replaced current init-file code with XML init-file code (using native QT XML support)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 175 additions and 361 deletions
@ -208,6 +208,11 @@ void CClient::run()
// copy data from one stereo buffer in two separate buffers
iInCnt = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < iSndCrdBlockSizeSam; i++ )
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
// version and application name (always use this version)
#undef VERSION
#define VERSION "1.0.1cvs"
#define VERSION "2.0.0cvs"
#define APP_NAME "llcon"
// file name for logging file
@ -84,16 +84,6 @@ protected:
QMenu* pSettingsMenu;
QMenuBar* pMenu;
QAction* pActGeneralSettings;
QAction* pActExit;
QAction* pActAbout;
QMenu* pSettingsMenu;
QMenu* pHelpMenu;
QMenuBar* pMainMenuBar;
CClientSettingsDlg ClientSettingsDlg;
public slots:
@ -120,7 +120,11 @@ cerr << "logging ";
// load settings from init-file
CSettings Settings ( &Client );
Settings.Load ( strIniFileName );
// TODO use QString
Settings.Load ( strIniFileName.c_str() );
// GUI object
CLlconClientDlg ClientDlg ( &Client, 0 );
@ -134,7 +138,10 @@ cerr << "logging ";
// save settings to init-file
Settings.Save ( strIniFileName );
// TODO use QString
Settings.Save ( strIniFileName.c_str() );
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer, Robert Kesterson
* Volker Fischer
@ -26,155 +26,164 @@
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
void CSettings::Load ( std::string sFileName )
/* load settings from init-file */
ReadIniFile ( sFileName );
void CSettings::Save ( std::string sFileName )
/* write settings in init-file */
WriteIniFile ( sFileName );
/* Read and write init-file ***************************************************/
void CSettings::ReadIniFile ( std::string sFileName )
void CSettings::ReadIniFile ( const QString& sFileName )
int iValue;
bool bValue;
INIFile ini;
QDomDocument IniXMLDocument ( INIT_XML_ROOT_NAME );
// load data from init-file
if ( !sFileName.empty() )
// prepare file name for loading initialization data from XML file
QString sCurFileName = sFileName;
if ( sCurFileName.isEmpty() )
ini = LoadIni ( sFileName.c_str() );
// use default file name
ini = LoadIni ( LLCON_INIT_FILE_NAME );
// if no file name is available, use default file name
// read data from file if possible
QFile file ( sCurFileName );
if ( ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
IniXMLDocument.setContent ( &file );
// actual settings data ---------------------------------------------------
// IP address
pClient->strIPAddress = GetIniSetting ( ini, "Client", "ipaddress" ).c_str();
pClient->strIPAddress = GetIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "ipaddress" );
// name
pClient->strName = GetIniSetting ( ini, "Client", "name" ).c_str();
pClient->strName = GetIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "name" );
// audio fader
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audfad", 0, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audfad", 0, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX, iValue ) )
pClient->SetAudioInFader ( iValue );
// reverberation level
if ( GetNumericIniSet(ini, "Client", "revlev", 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "revlev", 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX, iValue ) )
pClient->SetReverbLevel ( iValue );
// reverberation channel assignment
if ( GetFlagIniSet ( ini, "Client", "reverblchan", bValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "reverblchan", bValue ) )
pClient->SetReverbOnLeftChan ( bValue );
// sound card in number of buffers
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audinbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audinbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetInNumBuf( iValue );
// sound card out number of buffers
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audoutbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audoutbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetOutNumBuf ( iValue );
// network jitter buffer size
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "jitbuf", 0, MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "jitbuf", 0, MAX_NET_BUF_SIZE_NUM_BL, iValue ) )
pClient->SetSockBufSize ( iValue );
// network buffer size factor in
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "netwbusifactin", 1, MAX_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "netwbusifactin", 1, MAX_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR, iValue ) )
pClient->SetNetwBufSizeFactIn ( iValue );
// network buffer size factor out
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "netwbusifactout", 1, MAX_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR, iValue ) == TRUE )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "netwbusifactout", 1, MAX_NET_BLOCK_SIZE_FACTOR, iValue ) )
pClient->SetNetwBufSizeFactOut ( iValue );
void CSettings::WriteIniFile ( std::string sFileName )
void CSettings::WriteIniFile ( const QString& sFileName )
INIFile ini;
// create XML document for storing initialization parameters
QDomDocument IniXMLDocument ( INIT_XML_ROOT_NAME );
// actual settings data ---------------------------------------------------
// IP address
PutIniSetting ( ini, "Client", "ipaddress", pClient->strIPAddress.toStdString().c_str() );
PutIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "ipaddress", pClient->strIPAddress );
// name
PutIniSetting ( ini, "Client", "name", pClient->strName.toStdString().c_str() );
PutIniSetting ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "name", pClient->strName );
// audio fader
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audfad", pClient->GetAudioInFader() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audfad", pClient->GetAudioInFader() );
// reverberation level
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "revlev", pClient->GetReverbLevel() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "revlev", pClient->GetReverbLevel() );
// reverberation channel assignment
SetFlagIniSet ( ini, "Client", "reverblchan", pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan() );
SetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "reverblchan", pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan() );
// sound card in number of buffers
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audinbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetInNumBuf() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audinbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetInNumBuf() );
// sound card out number of buffers
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "audoutbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetOutNumBuf() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "audoutbuf", pClient->GetSndInterface()->GetOutNumBuf() );
// network jitter buffer size
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "jitbuf", pClient->GetSockBufSize() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "jitbuf", pClient->GetSockBufSize() );
// network buffer size factor in
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "netwbusifactin", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactIn() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "netwbusifactin", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactIn() );
// network buffer size factor out
SetNumericIniSet ( ini, "Client", "netwbusifactout", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactOut() );
SetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "Client", "netwbusifactout", pClient->GetNetwBufSizeFactOut() );
// save settings in init-file
if ( !sFileName.empty() )
// prepare file name for storing initialization data in XML file
QString sCurFileName = sFileName;
if ( sCurFileName.isEmpty() )
SaveIni ( ini, sFileName.c_str() );
// if no file name is available, use default file name
// store XML data in file
QFile file ( sCurFileName );
if ( ( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
// use default file name
SaveIni ( ini, LLCON_INIT_FILE_NAME );
QTextStream out ( &file );
out << IniXMLDocument.toString();
bool CSettings::GetNumericIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection,
string strKey, int iRangeStart,
int iRangeStop, int& iValue )
void CSettings::SetNumericIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const int iValue )
/* Init return value */
bool bReturn = FALSE;
// convert input parameter which is an integer to string and store
PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, QString("%1").arg(iValue) );
const string strGetIni =
GetIniSetting ( theINI, strSection.c_str(), strKey.c_str() );
bool CSettings::GetNumericIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const int iRangeStart,
const int iRangeStop, int& iValue )
// init return value
bool bReturn = false;
/* Check if it is a valid parameter */
if ( !strGetIni.empty () )
const QString strGetIni = GetIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey );
// check if it is a valid parameter
if ( !strGetIni.isEmpty() )
iValue = atoi( strGetIni.c_str () );
// convert string from init file to integer
iValue = strGetIni.toInt();
/* Check range */
// check range
if ( ( iValue >= iRangeStart ) && ( iValue <= iRangeStop ) )
bReturn = TRUE;
@ -184,275 +193,90 @@ bool CSettings::GetNumericIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection,
return bReturn;
void CSettings::SetNumericIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection,
string strKey, int iValue )
void CSettings::SetFlagIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const bool bValue )
char cString[256];
sprintf ( cString, "%d", iValue );
PutIniSetting ( theINI, strSection.c_str(), strKey.c_str(), cString );
bool CSettings::GetFlagIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection,
string strKey, bool& bValue )
/* Init return value */
bool bReturn = FALSE;
const string strGetIni =
GetIniSetting ( theINI, strSection.c_str(), strKey.c_str() );
if ( !strGetIni.empty() )
// we encode true -> "1" and false -> "0"
if ( bValue == true )
if ( atoi ( strGetIni.c_str() ) )
bValue = TRUE;
PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, "1" );
bValue = FALSE;
PutIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey, "0" );
bool CSettings::GetFlagIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, bool& bValue )
// init return value
bool bReturn = false;
const QString strGetIni = GetIniSetting ( xmlFile, strSection, strKey );
if ( !strGetIni.isEmpty() )
if ( strGetIni.toInt() )
bValue = true;
bValue = false;
bReturn = TRUE;
bReturn = true;
return bReturn;
void CSettings::SetFlagIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection, string strKey,
bool bValue )
// Init-file routines using XML ***********************************************
QString CSettings::GetIniSetting ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection,
const QString& sKey, const QString& sDefaultVal )
if ( bValue == TRUE )
// init return parameter with default value
QString sResult ( sDefaultVal );
// get section
QDomElement xmlSection = xmlFile.firstChildElement ( sSection );
if ( !xmlSection.isNull() )
PutIniSetting ( theINI, strSection.c_str(), strKey.c_str(), "1" );
// get key
QDomElement xmlKey = xmlSection.firstChildElement ( sKey );
if ( !xmlKey.isNull() )
PutIniSetting ( theINI, strSection.c_str(), strKey.c_str(), "0" );
// get value
sResult = xmlKey.text();
return sResult;
/* INI File routines using the STL ********************************************/
/* The following code was taken from "INI File Tools (STLINI)" written by
Robert Kesterson in 1999. The original files are stlini.cpp and stlini.h.
The homepage is
Copyright August 18, 1999 by Robert Kesterson */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* These pragmas are to quiet VC++ about the expanded template identifiers
exceeding 255 chars. You won't be able to see those variables in a debug
session, but the code will run normally */
#pragma warning ( push )
#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 4503 )
std::string CSettings::GetIniSetting ( CSettings::INIFile& theINI, const char* section,
const char* key, const char* defaultval )
void CSettings::PutIniSetting ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection,
const QString& sKey, const QString& sValue )
std::string result ( defaultval );
INIFile::iterator iSection = theINI.find ( std::string ( section ) );
if ( iSection != theINI.end() )
// check if section is already there, if not then create it
QDomElement xmlSection = xmlFile.firstChildElement ( sSection );
if ( xmlSection.isNull() )
INISection::iterator apair = iSection->second.find ( std::string ( key ) );
if ( apair != iSection->second.end() )
result = apair->second;
// create new root element and add to document
xmlSection = xmlFile.createElement ( sSection );
xmlFile.appendChild ( xmlSection );
return result;
// check if key is already there, if not then create it
QDomElement xmlKey = xmlSection.firstChildElement ( sKey );
if ( xmlKey.isNull() )
xmlKey = xmlFile.createElement ( sKey );
xmlSection.appendChild ( xmlKey );
// add actual data to the key
QDomText currentValue = xmlFile.createTextNode ( sValue );
xmlKey.appendChild ( currentValue );
void CSettings::PutIniSetting ( CSettings::INIFile &theINI, const char *section,
const char *key, const char *value )
INIFile::iterator iniSection;
INISection::iterator apair;
if ( ( iniSection = theINI.find ( std::string ( section ) ) ) == theINI.end() )
// no such section? Then add one
INISection newsection;
if (key)
newsection.insert (
std::pair<std::string, std::string> ( std::string ( key ), std::string ( value ) ) );
theINI.insert (
std::pair<std::string, INISection> ( std::string ( section ), newsection ) );
if ( key )
/* Found section, make sure key isn't in there already,
if it is, just drop and re-add */
apair = iniSection->second.find ( string ( key ) );
if ( apair != iniSection->second.end() )
iniSection->second.insert (
std::pair<std::string, std::string> ( std::string ( key ), std::string ( value ) ) );
CSettings::INIFile CSettings::LoadIni ( const char* filename )
INIFile theINI;
char *value, *temp;
std::string section;
char buffer[MAX_INI_LINE];
std::fstream file ( filename, std::ios::in );
while ( file.good() )
memset ( buffer, 0, sizeof ( buffer ) );
file.getline ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer ) );
if ( ( temp = strchr ( buffer, '\n' ) ) )
*temp = '\0'; // cut off at newline
if ( ( temp = strchr ( buffer, '\r' ) ) )
*temp = '\0'; // cut off at linefeeds
if ( ( buffer[0] == '[' ) && ( temp = strrchr ( buffer, ']' ) ) )
{ // if line is like --> [section name]
*temp = '\0'; // chop off the trailing ']'
section = &buffer[1];
PutIniSetting ( theINI, &buffer[1] ); // start new section
if ( buffer[0] && ( value = strchr ( buffer, '=' ) ) )
// assign whatever follows = sign to value, chop at "="
*value++ = '\0';
// and add both sides to INISection
PutIniSetting ( theINI, section.c_str(), buffer, value );
if ( buffer[0] )
// must be a comment or something
PutIniSetting ( theINI, section.c_str(), buffer, "" );
return theINI;
void CSettings::SaveIni ( CSettings::INIFile &theINI, const char* filename )
bool bFirstSection = TRUE; // init flag
std::fstream file ( filename, std::ios::out );
if ( !file.good() )
// just iterate the hashes and values and dump them to a file
INIFile::iterator section = theINI.begin();
while ( section != theINI.end() )
if ( section->first > "" )
if ( bFirstSection == TRUE )
// do not put a newline at the beginning of the first section
file << "[" << section->first << "]" << std::endl;
// reset flag
bFirstSection = FALSE;
file << std::endl << "[" << section->first << "]" << std::endl;
INISection::iterator pair = section->second.begin();
while ( pair != section->second.end() )
if ( pair->second > "" )
file << pair->first << "=" << pair->second << std::endl;
file << pair->first << "=" << std::endl;
/* Return true or false depending on whether the first string is less than the
second */
bool CSettings::StlIniCompareStringNoCase::operator() ( const std::string& x,
const std::string& y ) const
#ifdef WIN32
return ( stricmp ( x.c_str(), y.c_str() ) < 0 ) ? true : false;
#ifdef strcasecmp
return ( strcasecmp ( x.c_str(), y.c_str() ) < 0 ) ? true : false;
unsigned nCount = 0;
int nResult = 0;
const char *p1 = x.c_str();
const char *p2 = y.c_str();
while ( *p1 && *p2 )
nResult = toupper ( *p1 ) - toupper ( *p2 );
if ( nResult != 0 )
if ( nResult == 0 )
if ( *p1 && !*p2 )
nResult = -1;
if ( !*p1 && *p2 )
nResult = 1;
if ( nResult < 0 )
return true;
return false;
#endif /* strcasecmp */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning ( pop )
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer, Robert Kesterson
* Volker Fischer
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
#if !defined ( SETTINGS_H__3B0BA660_DGEG56G456G9876D31912__INCLUDED_ )
#define SETTINGS_H__3B0BA660_DGEG56G456G9876D31912__INCLUDED_
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "client.h"
@ -36,9 +36,8 @@
// name of the init-file
#define LLCON_INIT_FILE_NAME "llcon.ini"
/* change this if you expect to have huge lines in your INI files. Note that
this is the max size of a single line, NOT the max number of lines */
#define MAX_INI_LINE 500
// XML document root name
#define INIT_XML_ROOT_NAME "Llcon Init File"
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
@ -47,39 +46,29 @@ class CSettings
CSettings ( CClient* pNCliP ) : pClient ( pNCliP ) {}
void Load ( std::string sFileName = "" );
void Save ( std::string sFileName = "" );
void Load ( const QString& sFileName = "" ) { ReadIniFile ( sFileName ); }
void Save ( const QString& sFileName = "" ) { WriteIniFile ( sFileName ); }
void ReadIniFile ( std::string sFileName );
void WriteIniFile ( std::string sFileName );
void ReadIniFile ( const QString& sFileName );
void WriteIniFile ( const QString& sFileName );
// function declarations for stlini code written by Robert Kesterson
struct StlIniCompareStringNoCase
bool operator() ( const std::string& x, const std::string& y ) const;
// init file access function for read/write
void SetNumericIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const int iValue = 0 );
bool GetNumericIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const int iRangeStart,
const int iRangeStop, int& iValue );
void SetFlagIniSet ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, const bool bValue = false );
bool GetFlagIniSet ( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& strSection,
const QString& strKey, bool& bValue );
// these typedefs just make the code a bit more readable
typedef std::map<string, std::string, StlIniCompareStringNoCase > INISection;
typedef std::map<string, INISection , StlIniCompareStringNoCase > INIFile;
std::string GetIniSetting( INIFile& theINI, const char* pszSection,
const char* pszKey, const char* pszDefaultVal = "" );
void PutIniSetting ( INIFile &theINI, const char *pszSection,
const char* pszKey = NULL, const char* pszValue = "" );
void SaveIni ( INIFile& theINI, const char* pszFilename );
INIFile LoadIni ( const char* pszFilename );
void SetNumericIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, std::string strSection, std::string strKey,
int iValue );
bool GetNumericIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, string strSection, std::string strKey,
int iRangeStart, int iRangeStop, int& iValue );
void SetFlagIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, std::string strSection, std::string strKey,
bool bValue );
bool GetFlagIniSet ( INIFile& theINI, std::string strSection, std::string strKey,
bool& bValue );
// actual working function for init-file access
QString GetIniSetting( const QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection,
const QString& sKey, const QString& sDefaultVal = "" );
void PutIniSetting ( QDomDocument& xmlFile, const QString& sSection,
const QString& sKey, const QString& sValue = "" );
// pointer to the client object needed for the various settings
CClient* pClient;
@ -300,7 +300,6 @@ CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent )
"<li>audio reverberation code: by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, "
"1995 - 2004 (taken from \"The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)\")</li>"
"<li>IMA-ADPCM: by Erik de Castro Lopo</li>"
"<li>INI File Tools (STLINI): Robert Kesterson in 1999</li>"
"<li>Parts from Dream DRM Receiver by Volker Fischer and Alexander "
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
AdditionalDependencies="$(QTDIR)\lib\qtmain.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtCore4.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtGui4.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtNetwork4.lib winmm.lib"
AdditionalDependencies="$(QTDIR)\lib\qtmain.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtCore4.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtGui4.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtNetwork4.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\QtXml4.lib winmm.lib"
Add table
Reference in a new issue