/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include "settings.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ void CSettings::ReadIniFile ( const QString& sFileName ) { int iValue; bool bValue; QDomDocument IniXMLDocument; // load data from init-file // prepare file name for loading initialization data from XML file QString sCurFileName = sFileName; if ( sCurFileName.isEmpty() ) { // if no file name is available, use default file name sCurFileName = LLCON_INIT_FILE_NAME; } // read data from file if possible QFile file ( sCurFileName ); if ( file.open ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream in ( &file ); IniXMLDocument.setContent ( in.readAll(), false ); file.close(); } // actual settings data --------------------------------------------------- // IP address pClient->strIPAddress = GetIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "ipaddress" ); // name pClient->strName = GetIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "name" ); // audio fader if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audfad", 0, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX, iValue ) ) { pClient->SetAudioInFader ( iValue ); } // reverberation level if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "revlev", 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX, iValue ) ) { pClient->SetReverbLevel ( iValue ); } // reverberation channel assignment if ( GetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "reverblchan", bValue ) ) { pClient->SetReverbOnLeftChan ( bValue ); } // sound card in number of buffers if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audinbuf", 1, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) ) { pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetInNumBuf( iValue ); } // sound card out number of buffers if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audoutbuf", 1, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) ) { pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetOutNumBuf ( iValue ); } // network jitter buffer size if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "jitbuf", 0, MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL, iValue ) ) { pClient->SetSockBufSize ( iValue ); } // network buffer size factor in if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "netwbusifactin", 1, MAX_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR, iValue ) ) { pClient->SetNetwBufSizeFactIn ( iValue ); } // flag whether the chat window shall be opened on a new chat message if ( GetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "openchatonnewmessage", bValue ) ) { pClient->SetOpenChatOnNewMessage ( bValue ); } } void CSettings::WriteIniFile ( const QString& sFileName ) { // create XML document for storing initialization parameters QDomDocument IniXMLDocument; // actual settings data --------------------------------------------------- // IP address PutIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "ipaddress", pClient->strIPAddress ); // name PutIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "name", pClient->strName ); // audio fader SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audfad", pClient->GetAudioInFader() ); // reverberation level SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "revlev", pClient->GetReverbLevel() ); // reverberation channel assignment SetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "reverblchan", pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan() ); // sound card in number of buffers SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audinbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetInNumBuf() ); // sound card out number of buffers SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audoutbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetOutNumBuf() ); // network jitter buffer size SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "jitbuf", pClient->GetSockBufSize() ); // network buffer size factor in SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "netwbusifactin", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactIn() ); // network buffer size factor out SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "netwbusifactout", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactOut() ); // flag whether the chat window shall be opened on a new chat message SetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "openchatonnewmessage", pClient->GetOpenChatOnNewMessage() ); // prepare file name for storing initialization data in XML file QString sCurFileName = sFileName; if ( sCurFileName.isEmpty() ) { // if no file name is available, use default file name sCurFileName = LLCON_INIT_FILE_NAME; } // store XML data in file QFile file ( sCurFileName ); if ( file.open ( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { QTextStream out ( &file ); out << IniXMLDocument.toString(); } } void CSettings::SetNumericIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection, const QString& strKey, const int iValue ) { // convert input parameter which is an integer to string and store PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, QString("%1").arg(iValue) ); } bool CSettings::GetNumericIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection, const QString& strKey, const int iRangeStart, const int iRangeStop, int& iValue ) { // init return value bool bReturn = false; const QString strGetIni = GetIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey ); // check if it is a valid parameter if ( !strGetIni.isEmpty() ) { // convert string from init file to integer iValue = strGetIni.toInt(); // check range if ( ( iValue >= iRangeStart ) && ( iValue <= iRangeStop ) ) { bReturn = true; } } return bReturn; } void CSettings::SetFlagIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection, const QString& strKey, const bool bValue ) { // we encode true -> "1" and false -> "0" if ( bValue == true ) { PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, "1" ); } else { PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, "0" ); } } bool CSettings::GetFlagIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection, const QString& strKey, bool& bValue ) { // init return value bool bReturn = false; const QString strGetIni = GetIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey ); if ( !strGetIni.isEmpty() ) { if ( strGetIni.toInt() ) { bValue = true; } else { bValue = false; } bReturn = true; } return bReturn; } // Init-file routines using XML *********************************************** QString CSettings::GetIniSetting ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection, const QString& sKey, const QString& sDefaultVal ) { // init return parameter with default value QString sResult ( sDefaultVal ); // get section QDomElement xmlSection = xmlFile.firstChildElement ( sSection ); if ( !xmlSection.isNull() ) { // get key QDomElement xmlKey = xmlSection.firstChildElement ( sKey ); if ( !xmlKey.isNull() ) { // get value sResult = xmlKey.text(); } } return sResult; } void CSettings::PutIniSetting ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection, const QString& sKey, const QString& sValue ) { // check if section is already there, if not then create it QDomElement xmlSection = xmlFile.firstChildElement ( sSection ); if ( xmlSection.isNull() ) { // create new root element and add to document xmlSection = xmlFile.createElement ( sSection ); xmlFile.appendChild ( xmlSection ); } // check if key is already there, if not then create it QDomElement xmlKey = xmlSection.firstChildElement ( sKey ); if ( xmlKey.isNull() ) { xmlKey = xmlFile.createElement ( sKey ); xmlSection.appendChild ( xmlKey ); } // add actual data to the key QDomText currentValue = xmlFile.createTextNode ( sValue ); xmlKey.appendChild ( currentValue ); }