/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (c) 2004-2020 * * Author(s): * Volker Fischer * ****************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \******************************************************************************/ #include "socket.h" #include "server.h" /* Implementation *************************************************************/ void CSocket::Init ( const quint16 iPortNumber ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // for the Windows socket usage we have to start it up first // TODO check for error and exit application on error WSADATA wsa; WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD(1, 0), &wsa ); #endif // create the UDP socket UdpSocket = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); // allocate memory for network receive and send buffer in samples vecbyRecBuf.Init ( MAX_SIZE_BYTES_NETW_BUF ); // preinitialize socket in address (only the port number is missing) sockaddr_in UdpSocketInAddr; UdpSocketInAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; UdpSocketInAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // initialize the listening socket bool bSuccess; if ( bIsClient ) { // Per definition use the port number plus ten for the client to make // it possible to run server and client on the same computer. If the // port is not available, try "NUM_SOCKET_PORTS_TO_TRY" times with // incremented port numbers quint16 iClientPortIncrement = 10; // start value: port nubmer plus ten bSuccess = false; // initialization for while loop while ( !bSuccess && ( iClientPortIncrement <= NUM_SOCKET_PORTS_TO_TRY ) ) { UdpSocketInAddr.sin_port = htons ( iPortNumber + iClientPortIncrement ); bSuccess = ( ::bind ( UdpSocket , (sockaddr*) &UdpSocketInAddr, sizeof ( sockaddr_in ) ) == 0 ); iClientPortIncrement++; } } else { // for the server, only try the given port number and do not try out // other port numbers to bind since it is imporatant that the server // gets the desired port number UdpSocketInAddr.sin_port = htons ( iPortNumber ); bSuccess = ( ::bind ( UdpSocket , (sockaddr*) &UdpSocketInAddr, sizeof ( sockaddr_in ) ) == 0 ); } if ( !bSuccess ) { // we cannot bind socket, throw error throw CGenErr ( "Cannot bind the socket (maybe " "the software is already running).", "Network Error" ); } // Connections ------------------------------------------------------------- // it is important to do the following connections in this class since we // have a thread transition // we have different connections for client and server if ( bIsClient ) { // client connections: QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( ProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ), pChannel, SLOT ( OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ) ); QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( ProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ), pChannel, SLOT ( OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ) ); QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( NewConnection() ), pChannel, SLOT ( OnNewConnection() ) ); } else { // server connections: QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( ProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ), pServer, SLOT ( OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ) ); QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( ProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ), pServer, SLOT ( OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector, CHostAddress ) ) ); QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( NewConnection ( int, CHostAddress ) ), pServer, SLOT ( OnNewConnection ( int, CHostAddress ) ) ); QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( ServerFull ( CHostAddress ) ), pServer, SLOT ( OnServerFull ( CHostAddress ) ) ); } } void CSocket::Close() { #ifdef _WIN32 // closesocket will cause recvfrom to return with an error because the // socket is closed -> then the thread can safely be shut down closesocket ( UdpSocket ); #elif defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX ) // on Mac the general close has the same effect as closesocket on Windows close ( UdpSocket ); #else // on Linux the shutdown call cancels the recvfrom shutdown ( UdpSocket, SHUT_RDWR ); #endif } CSocket::~CSocket() { // cleanup the socket (on Windows the WSA cleanup must also be called) #ifdef _WIN32 closesocket ( UdpSocket ); WSACleanup(); #else close ( UdpSocket ); #endif } void CSocket::SendPacket ( const CVector& vecbySendBuf, const CHostAddress& HostAddr ) { QMutexLocker locker ( &Mutex ); const int iVecSizeOut = vecbySendBuf.Size(); if ( iVecSizeOut != 0 ) { // send packet through network (we have to convert the constant unsigned // char vector in "const char*", for this we first convert the const // uint8_t vector in a read/write uint8_t vector and then do the cast to // const char*) sockaddr_in UdpSocketOutAddr; UdpSocketOutAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; UdpSocketOutAddr.sin_port = htons ( HostAddr.iPort ); UdpSocketOutAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( HostAddr.InetAddr.toIPv4Address() ); sendto ( UdpSocket, (const char*) &( (CVector) vecbySendBuf )[0], iVecSizeOut, 0, (sockaddr*) &UdpSocketOutAddr, sizeof ( sockaddr_in ) ); } } bool CSocket::GetAndResetbJitterBufferOKFlag() { // check jitter buffer status if ( !bJitterBufferOK ) { // reset flag and return "not OK" status bJitterBufferOK = true; return false; } // the buffer was OK, we do not have to reset anything and just return the // OK status return true; } void CSocket::OnDataReceived() { /* The strategy of this function is that only the "put audio" function is called directly (i.e. the high thread priority is used) and all other less important things like protocol parsing and acting on protocol messages is done in the low priority thread. To get a thread transition, we have to use the signal/slot mechanism (i.e. we use messages for that). */ // read block from network interface and query address of sender sockaddr_in SenderAddr; #ifdef _WIN32 int SenderAddrSize = sizeof ( sockaddr_in ); #else socklen_t SenderAddrSize = sizeof ( sockaddr_in ); #endif const long iNumBytesRead = recvfrom ( UdpSocket, (char*) &vecbyRecBuf[0], MAX_SIZE_BYTES_NETW_BUF, 0, (sockaddr*) &SenderAddr, &SenderAddrSize ); // check if an error occurred or no data could be read if ( iNumBytesRead <= 0 ) { return; } // convert address of client RecHostAddr.InetAddr.setAddress ( ntohl ( SenderAddr.sin_addr.s_addr ) ); RecHostAddr.iPort = ntohs ( SenderAddr.sin_port ); // check if this is a protocol message int iRecCounter; int iRecID; CVector vecbyMesBodyData; if ( !CProtocol::ParseMessageFrame ( vecbyRecBuf, iNumBytesRead, vecbyMesBodyData, iRecCounter, iRecID ) ) { // this is a protocol message, check the type of the message if ( CProtocol::IsConnectionLessMessageID ( iRecID ) ) { // TODO a copy of the vector is used -> avoid malloc in real-time routine emit ProtcolCLMessageReceived ( iRecID, vecbyMesBodyData, RecHostAddr ); } else { // TODO a copy of the vector is used -> avoid malloc in real-time routine emit ProtcolMessageReceived ( iRecCounter, iRecID, vecbyMesBodyData, RecHostAddr ); } } else { // this is most probably a regular audio packet if ( bIsClient ) { // client: switch ( pChannel->PutAudioData ( vecbyRecBuf, iNumBytesRead, RecHostAddr ) ) { case PS_AUDIO_ERR: case PS_GEN_ERROR: bJitterBufferOK = false; break; case PS_NEW_CONNECTION: // inform other objects that new connection was established emit NewConnection(); break; case PS_AUDIO_INVALID: // inform about received invalid packet by fireing an event emit InvalidPacketReceived ( RecHostAddr ); break; default: // do nothing break; } } else { // server: int iCurChanID; if ( pServer->PutAudioData ( vecbyRecBuf, iNumBytesRead, RecHostAddr, iCurChanID ) ) { // we have a new connection, emit a signal emit NewConnection ( iCurChanID, RecHostAddr ); // this was an audio packet, start server if it is in sleep mode if ( !pServer->IsRunning() ) { // (note that Qt will delete the event object when done) QCoreApplication::postEvent ( pServer, new CCustomEvent ( MS_PACKET_RECEIVED, 0, 0 ) ); } } // check if no channel is available if ( iCurChanID == INVALID_CHANNEL_ID ) { // fire message for the state that no free channel is available emit ServerFull ( RecHostAddr ); } } } }