/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #if !defined ( UTIL_HOIH934256GEKJH98_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) #define UTIL_HOIH934256GEKJH98_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) # include #endif #include #include #include "global.h" using namespace std; // because of the library: "vector" #ifdef _WIN32 # include # include #elif defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) # include # include # include #else # include #endif #include "ui_aboutdlgbase.h" class CClient; // forward declaration of CClient /* Definitions ****************************************************************/ #define METER_FLY_BACK 2 /* Global functions ***********************************************************/ // converting double to short inline short Double2Short ( const double dInput ) { // lower bound if ( dInput < _MINSHORT ) { return _MINSHORT; } // upper bound if ( dInput > _MAXSHORT ) { return _MAXSHORT; } return (short) dInput; } // debug error handling void DebugError ( const QString& pchErDescr, const QString& pchPar1Descr, const double dPar1, const QString& pchPar2Descr, const double dPar2 ); // calculate the bit rate in bits per second from the number of coded bytes inline int CalcBitRateBitsPerSecFromCodedBytes ( const int iCeltNumCodedBytes ) { return ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ * iCeltNumCodedBytes * 8 ) / SYSTEM_FRAME_SIZE_SAMPLES; } /******************************************************************************\ * CVector Base Class * \******************************************************************************/ template class CVector : public std::vector { public: CVector() {} CVector ( const int iNeSi ) { Init ( iNeSi ); } CVector ( const int iNeSi, const TData tInVa ) { Init ( iNeSi, tInVa ); } void Init ( const int iNewSize ); // use this init to give all elements a defined value void Init ( const int iNewSize, const TData tIniVal ); // set all values to the given reset value void Reset ( const TData tResetVal ) { std::fill ( this->begin(), this->end(), tResetVal ); } void Enlarge ( const int iAddedSize ) { std::vector::resize ( std::vector::size() + iAddedSize ); } void Add ( const TData& tI ) { Enlarge ( 1 ); std::vector::back() = tI; } int StringFiFoWithCompare ( const QString strNewValue, const bool bDoAdding = true ); // this function simply converts the type of size to integer inline int Size() const { return std::vector::size(); } // This operator allows for a l-value assignment of this object: // CVector[x] = y is possible inline TData& operator[] ( const int iPos ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ if ( ( iPos < 0 ) || ( iPos > Size() - 1 ) ) { DebugError ( "Writing vector out of bounds", "Vector size", Size(), "New parameter", iPos ); } #endif return std::vector::operator[] ( iPos ); } inline TData operator[] ( const int iPos ) const { #ifdef _DEBUG_ if ( ( iPos < 0 ) || ( iPos > Size() - 1 ) ) { DebugError ( "Reading vector out of bounds", "Vector size", Size(), "New parameter", iPos ); } #endif return std::vector::operator[] ( iPos ); } inline CVector& operator= ( const CVector& vecI ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ // vectors which shall be copied MUST have same size! if ( vecI.Size() != Size() ) { DebugError ( "Vector operator=() different size", "Vector size", Size(), "New parameter", vecI.Size() ); } #endif std::vector::operator= ( vecI ); return *this; } }; /* Implementation *************************************************************/ template void CVector::Init ( const int iNewSize ) { // clear old buffer and reserve memory for new buffer std::vector::clear(); std::vector::resize ( iNewSize ); } template void CVector::Init ( const int iNewSize, const TData tIniVal ) { // call actual init routine and reset all values to the given value Init ( iNewSize ); Reset ( tIniVal ); } // note: this is only supported for string vectors template int CVector::StringFiFoWithCompare ( const QString strNewValue, const bool bDoAdding ) { const int iVectorSize = Size(); CVector vstrTempList ( iVectorSize, "" ); // init with illegal index per definition int iOldIndex = -1; // init temporary list count (may be overwritten later on) int iTempListCnt = 0; if ( bDoAdding ) { // store the new element in the current storage list at // the top, make sure we do not have more than allowed stored // elements vstrTempList[0] = strNewValue; iTempListCnt = 1; } for ( int iIdx = 0; iIdx < iVectorSize; iIdx++ ) { // first check if we still have space in our data storage if ( iTempListCnt < iVectorSize ) { // only add old element if it is not the same as the // selected one if ( operator[] ( iIdx ).compare ( strNewValue ) ) { vstrTempList[iTempListCnt] = operator[] ( iIdx ); iTempListCnt++; } else { iOldIndex = iIdx; } } } // copy new generated list to data base *this = vstrTempList; return iOldIndex; } /******************************************************************************\ * CFIFO Class (First In, First Out) * \******************************************************************************/ template class CFIFO : public CVector { public: CFIFO() : iCurIdx ( 0 ) {} CFIFO ( const int iNeSi ) : CVector ( iNeSi ), iCurIdx ( 0 ) {} CFIFO ( const int iNeSi, const TData tInVa ) : CVector ( iNeSi, tInVa ), iCurIdx ( 0 ) {} void Add ( const TData tNewD ); inline TData Get() { return CVector::operator[] ( iCurIdx ); } virtual void Init ( const int iNewSize ); virtual void Init ( const int iNewSize, const TData tIniVal ); protected: int iCurIdx; }; template void CFIFO::Init ( const int iNewSize ) { iCurIdx = 0; CVector::Init ( iNewSize ); } template void CFIFO::Init ( const int iNewSize, const TData tIniVal ) { iCurIdx = 0; CVector::Init ( iNewSize, tIniVal ); } template void CFIFO::Add ( const TData tNewD ) { CVector::operator[] ( iCurIdx ) = tNewD; // increment index and check for wrap around iCurIdx++; if ( iCurIdx >= CVector::Size() ) { iCurIdx = 0; } } /******************************************************************************\ * CMovingAv Class (Moving Average) * \******************************************************************************/ template class CMovingAv : public CVector { public: CMovingAv() : CVector(), iCurIdx ( 0 ), iNorm ( 0 ), dCurAvResult ( 0 ), dNoDataResult ( 0 ) {} void Add ( const TData tNewD ); void Init ( const int iNewSize, const double dNNoDRes = 0 ); void Reset(); inline double GetAverage() { // make sure we do not divide by zero if ( iNorm == 0 ) { return dNoDataResult; } else { return dCurAvResult / iNorm; } } double InitializationState() const { // make sure we do not divide by zero if ( CVector::Size() != 0 ) { return static_cast ( iNorm ) / CVector::Size(); } else { return 0; } } protected: int iCurIdx; int iNorm; double dCurAvResult; double dNoDataResult; }; template void CMovingAv::Init ( const int iNewSize, const double dNNoDRes ) { iNorm = 0; iCurIdx = 0; dCurAvResult = 0; // only for scalars! dNoDataResult = dNNoDRes; CVector::Init ( iNewSize ); } template void CMovingAv::Reset() { iNorm = 0; iCurIdx = 0; dCurAvResult = 0; // only for scalars! CVector::Reset ( TData ( 0 ) ); } template void CMovingAv::Add ( const TData tNewD ) { /* Optimized calculation of the moving average. We only add a new value and subtract the old value from the result. We only need one addition and a history buffer. */ // subtract oldest value dCurAvResult -= CVector::operator[] ( iCurIdx ); // add new value and write in memory dCurAvResult += tNewD; CVector::operator[] ( iCurIdx ) = tNewD; // increase position pointer and test if wrap iCurIdx++; if ( iCurIdx >= CVector::Size() ) { iCurIdx = 0; } // take care of norm if ( iNorm < CVector::Size() ) { iNorm++; } } /******************************************************************************\ * GUI Utilities * \******************************************************************************/ // About dialog ---------------------------------------------------------------- class CAboutDlg : public QDialog, private Ui_CAboutDlgBase { Q_OBJECT public: CAboutDlg ( QWidget* parent = 0 ); static QString GetVersionAndNameStr ( const bool bWithHtml = true ); }; // Licence dialog -------------------------------------------------------------- class CLicenceDlg : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: CLicenceDlg ( QWidget* parent = 0 ); protected: QPushButton* butAccept; public slots: void OnAgreeStateChanged ( int value ) { butAccept->setEnabled ( value == Qt::Checked ); } }; // Musician profile dialog ----------------------------------------------------- class CMusProfDlg : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: CMusProfDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent = 0 ); protected: virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent* ); QLineEdit* pedtAlias; QComboBox* pcbxInstrument; QComboBox* pcbxCountry; QLineEdit* pedtCity; QComboBox* pcbxSkill; CClient* pClient; public slots: void OnAliasTextChanged ( const QString& strNewName ); void OnInstrumentActivated ( int iCntryListItem ); void OnCountryActivated ( int iCntryListItem ); void OnCityTextChanged ( const QString& strNewName ); void OnSkillActivated ( int iCntryListItem ); }; // Help menu ------------------------------------------------------------------- class CHelpMenu : public QMenu { Q_OBJECT public: CHelpMenu ( QWidget* parent = 0 ); protected: CAboutDlg AboutDlg; public slots: void OnHelpWhatsThis() { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); } void OnHelpAbout() { AboutDlg.exec(); } void OnHelpDownloadLink() { QDesktopServices::openUrl ( QUrl ( LLCON_DOWNLOAD_URL ) ); } }; /******************************************************************************\ * Other Classes/Enums * \******************************************************************************/ // Audio channel configuration ------------------------------------------------- enum EAudChanConf { // used for settings -> enum values must be fixed! CC_MONO = 0, CC_MONO_IN_STEREO_OUT = 1, CC_STEREO = 2 }; // Audio compression type enum ------------------------------------------------- enum EAudComprType { // used for protocol -> enum values must be fixed! CT_NONE = 0, CT_CELT = 1, CT_OPUS = 2 }; // Audio quality enum ---------------------------------------------------------- enum EAudioQuality { // used for settings and the comobo box index -> enum values must be fixed! AQ_LOW = 0, AQ_NORMAL = 1, AQ_HIGH = 2 }; // Get data status enum -------------------------------------------------------- enum EGetDataStat { GS_BUFFER_OK, GS_BUFFER_UNDERRUN, GS_CHAN_NOW_DISCONNECTED, GS_CHAN_NOT_CONNECTED }; // GUI design enum ------------------------------------------------------------- enum EGUIDesign { // used for settings -> enum values must be fixed! GD_STANDARD = 0, GD_ORIGINAL = 1 }; // Server licence type enum ---------------------------------------------------- enum ELicenceType { // used for protocol -> enum values must be fixed! LT_NO_LICENCE = 0, LT_CREATIVECOMMONS = 1 }; // Skill level enum ------------------------------------------------------------ enum ESkillLevel { // used for protocol -> enum values must be fixed! SL_NOT_SET = 0, SL_BEGINNER = 1, SL_INTERMEDIATE = 2, SL_PROFESSIONAL = 3 }; // define the GUI RGB colors for each skill level #define RGBCOL_R_SL_NOT_SET 255 #define RGBCOL_G_SL_NOT_SET 255 #define RGBCOL_B_SL_NOT_SET 255 #define RGBCOL_R_SL_BEGINNER 255 #define RGBCOL_G_SL_BEGINNER 255 #define RGBCOL_B_SL_BEGINNER 200 #define RGBCOL_R_SL_INTERMEDIATE 225 #define RGBCOL_G_SL_INTERMEDIATE 255 #define RGBCOL_B_SL_INTERMEDIATE 225 #define RGBCOL_R_SL_SL_PROFESSIONAL 255 #define RGBCOL_G_SL_SL_PROFESSIONAL 225 #define RGBCOL_B_SL_SL_PROFESSIONAL 225 // Stereo signal level meter --------------------------------------------------- class CStereoSignalLevelMeter { public: CStereoSignalLevelMeter() { Reset(); } void Update ( const CVector& vecsAudio ); double MicLevelLeft() { return CalcLogResult ( dCurLevelL ); } double MicLevelRight() { return CalcLogResult ( dCurLevelR ); } void Reset() { dCurLevelL = 0.0; dCurLevelR = 0.0; } protected: double CalcLogResult ( const double& dLinearLevel ); double UpdateCurLevel ( double dCurLevel, const short& sMax ); double dCurLevelL; double dCurLevelR; }; // Host address ---------------------------------------------------------------- class CHostAddress { public: enum EStringMode { SM_IP_PORT, SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE, SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE_PORT }; CHostAddress() : InetAddr ( static_cast ( 0 ) ), iPort ( 0 ) {} CHostAddress ( const QHostAddress NInetAddr, const quint16 iNPort ) : InetAddr ( NInetAddr ), iPort ( iNPort ) {} CHostAddress ( const CHostAddress& NHAddr ) : InetAddr ( NHAddr.InetAddr ), iPort ( NHAddr.iPort ) {} // copy operator CHostAddress& operator= ( const CHostAddress& NHAddr ) { InetAddr = NHAddr.InetAddr; iPort = NHAddr.iPort; return *this; } // compare operator bool operator== ( const CHostAddress& CompAddr ) const { return ( ( CompAddr.InetAddr == InetAddr ) && ( CompAddr.iPort == iPort ) ); } QString toString ( const EStringMode eStringMode = SM_IP_PORT ) const { QString strReturn = InetAddr.toString(); // special case: for local host address, we do not replace the last byte if ( ( ( eStringMode == SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE ) || ( eStringMode == SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE_PORT ) ) && ( InetAddr != QHostAddress ( QHostAddress::LocalHost ) ) ) { // replace last byte by an "x" strReturn = strReturn.section ( ".", 0, 2 ) + ".x"; } if ( ( eStringMode == SM_IP_PORT ) || ( eStringMode == SM_IP_NO_LAST_BYTE_PORT ) ) { // add port number after a semicolon strReturn += ":" + QString().setNum ( iPort ); } return strReturn; } QHostAddress InetAddr; quint16 iPort; }; // Instrument picture data base ------------------------------------------------ // this is a pure static class class CInstPictures { public: enum EInstCategory { IC_OTHER_INSTRUMENT, IC_WIND_INSTRUMENT, IC_STRING_INSTRUMENT, IC_PLUCKING_INSTRUMENT, IC_PERCUSSION_INSTRUMENT, IC_KEYBOARD_INSTRUMENT, IC_MULTIPLE_INSTRUMENT }; // per definition: the very first instrument is the "not used" instrument static int GetNotUsedInstrument() { return 0; } static bool IsNotUsedInstrument ( const int iInstrument ) { return iInstrument == 0; } static int GetNumAvailableInst() { return GetTable().Size(); } static QString GetResourceReference ( const int iInstrument ); static QString GetName ( const int iInstrument ); // TODO make use of instrument category (not yet implemented) protected: class CInstPictProps { public: CInstPictProps() : strName ( "" ), strResourceReference ( "" ), eInstCategory ( IC_OTHER_INSTRUMENT ) {} CInstPictProps ( const QString NsName, const QString NsResRef, const EInstCategory NeInstCat ) : strName ( NsName ), strResourceReference ( NsResRef ), eInstCategory ( NeInstCat ) {} QString strName; QString strResourceReference; EInstCategory eInstCategory; }; static bool IsInstIndexInRange ( const int iIdx ); static CVector& GetTable(); }; // Country flag icon data base ------------------------------------------------- // this is a pure static class class CCountyFlagIcons { public: static QString GetResourceReference ( const QLocale::Country eCountry ); }; // Info of a channel ----------------------------------------------------------- class CChannelCoreInfo { public: CChannelCoreInfo() : strName ( "" ), eCountry ( QLocale::AnyCountry ), strCity ( "" ), iInstrument ( CInstPictures::GetNotUsedInstrument() ), eSkillLevel ( SL_NOT_SET ) {} CChannelCoreInfo ( const QString NsName, const QLocale::Country& NeCountry, const QString& NsCity, const int NiInstrument, const ESkillLevel NeSkillLevel ) : strName ( NsName ), eCountry ( NeCountry ), strCity ( NsCity ), iInstrument ( NiInstrument ), eSkillLevel ( NeSkillLevel ) {} CChannelCoreInfo ( const CChannelCoreInfo& NCorInf ) : strName ( NCorInf.strName ), eCountry ( NCorInf.eCountry ), strCity ( NCorInf.strCity ), iInstrument ( NCorInf.iInstrument ), eSkillLevel ( NCorInf.eSkillLevel ) {} // compare operator bool operator!= ( const CChannelCoreInfo& CompChanInfo ) { return ( ( CompChanInfo.strName != strName ) || ( CompChanInfo.eCountry != eCountry ) || ( CompChanInfo.strCity != strCity ) || ( CompChanInfo.iInstrument != iInstrument ) || ( CompChanInfo.eSkillLevel != eSkillLevel ) ); } // fader tag text (channel name) QString strName; // country in which the client is located QLocale::Country eCountry; // city in which the client is located QString strCity; // instrument ID of the client (which instrument is he/she playing) int iInstrument; // skill level of the musician ESkillLevel eSkillLevel; }; class CChannelInfo : public CChannelCoreInfo { public: CChannelInfo() : bOnlyNameIsUsed ( false ), iChanID ( 0 ), iIpAddr ( 0 ) {} CChannelInfo ( const int NiID, const quint32 NiIP, const CChannelCoreInfo& NCorInf ) : CChannelCoreInfo ( NCorInf ), bOnlyNameIsUsed ( false ), iChanID ( NiID ), iIpAddr ( NiIP ) {} CChannelInfo ( const int NiID, const quint32 NiIP, const QString NsName, const QLocale::Country& NeCountry, const QString& NsCity, const int NiInstrument, const ESkillLevel NeSkillLevel ) : CChannelCoreInfo ( NsName, NeCountry, NsCity, NiInstrument, NeSkillLevel ), bOnlyNameIsUsed ( false ), iChanID ( NiID ), iIpAddr ( NiIP ) {} // #### COMPATIBILITY OLD VERSION, TO BE REMOVED #### CChannelInfo ( const int NiID, const quint32 NiIP, const QString NsName ) : CChannelCoreInfo ( NsName, QLocale::AnyCountry, "", CInstPictures::GetNotUsedInstrument(), SL_NOT_SET ), bOnlyNameIsUsed ( true ), iChanID ( NiID ), iIpAddr ( NiIP ) {} // in old versions, the name was the only client info -> to be removed // when compatiblility to old versions is removed bool bOnlyNameIsUsed; // ID of the channel int iChanID; // IP address of the channel quint32 iIpAddr; }; // Server info ----------------------------------------------------------------- class CServerCoreInfo { public: CServerCoreInfo() : iLocalPortNumber ( 0 ), strName ( "" ), strTopic ( "" ), eCountry ( QLocale::AnyCountry ), strCity ( "" ), iMaxNumClients ( 0 ), bPermanentOnline ( false ) {} CServerCoreInfo ( const quint16 NLocPort, const QString& NsName, const QString& NsTopic, const QLocale::Country& NeCountry, const QString& NsCity, const int NiMaxNumClients, const bool NbPermOnline) : iLocalPortNumber ( NLocPort ), strName ( NsName ), strTopic ( NsTopic ), eCountry ( NeCountry ), strCity ( NsCity ), iMaxNumClients ( NiMaxNumClients ), bPermanentOnline ( NbPermOnline ) {} // local port number of the server quint16 iLocalPortNumber; // name of the server QString strName; // topic of the current jam session or server QString strTopic; // country in which the server is located QLocale::Country eCountry; // city in which the server is located QString strCity; // maximum number of clients which can connect to the server at the same // time int iMaxNumClients; // is the server permanently online or not (flag) bool bPermanentOnline; }; class CServerInfo : public CServerCoreInfo { public: CServerInfo() : HostAddr ( CHostAddress() ) {} CServerInfo ( const CHostAddress& NHAddr, const quint16 NLocPort, const QString& NsName, const QString& NsTopic, const QLocale::Country& NeCountry, const QString& NsCity, const int NiMaxNumClients, const bool NbPermOnline) : CServerCoreInfo ( NLocPort, NsName, NsTopic, NeCountry, NsCity, NiMaxNumClients, NbPermOnline ), HostAddr ( NHAddr ) {} // internet address of the server CHostAddress HostAddr; }; // Network transport properties ------------------------------------------------ class CNetworkTransportProps { public: CNetworkTransportProps() : iBaseNetworkPacketSize ( 0 ), iBlockSizeFact ( 0 ), iNumAudioChannels ( 0 ), iSampleRate ( 0 ), eAudioCodingType ( CT_NONE ), iAudioCodingArg ( 0 ) {} CNetworkTransportProps ( const uint32_t iNBNPS, const uint16_t iNBSF, const uint32_t iNNACH, const uint32_t iNSR, const EAudComprType eNACT, const uint32_t iNVers, const int32_t iNACA ) : iBaseNetworkPacketSize ( iNBNPS ), iBlockSizeFact ( iNBSF ), iNumAudioChannels ( iNNACH ), iSampleRate ( iNSR ), eAudioCodingType ( eNACT ), iVersion ( iNVers ), iAudioCodingArg ( iNACA ) {} uint32_t iBaseNetworkPacketSize; uint16_t iBlockSizeFact; uint32_t iNumAudioChannels; uint32_t iSampleRate; EAudComprType eAudioCodingType; uint32_t iVersion; int32_t iAudioCodingArg; }; // Network utility functions --------------------------------------------------- class NetworkUtil { public: static bool ParseNetworkAddress ( QString strAddress, CHostAddress& HostAddress ); }; // Operating system utility functions ------------------------------------------ class COSUtil { public: enum EOpSystemType { // used for protocol -> enum values must be fixed! OT_WINDOWS = 0, OT_MAC_OS = 1, OT_LINUX = 2, OT_ANDROID = 3, OT_I_OS = 4, OT_UNIX = 5 }; static QString GetOperatingSystemString ( const EOpSystemType eOSType ) { switch ( eOSType ) { case OT_WINDOWS: return "Windows"; break; case OT_MAC_OS: return "MacOS"; break; case OT_LINUX: return "Linux"; break; case OT_ANDROID: return "Android"; break; case OT_I_OS: return "iOS"; break; case OT_UNIX: return "Unix"; break; default: return "Unknown"; break; } } static EOpSystemType GetOperatingSystem() { #ifdef _WIN32 return OT_WINDOWS; #elif defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) return OT_MAC_OS; #elif defined ( ANDROID ) return OT_ANDROID; #else return OT_LINUX; #endif } }; // Audio reverbration ---------------------------------------------------------- class CAudioReverb { public: CAudioReverb() {} void Init ( const int iSampleRate, const double rT60 = (double) 1.1 ); void Clear(); void ProcessSample ( int16_t& iInputOutputLeft, int16_t& iInputOutputRight, const double dAttenuation ); protected: void setT60 ( const double rT60, const int iSampleRate ); bool isPrime ( const int number ); class COnePole { public: COnePole() : dA ( 0 ), dB ( 0 ) { Reset(); } void setPole ( const double dPole ); double Calc ( const double dIn ); void Reset() { dLastSample = 0; } protected: double dA; double dB; double dLastSample; }; CFIFO allpassDelays[3]; CFIFO combDelays[4]; COnePole combFilters[4]; CFIFO outLeftDelay; CFIFO outRightDelay; double allpassCoefficient; double combCoefficient[4]; }; // CRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCRC { public: CCRC() : iPoly ( ( 1 << 5 ) | ( 1 << 12 ) ), iBitOutMask ( 1 << 16 ) { Reset(); } void Reset(); void AddByte ( const uint8_t byNewInput ); bool CheckCRC ( const uint32_t iCRC ) { return iCRC == GetCRC(); } uint32_t GetCRC(); protected: uint32_t iPoly; uint32_t iBitOutMask; uint32_t iStateShiftReg; }; // Mathematics utilities ------------------------------------------------------- class MathUtils { public: static int round ( double x ) { return (int) ( ( x - floor ( x ) ) >= 0.5 ) ? ceil(x) : floor(x); } static void UpDownIIR1 ( double& dOldValue, const double& dNewValue, const double& dWeightUp, const double& dWeightDown ) { // different IIR weights for up and down direction if ( dNewValue < dOldValue ) { dOldValue = dOldValue * dWeightDown + ( 1.0 - dWeightDown ) * dNewValue; } else { dOldValue = dOldValue * dWeightUp + ( 1.0 - dWeightUp ) * dNewValue; } } static int DecideWithHysteresis ( const double dValue, const int iOldValue, const double dHysteresis ) { // apply hysteresis if ( dValue > static_cast ( iOldValue ) ) { return round ( dValue - dHysteresis ); } else { return round ( dValue + dHysteresis ); } } }; // Precise time ---------------------------------------------------------------- // required for ping measurement class CPreciseTime { public: #ifdef _WIN32 // for the Windows version we have to define a minimum timer precision // -> set it to 1 ms CPreciseTime() { timeBeginPeriod ( 1 ); } virtual ~CPreciseTime() { timeEndPeriod ( 1 ); } #endif // precise time (on Windows the QTime is not precise enough) int elapsed() { #ifdef _WIN32 return timeGetTime(); #elif defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) return mach_absolute_time() / 1000000; // convert ns in ms #else timespec tp; clock_gettime ( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp ); return tp.tv_nsec / 1000000; // convert ns in ms #endif } }; // Timing measurement ---------------------------------------------------------- // intended for debugging the timing jitter of the sound card or server timer #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) class CTimingMeas { public: CTimingMeas ( const int iNNMeas, const QString strNFName = "" ) : iNumMeas ( iNNMeas ), vElapsedTimes ( iNNMeas ), strFileName ( strNFName ) { Reset(); } void Reset() { iCnt = -1; } void Measure() { // exclude the very first measurement (initialization phase) if ( iCnt == -1 ) { iCnt = 0; } else { // store current measurement vElapsedTimes[iCnt++] = ElapsedTimer.nsecsElapsed(); // reset count if number of measurements are done if ( iCnt >= iNumMeas ) { iCnt = 0; // store results in a file if file name is given if ( !strFileName.isEmpty() ) { QFile File ( strFileName ); if ( File.open ( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { QTextStream streamFile ( &File ); for ( int i = 0; i < iNumMeas; i++ ) { // convert ns in ms and store the value streamFile << i << " " << static_cast ( vElapsedTimes[i] ) / 1000000 << endl; } } } } } ElapsedTimer.start(); } protected: int iNumMeas; CVector vElapsedTimes; QString strFileName; QElapsedTimer ElapsedTimer; int iCnt; }; #endif /******************************************************************************\ * Statistics * \******************************************************************************/ // Error rate measurement ------------------------------------------------------ class CErrorRate { public: CErrorRate() {} void Init ( const int iHistoryLength, const bool bNBlockOnDoubleErr = false ) { // initialize buffer (use "no data result" of 1.0 which stands for the // worst error rate possible) ErrorsMovAvBuf.Init ( iHistoryLength, 1.0 ); bPreviousState = true; // store setting bBlockOnDoubleErrors = bNBlockOnDoubleErr; } void Reset() { ErrorsMovAvBuf.Reset(); bPreviousState = true; } void Update ( const bool bState ) { // if two states were false, do not use the new value if ( bBlockOnDoubleErrors && bPreviousState && bState ) { return; } // add errors as values 0 and 1 to get correct error rate average if ( bState ) { ErrorsMovAvBuf.Add ( 1 ); } else { ErrorsMovAvBuf.Add ( 0 ); } // store state bPreviousState = bState; } double GetAverage() { return ErrorsMovAvBuf.GetAverage(); } double InitializationState() { return ErrorsMovAvBuf.InitializationState(); } protected: CMovingAv ErrorsMovAvBuf; bool bBlockOnDoubleErrors; bool bPreviousState; }; #endif /* !defined ( UTIL_HOIH934256GEKJH98_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */