/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer, Erik de Castro Lopo * * This code is based on the Open-Source implementation of IMA-ADPCM written * by Erik de Castro Lopo in 1999-2004 * * Changes: * - only support for one channel * - put 2 audio samples in header to get even number of audio samples encoded * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include "audiocompr.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ int CAudioCompression::Init ( const int iNewAudioLen, const EAudComprType eNewAuCoTy ) { eAudComprType = eNewAuCoTy; switch ( eNewAuCoTy ) { case CT_NONE: return iCodeSize = 2 * iNewAudioLen; /* short = 2 * byte */ case CT_IMAADPCM: return ImaAdpcm.Init ( iNewAudioLen ); default: return 0; } } CVector CAudioCompression::Encode ( const CVector& vecsAudio ) { if (eAudComprType == CT_NONE) { /* no compression, simply ship pure samples */ CVector vecbyOut(iCodeSize); const int iAudSize = iCodeSize / 2; for (int i = 0; i < iAudSize; i++) { vecbyOut[2 * i] = vecsAudio[i] & 0xFF; vecbyOut[2 * i + 1] = (vecsAudio[i] >> 8) & 0xFF; } return vecbyOut; } else { switch ( eAudComprType ) { case CT_IMAADPCM: return ImaAdpcm.Encode ( vecsAudio ); /* IMA-ADPCM */ default: return CVector ( 0 ); } } } CVector CAudioCompression::Decode(const CVector& vecbyAdpcm) { if (eAudComprType == CT_NONE) { /* no compression, reassemble pure samples */ const int iAudSize = iCodeSize / 2; CVector vecsOut(iAudSize); for (int i = 0; i < iAudSize; i++) { int current = vecbyAdpcm[2 * i] | (vecbyAdpcm[2 * i + 1] << 8); if (current & 0x8000) current -= 0x10000; vecsOut[i] = (short) current; } return vecsOut; } else { switch ( eAudComprType ) { case CT_IMAADPCM: return ImaAdpcm.Decode ( vecbyAdpcm ); /* IMA-ADPCM */ default: return CVector ( 0 ); } } } /* IMA-ADPCM implementation ------------------------------------------------- */ int CImaAdpcm::Init(const int iNewAudioLen) { /* set lengths for audio and compressed data */ iAudSize = iNewAudioLen; iAdpcmSize = 4 /* bytes header */ + (int) ceil( (double) (iAudSize - 2 /* first two samples are in header */) / 2); iStepindEnc = 0; return iAdpcmSize; } CVector CImaAdpcm::Encode(const CVector& vecsAudio) { int i; CVector vecbyAdpcm; CVector vecbyAdpcmTemp; /* init size */ vecbyAdpcm.Init(iAdpcmSize); vecbyAdpcmTemp.Init(iAudSize); /* encode the block header ----------------------------------------------- */ vecbyAdpcm[0] = vecsAudio[0] & 0xFF; vecbyAdpcm[1] = (vecsAudio[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; vecbyAdpcm[2] = iStepindEnc; int iPrevAudio = vecsAudio[0]; /* encode the samples as 4 bit ------------------------------------------- */ for (i = 1; i < iAudSize; i++) { /* init diff and step */ int diff = vecsAudio[i] - iPrevAudio; int step = ima_step_size[iStepindEnc]; short bytecode = 0; int vpdiff = step >> 3; if (diff < 0) { bytecode = 8; diff = -diff; } short mask = 4; while (mask) { if (diff >= step) { bytecode |= mask; diff -= step; vpdiff += step; } step >>= 1; mask >>= 1; } if (bytecode & 8) iPrevAudio -= vpdiff; else iPrevAudio += vpdiff; /* adjust step size */ iStepindEnc += ima_indx_adjust[bytecode]; /* check that values do not exceed the bounds */ iPrevAudio = CheckBounds(iPrevAudio, _MINSHORT, _MAXSHORT); iStepindEnc = CheckBounds(iStepindEnc, 0, IMA_STEP_SIZE_TAB_LEN - 1); /* use the input buffer as an intermediate result buffer */ vecbyAdpcmTemp[i] = bytecode; } /* pack the 4 bit encoded samples ---------------------------------------- */ /* The first encoded audio sample is in header */ vecbyAdpcm[3] = vecbyAdpcmTemp[1] & 0x0F; for (i = 4; i < iAdpcmSize; i++) { vecbyAdpcm[i] = vecbyAdpcmTemp[2 * i - 6] & 0x0F; vecbyAdpcm[i] |= (vecbyAdpcmTemp[2 * i - 5] << 4) & 0xF0; } return vecbyAdpcm; } CVector CImaAdpcm::Decode(const CVector& vecbyAdpcm) { int i; CVector vecsAudio; vecsAudio.Init(iAudSize); /* read and check the block header --------------------------------------- */ int current = vecbyAdpcm[0] | (vecbyAdpcm[1] << 8); if (current & 0x8000) current -= 0x10000; /* get and bound step index */ int iStepindDec = CheckBounds(vecbyAdpcm[2], 0, IMA_STEP_SIZE_TAB_LEN - 1); /* set first sample which was delivered in the header */ vecsAudio[0] = current; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- pull apart the packed 4 bit samples and store them in their correct sample positions */ /* The first encoded audio sample is in header */ vecsAudio[1] = vecbyAdpcm[3] & 0x0F; for (i = 4; i < iAdpcmSize; i++) { const short bytecode = vecbyAdpcm[i]; vecsAudio[2 * i - 6] = bytecode & 0x0F; vecsAudio[2 * i - 5] = (bytecode >> 4) & 0x0F; } /* decode the encoded 4 bit samples -------------------------------------- */ for (i = 1; i < iAudSize; i++) { const short bytecode = vecsAudio[i] & 0xF ; short step = ima_step_size[iStepindDec]; int current = vecsAudio[i - 1]; int diff = step >> 3; if (bytecode & 1) diff += step >> 2; if (bytecode & 2) diff += step >> 1; if (bytecode & 4) diff += step; if (bytecode & 8) diff = -diff; current += diff; iStepindDec += ima_indx_adjust[bytecode]; /* check that values do not exceed the bounds */ current = CheckBounds(current, _MINSHORT, _MAXSHORT); iStepindDec = CheckBounds(iStepindDec, 0, IMA_STEP_SIZE_TAB_LEN - 1); vecsAudio[i] = current; } return vecsAudio; }