/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2020 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "clientdlg.h" #include "serverdlg.h" #include "settings.h" #include "testbench.h" #include "util.h" // Implementation ************************************************************** int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { QTextStream& tsConsole = *( ( new ConsoleWriterFactory() )->get() ); QString strArgument; double rDbleArgument; // initialize all flags and string which might be changed by command line // arguments bool bIsClient = true; bool bUseGUI = true; bool bStartMinimized = false; bool bShowComplRegConnList = false; bool bDisconnectAllClients = false; bool bShowAnalyzerConsole = false; bool bCentServPingServerInList = false; bool bNoAutoJackConnect = false; int iNumServerChannels = DEFAULT_USED_NUM_CHANNELS; int iNumItemsHistory = NUM_ITEMS_HISTORY; int iMaxDaysHistory = MAX_DAYS_HISTORY; int iCtrlMIDIChannel = INVALID_MIDI_CH; quint16 iPortNumber = LLCON_DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER; ELicenceType eLicenceType = LT_NO_LICENCE; QString strConnOnStartupAddress = ""; QString strIniFileName = ""; QString strHTMLStatusFileName = ""; QString strServerName = ""; QString strLoggingFileName = ""; QString strHistoryFileName = ""; QString strRecordingDirName = ""; QString strCentralServer = ""; QString strServerInfo = ""; QString strWelcomeMessage = ""; // QT docu: argv()[0] is the program name, argv()[1] is the first // argument and argv()[argc()-1] is the last argument. // Start with first argument, therefore "i = 1" for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { // Server mode flag ---------------------------------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-s", "--server" ) ) { bIsClient = false; tsConsole << "- server mode chosen" << endl; continue; } // Use GUI flag -------------------------------------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-n", "--nogui" ) ) { bUseGUI = false; tsConsole << "- no GUI mode chosen" << endl; continue; } // Use licence flag ---------------------------------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-L", "--licence" ) ) { // right now only the creative commons licence is supported eLicenceType = LT_CREATIVECOMMONS; tsConsole << "- licence required" << endl; continue; } // Maximum number of channels ------------------------------------------ if ( GetNumericArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-u", "--numchannels", 1, MAX_NUM_CHANNELS, rDbleArgument ) ) { iNumServerChannels = static_cast ( rDbleArgument ); tsConsole << "- maximum number of channels: " << iNumServerChannels << endl; continue; } // Maximum items in history display ------------------------------------ if ( GetNumericArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-I", "--histitems", 1, 65535, rDbleArgument ) ) { iNumItemsHistory = static_cast ( rDbleArgument ); tsConsole << "- maximum items in history display: " << iNumItemsHistory << endl; continue; } // Maximum days in history display ------------------------------------ if ( GetNumericArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-D", "--histdays", 1, 366, rDbleArgument ) ) { iMaxDaysHistory = static_cast ( rDbleArgument ); tsConsole << "- maximum days in history display: " << iMaxDaysHistory << endl; continue; } // Start minimized ----------------------------------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-z", "--startminimized" ) ) { bStartMinimized = true; tsConsole << "- start minimized enabled" << endl; continue; } // Ping servers in list for central server ----------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-g", "--pingservers" ) ) { bCentServPingServerInList = true; tsConsole << "- ping servers in slave server list" << endl; continue; } // Disabling auto Jack connections ------------------------------------- if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "-j", "--nojackconnect" ) ) { bNoAutoJackConnect = true; tsConsole << "- disable auto Jack connections" << endl; continue; } // Show all registered servers in the server list ---------------------- // Undocumented debugging command line argument: Show all registered // servers in the server list regardless if a ping to the server is // possible or not. if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "--showallservers", // no short form "--showallservers" ) ) { bShowComplRegConnList = true; tsConsole << "- show all registered servers in server list" << endl; continue; } // Disconnect all clients (emergency mode) ----------------------------- // Undocumented debugging command line argument: Needed to disconnect // an unwanted client. if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "--disconnectall", // no short form "--disconnectall" ) ) { bDisconnectAllClients = true; tsConsole << "- disconnect all clients" << endl; continue; } // Show analyzer console ----------------------------------------------- // Undocumented debugging command line argument: Show the analyzer // console to debug network buffer properties. if ( GetFlagArgument ( argv, i, "--showanalyzerconsole", // no short form "--showanalyzerconsole" ) ) { bShowAnalyzerConsole = true; tsConsole << "- show analyzer console" << endl; continue; } // Controller MIDI channel --------------------------------------------- if ( GetNumericArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "--ctrlmidich", // no short form "--ctrlmidich", 0, 15, rDbleArgument ) ) { iCtrlMIDIChannel = static_cast ( rDbleArgument ); tsConsole << "- selected controller MIDI channel: " << iCtrlMIDIChannel << endl; continue; } // Use logging --------------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-l", "--log", strArgument ) ) { strLoggingFileName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- logging file name: " << strLoggingFileName << endl; continue; } // Port number --------------------------------------------------------- if ( GetNumericArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-p", "--port", 0, 65535, rDbleArgument ) ) { iPortNumber = static_cast ( rDbleArgument ); tsConsole << "- selected port number: " << iPortNumber << endl; continue; } // HTML status file ---------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-m", "--htmlstatus", strArgument ) ) { strHTMLStatusFileName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- HTML status file name: " << strHTMLStatusFileName << endl; continue; } if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-a", "--servername", strArgument ) ) { strServerName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- server name for HTML status file: " << strServerName << endl; continue; } // HTML status file ---------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-y", "--history", strArgument ) ) { strHistoryFileName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- history file name: " << strHistoryFileName << endl; continue; } // Recording directory ------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-R", "--recordingdirectory", strArgument ) ) { strRecordingDirName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- recording directory name: " << strRecordingDirName << endl; continue; } // Central server ------------------------------------------------------ if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-e", "--centralserver", strArgument ) ) { strCentralServer = strArgument; tsConsole << "- central server: " << strCentralServer << endl; continue; } // Server info --------------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-o", "--serverinfo", strArgument ) ) { strServerInfo = strArgument; tsConsole << "- server info: " << strServerInfo << endl; continue; } // Server welcome message ---------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-w", "--welcomemessage", strArgument ) ) { strWelcomeMessage = strArgument; tsConsole << "- welcome message: " << strWelcomeMessage << endl; continue; } // Initialization file ------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-i", "--inifile", strArgument ) ) { strIniFileName = strArgument; tsConsole << "- initialization file name: " << strIniFileName << endl; continue; } // Connect on startup -------------------------------------------------- if ( GetStringArgument ( tsConsole, argc, argv, i, "-c", "--connect", strArgument ) ) { strConnOnStartupAddress = strArgument; tsConsole << "- connect on startup to address: " << strConnOnStartupAddress << endl; continue; } // Help (usage) flag --------------------------------------------------- if ( ( !strcmp ( argv[i], "--help" ) ) || ( !strcmp ( argv[i], "-h" ) ) || ( !strcmp ( argv[i], "-?" ) ) ) { const QString strHelp = UsageArguments ( argv ); tsConsole << strHelp << endl; exit ( 1 ); } // Unknown option ------------------------------------------------------ tsConsole << argv[0] << ": "; tsConsole << "Unknown option '" << argv[i] << "' -- use '--help' for help" << endl; // clicking on the Mac application bundle, the actual application // is called with weird command line args -> do not exit on these #if !( defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) ) exit ( 1 ); #endif } // Dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------ // per definition: if we are in "GUI" server mode and no central server // address is given, we use the default central server address if ( !bIsClient && bUseGUI && strCentralServer.isEmpty() ) { strCentralServer = DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESS; } // Application/GUI setup --------------------------------------------------- // Application object if ( !bUseGUI && !strHistoryFileName.isEmpty() ) { tsConsole << "Qt5 requires a windowing system to paint a JPEG image; image will use SVG" << endl; } QCoreApplication* pApp = bUseGUI ? new QApplication ( argc, argv ) : new QCoreApplication ( argc, argv ); #ifdef _WIN32 // set application priority class -> high priority SetPriorityClass ( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ); // For accessible support we need to add a plugin to qt. The plugin has to // be located in the install directory of the software by the installer. // Here, we set the path to our application path. QDir ApplDir ( QApplication::applicationDirPath() ); pApp->addLibraryPath ( QString ( ApplDir.absolutePath() ) ); #endif // init resources Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resources); // TEST -> activate the following line to activate the test bench, //CTestbench Testbench ( "", LLCON_DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER ); try { if ( bIsClient ) { // Client: // actual client object CClient Client ( iPortNumber, strConnOnStartupAddress, iCtrlMIDIChannel, bNoAutoJackConnect ); // load settings from init-file CSettings Settings ( &Client, strIniFileName ); Settings.Load(); if ( bUseGUI ) { // GUI object CClientDlg ClientDlg ( &Client, &Settings, strConnOnStartupAddress, bShowComplRegConnList, bShowAnalyzerConsole, nullptr, Qt::Window ); // show dialog ClientDlg.show(); pApp->exec(); } else { // only start application without using the GUI tsConsole << CAboutDlg::GetVersionAndNameStr ( false ) << endl; pApp->exec(); } } else { // Server: // actual server object CServer Server ( iNumServerChannels, iNumItemsHistory, iMaxDaysHistory, strLoggingFileName, iPortNumber, strHTMLStatusFileName, strHistoryFileName, strServerName, strCentralServer, strServerInfo, strWelcomeMessage, strRecordingDirName, bCentServPingServerInList, bDisconnectAllClients, eLicenceType ); if ( bUseGUI ) { // special case for the GUI mode: as the default we want to use // the default central server address (if not given in the // settings file) Server.SetUseDefaultCentralServerAddress ( true ); // load settings from init-file CSettings Settings ( &Server, strIniFileName ); Settings.Load(); // update server list AFTER restoring the settings from the // settings file Server.UpdateServerList(); // GUI object for the server CServerDlg ServerDlg ( &Server, &Settings, bStartMinimized, nullptr, Qt::Window ); // show dialog (if not the minimized flag is set) if ( !bStartMinimized ) { ServerDlg.show(); } pApp->exec(); } else { // update serverlist Server.UpdateServerList(); // only start application without using the GUI tsConsole << CAboutDlg::GetVersionAndNameStr ( false ) << endl; pApp->exec(); } } } catch ( CGenErr generr ) { // show generic error if ( bUseGUI ) { QMessageBox::critical ( nullptr, APP_NAME, generr.GetErrorText(), "Quit", nullptr ); } else { tsConsole << generr.GetErrorText() << endl; } } return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ * Command Line Argument Parsing * \******************************************************************************/ QString UsageArguments ( char **argv ) { return "Usage: " + QString ( argv[0] ) + " [option] [argument]\n" "\nRecognized options:\n" " -a, --servername server name, required for HTML status (server\n" " only)\n" " -c, --connect connect to given server address on startup\n" " (client only)\n" " -e, --centralserver address of the central server (server only)\n" " -g, --pingservers ping servers in list to keep NAT port open\n" " (central server only)\n" " -h, -?, --help this help text\n" " -i, --inifile initialization file name (client only)\n" " -j, --nojackconnect disable auto Jack connections (client only)\n" " -l, --log enable logging, set file name\n" " -L, --licence a licence must be accepted on a new\n" " connection (server only)\n" " -m, --htmlstatus enable HTML status file, set file name (server\n" " only)\n" " -n, --nogui disable GUI\n" " -o, --serverinfo infos of the server(s) in the format:\n" " [name];[city];[country as QLocale ID]; ...\n" " [server1 address];[server1 name]; ...\n" " [server1 city]; ...\n" " [server1 country as QLocale ID]; ...\n" " [server2 address]; ... (server only)\n" " -p, --port local port number (server only)\n" " -R, --recording enables recording and sets directory to contain\n" " recorded jams (server only)\n" " -s, --server start server\n" " -u, --numchannels maximum number of channels (server only)\n" " -w, --welcomemessage welcome message on connect (server only)\n" " -y, --history enable connection history and set file\n" " name (server only)\n" " -I, --histitems number of history items to display (server only)\n" " -D, --histdays number of days of history to display (server only)\n" " -z, --startminimized start minimizied (server only)\n" " --ctrlmidich MIDI controller channel to listen (client only)" "\nExample: " + QString ( argv[0] ) + " -l -inifile myinifile.ini\n"; } bool GetFlagArgument ( char** argv, int& i, QString strShortOpt, QString strLongOpt ) { if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool GetStringArgument ( QTextStream& tsConsole, int argc, char** argv, int& i, QString strShortOpt, QString strLongOpt, QString& strArg ) { if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) ) { if ( ++i >= argc ) { tsConsole << argv[0] << ": "; tsConsole << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a string argument" << endl; exit ( 1 ); } strArg = argv[i]; return true; } else { return false; } } bool GetNumericArgument ( QTextStream& tsConsole, int argc, char** argv, int& i, QString strShortOpt, QString strLongOpt, double rRangeStart, double rRangeStop, double& rValue ) { if ( ( !strShortOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) || ( !strLongOpt.compare ( argv[i] ) ) ) { if ( ++i >= argc ) { tsConsole << argv[0] << ": "; tsConsole << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a numeric argument between " << rRangeStart << " and " << rRangeStop << endl; exit ( 1 ); } char *p; rValue = strtod ( argv[i], &p ); if ( *p || ( rValue < rRangeStart ) || ( rValue > rRangeStop ) ) { tsConsole << argv[0] << ": "; tsConsole << "'" << strLongOpt << "' needs a numeric argument between " << rRangeStart << " and " << rRangeStop << endl; exit ( 1 ); } return true; } else { return false; } }