dpkg-dev is not needed for building binaries.
make, g++ and libc6-dev will be pulled in by e.g. build-essential
which is not necessary to specify (Debian policy).
Packages should not build-depend on qt5-default but rather
on qt5-base-dev and select QT5 in debian/rules
qtdeclarative5-dev is simply not needed.
qttools5-dev-tools is needed for translations using lrelease.
Signed-off-by: Tormod Volden <debian.tormod@gmail.com>
With qmake now doing a more standard installation, there is less
left to do in our debian/rules.
Signed-off-by: Tormod Volden <debian.tormod@gmail.com>
generated from src/res/icon.xcf by resizing to 512 pixels in the
larger direction, expanding the canvas (with transparency) to make
it square, and optimised PNG export
also, install the icon to the correct directory in the Debian package