CONFIG += qt \ thread \ release QT += widgets \ network \ xml INCLUDEPATH += src \ libs/celt DEFINES += USE_ALLOCA \ _REENTRANT win32 { DEFINES -= UNICODE # fixes issue with ASIO SDK (asiolist.cpp is not unicode compatible) DEFINES += NOMINMAX # solves a compiler error in qdatetime.h (Qt5) HEADERS += windows/sound.h SOURCES += windows/sound.cpp \ windows/ASIOSDK2/common/asio.cpp \ windows/ASIOSDK2/host/asiodrivers.cpp \ windows/ASIOSDK2/host/pc/asiolist.cpp RC_FILE = windows/llcon.rc INCLUDEPATH += windows/ASIOSDK2/common \ windows/ASIOSDK2/host \ windows/ASIOSDK2/host/pc LIBS += ole32.lib \ user32.lib \ advapi32.lib \ winmm.lib } else:macx { HEADERS += mac/sound.h SOURCES += mac/sound.cpp RC_FILE = mac/llcon.icns CONFIG += x86 ppc LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation \ -framework CoreServices \ -framework CoreAudio \ -framework AudioToolbox \ -framework AudioUnit } else:unix { # we assume that stdint.h is always present in a Linux system DEFINES += HAVE_STDINT_H # only include jack support if CONFIG nosound is not set nosoundoption = $$find(CONFIG, "nosound") count(nosoundoption, 0) { message(Jack Audio Interface Enabled.) HEADERS += linux/sound.h SOURCES += linux/sound.cpp DEFINES += WITH_SOUND LIBS += -ljack } # Linux is our source distribution, include sources from other OSs DISTFILES += mac/sound.h \ mac/sound.cpp \ mac/llcon.icns \ windows/sound.h \ windows/sound.cpp \ windows/llcon.rc \ windows/mainicon.ico } RCC_DIR = src/res RESOURCES += src/resources.qrc FORMS += src/llconclientdlgbase.ui \ src/llconserverdlgbase.ui \ src/clientsettingsdlgbase.ui \ src/chatdlgbase.ui \ src/connectdlgbase.ui \ src/aboutdlgbase.ui HEADERS += src/audiomixerboard.h \ src/buffer.h \ src/channel.h \ src/chatdlg.h \ src/client.h \ src/clientsettingsdlg.h \ src/connectdlg.h \ src/global.h \ src/llconclientdlg.h \ src/llconserverdlg.h \ src/multicolorled.h \ src/multicolorledbar.h \ src/protocol.h \ src/server.h \ src/serverlist.h \ src/serverlogging.h \ src/settings.h \ src/socket.h \ src/soundbase.h \ src/testbench.h \ src/util.h \ libs/celt/cc6_celt.h \ libs/celt/celt_types.h \ libs/celt/cc6_celt_header.h \ libs/celt/_kiss_fft_guts.h \ libs/celt/arch.h \ libs/celt/bands.h \ libs/celt/fixed_c5x.h \ libs/celt/fixed_c6x.h \ libs/celt/cwrs.h \ libs/celt/ecintrin.h \ libs/celt/entcode.h \ libs/celt/entdec.h \ libs/celt/entenc.h \ libs/celt/fixed_generic.h \ libs/celt/float_cast.h \ libs/celt/kfft_double.h \ libs/celt/kfft_single.h \ libs/celt/kiss_fft.h \ libs/celt/kiss_fftr.h \ libs/celt/laplace.h \ libs/celt/mdct.h \ libs/celt/mfrngcod.h \ libs/celt/mathops.h \ libs/celt/modes.h \ libs/celt/os_support.h \ libs/celt/pitch.h \ libs/celt/psy.h \ libs/celt/quant_bands.h \ libs/celt/rate.h \ libs/celt/stack_alloc.h \ libs/celt/vq.h SOURCES += src/audiomixerboard.cpp \ src/buffer.cpp \ src/channel.cpp \ src/chatdlg.cpp \ src/client.cpp \ src/clientsettingsdlg.cpp \ src/connectdlg.cpp \ src/llconclientdlg.cpp \ src/llconserverdlg.cpp \ src/main.cpp \ src/multicolorled.cpp \ src/multicolorledbar.cpp \ src/protocol.cpp \ src/server.cpp \ src/serverlist.cpp \ src/serverlogging.cpp \ src/settings.cpp \ src/socket.cpp \ src/soundbase.cpp \ src/util.cpp \ libs/celt/cc6_bands.c \ libs/celt/cc6_celt.c \ libs/celt/cc6_cwrs.c \ libs/celt/entcode.c \ libs/celt/entdec.c \ libs/celt/entenc.c \ libs/celt/header.c \ libs/celt/kfft_single.c \ libs/celt/cc6__kiss_fft.c \ libs/celt/cc6__kiss_fftr.c \ libs/celt/laplace.c \ libs/celt/mdct.c \ libs/celt/modes.c \ libs/celt/pitch.c \ libs/celt/psy.c \ libs/celt/quant_bands.c \ libs/celt/rangedec.c \ libs/celt/rangeenc.c \ libs/celt/rate.c \ libs/celt/vq.c DISTFILES += AUTHORS \ ChangeLog \ COPYING \ INSTALL \ NEWS \ README \ TODO \ libs/celt/AUTHORS \ libs/celt/ChangeLog \ libs/celt/COPYING \ libs/celt/INSTALL \ libs/celt/NEWS \ libs/celt/README \ libs/celt/README_LLCON \ libs/celt/TODO \ src/res/CLEDBlack.png \ src/res/CLEDBlackSmall.png \ src/res/CLEDDisabledSmall.png \ src/res/CLEDGreen.png \ src/res/CLEDGreenArrow.png \ src/res/CLEDGreenSmall.png \ src/res/CLEDGrey.png \ src/res/CLEDGreyArrow.png \ src/res/CLEDGreySmall.png \ src/res/CLEDRed.png \ src/res/CLEDRedSmall.png \ src/res/CLEDYellow.png \ src/res/CLEDYellowSmall.png \ src/res/faderbackground.png \ src/res/faderhandle.png \ src/res/faderhandlesmall.png \ src/res/HLEDGreen.png \ src/res/HLEDGreenSmall.png \ src/res/HLEDGrey.png \ src/res/HLEDGreySmall.png \ src/res/HLEDRed.png \ src/res/HLEDRedSmall.png \ src/res/HLEDYellow.png \ src/res/HLEDYellowSmall.png \ src/res/ledbuttonnotpressed.png \ src/res/ledbuttonpressed.png \ src/res/llconfronticon.png \ src/res/logopicture.png \ src/res/mainicon.png \ src/res/mixerboardbackground.png \ src/res/VLEDBlack.png \ src/res/VLEDBlackSmall.png \ src/res/VLEDDisabledSmall.png \ src/res/VLEDGreen.png \ src/res/VLEDGreenSmall.png \ src/res/VLEDGrey.png \ src/res/VLEDGreySmall.png \ src/res/VLEDRed.png \ src/res/VLEDRedSmall.png \ src/res/VLEDYellow.png \ src/res/VLEDYellowSmall.png \ src/res/VRLEDBlack.png \ src/res/VRLEDBlackSmall.png \ src/res/VRLEDGreen.png \ src/res/VRLEDGreenSmall.png \ src/res/VRLEDGrey.png \ src/res/VRLEDGreySmall.png \ src/res/VRLEDRed.png \ src/res/VRLEDRedSmall.png \ src/res/VRLEDYellow.png \ src/res/VRLEDYellowSmall.png \ src/res/instraccordeon.png \ src/res/instraguitar.png \ src/res/instrbassguitar.png \ src/res/instrcello.png \ src/res/instrclarinet.png \ src/res/instrdjembe.png \ src/res/instrdoublebass.png \ src/res/instrdrumset.png \ src/res/instreguitar.png \ src/res/instrflute.png \ src/res/instrfrenchhorn.png \ src/res/instrgrandpiano.png \ src/res/instrharmonica.png \ src/res/instrkeyboard.png \ src/res/instrmicrophone.png \ src/res/instrnone.png \ src/res/instrsaxophone.png \ src/res/instrsynthesizer.png \ src/res/instrtrombone.png \ src/res/instrtrumpet.png \ src/res/instrtuba.png \ src/res/instrviolin.png \ src/res/instrvocal.png