/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include "client.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ CClient::CClient() : bRun ( false ), Socket ( &Channel ), iAudioInFader ( AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 2 ), iReverbLevel ( AUD_REVERB_MAX / 6 ), bReverbOnLeftChan ( false ), iNetwBufSizeFactIn ( DEF_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR ), strIPAddress ( "" ), strName ( "" ) { // connection for protocol QObject::connect ( &Channel, SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessage ( CVector ) ) ); QObject::connect ( &Channel, SIGNAL ( ReqJittBufSize() ), this, SLOT ( OnReqJittBufSize() ) ); QObject::connect ( &Channel, SIGNAL ( ProtocolStatus ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( OnProtocolStatus ( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect ( &Channel, SIGNAL ( ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ), SIGNAL ( ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ) ); QObject::connect ( &Channel, SIGNAL ( NewConnection() ), this, SLOT ( OnNewConnection() ) ); } void CClient::OnSendProtMessage ( CVector vecMessage ) { // convert unsigned uint8_t in char, TODO convert all buffers in uint8_t CVector vecbyDataConv ( vecMessage.Size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < vecMessage.Size(); i++ ) { vecbyDataConv[i] = static_cast ( vecMessage[i] ); } // the protocol queries me to call the function to send the message // send it through the network Socket.SendPacket ( vecbyDataConv, Channel.GetAddress() ); } void CClient::OnReqJittBufSize() { Channel.CreateJitBufMes ( Channel.GetSockBufSize() ); // FIXME: we set the network buffer size factor here, too -> in the // future a separate request function for this parameter should be created Channel.CreateNetwBlSiFactMes ( iNetwBufSizeFactIn ); } void CClient::OnNewConnection() { // a new connection was successfully initiated, send name and request // connected clients list Channel.SetRemoteName ( strName ); Channel.CreateReqConnClientsList(); } bool CClient::SetServerAddr ( QString strNAddr ) { QHostAddress InetAddr; // first try if this is an IP number an can directly applied to QHostAddress if ( !InetAddr.setAddress ( strNAddr ) ) { // it was no vaild IP address, try to get host by name, assuming // that the string contains a valid host name string QHostInfo HostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName ( strNAddr ); if ( HostInfo.error() == QHostInfo::NoError ) { // apply IP address to QT object if ( !HostInfo.addresses().isEmpty() ) { // use the first IP address InetAddr = HostInfo.addresses().first(); } } else { return false; // invalid address } } // apply address (the server port is fixed and always the same) Channel.SetAddress ( CHostAddress ( InetAddr, LLCON_PORT_NUMBER ) ); return true; } void CClient::OnProtocolStatus ( bool bOk ) { // show protocol status in GUI if ( bOk ) { PostWinMessage ( MS_PROTOCOL, MUL_COL_LED_RED ); } else { PostWinMessage ( MS_PROTOCOL, MUL_COL_LED_GREEN ); } } void CClient::Init() { // set block sizes (in samples) iBlockSizeSam = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_SAMPLES; iSndCrdBlockSizeSam = MIN_SND_CRD_BLOCK_SIZE_SAMPLES; vecsAudioSndCrd.Init ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam * 2 ); // stereo vecdAudioSndCrdL.Init ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam ); vecdAudioSndCrdR.Init ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam ); vecdAudioL.Init ( iBlockSizeSam ); vecdAudioR.Init ( iBlockSizeSam ); Sound.InitRecording ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam * 2 ); // stereo Sound.InitPlayback ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam * 2 ); // stereo // resample objects are always initialized with the input block size // record ResampleObjDownL.Init ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam, SND_CRD_SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_RATE ); ResampleObjDownR.Init ( iSndCrdBlockSizeSam, SND_CRD_SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_RATE ); // playback ResampleObjUpL.Init ( iBlockSizeSam, SAMPLE_RATE, SND_CRD_SAMPLE_RATE ); ResampleObjUpR.Init ( iBlockSizeSam, SAMPLE_RATE, SND_CRD_SAMPLE_RATE ); // init network buffers vecsNetwork.Init ( iBlockSizeSam ); vecdNetwData.Init ( iBlockSizeSam ); // init moving average buffer for response time evaluation RespTimeMoAvBuf.Init ( LEN_MOV_AV_RESPONSE ); // init time for response time evaluation TimeLastBlock = QTime::currentTime(); AudioReverb.Clear(); } void CClient::run() { int i, iInCnt; // Set thread priority (The working thread should have a higher // priority than the GUI) #ifdef _WIN32 SetThreadPriority ( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL ); #else // set the process to realtime privs, taken from // "http://www.gardena.net/benno/linux/audio" but does not seem to work, // maybe a problem with user rights struct sched_param schp; memset ( &schp, 0, sizeof ( schp ) ); schp.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max ( SCHED_FIFO ); sched_setscheduler ( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &schp ); #endif // init object Init(); // runtime phase ------------------------------------------------------------ // enable channel Channel.SetEnable ( true ); bRun = true; // main loop of working thread while ( bRun ) { // get audio from sound card (blocking function) if ( Sound.Read ( vecsAudioSndCrd ) ) { PostWinMessage ( MS_SOUND_IN, MUL_COL_LED_RED ); } else { PostWinMessage ( MS_SOUND_IN, MUL_COL_LED_GREEN ); } // TEST //Sleep(300); // copy data from one stereo buffer in two separate buffers iInCnt = 0; for ( i = 0; i < iSndCrdBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { vecdAudioSndCrdL[i] = (double) vecsAudioSndCrd[iInCnt++]; vecdAudioSndCrdR[i] = (double) vecsAudioSndCrd[iInCnt++]; } // resample data for each channel seaparately ResampleObjDownL.Resample ( vecdAudioSndCrdL, vecdAudioL ); ResampleObjDownR.Resample ( vecdAudioSndCrdR, vecdAudioR ); // update signal level meters SignalLevelMeterL.Update ( vecdAudioL ); SignalLevelMeterR.Update ( vecdAudioR ); // add reverberation effect if activated if ( iReverbLevel != 0 ) { // first attenuation amplification factor const double dRevLev = (double) iReverbLevel / AUD_REVERB_MAX / 2; if ( bReverbOnLeftChan ) { for (i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++) { // left channel vecdAudioL[i] += dRevLev * AudioReverb.ProcessSample ( vecdAudioL[i] ); } } else { for ( i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { // right channel vecdAudioR[i] += dRevLev * AudioReverb.ProcessSample ( vecdAudioR[i] ); } } } // mix both signals depending on the fading setting const int iMiddleOfFader = AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 2; const double dAttFact = (double) ( iMiddleOfFader - abs ( iMiddleOfFader - iAudioInFader ) ) / iMiddleOfFader; for ( i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { double dMixedSignal; if ( iAudioInFader > iMiddleOfFader ) { dMixedSignal = vecdAudioL[i] + dAttFact * vecdAudioR[i]; } else { dMixedSignal = vecdAudioR[i] + dAttFact * vecdAudioL[i]; } vecsNetwork[i] = Double2Short ( dMixedSignal ); } // send it through the network Socket.SendPacket ( Channel.PrepSendPacket ( vecsNetwork ), Channel.GetAddress () ); // receive a new block if ( Channel.GetData ( vecdNetwData ) == GS_BUFFER_OK ) { PostWinMessage ( MS_JIT_BUF_GET, MUL_COL_LED_GREEN ); } else { PostWinMessage ( MS_JIT_BUF_GET, MUL_COL_LED_RED ); } #ifdef _DEBUG_ #if 0 #if 0 /* Determine network delay. We can do this very simple if only this client is connected to the server. In this case, exactly the same audio material is coming back and we can simply compare the samples */ /* store send data instatic buffer (may delay is 100 ms) */ const int iMaxDelaySamples = (int) ((float) 0.3 /*0.1*/ * SAMPLE_RATE); static CVector vecsOutBuf(iMaxDelaySamples); /* update buffer */ const int iBufDiff = iMaxDelaySamples - iBlockSizeSam; for (i = 0; i < iBufDiff; i++) vecsOutBuf[i + iBlockSizeSam] = vecsOutBuf[i]; for (i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++) vecsOutBuf[i] = vecsNetwork[i]; /* now search for equal samples */ int iDelaySamples = 0; for (i = 0; i < iMaxDelaySamples - 1; i++) { /* compare two successive samples */ if ((vecsOutBuf[i] == (short) vecdNetwData[0]) && (vecsOutBuf[i + 1] == (short) vecdNetwData[1])) { iDelaySamples = i; } } static FILE* pFileDelay = fopen("delay.dat", "w"); fprintf(pFileDelay, "%d\n", iDelaySamples); fflush(pFileDelay); #else /* just store both, input and output, streams */ // fid=fopen('v.dat','r');x=fread(fid,'int16');fclose(fid); static FILE* pFileDelay = fopen("v.dat", "wb"); short sData[2]; for (i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++) { sData[0] = vecsNetwork[i]; sData[1] = (short) vecdNetwData[i]; fwrite(&sData, size_t(2), size_t(2), pFileDelay); } fflush(pFileDelay); #endif #endif #endif /* // fid=fopen('v.dat','r');x=fread(fid,'int16');fclose(fid); static FILE* pFileDelay = fopen("v.dat", "wb"); short sData[2]; for (i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++) { sData[0] = (short) vecdNetwData[i]; fwrite(&sData, size_t(2), size_t(1), pFileDelay); } fflush(pFileDelay); */ // check if channel is connected if ( Channel.IsConnected() ) { // write mono input signal in both sound-card channels for ( i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { vecdAudioL[i] = vecdAudioR[i] = vecdNetwData[i]; } } else { // if not connected, clear data for ( i = 0; i < iBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { vecdAudioL[i] = vecdAudioR[i] = 0.0; } } // resample data for each channel separately ResampleObjUpL.Resample ( vecdAudioL, vecdAudioSndCrdL ); ResampleObjUpR.Resample ( vecdAudioR, vecdAudioSndCrdR ); // copy data from one stereo buffer in two separate buffers iInCnt = 0; for ( i = 0; i < iSndCrdBlockSizeSam; i++ ) { vecsAudioSndCrd[iInCnt++] = Double2Short ( vecdAudioSndCrdL[i] ); vecsAudioSndCrd[iInCnt++] = Double2Short ( vecdAudioSndCrdR[i] ); } // play the new block if ( Sound.Write ( vecsAudioSndCrd ) ) { PostWinMessage ( MS_SOUND_OUT, MUL_COL_LED_RED ); } else { PostWinMessage ( MS_SOUND_OUT, MUL_COL_LED_GREEN ); } // update response time measurement ------------------------------------ // add time difference const QTime CurTime = QTime::currentTime(); // we want to calculate the standard deviation (we assume that the mean // is correct at the block period time) const double dCurAddVal = ( (double) TimeLastBlock.msecsTo ( CurTime ) - MIN_BLOCK_DURATION_MS ); /* // TEST static FILE* pFileTest = fopen("sti.dat", "w"); fprintf(pFileTest, "%e\n", dCurAddVal); fflush(pFileTest); */ RespTimeMoAvBuf.Add ( dCurAddVal * dCurAddVal ); // add squared value // store old time value TimeLastBlock = CurTime; } // disable channel Channel.SetEnable ( false ); // reset current signal level and LEDs SignalLevelMeterL.Reset(); SignalLevelMeterR.Reset(); PostWinMessage ( MS_RESET_ALL, 0 ); } bool CClient::Stop() { // set flag so that thread can leave the main loop bRun = false; // give thread some time to terminate, return status return wait ( 5000 ); }