@echo off rem To set up a new Qt and Visual Studio version rem - set environment path variable to the correct Qt bin directories: rem - QTDIR32: points to the Qt 32 bit binaries, e.g., C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015 rem - QTDIR64: points to the Qt 64 bin binaries, e.g., C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015_64 rem - if using Visual Studio Express version, download the redistributable (it is not automatically there) rem - change the Qt distribute dll names in the installer.nsi file (some contain version numbers) rem settings and check --------------------------------------------------------- set NSIS_PATH=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS set VS_REDIST32_EXE=vc_redist.x86.exe set VS_REDIST64_EXE=VC_redist.x64.exe if "%VSINSTALLDIR%" == "" goto vsenvproblem if "%QTDIR32%" == "" goto qtdirproblem if "%QTDIR64%" == "" goto qtdirproblem cd .. rem ########################## 32 bit build #################################### set QTDIR=%QTDIR32% set Path=%QTDIR32%\bin;%Path% rem create visual studio project file ------------------------------------------ qmake -tp vc -spec win32-msvc rem TODO qmake seems to use the incorrect VS version to create the project file. rem As a quick hack I simply replace the toolset version which seems to work. powershell -Command "(gc jamulus.vcxproj) -replace '<PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>', '<PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset>' | Out-File -encoding ASCII jamulus.vcxproj" powershell -Command "(gc jamulus.vcxproj) -replace 'x64', 'Win32' | Out-File -encoding ASCII jamulus.vcxproj" powershell -Command "(gc jamulus.vcxproj) -replace ';WIN64', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII jamulus.vcxproj" powershell -Command "(gc jamulus.vcxproj) -replace '-DWIN64 ', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII jamulus.vcxproj" rem clean and compile solution ------------------------------------------------- devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Clean "Release|x86" devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Build "Release|x86" mkdir release\x86 copy release\Jamulus.exe release\x86\ rem ########################## 64 bit build #################################### set QTDIR=%QTDIR64% set Path=%QTDIR64%\bin;%Path% rem create visual studio project file ------------------------------------------ qmake -tp vc rem TODO qmake seems to use the incorrect VS version to create the project file. rem As a quick hack I simply replace the toolset version which seems to work. powershell -Command "(gc jamulus.vcxproj) -replace '<PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>', '<PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset>' | Out-File -encoding ASCII jamulus.vcxproj" rem clean and compile solution ------------------------------------------------- devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Clean "Release|x64" devenv Jamulus.vcxproj /Build "Release|x64" rem ########################## create installer ################################ cd windows "%NSIS_PATH%\makensis.exe" installer.nsi move Jamulusinstaller.exe ../deploy/Jamulus-version-installer.exe goto endofskript :vsenvproblem echo Use the Visual Studio x86 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt to call this skript goto endofskript :qtdirproblem echo The QTDIR32 and QTDIR64 is not set, please set these environment variables correclty before calling this script goto endofskript :endofskript