of the message to be acknowledged - PROTMESSID_JITT_BUF_SIZE: Jitter buffer size +--------------------------+ | 2 bytes number of blocks | +--------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE: Request jitter buffer size note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLIENT_ID: Sends the current client ID to the client +---------------------------------+ | 1 byte channel ID of the client | +---------------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_GAIN: Gain of channel +-------------------+--------------+ | 1 byte channel ID | 2 bytes gain | +-------------------+--------------+ - PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_PAN: Gain of channel +-------------------+-----------------+ | 1 byte channel ID | 2 bytes panning | +-------------------+-----------------+ - PROTMESSID_MUTE_STATE_CHANGED: Mute state of your signal at another client has changed +-------------------+-----------------+ | 1 byte channel ID | 1 byte is muted | +-------------------+-----------------+ - PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: Information about connected clients for each connected client append following data: +-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+ ... | 1 byte channel ID | 2 bytes country | 4 bytes instrument | ... +-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+ ... ... --------------------+--------------------+ ... ... 1 byte skill level | 4 bytes IP address | ... ... --------------------+--------------------+ ... ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string name | ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string city | ... ------------------+---------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: Request connected clients list note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_INFOS: Information about the channel +-----------------+--------------------+ ... | 2 bytes country | 4 bytes instrument | ... +-----------------+--------------------+ ... ... --------------------+ ... ... 1 byte skill level | ... ... --------------------+ ... ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string name | ... ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string city | ... ------------------+---------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_INFOS: Request infos of the channel note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CHAT_TEXT: Chat text +------------------+----------------------+ | 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string | +------------------+----------------------+ - PROTMESSID_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS: Properties for network transport +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ ... | 4 bytes base netw size | 2 bytes block size fact | 1 byte num chan | ... +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ ... ... ------------------+-----------------------+ ... ... 4 bytes sam rate | 2 bytes audiocod type | ... ... ------------------+-----------------------+ ... ... -----------------+----------------------+ ... 2 bytes version | 4 bytes audiocod arg | ... -----------------+----------------------+ - "base netw size": length of the base network packet (frame) in bytes - "block size fact": block size factor - "num chan": number of channels of the audio signal, e.g. "2" is stereo - "sam rate": sample rate of the audio stream - "audiocod type": audio coding type, the following types are supported: - 0: none, no audio coding applied - 1: CELT - 2: OPUS - 3: OPUS64 - "version": version of the audio coder, if not used this value shall be set to 0 - "audiocod arg": argument for the audio coder, if not used this value shall be set to 0 - PROTMESSID_REQ_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS: Request properties for network transport note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_LICENCE_REQUIRED: Licence required to connect to the server +---------------------+ | 1 byte licence type | +---------------------+ - PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST: Opt in or out of the channel level list +---------------+ | 1 byte option | +---------------+ option is boolean, true to opt in, false to opt out - PROTMESSID_VERSION_AND_OS: Version number and operating system +-------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ | 1 byte operating system | 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string version | +-------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ // #### COMPATIBILITY OLD VERSION, TO BE REMOVED #### - PROTMESSID_OPUS_SUPPORTED: Informs that OPUS codec is supported note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_RECORDER_STATE: notifies of changes in the server jam recorder state +--------------+ | 1 byte state | +--------------+ state is a value from the enum ERecorderState: - 0 undefined (not used by protocol messages) - tbc CONNECTION LESS MESSAGES ------------------------ - PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS: Connection less ping message (for measuring the ping time) +-----------------------------+ | 4 bytes transmit time in ms | +-----------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS_WITHNUMCLIENTS: Connection less ping message (for measuring the ping time) with the info about the current number of connected clients +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 4 bytes transmit time in ms | 1 byte number connected clients | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_FULL: Connection less server full message note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER: Register a server, providing server information +------------------------------+ ... | 2 bytes server internal port | ... +------------------------------+ ... ... -----------------+----------------------------------+ ... ... 2 bytes country | 1 byte maximum connected clients | ... ... -----------------+----------------------------------+ ... ... ---------------------+ ... ... 1 byte is permanent | ... ... ---------------------+ ... ... ------------------+----------------------------------+ ... ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string server name | ... ... ------------------+----------------------------------+ ... ... ------------------+---------------------------------------------+ ... ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string server interal address | ... ... ------------------+---------------------------------------------+ ... ... ------------------+---------------------------+ ... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string city | ... ------------------+---------------------------+ - "country" is according to "Common Locale Data Repository" which is used in the QLocale class - "maximum connected clients" is the maximum number of clients which can be connected to the server at the same time - "is permanent" is a flag which indicates if the server is permanent online or not. If this value is any value <> 0 indicates that the server is permanent online. - "server interal address" represents the IPv4 address as a dotted quad to be used by clients with the same external IP address as the server. NOTE: In the PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_LIST list, this field will be empty as only the initial IP address should be used by the client. Where necessary, that value will contain the server internal address. - PROTMESSID_CLM_UNREGISTER_SERVER: Unregister a server note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_LIST: Server list message for each registered server append following data: +--------------------+--------------------------------+ | 4 bytes IP address | PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER | +--------------------+--------------------------------+ - "PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER" means that exactly the same message body of the PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER message is used - PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_SERVER_LIST: Request server list note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_SEND_EMPTY_MESSAGE: Send "empty message" message +--------------------+--------------+ | 4 bytes IP address | 2 bytes port | +--------------------+--------------+ - PROTMESSID_CLM_DISCONNECTION: Disconnect message note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_VERSION_AND_OS: Version number and operating system +-------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ | 1 byte operating system | 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string version | +-------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ - PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_VERSION_AND_OS: Request version number and operating system note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: Information about connected clients for each connected client append the PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: +------------------------------+------------------------------+ ... | PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST | PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST | ... +------------------------------+------------------------------+ ... - PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: Request the connected clients list note: does not have any data -> n = 0 - PROTMESSID_CLM_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST: The channel level list +----------------------------------+ | ( ( n + 1 ) / 2 ) * 4 bit values | +----------------------------------+ n is number of connected clients the values are the maximum channel levels for a client frame converted to the range of CMultiColorLEDBar in 4 bits, two entries per byte with the earlier channel in the lower half of the byte where an odd number of clients is connected, there will be four unused upper bits in the final byte, containing 0xF (which is out of range) the server may compute the message when any client has used PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST to opt in the server should issue the message only to a client that has used PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST to opt in - PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER_RESP: result of registration request +---------------+ | 1 byte status | +---------------+ - "status": Values of ESvrRegResult: 0 - success 1 - failed due to central server list being full Note: the central server may send this message in response to a PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER request. Where not received, the registering server may only retry up to five times for one registration request at 500ms intervals. Beyond this, it should "ping" every 15 minutes (standard re-registration timeout). */ #include "protocol.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ CProtocol::CProtocol() { Reset(); // Connections ------------------------------------------------------------- QObject::connect ( &TimerSendMess, &QTimer::timeout, this, &CProtocol::OnTimerSendMess ); } void CProtocol::Reset() { QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex ); // prepare internal variables for initial protocol transfer iCounter = 0; iOldRecID = PROTMESSID_ILLEGAL; iOldRecCnt = 0; // delete complete "send message queue" SendMessQueue.clear(); } void CProtocol::EnqueueMessage ( CVector& vecMessage, const int iCnt, const int iID ) { bool bListWasEmpty; Mutex.lock(); { // check if list is empty so that we have to initiate a send process bListWasEmpty = SendMessQueue.empty(); // create send message object for the queue CSendMessage SendMessageObj ( vecMessage, iCnt, iID ); // we want to have a FIFO: we add at the end and take from the beginning SendMessQueue.push_back ( SendMessageObj ); } Mutex.unlock(); // if list was empty, initiate send process if ( bListWasEmpty ) { SendMessage(); } } void CProtocol::SendMessage() { CVector vecMessage; bool bSendMess = false; Mutex.lock(); { // we have to check that list is not empty, since in another thread the // last element of the list might have been erased if ( !SendMessQueue.empty() ) { vecMessage.Init ( SendMessQueue.front().vecMessage.Size() ); vecMessage = SendMessQueue.front().vecMessage; bSendMess = true; } } Mutex.unlock(); if ( bSendMess ) { // send message emit MessReadyForSending ( vecMessage ); // start time-out timer if not active if ( !TimerSendMess.isActive() ) { TimerSendMess.start ( SEND_MESS_TIMEOUT_MS ); } } else { // no message to send, stop timer TimerSendMess.stop(); } } void CProtocol::CreateAndSendMessage ( const int iID, const CVector& vecData ) { CVector vecNewMessage; int iCurCounter; Mutex.lock(); { // store current counter value iCurCounter = iCounter; // increase counter (wraps around automatically) iCounter++; } Mutex.unlock(); // build complete message GenMessageFrame ( vecNewMessage, iCurCounter, iID, vecData ); // enqueue message EnqueueMessage ( vecNewMessage, iCurCounter, iID ); } void CProtocol::CreateAndImmSendAcknMess ( const int& iID, const int& iCnt ) { CVector vecAcknMessage; CVector vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iID ), 2 ); // build complete message GenMessageFrame ( vecAcknMessage, iCnt, PROTMESSID_ACKN, vecData ); // immediately send acknowledge message emit MessReadyForSending ( vecAcknMessage ); } void CProtocol::CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( const int iID, const CVector& vecData, const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CVector vecNewMessage; // build complete message (counter per definition=0 for connection less // messages) GenMessageFrame ( vecNewMessage, 0, iID, vecData ); // immediately send message emit CLMessReadyForSending ( InetAddr, vecNewMessage ); } bool CProtocol::ParseMessageBody ( const CVector& vecbyMesBodyData, const int iRecCounter, const int iRecID ) { /* return code: false -> ok; true -> error */ bool bRet = false; bool bSendNextMess; /* // TEST channel implementation: randomly delete protocol messages (50 % loss) if ( rand() < ( RAND_MAX / 2 ) ) return false; */ // In case we received a message and returned an answer but our answer // did not make it to the receiver, he will resend his message. We check // here if the message is the same as the old one, and if this is the // case, just resend our old answer again if ( ( iOldRecID == iRecID ) && ( iOldRecCnt == iRecCounter ) ) { // acknowledgments are not acknowledged if ( iRecID != PROTMESSID_ACKN ) { // resend acknowledgement CreateAndImmSendAcknMess ( iRecID, iRecCounter ); } } else { // special treatment for acknowledge messages if ( iRecID == PROTMESSID_ACKN ) { // check size if ( vecbyMesBodyData.Size() != 2 ) { return true; // return error code } // extract data from stream and emit signal for received value int iPos = 0; const int iData = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyMesBodyData, iPos, 2 ) ); Mutex.lock(); { // check if this is the correct acknowledgment bSendNextMess = false; if ( !SendMessQueue.empty() ) { if ( ( SendMessQueue.front().iCnt == iRecCounter ) && ( SendMessQueue.front().iID == iData ) ) { // message acknowledged, remove from queue SendMessQueue.pop_front(); // send next message in queue bSendNextMess = true; } } } Mutex.unlock(); if ( bSendNextMess ) { SendMessage(); } } else { // check which type of message we received and do action switch ( iRecID ) { case PROTMESSID_JITT_BUF_SIZE: bRet = EvaluateJitBufMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE: bRet = EvaluateReqJitBufMes(); break; case PROTMESSID_CLIENT_ID: bRet = EvaluateClientIDMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_GAIN: bRet = EvaluateChanGainMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_PAN: bRet = EvaluateChanPanMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_MUTE_STATE_CHANGED: bRet = EvaluateMuteStateHasChangedMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: bRet = EvaluateConClientListMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: bRet = EvaluateReqConnClientsList(); break; case PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_INFOS: bRet = EvaluateChanInfoMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_INFOS: bRet = EvaluateReqChanInfoMes(); break; case PROTMESSID_CHAT_TEXT: bRet = EvaluateChatTextMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS: bRet = EvaluateNetwTranspPropsMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_REQ_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS: bRet = EvaluateReqNetwTranspPropsMes(); break; case PROTMESSID_LICENCE_REQUIRED: bRet = EvaluateLicenceRequiredMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST: bRet = EvaluateReqChannelLevelListMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_VERSION_AND_OS: bRet = EvaluateVersionAndOSMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_RECORDER_STATE: bRet = EvaluateRecorderStateMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; } // immediately send acknowledge message CreateAndImmSendAcknMess ( iRecID, iRecCounter ); // save current message ID and counter to find out if message // was resent iOldRecID = iRecID; iOldRecCnt = iRecCounter; } } return bRet; } bool CProtocol::ParseConnectionLessMessageBody ( const CVector& vecbyMesBodyData, const int iRecID, const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { /* return code: false -> ok; true -> error */ bool bRet = false; /* // TEST channel implementation: randomly delete protocol messages (50 % loss) if ( rand() < ( RAND_MAX / 2 ) ) return false; */ if ( IsConnectionLessMessageID ( iRecID ) ) { // check which type of message we received and do action switch ( iRecID ) { case PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS: bRet = EvaluateCLPingMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS_WITHNUMCLIENTS: bRet = EvaluateCLPingWithNumClientsMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_FULL: bRet = EvaluateCLServerFullMes(); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_LIST: bRet = EvaluateCLServerListMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_SERVER_LIST: bRet = EvaluateCLReqServerListMes ( InetAddr ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_SEND_EMPTY_MESSAGE: bRet = EvaluateCLSendEmptyMesMes ( vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER: bRet = EvaluateCLRegisterServerMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_UNREGISTER_SERVER: bRet = EvaluateCLUnregisterServerMes ( InetAddr ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_DISCONNECTION: bRet = EvaluateCLDisconnectionMes ( InetAddr ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_VERSION_AND_OS: bRet = EvaluateCLVersionAndOSMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_VERSION_AND_OS: bRet = EvaluateCLReqVersionAndOSMes ( InetAddr ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: bRet = EvaluateCLConnClientsListMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: bRet = EvaluateCLReqConnClientsListMes ( InetAddr ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST: bRet = EvaluateCLChannelLevelListMes ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; case PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER_RESP: bRet = EvaluateCLRegisterServerResp ( InetAddr, vecbyMesBodyData ); break; } } else { bRet = true; // return error code } return bRet; } /******************************************************************************\ * Access functions for creating and parsing messages * \******************************************************************************/ void CProtocol::CreateJitBufMes ( const int iJitBufSize ) { CVector vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iJitBufSize ), 2 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_JITT_BUF_SIZE, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateJitBufMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 2 ) { return true; // return error code } // extract jitter buffer size const int iData = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); if ( ( ( iData < MIN_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL ) || ( iData > MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL ) ) && ( iData != AUTO_NET_BUF_SIZE_FOR_PROTOCOL ) ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit ChangeJittBufSize ( iData ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateReqJitBufMes() { CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE, CVector ( 0 ) ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateReqJitBufMes() { // invoke message action emit ReqJittBufSize(); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateClientIDMes ( const int iChanID ) { CVector vecData ( 1 ); // 1 byte of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector // channel ID PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iChanID ), 1 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLIENT_ID, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateClientIDMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID const int iCurID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // invoke message action emit ClientIDReceived ( iCurID ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateChanGainMes ( const int iChanID, const double dGain ) { CVector vecData ( 3 ); // 3 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector // channel ID PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iChanID ), 1 ); // actual gain, we convert from double with range 0..1 to integer const int iCurGain = static_cast ( dGain * ( 1 << 15 ) ); PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iCurGain ), 2 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_GAIN, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateChanGainMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 3 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID const int iCurID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // gain (read integer value) const int iData = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // we convert the gain from integer to double with range 0..1 const double dNewGain = static_cast ( iData ) / ( 1 << 15 ); // invoke message action emit ChangeChanGain ( iCurID, dNewGain ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateChanPanMes ( const int iChanID, const double dPan ) { CVector vecData ( 3 ); // 3 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector // channel ID PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iChanID ), 1 ); // actual gain, we convert from double with range 0..1 to integer const int iCurPan = static_cast ( dPan * ( 1 << 15 ) ); PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iCurPan ), 2 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_PAN, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateChanPanMes ( const CVector &vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 3 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID const int iCurID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // pan (read integer value) const int iData = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // we convert the gain from integer to double with range 0..1 const double dNewPan = static_cast ( iData ) / ( 1 << 15 ); // invoke message action emit ChangeChanPan ( iCurID, dNewPan ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateMuteStateHasChangedMes ( const int iChanID, const bool bIsMuted ) { CVector vecData ( 2 ); // 2 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector // channel ID PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iChanID ), 1 ); // mute state PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( bIsMuted ), 1 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_MUTE_STATE_CHANGED, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateMuteStateHasChangedMes ( const CVector &vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 2 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID const int iCurID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // mute state const bool bIsMuted = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // invoke message action emit MuteStateHasChangedReceived ( iCurID, bIsMuted ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector& vecChanInfo ) { const int iNumClients = vecChanInfo.Size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( 0 ); int iPos = 0; // init position pointer for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ ) { // convert strings to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Name = vecChanInfo[i].strName.toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8City = vecChanInfo[i].strCity.toUtf8(); // size of current list entry const int iCurListEntrLen = 1 /* chan ID */ + 2 /* country */ + 4 /* instrument */ + 1 /* skill level */ + 4 /* IP address */ + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8Name.size() + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8City.size(); // make space for new data vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen ); // channel ID (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iChanID ), 1 ); // country (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].eCountry ), 2 ); // instrument (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iInstrument ), 4 ); // skill level (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].eSkillLevel ), 1 ); // IP address (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iIpAddr ), 4 ); // name PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Name ); // city PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City ); } CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateConClientListMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); CVector vecChanInfo ( 0 ); while ( iPos < iDataLen ) { // check size (the next 12 bytes) if ( ( iDataLen - iPos ) < 12 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID (1 byte) const int iChanID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // country (2 bytes) const QLocale::Country eCountry = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // instrument (4 bytes) const int iInstrument = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // skill level (1 byte) const ESkillLevel eSkillLevel = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // IP address (4 bytes) const int iIpAddr = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // name QString strCurName; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_FADER_TAG, strCurName ) ) { return true; // return error code } // city QString strCurCity; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY, strCurCity ) ) { return true; // return error code } // add channel information to vector vecChanInfo.Add ( CChannelInfo ( iChanID, iIpAddr, strCurName, eCountry, strCurCity, iInstrument, eSkillLevel ) ); } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit ConClientListMesReceived ( vecChanInfo ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateReqConnClientsList() { CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, CVector ( 0 ) ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateReqConnClientsList() { // invoke message action emit ReqConnClientsList(); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateChanInfoMes ( const CChannelCoreInfo ChanInfo ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // convert strings to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Name = ChanInfo.strName.toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8City = ChanInfo.strCity.toUtf8(); // size of current list entry const int iEntrLen = 2 /* country */ + 4 /* instrument */ + 1 /* skill level */ + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8Name.size() + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8City.size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // country (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ChanInfo.eCountry ), 2 ); // instrument (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ChanInfo.iInstrument ), 4 ); // skill level (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ChanInfo.eSkillLevel ), 1 ); // name PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Name ); // city PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHANNEL_INFOS, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateChanInfoMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); CChannelCoreInfo ChanInfo; // check size (the first 7 bytes) if ( iDataLen < 7 ) { return true; // return error code } // country (2 bytes) ChanInfo.eCountry = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // instrument (4 bytes) ChanInfo.iInstrument = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // skill level (1 byte) ChanInfo.eSkillLevel = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // name if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_FADER_TAG, ChanInfo.strName ) ) { return true; // return error code } // city if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY, ChanInfo.strCity ) ) { return true; // return error code } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit ChangeChanInfo ( ChanInfo ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateReqChanInfoMes() { CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_INFOS, CVector ( 0 ) ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateReqChanInfoMes() { // invoke message action emit ReqChanInfo(); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateChatTextMes ( const QString strChatText ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // convert chat text string to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8ChatText = strChatText.toUtf8(); const int iStrUTF8Len = strUTF8ChatText.size(); // get utf-8 string size // size of message body const int iEntrLen = 2 /* utf-8 string size */ + iStrUTF8Len; // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // chat text PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8ChatText ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CHAT_TEXT, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateChatTextMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // chat text QString strChatText; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_CHAT_TEXT_PLUS_HTML, strChatText ) ) { return true; // return error code } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != vecData.Size() ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit ChatTextReceived ( strChatText ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateNetwTranspPropsMes ( const CNetworkTransportProps& NetTrProps ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // size of current message body const int iEntrLen = 4 /* netw size */ + 2 /* block size fact */ + 1 /* num chan */ + 4 /* sam rate */ + 2 /* audiocod type */ + 2 /* version */ + 4 /* audiocod arg */; // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // length of the base network packet (frame) in bytes (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize ), 4 ); // block size factor (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iBlockSizeFact ), 2 ); // number of channels of the audio signal, e.g. "2" is stereo (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iNumAudioChannels ), 1 ); // sample rate of the audio stream (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iSampleRate ), 4 ); // audio coding type (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.eAudioCodingType ), 2 ); // version (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iVersion ), 2 ); // argument for the audio coder (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( NetTrProps.iAudioCodingArg ), 4 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateNetwTranspPropsMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer CNetworkTransportProps ReceivedNetwTranspProps; // size of current message body const int iEntrLen = 4 /* netw size */ + 2 /* block size fact */ + 1 /* num chan */ + 4 /* sam rate */ + 2 /* audiocod type */ + 2 /* version */ + 4 /* audiocod arg */; // check size if ( vecData.Size() != iEntrLen ) { return true; // return error code } // length of the base network packet (frame) in bytes (4 bytes) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // at least CELT_MINIMUM_NUM_BYTES bytes are required for the CELC codec if ( ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize < CELT_MINIMUM_NUM_BYTES ) || ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize > MAX_SIZE_BYTES_NETW_BUF ) ) { return true; // return error code } // block size factor (2 bytes) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBlockSizeFact = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); if ( ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBlockSizeFact != FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_PREFERRED ) && ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBlockSizeFact != FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_DEFAULT ) && ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iBlockSizeFact != FRAME_SIZE_FACTOR_SAFE ) ) { return true; // return error code } // number of channels of the audio signal, only mono (1 channel) or // stereo (2 channels) allowed (1 byte) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iNumAudioChannels = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); if ( ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iNumAudioChannels != 1 ) && ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iNumAudioChannels != 2 ) ) { return true; // return error code } // sample rate of the audio stream (4 bytes) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iSampleRate = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // audio coding type (2 bytes) with error check const int iRecCodingType = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // note that CT_NONE is not a valid setting but only used for server // initialization if ( ( iRecCodingType != CT_CELT ) && ( iRecCodingType != CT_OPUS ) && ( iRecCodingType != CT_OPUS64 ) ) { return true; } ReceivedNetwTranspProps.eAudioCodingType = static_cast ( iRecCodingType ); // version (2 bytes) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iVersion = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // argument for the audio coder (4 bytes) ReceivedNetwTranspProps.iAudioCodingArg = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // invoke message action emit NetTranspPropsReceived ( ReceivedNetwTranspProps ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateReqNetwTranspPropsMes() { CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS, CVector ( 0 ) ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateReqNetwTranspPropsMes() { // invoke message action emit ReqNetTranspProps(); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateLicenceRequiredMes ( const ELicenceType eLicenceType ) { CVector vecData ( 1 ); // 1 bytes of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( eLicenceType ), 1 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_LICENCE_REQUIRED, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateLicenceRequiredMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // extract licence type const ELicenceType eLicenceType = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); if ( ( eLicenceType != LT_CREATIVECOMMONS ) && ( eLicenceType != LT_NO_LICENCE ) ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit LicenceRequired ( eLicenceType ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateOpusSupportedMes() { CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_OPUS_SUPPORTED, CVector ( 0 ) ); } void CProtocol::CreateReqChannelLevelListMes ( const bool bRCL ) { CVector vecData ( 1 ); // 1 byte of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( bRCL ), 1 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateReqChannelLevelListMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // extract opt in / out for channel levels uint32_t val = GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ); if ( val != 0 && val != 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit ReqChannelLevelList ( static_cast ( val ) ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateVersionAndOSMes() { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // get the version number string const QString strVerion = VERSION; // convert version string to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Version = strVerion.toUtf8(); // size of current message body const int iEntrLen = 1 /* operating system */ + 2 /* version utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8Version.size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // operating system (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( COSUtil::GetOperatingSystem() ), 1 ); // version PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Version ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_VERSION_AND_OS, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateVersionAndOSMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); // check size (the first 1 byte) if ( iDataLen < 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // operating system (1 byte) const COSUtil::EOpSystemType eOSType = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // version text QString strVersion; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_VERSION_TEXT, strVersion ) ) { return true; // return error code } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit VersionAndOSReceived ( eOSType, strVersion ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateRecorderStateMes ( const ERecorderState eRecorderState ) { CVector vecData ( 1 ); // 1 byte of data int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector // server jam recorder state (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( eRecorderState ), 1 ); CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_RECORDER_STATE, vecData ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateRecorderStateMes(const CVector& vecData) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // server jam recorder state (1 byte) const int iRecorderState = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); if ( iRecorderState != RS_UNDEFINED ) // ... to be defined ... { return true; } // invoke message action emit RecorderStateReceived ( static_cast ( iRecorderState ) ); return false; // no error } // Connection less messages ---------------------------------------------------- void CProtocol::CreateCLPingMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const int iMs ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector (4 bytes long) CVector vecData ( 4 ); // transmit time (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iMs ), 4 ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLPingMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 4 ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit CLPingReceived ( InetAddr, static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ) ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLPingWithNumClientsMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const int iMs, const int iNumClients ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector (5 bytes long) CVector vecData ( 5 ); // transmit time (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iMs ), 4 ); // current number of connected clients (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( iNumClients ), 1 ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_PING_MS_WITHNUMCLIENTS, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLPingWithNumClientsMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 5 ) { return true; // return error code } // transmit time const int iCurMs = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // current number of connected clients const int iCurNumClients = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // invoke message action emit CLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( InetAddr, iCurMs, iCurNumClients ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLServerFullMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_FULL, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLServerFullMes() { // invoke message action emit ServerFullMesReceived(); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLRegisterServerMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CHostAddress& LInetAddr, const CServerCoreInfo& ServerInfo ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // convert server info strings to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8LInetAddr = LInetAddr.InetAddr.toString().toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8Name = ServerInfo.strName.toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8City = ServerInfo.strCity.toUtf8(); // size of current message body const int iEntrLen = 2 /* server internal port number */ + 2 /* country */ + 1 /* maximum number of connected clients */ + 1 /* is permanent flag */ + 2 /* name utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8Name.size() + 2 /* server internal address utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8LInetAddr.size() + 2 /* city utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8City.size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // port number (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( LInetAddr.iPort ), 2 ); // country (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ServerInfo.eCountry ), 2 ); // maximum number of connected clients (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ServerInfo.iMaxNumClients ), 1 ); // "is permanent" flag (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( ServerInfo.bPermanentOnline ), 1 ); // name PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Name ); // server internal address (formerly unused topic) PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8LInetAddr ); // city PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLRegisterServerMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); QString sLocHost; // temp string for server internal address CHostAddress LInetAddr; CServerCoreInfo RecServerInfo; // check size (the first 6 bytes) if ( iDataLen < 6 ) { return true; // return error code } // port number (2 bytes) LInetAddr.iPort = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // country (2 bytes) RecServerInfo.eCountry = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // maximum number of connected clients (1 byte) RecServerInfo.iMaxNumClients = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // "is permanent" flag (1 byte) RecServerInfo.bPermanentOnline = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // server name if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_NAME, RecServerInfo.strName ) ) { return true; // return error code } // server internal address if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_IP_ADDRESS, sLocHost ) ) { return true; // return error code } if ( sLocHost.isEmpty() ) { // old server, empty "topic", register as local host LInetAddr.InetAddr.setAddress ( QHostAddress::LocalHost ); } else if ( !LInetAddr.InetAddr.setAddress ( sLocHost ) ) { return true; // return error code } // server city if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY, RecServerInfo.strCity ) ) { return true; // return error code } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit CLRegisterServerReceived ( InetAddr, LInetAddr, RecServerInfo ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLUnregisterServerMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_UNREGISTER_SERVER, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLUnregisterServerMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // invoke message action emit CLUnregisterServerReceived ( InetAddr ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLServerListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector vecServerInfo ) { const int iNumServers = vecServerInfo.Size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( 0 ); int iPos = 0; // init position pointer for ( int i = 0; i < iNumServers; i++ ) { // convert server list strings to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Name = vecServerInfo[i].strName.toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8Empty = QString ( "" ).toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8City = vecServerInfo[i].strCity.toUtf8(); // size of current list entry const int iCurListEntrLen = 4 /* IP address */ + 2 /* port number */ + 2 /* country */ + 1 /* maximum number of connected clients */ + 1 /* is permanent flag */ + 2 /* name utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8Name.size() + 2 /* empty string */ + 2 /* city utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8City.size(); // make space for new data vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen ); // IP address (4 bytes) // note the Server List manager has put the internal details in HostAddr where required PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecServerInfo[i].HostAddr.InetAddr.toIPv4Address() ), 4 ); // port number (2 bytes) // note the Server List manager has put the internal details in HostAddr where required PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecServerInfo[i].HostAddr.iPort ), 2 ); // country (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecServerInfo[i].eCountry ), 2 ); // maximum number of connected clients (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecServerInfo[i].iMaxNumClients ), 1 ); // "is permanent" flag (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecServerInfo[i].bPermanentOnline ), 1 ); // name PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Name ); // empty string PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Empty ); // city PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City ); } CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_SERVER_LIST, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLServerListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); CVector vecServerInfo ( 0 ); while ( iPos < iDataLen ) { // check size (the next 10 bytes) if ( ( iDataLen - iPos ) < 10 ) { return true; // return error code } // IP address (4 bytes) const quint32 iIpAddr = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // port number (2 bytes) const quint16 iPort = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // country (2 bytes) const QLocale::Country eCountry = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // maximum number of connected clients (1 byte) const int iMaxNumClients = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // "is permanent" flag (1 byte) const bool bPermanentOnline = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // server name QString strName; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_NAME, strName ) ) { return true; // return error code } // empty QString strEmpty; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_IP_ADDRESS, strEmpty ) ) { return true; // return error code } // server city QString strCity; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY, strCity ) ) { return true; // return error code } // add server information to vector vecServerInfo.Add ( CServerInfo ( CHostAddress ( QHostAddress ( iIpAddr ), iPort ), CHostAddress ( QHostAddress ( iIpAddr ), iPort ), strName, eCountry, strCity, iMaxNumClients, bPermanentOnline ) ); } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit CLServerListReceived ( InetAddr, vecServerInfo ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLReqServerListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_SERVER_LIST, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLReqServerListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // invoke message action emit CLReqServerList ( InetAddr ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLSendEmptyMesMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CHostAddress& TargetInetAddr ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // build data vector (6 bytes long) CVector vecData ( 6 ); // IP address (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( TargetInetAddr.InetAddr.toIPv4Address() ), 4 ); // port number (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( TargetInetAddr.iPort ), 2 ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_SEND_EMPTY_MESSAGE, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLSendEmptyMesMes ( const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // check size if ( vecData.Size() != 6 ) { return true; // return error code } // IP address (4 bytes) const quint32 iIpAddr = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // port number (2 bytes) const quint16 iPort = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // invoke message action emit CLSendEmptyMes ( CHostAddress ( QHostAddress ( iIpAddr ), iPort ) ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLEmptyMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // special message: for this message there exist no Evaluate // function CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_EMPTY_MESSAGE, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } void CProtocol::CreateCLDisconnection ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_DISCONNECTION, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLDisconnectionMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // invoke message action emit CLDisconnection ( InetAddr ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLVersionAndOSMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer // get the version number string const QString strVerion = VERSION; // convert version string to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Version = strVerion.toUtf8(); // size of current message body const int iEntrLen = 1 /* operating system */ + 2 /* version utf-8 string size */ + strUTF8Version.size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( iEntrLen ); // operating system (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( COSUtil::GetOperatingSystem() ), 1 ); // version PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Version ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_VERSION_AND_OS, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLVersionAndOSMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); // check size (the first 1 byte) if ( iDataLen < 1 ) { return true; // return error code } // operating system (1 byte) const COSUtil::EOpSystemType eOSType = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // version text QString strVersion; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_VERSION_TEXT, strVersion ) ) { return true; // return error code } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit CLVersionAndOSReceived ( InetAddr, eOSType, strVersion ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLReqVersionAndOSMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_VERSION_AND_OS, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLReqVersionAndOSMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // invoke message action emit CLReqVersionAndOS ( InetAddr ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLConnClientsListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecChanInfo ) { const int iNumClients = vecChanInfo.Size(); // build data vector CVector vecData ( 0 ); int iPos = 0; // init position pointer for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ ) { // convert strings to utf-8 const QByteArray strUTF8Name = vecChanInfo[i].strName.toUtf8(); const QByteArray strUTF8City = vecChanInfo[i].strCity.toUtf8(); // size of current list entry const int iCurListEntrLen = 1 /* chan ID */ + 2 /* country */ + 4 /* instrument */ + 1 /* skill level */ + 4 /* IP address */ + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8Name.size() + 2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8City.size(); // make space for new data vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen ); // channel ID (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iChanID ), 1 ); // country (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].eCountry ), 2 ); // instrument (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iInstrument ), 4 ); // skill level (1 byte) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].eSkillLevel ), 1 ); // IP address (4 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( vecChanInfo[i].iIpAddr ), 4 ); // name PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8Name ); // city PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City ); } CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLConnClientsListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); CVector vecChanInfo ( 0 ); while ( iPos < iDataLen ) { // check size (the next 12 bytes) if ( ( iDataLen - iPos ) < 12 ) { return true; // return error code } // channel ID (1 byte) const int iChanID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // country (2 bytes) const QLocale::Country eCountry = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) ); // instrument (4 bytes) const int iInstrument = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // skill level (1 byte) const ESkillLevel eSkillLevel = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // IP address (4 bytes) const int iIpAddr = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) ); // name QString strCurName; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_FADER_TAG, strCurName ) ) { return true; // return error code } // city QString strCurCity; if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData, iPos, MAX_LEN_SERVER_CITY, strCurCity ) ) { return true; // return error code } // add channel information to vector vecChanInfo.Add ( CChannelInfo ( iChanID, iIpAddr, strCurName, eCountry, strCurCity, iInstrument, eSkillLevel ) ); } // check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end if ( iPos != iDataLen ) { return true; // return error code } // invoke message action emit CLConnClientsListMesReceived ( InetAddr, vecChanInfo ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLReqConnClientsListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, CVector ( 0 ), InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLReqConnClientsListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr ) { // invoke message action emit CLReqConnClientsList ( InetAddr ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLChannelLevelListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecLevelList, const int iNumClients ) { // This must be a multiple of bytes at four bits per client const int iNumBytes = ( iNumClients + 1 ) / 2; CVector vecData( iNumBytes ); int iPos = 0; // init position pointer for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < iNumClients; i += 2 /* pack two per byte */, j++ ) { uint16_t levelLo = vecLevelList[i] & 0x0F; uint16_t levelHi = ( i + 1 < iNumClients ) ? vecLevelList[i + 1] & 0x0F : 0x0F; uint8_t byte = static_cast ( levelLo | ( levelHi << 4 ) ); PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( byte ), 1 ); } CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLChannelLevelListMes ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); // four bits per channel, 2 channels per byte // may have one too many entries, last being 0xF int iVecLen = iDataLen * 2; // one ushort per channel if ( iVecLen > MAX_NUM_CHANNELS ) { return true; // return error code } CVector vecLevelList ( iVecLen ); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < iDataLen; i++, j += 2 ) { uint8_t byte = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); uint16_t levelLo = byte & 0x0F; uint16_t levelHi = ( byte >> 4 ) & 0x0F; vecLevelList[j] = levelLo; if ( levelHi != 0x0F ) { vecLevelList[j + 1] = levelHi; } else { vecLevelList.resize ( iVecLen - 1 ); break; } } // invoke message action emit CLChannelLevelListReceived ( InetAddr, vecLevelList ); return false; // no error } void CProtocol::CreateCLRegisterServerResp ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const ESvrRegResult eResult ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer CVector vecData( 1 ); PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos, static_cast ( eResult ), 1 ); CreateAndImmSendConLessMessage ( PROTMESSID_CLM_REGISTER_SERVER_RESP, vecData, InetAddr ); } bool CProtocol::EvaluateCLRegisterServerResp ( const CHostAddress& InetAddr, const CVector& vecData ) { int iPos = 0; // init position pointer const int iDataLen = vecData.Size(); if ( iDataLen != 1 ) { return true; } ESvrRegResult eResult = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) ); // invoke message action emit CLRegisterServerResp ( InetAddr, eResult ); return false; // no error } /******************************************************************************\ * Message generation and parsing * \******************************************************************************/ bool CProtocol::ParseMessageFrame ( const CVector& vecbyData, const int iNumBytesIn, CVector& vecbyMesBodyData, int& iCnt, int& iID ) { int i; int iCurPos; // vector must be at least "MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE" bytes long if ( iNumBytesIn < MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE ) { return true; // return error code } // Decode header ----------------------------------------------------------- iCurPos = 0; // start from beginning // 2 bytes TAG const int iTag = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 2 ) ); // check if tag is correct if ( iTag != 0 ) { return true; // return error code } // 2 bytes ID iID = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 2 ) ); // 1 byte cnt iCnt = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 1 ) ); // 2 bytes length const int iLenBy = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 2 ) ); // make sure the length is correct if ( iLenBy != iNumBytesIn - MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE ) { return true; // return error code } // Now check CRC ----------------------------------------------------------- CCRC CRCObj; const int iLenCRCCalc = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE + iLenBy; iCurPos = 0; // start from the beginning for ( i = 0; i < iLenCRCCalc; i++ ) { CRCObj.AddByte ( static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 1 ) ) ); } if ( CRCObj.GetCRC () != GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 2 ) ) { return true; // return error code } // Extract actual data ----------------------------------------------------- // TODO this memory allocation is done in the real time thread but should be // done in the low priority protocol management thread vecbyMesBodyData.Init ( iLenBy ); iCurPos = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE; // start from beginning of data for ( i = 0; i < iLenBy; i++ ) { vecbyMesBodyData[i] = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecbyData, iCurPos, 1 ) ); } return false; // no error } uint32_t CProtocol::GetValFromStream ( const CVector& vecIn, int& iPos, const int iNumOfBytes ) { /* note: iPos is automatically incremented in this function */ // 4 bytes maximum since we return uint32 Q_ASSERT ( ( iNumOfBytes > 0 ) && ( iNumOfBytes <= 4 ) ); Q_ASSERT ( vecIn.Size() >= iPos + iNumOfBytes ); uint32_t iRet = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < iNumOfBytes; i++ ) { iRet |= vecIn[iPos] << ( i * 8 /* size of byte */ ); iPos++; } return iRet; } bool CProtocol::GetStringFromStream ( const CVector& vecIn, int& iPos, const int iMaxStringLen, QString& strOut ) { /* note: iPos is automatically incremented in this function */ const int iInLen = vecIn.Size(); // check if at least two bytes are available if ( ( iInLen - iPos ) < 2 ) { return true; // return error code } // number of bytes for utf-8 string (2 bytes) const int iStrUTF8Len = static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iPos, 2 ) ); // (note that iPos was incremented by 2 in the above code!) if ( ( iInLen - iPos ) < iStrUTF8Len ) { return true; // return error code } // string (n bytes) QByteArray sStringUTF8; for ( int i = 0; i < iStrUTF8Len; i++ ) { // byte-by-byte copying of the string data sStringUTF8.append ( static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecIn, iPos, 1 ) ) ); } // convert utf-8 byte array in the return string strOut = QString::fromUtf8 ( sStringUTF8 ); // check length of actual string if ( strOut.size() > iMaxStringLen ) { return true; // return error code } return false; // no error } void CProtocol::GenMessageFrame ( CVector& vecOut, const int iCnt, const int iID, const CVector& vecData ) { int i; // query length of data vector const int iDataLenByte = vecData.Size(); // total length of message const int iTotLenByte = MESS_LEN_WITHOUT_DATA_BYTE + iDataLenByte; // init message vector vecOut.Init ( iTotLenByte ); // Encode header ----------------------------------------------------------- int iCurPos = 0; // init position pointer // 2 bytes TAG (all zero bits) PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( 0 ), 2 ); // 2 bytes ID PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( iID ), 2 ); // 1 byte cnt PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( iCnt ), 1 ); // 2 bytes length PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( iDataLenByte ), 2 ); // encode data ----- for ( i = 0; i < iDataLenByte; i++ ) { PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( vecData[i] ), 1 ); } // Encode CRC -------------------------------------------------------------- CCRC CRCObj; iCurPos = 0; // start from beginning const int iLenCRCCalc = MESS_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE + iDataLenByte; for ( i = 0; i < iLenCRCCalc; i++ ) { CRCObj.AddByte ( static_cast ( GetValFromStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, 1 ) ) ); } PutValOnStream ( vecOut, iCurPos, static_cast ( CRCObj.GetCRC() ), 2 ); } void CProtocol::PutValOnStream ( CVector& vecIn, int& iPos, const uint32_t iVal, const int iNumOfBytes ) { /* note: iPos is automatically incremented in this function */ // 4 bytes maximum since we use uint32 Q_ASSERT ( ( iNumOfBytes > 0 ) && ( iNumOfBytes <= 4 ) ); Q_ASSERT ( vecIn.Size() >= iPos + iNumOfBytes ); for ( int i = 0; i < iNumOfBytes; i++ ) { vecIn[iPos] = ( iVal >> ( i * 8 /* size of byte */ ) ) & 255 /* 11111111 */; iPos++; } } void CProtocol::PutStringUTF8OnStream ( CVector& vecIn, int& iPos, const QByteArray& sStringUTF8 ) { // get the utf-8 string size const int iStrUTF8Len = sStringUTF8.size(); // number of bytes for utf-8 string (2 bytes) PutValOnStream ( vecIn, iPos, static_cast ( iStrUTF8Len ), 2 ); // actual utf-8 string (n bytes) for ( int j = 0; j < iStrUTF8Len; j++ ) { // byte-by-byte copying of the utf-8 string data PutValOnStream ( vecIn, iPos, static_cast ( sStringUTF8[j] ), 1 ); } }