/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #if !defined ( TESTBENCH_HOIHJH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) #define TESTBENCH_HOIHJH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "socket.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "util.h" /* Classes ********************************************************************/ class CTestbench : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: CTestbench ( QString sNewAddress, quint16 iNewPort ) : sAddress ( sNewAddress ), iPort ( iNewPort ) { // bind socket (try 100 port numbers) quint16 iPortIncrement = 0; // start value: port nubmer plus ten bool bSuccess = false; // initialization for while loop while ( !bSuccess && ( iPortIncrement <= 100 ) ) { bSuccess = UdpSocket.bind ( QHostAddress( QHostAddress::Any ), 22222 + iPortIncrement ); iPortIncrement++; } // connect protocol signal QObject::connect ( &Protocol, SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector ) ), this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessage ( CVector ) ) ); // connect and start the timer (testbench heartbeat) QObject::connect ( &Timer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) ); Timer.start ( 1 ); // 1 ms } protected: int GenRandomIntInRange ( const int iStart, const int iEnd ) const { return static_cast ( iStart + ( ( static_cast ( iEnd - iStart + 1 ) * rand() ) / RAND_MAX ) ); } QString GenRandomString() const { const int iLen = GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 111 ); QString strReturn = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < iLen; i++ ) { strReturn += static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 255 ) ); } return strReturn; } QString sAddress; quint16 iPort; QTimer Timer; CProtocol Protocol; QUdpSocket UdpSocket; public slots: void OnTimer() { CVector vecChanInfo ( 1 ); CNetworkTransportProps NetTrProps; CServerCoreInfo ServerInfo; CVector vecServerInfo ( 1 ); CHostAddress CurHostAddress ( QHostAddress ( sAddress ), iPort ); CChannelCoreInfo ChannelCoreInfo; // generate random protocol message switch ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 25 ) ) { case 0: Protocol.CreateJitBufMes ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 10 ) ); break; case 1: Protocol.CreateReqJitBufMes(); break; case 2: Protocol.CreateChanGainMes ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 20 ), GenRandomIntInRange ( -100, 100 ) ); break; case 3: vecChanInfo[0].iChanID = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 20 ); vecChanInfo[0].iIpAddr = GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100000 ); vecChanInfo[0].strName = GenRandomString(); Protocol.CreateConClientListNameMes ( vecChanInfo ); break; case 4: vecChanInfo[0].iChanID = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 20 ); vecChanInfo[0].iIpAddr = GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100000 ); vecChanInfo[0].strName = GenRandomString(); Protocol.CreateConClientListMes ( vecChanInfo ); break; case 5: Protocol.CreateReqConnClientsList(); break; case 6: Protocol.CreateChanNameMes ( GenRandomString() ); break; case 7: ChannelCoreInfo.eCountry = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100 ) ); ChannelCoreInfo.eSkillLevel = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 3 ) ); ChannelCoreInfo.iInstrument = GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100000 ); ChannelCoreInfo.strCity = GenRandomString(); ChannelCoreInfo.strName = GenRandomString(); Protocol.CreateChanInfoMes ( ChannelCoreInfo ); break; case 8: Protocol.CreateReqChanInfoMes(); break; case 9: Protocol.CreateChatTextMes ( GenRandomString() ); break; case 10: Protocol.CreatePingMes ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100000 ) ); break; case 11: NetTrProps.eAudioCodingType = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 2 ) ); NetTrProps.iAudioCodingArg = GenRandomIntInRange ( -100, 100 ); NetTrProps.iBaseNetworkPacketSize = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 1000 ); NetTrProps.iBlockSizeFact = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 100 ); NetTrProps.iNumAudioChannels = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10 ); NetTrProps.iSampleRate = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); NetTrProps.iVersion = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); Protocol.CreateNetwTranspPropsMes ( NetTrProps ); break; case 12: Protocol.CreateReqNetwTranspPropsMes(); break; case 13: Protocol.CreateOpusSupportedMes(); break; case 14: Protocol.CreateCLPingMes ( CurHostAddress, GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 1000 ) ); break; case 15: Protocol.CreateCLPingWithNumClientsMes ( CurHostAddress, GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 1000 ), GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 1000 ) ); break; case 16: Protocol.CreateCLServerFullMes ( CurHostAddress ); break; case 17: ServerInfo.bPermanentOnline = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 1 ) ); ServerInfo.eCountry = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100 ) ); ServerInfo.iLocalPortNumber = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); ServerInfo.iMaxNumClients = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); ServerInfo.strCity = GenRandomString(); ServerInfo.strName = GenRandomString(); ServerInfo.strTopic = GenRandomString(); Protocol.CreateCLRegisterServerMes ( CurHostAddress, ServerInfo ); break; case 18: Protocol.CreateCLUnregisterServerMes ( CurHostAddress ); break; case 19: vecServerInfo[0].bPermanentOnline = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 1 ) ); vecServerInfo[0].eCountry = static_cast ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 0, 100 ) ); vecServerInfo[0].HostAddr = CurHostAddress; vecServerInfo[0].iLocalPortNumber = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); vecServerInfo[0].iMaxNumClients = GenRandomIntInRange ( -2, 10000 ); vecServerInfo[0].strCity = GenRandomString(); vecServerInfo[0].strName = GenRandomString(); vecServerInfo[0].strTopic = GenRandomString(); Protocol.CreateCLServerListMes ( CurHostAddress, vecServerInfo ); break; case 20: Protocol.CreateCLReqServerListMes ( CurHostAddress ); break; case 21: Protocol.CreateCLSendEmptyMesMes ( CurHostAddress, CurHostAddress ); break; case 22: Protocol.CreateCLEmptyMes ( CurHostAddress ); break; case 23: Protocol.CreateCLDisconnection ( CurHostAddress ); break; case 24: Protocol.CreateAndImmSendAcknMess ( GenRandomIntInRange ( -10, 100 ), GenRandomIntInRange ( -100, 100 ) ); break; case 25: // arbitrary "audio" packet (with random sizes) CVector vecMessage ( GenRandomIntInRange ( 1, 1000 ) ); OnSendProtMessage ( vecMessage ); break; } } void OnSendProtMessage ( CVector vecMessage ) { UdpSocket.writeDatagram ( (const char*) &( (CVector) vecMessage )[0], vecMessage.Size(), QHostAddress ( sAddress ), iPort ); // reset protocol so that we do not have to wait for an acknowledge to // send the next message Protocol.Reset(); } }; #endif /* !defined ( TESTBENCH_HOIHJH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */