diff --git a/src/llconclientdlg.cpp b/src/llconclientdlg.cpp
index 669ab69d..d4129129 100755
--- a/src/llconclientdlg.cpp
+++ b/src/llconclientdlg.cpp
@@ -1,495 +1,511 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2009
- *
- * Author(s):
- * Volker Fischer
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
-#include "llconclientdlg.h"
-/* Implementation *************************************************************/
-CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
- const bool bNewConnectOnStartup,
- const bool bNewDisalbeLEDs,
- QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ) :
- pClient ( pNCliP ), QDialog ( parent, f ),
- ClientSettingsDlg ( pNCliP, parent
-#ifdef _WIN32
- // this somehow only works reliable on Windows
- , Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint
- ),
- ChatDlg ( parent
-#ifdef _WIN32
- // this somehow only works reliable on Windows
- , Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint
- )
- setupUi ( this );
- // add help text to controls
- QString strInpLevH = tr ( "Input level meter: Shows the level of the "
- "input audio signal of the sound card. Overload should be avoided." );
- TextLabelInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
- TextLabelInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
- PushButtonConnect->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Connect / Disconnect Button:"
- " Push this button to connect the server. A valid IP address has "
- "to be specified before. If the client is connected, pressing this "
- "button will disconnect the connection." ) );
- TextLabelStatus->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Status Bar: In the status bar "
- "different messages are displayed. E.g., if an error occurred or the "
- "status of the connection is shown." ) );
- QString strServAddrH = tr ( "Server Address: In this edit control, "
- "the IP address of the server can be set. If an invalid address was "
- "chosen, an error message is shown in the status bar." );
- TextLabelServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
- LineEditServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
- QString strFaderTag = tr ( "Fader Tag: In this edit control, "
- "the tag string of your fader can be set. This tag will appear "
- "at your fader on the mixer board when connected to the server.");
- TextLabelServerTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
- LineEditFaderTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
- QString strAudFader = tr ( "Audio Fader: With the audio fader "
- "control the level of left and right audio input channels can "
- "be controlled." );
- TextAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
- SliderAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
- QString strAudReverb = tr ( "Reverberation Level: The level of "
- "reverberation effect can be set with this control. The channel to "
- "which that reverberation effect shall be applied can be chosen "
- "with the Reverberation Channel Selection radio buttons." );
- TextLabelAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
- SliderAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
- QString strRevChanSel = tr ( "Reverberation Channel Selection: "
- "With these radio buttons the audio input channel on which the "
- "reverberation effect is applied can be chosen. Either the left "
- "or right input channel can be selected." );
- RadioButtonRevSelL->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
- RadioButtonRevSelR->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
- LEDOverallStatus->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Overall Status: "
- "The overall status of the software is shown. If either the "
- "network or sound interface has bad status, this LED will show "
- "red color." ) );
- // init fader tag line edit
- LineEditFaderTag->setText ( pClient->strName );
- // init server address combo box (max MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS entries)
- LineEditServerAddr->setMaxCount ( MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS );
- LineEditServerAddr->setInsertPolicy ( QComboBox::InsertAtTop );
- // load data from ini file
- for ( int iLEIdx = 0; iLEIdx < MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS; iLEIdx++ )
- {
- if ( !pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx].isEmpty() )
- {
- LineEditServerAddr->addItem ( pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx] );
- }
- }
- // we want the cursor to be at IP address line edit at startup
- LineEditServerAddr->setFocus();
- // init status label
- OnTimerStatus();
- // init connection button text
- PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT );
- // init input level meter bars
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( 0 );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( 0 );
- // init slider controls ---
- // audio in fader
- SliderAudInFader->setRange ( AUD_FADER_IN_MIN, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX );
- SliderAudInFader->setTickInterval ( AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 5 );
- UpdateAudioFaderSlider();
- // audio reverberation
- SliderAudReverb->setRange ( 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX );
- const int iCurAudReverb = pClient->GetReverbLevel();
- SliderAudReverb->setValue ( iCurAudReverb );
- SliderAudReverb->setTickInterval ( AUD_REVERB_MAX / 5 );
- // set radio buttons ---
- // reverb channel
- if ( pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan() )
- {
- RadioButtonRevSelL->setChecked ( true );
- }
- else
- {
- RadioButtonRevSelR->setChecked ( true );
- }
- // connect on startup ---
- if ( bNewConnectOnStartup )
- {
- // since the software starts up right now, the previous state was
- // "not connected" so that a call to "OnConnectDisconBut()" will
- // start the connection
- OnConnectDisconBut();
- }
- // disable controls on request ---
- // disable LEDs in main window if requested
- if ( bNewDisalbeLEDs )
- {
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setEnabled ( false );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setEnabled ( false );
- LEDOverallStatus->setEnabled ( false );
- PushButtonConnect->setFocus();
- }
- // Settings menu ----------------------------------------------------------
- pSettingsMenu = new QMenu ( "&View", this );
- pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&Chat..." ), this,
- SLOT ( OnOpenChatDialog() ) );
- pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&General Settings..." ), this,
- SLOT ( OnOpenGeneralSettings() ) );
- pSettingsMenu->addSeparator();
- pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "E&xit" ), this,
- SLOT ( close() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q ) );
- // Main menu bar -----------------------------------------------------------
- pMenu = new QMenuBar ( this );
- pMenu->addMenu ( pSettingsMenu );
- pMenu->addMenu ( new CLlconHelpMenu ( this ) );
- // Now tell the layout about the menu
- layout()->setMenuBar ( pMenu );
- // Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
- // push-buttons
- QObject::connect ( PushButtonConnect, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
- this, SLOT ( OnConnectDisconBut() ) );
- // timers
- QObject::connect ( &TimerSigMet, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
- this, SLOT ( OnTimerSigMet() ) );
- QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
- this, SLOT ( OnTimerStatus() ) );
- // sliders
- QObject::connect ( SliderAudInFader, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnSliderAudInFader ( int ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( SliderAudReverb, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnSliderAudReverb ( int ) ) );
- // radio buttons
- QObject::connect ( RadioButtonRevSelL, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
- this, SLOT ( OnRevSelL() ) );
- QObject::connect ( RadioButtonRevSelR, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
- this, SLOT ( OnRevSelR() ) );
- // line edits
- QObject::connect ( LineEditFaderTag, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnFaderTagTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( LineEditServerAddr, SIGNAL ( editTextChanged ( const QString ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnLineEditServerAddrTextChanged ( const QString ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( LineEditServerAddr, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnLineEditServerAddrActivated ( int ) ) );
- // other
- QObject::connect ( pClient,
- SIGNAL ( ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( pClient,
- SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceived ( QString ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( MainMixerBoard, SIGNAL ( ChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ) );
- QObject::connect ( &ChatDlg, SIGNAL ( NewLocalInputText ( QString ) ),
- this, SLOT ( OnNewLocalInputText ( QString ) ) );
- // Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // start timer for status bar
- TimerStatus.start ( STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME );
- // if connected, terminate connection
- if ( pClient->IsRunning() )
- {
- pClient->Stop();
- }
-void CLlconClientDlg::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * Event )
- // if settings dialog or chat dialog is open, close it
- ClientSettingsDlg.close();
- ChatDlg.close();
- // store IP addresses
- for ( int iLEIdx = 0; iLEIdx < LineEditServerAddr->count(); iLEIdx++ )
- {
- pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx] =
- LineEditServerAddr->itemText ( iLEIdx );
- }
- // store fader tag
- pClient->strName = LineEditFaderTag->text();
- // default implementation of this event handler routine
- Event->accept();
-void CLlconClientDlg::UpdateAudioFaderSlider()
- // update slider and label of audio fader
- const int iCurAudInFader = pClient->GetAudioInFader();
- SliderAudInFader->setValue ( iCurAudInFader );
- // show in label the center position and what channel is
- // attenuated
- if ( iCurAudInFader == AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE )
- {
- TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "Center" );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( iCurAudInFader > AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE )
- {
- // attenuation on right channel
- TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "R -" +
- QString().setNum ( iCurAudInFader - AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE ) );
- }
- else
- {
- // attenuation on left channel
- TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "L -" +
- QString().setNum ( AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE - iCurAudInFader ) );
- }
- }
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnSliderAudInFader ( int value )
- pClient->SetAudioInFader ( value );
- UpdateAudioFaderSlider();
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnLineEditServerAddrTextChanged ( const QString sNewText )
- // if the maximum number of items in the combo box is reached,
- // delete the last item so that the new item can be added (first
- // in - first out)
- if ( LineEditServerAddr->count() == MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS )
- {
- LineEditServerAddr->removeItem ( MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS - 1 );
- }
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnLineEditServerAddrActivated ( int index )
- // move activated list item to the top
- const QString strCurIPAddress = LineEditServerAddr->itemText ( index );
- LineEditServerAddr->removeItem ( index );
- LineEditServerAddr->insertItem ( 0, strCurIPAddress );
- LineEditServerAddr->setCurrentIndex ( 0 );
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnConnectDisconBut()
- // start/stop client, set button text
- if ( !pClient->IsRunning() )
- {
- // set address and check if address is valid
- if ( pClient->SetServerAddr ( LineEditServerAddr->currentText() ) )
- {
- pClient->Start();
- PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_DISCONNECTTEXT );
- // start timer for level meter bar
- TimerSigMet.start ( LEVELMETER_UPDATE_TIME );
- }
- else
- {
- // Restart timer to ensure that the text is visible at
- // least the time for one complete interval
- TimerStatus.start ( STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME );
- // show the error in the status bar
- TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Invalid address" ) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pClient->Stop();
- PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT );
- // stop timer for level meter bars and reset them
- TimerSigMet.stop();
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( 0 );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( 0 );
- // immediately update status bar
- OnTimerStatus();
- // clear mixer board (remove all faders)
- MainMixerBoard->HideAll();
- }
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnOpenGeneralSettings()
- // open general settings dialog
- ClientSettingsDlg.show();
- // make sure dialog is upfront and has focus
- ClientSettingsDlg.raise();
- ClientSettingsDlg.activateWindow();
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnChatTextReceived ( QString strChatText )
- ChatDlg.AddChatText ( strChatText );
- // if requested, open window
- if ( pClient->GetOpenChatOnNewMessage() )
- {
- ShowChatWindow();
- }
-void CLlconClientDlg::ShowChatWindow()
- // open chat dialog
- ChatDlg.show();
- // make sure dialog is upfront and has focus
- ChatDlg.raise();
- ChatDlg.activateWindow();
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnFaderTagTextChanged ( const QString& strNewName )
- // refresh internal name parameter
- pClient->strName = strNewName;
- // update name at server
- pClient->SetRemoteName();
-void CLlconClientDlg::OnTimerSigMet()
- // get current input levels
- double dCurSigLevelL = pClient->MicLevelL();
- double dCurSigLevelR = pClient->MicLevelR();
- // linear transformation of the input level range to the progress-bar
- // range
- // lower bound the signal
- if ( dCurSigLevelL < 0 )
- {
- dCurSigLevelL = 0;
- }
- // lower bound the signal
- if ( dCurSigLevelR < 0 )
- {
- dCurSigLevelR = 0;
- }
- // show current level
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelL ) );
- MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelR ) );
-void CLlconClientDlg::UpdateDisplay()
- // show connection status in status bar
- if ( pClient->IsConnected() && pClient->IsRunning() )
- {
- TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Connected" ) );
- }
- else
- {
- TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Disconnected" ) );
- }
-// TEST
-//TextLabelStatus->setText ( QString( "Time: %1, Netw: %2" ).arg ( pClient->GetTimingStdDev() ).arg ( pClient->GetChannel()->GetTimingStdDev() ) );
-void CLlconClientDlg::customEvent ( QEvent* Event )
- if ( Event->type() == QEvent::User + 11 )
- {
- const int iMessType = ( (CLlconEvent*) Event )->iMessType;
- const int iStatus = ( (CLlconEvent*) Event )->iStatus;
- switch ( iMessType )
- {
- case MS_SOUND_IN:
- case MS_SOUND_OUT:
- case MS_JIT_BUF_PUT:
- case MS_JIT_BUF_GET:
- // show overall status -> if any LED goes red, this LED will go red
- LEDOverallStatus->SetLight ( iStatus );
- break;
- case MS_RESET_ALL:
- LEDOverallStatus->Reset();
- break;
- pClient->SetSockBufNumFrames ( iStatus );
- break;
- }
- // update general settings dialog, too
- ClientSettingsDlg.SetStatus ( iMessType, iStatus );
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2009
+ *
+ * Author(s):
+ * Volker Fischer
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+#include "llconclientdlg.h"
+/* Implementation *************************************************************/
+CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
+ const bool bNewConnectOnStartup,
+ const bool bNewDisalbeLEDs,
+ QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ) :
+ pClient ( pNCliP ), QDialog ( parent, f ),
+ ClientSettingsDlg ( pNCliP, parent
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // this somehow only works reliable on Windows
+ , Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint
+ ),
+ ChatDlg ( parent
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // this somehow only works reliable on Windows
+ , Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint
+ )
+ setupUi ( this );
+ // add help text to controls
+ QString strInpLevH = tr ( "Input level meter: Shows the level of the "
+ "input audio signal of the sound card. Overload should be avoided." );
+ TextLabelInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
+ TextLabelInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
+ PushButtonConnect->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Connect / Disconnect Button:"
+ " Push this button to connect the server. A valid IP address has "
+ "to be specified before. If the client is connected, pressing this "
+ "button will disconnect the connection." ) );
+ TextLabelStatus->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Status Bar: In the status bar "
+ "different messages are displayed. E.g., if an error occurred or the "
+ "status of the connection is shown." ) );
+ QString strServAddrH = tr ( "Server Address: In this edit control, "
+ "the IP address of the server can be set. If an invalid address was "
+ "chosen, an error message is shown in the status bar." );
+ TextLabelServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
+ LineEditServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
+ QString strFaderTag = tr ( "Fader Tag: In this edit control, "
+ "the tag string of your fader can be set. This tag will appear "
+ "at your fader on the mixer board when connected to the server.");
+ TextLabelServerTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
+ LineEditFaderTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
+ QString strAudFader = tr ( "Audio Fader: With the audio fader "
+ "control the level of left and right audio input channels can "
+ "be controlled." );
+ TextAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
+ SliderAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
+ QString strAudReverb = tr ( "Reverberation Level: The level of "
+ "reverberation effect can be set with this control. The channel to "
+ "which that reverberation effect shall be applied can be chosen "
+ "with the Reverberation Channel Selection radio buttons." );
+ TextLabelAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
+ SliderAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
+ QString strRevChanSel = tr ( "Reverberation Channel Selection: "
+ "With these radio buttons the audio input channel on which the "
+ "reverberation effect is applied can be chosen. Either the left "
+ "or right input channel can be selected." );
+ RadioButtonRevSelL->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
+ RadioButtonRevSelR->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
+ LEDOverallStatus->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "Overall Status: "
+ "The overall status of the software is shown. If either the "
+ "network or sound interface has bad status, this LED will show "
+ "red color." ) );
+ // init fader tag line edit
+ LineEditFaderTag->setText ( pClient->strName );
+ // init server address combo box (max MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS entries)
+ LineEditServerAddr->setMaxCount ( MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS );
+ LineEditServerAddr->setInsertPolicy ( QComboBox::InsertAtTop );
+ // load data from ini file
+ for ( int iLEIdx = 0; iLEIdx < MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS; iLEIdx++ )
+ {
+ if ( !pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx].isEmpty() )
+ {
+ LineEditServerAddr->addItem ( pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx] );
+ }
+ }
+ // we want the cursor to be at IP address line edit at startup
+ LineEditServerAddr->setFocus();
+ // init status label
+ OnTimerStatus();
+ // init connection button text
+ PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT );
+ // init input level meter bars
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( 0 );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( 0 );
+ // init slider controls ---
+ // audio in fader
+ SliderAudInFader->setRange ( AUD_FADER_IN_MIN, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX );
+ SliderAudInFader->setTickInterval ( AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 5 );
+ UpdateAudioFaderSlider();
+ // audio reverberation
+ SliderAudReverb->setRange ( 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX );
+ const int iCurAudReverb = pClient->GetReverbLevel();
+ SliderAudReverb->setValue ( iCurAudReverb );
+ SliderAudReverb->setTickInterval ( AUD_REVERB_MAX / 5 );
+ // set radio buttons ---
+ // reverb channel
+ if ( pClient->IsReverbOnLeftChan() )
+ {
+ RadioButtonRevSelL->setChecked ( true );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RadioButtonRevSelR->setChecked ( true );
+ }
+ // connect on startup ---
+ if ( bNewConnectOnStartup )
+ {
+ // since the software starts up right now, the previous state was
+ // "not connected" so that a call to "OnConnectDisconBut()" will
+ // start the connection
+ OnConnectDisconBut();
+ }
+ // disable controls on request ---
+ // disable LEDs in main window if requested
+ if ( bNewDisalbeLEDs )
+ {
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setEnabled ( false );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setEnabled ( false );
+ LEDOverallStatus->setEnabled ( false );
+ PushButtonConnect->setFocus();
+ }
+ // Settings menu ----------------------------------------------------------
+ pSettingsMenu = new QMenu ( "&View", this );
+ pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&Chat..." ), this,
+ SLOT ( OnOpenChatDialog() ) );
+ pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&General Settings..." ), this,
+ SLOT ( OnOpenGeneralSettings() ) );
+ pSettingsMenu->addSeparator();
+ pSettingsMenu->addAction ( tr ( "E&xit" ), this,
+ SLOT ( close() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q ) );
+ // Main menu bar -----------------------------------------------------------
+ pMenu = new QMenuBar ( this );
+ pMenu->addMenu ( pSettingsMenu );
+ pMenu->addMenu ( new CLlconHelpMenu ( this ) );
+ // Now tell the layout about the menu
+ layout()->setMenuBar ( pMenu );
+ // Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
+ // push-buttons
+ QObject::connect ( PushButtonConnect, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnConnectDisconBut() ) );
+ // timers
+ QObject::connect ( &TimerSigMet, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnTimerSigMet() ) );
+ QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnTimerStatus() ) );
+ // sliders
+ QObject::connect ( SliderAudInFader, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnSliderAudInFader ( int ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( SliderAudReverb, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnSliderAudReverb ( int ) ) );
+ // radio buttons
+ QObject::connect ( RadioButtonRevSelL, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnRevSelL() ) );
+ QObject::connect ( RadioButtonRevSelR, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnRevSelR() ) );
+ // line edits
+ QObject::connect ( LineEditFaderTag, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnFaderTagTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( LineEditServerAddr, SIGNAL ( editTextChanged ( const QString ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnLineEditServerAddrTextChanged ( const QString ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( LineEditServerAddr, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnLineEditServerAddrActivated ( int ) ) );
+ // other
+ QObject::connect ( pClient,
+ SIGNAL ( ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnConClientListMesReceived ( CVector ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( pClient,
+ SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceived ( QString ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( MainMixerBoard, SIGNAL ( ChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ) );
+ QObject::connect ( &ChatDlg, SIGNAL ( NewLocalInputText ( QString ) ),
+ this, SLOT ( OnNewLocalInputText ( QString ) ) );
+ // Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // start timer for status bar
+ TimerStatus.start ( STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME );
+ // if connected, terminate connection
+ if ( pClient->IsRunning() )
+ {
+ pClient->Stop();
+ }
+void CLlconClientDlg::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * Event )
+ // if settings dialog or chat dialog is open, close it
+ ClientSettingsDlg.close();
+ ChatDlg.close();
+ // store IP addresses
+ for ( int iLEIdx = 0; iLEIdx < LineEditServerAddr->count(); iLEIdx++ )
+ {
+ pClient->vstrIPAddress[iLEIdx] =
+ LineEditServerAddr->itemText ( iLEIdx );
+ }
+ // store fader tag
+ pClient->strName = LineEditFaderTag->text();
+ // default implementation of this event handler routine
+ Event->accept();
+void CLlconClientDlg::UpdateAudioFaderSlider()
+ // update slider and label of audio fader
+ const int iCurAudInFader = pClient->GetAudioInFader();
+ SliderAudInFader->setValue ( iCurAudInFader );
+ // show in label the center position and what channel is
+ // attenuated
+ if ( iCurAudInFader == AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE )
+ {
+ TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "Center" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( iCurAudInFader > AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE )
+ {
+ // attenuation on right channel
+ TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "R -" +
+ QString().setNum ( iCurAudInFader - AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // attenuation on left channel
+ TextLabelAudFader->setText ( "L -" +
+ QString().setNum ( AUD_FADER_IN_MIDDLE - iCurAudInFader ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnSliderAudInFader ( int value )
+ pClient->SetAudioInFader ( value );
+ UpdateAudioFaderSlider();
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnLineEditServerAddrTextChanged ( const QString sNewText )
+ // if the maximum number of items in the combo box is reached,
+ // delete the last item so that the new item can be added (first
+ // in - first out)
+ if ( LineEditServerAddr->count() == MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS )
+ {
+ LineEditServerAddr->removeItem ( MAX_NUM_SERVER_ADDR_ITEMS - 1 );
+ }
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnLineEditServerAddrActivated ( int index )
+ // move activated list item to the top
+ const QString strCurIPAddress = LineEditServerAddr->itemText ( index );
+ LineEditServerAddr->removeItem ( index );
+ LineEditServerAddr->insertItem ( 0, strCurIPAddress );
+ LineEditServerAddr->setCurrentIndex ( 0 );
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnConnectDisconBut()
+ // start/stop client, set button text
+ if ( !pClient->IsRunning() )
+ {
+ // set address and check if address is valid
+ if ( pClient->SetServerAddr ( LineEditServerAddr->currentText() ) )
+ {
+ bool bStartOk = true;
+ try
+ {
+ pClient->Start();
+ }
+ catch ( CGenErr generr )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical (
+ this, APP_NAME, generr.GetErrorText(), "Close", 0 );
+ bStartOk = false;
+ }
+ if ( bStartOk )
+ {
+ PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_DISCONNECTTEXT );
+ // start timer for level meter bar
+ TimerSigMet.start ( LEVELMETER_UPDATE_TIME );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Restart timer to ensure that the text is visible at
+ // least the time for one complete interval
+ TimerStatus.start ( STATUSBAR_UPDATE_TIME );
+ // show the error in the status bar
+ TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Invalid address" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pClient->Stop();
+ PushButtonConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT );
+ // stop timer for level meter bars and reset them
+ TimerSigMet.stop();
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( 0 );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( 0 );
+ // immediately update status bar
+ OnTimerStatus();
+ // clear mixer board (remove all faders)
+ MainMixerBoard->HideAll();
+ }
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnOpenGeneralSettings()
+ // open general settings dialog
+ ClientSettingsDlg.show();
+ // make sure dialog is upfront and has focus
+ ClientSettingsDlg.raise();
+ ClientSettingsDlg.activateWindow();
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnChatTextReceived ( QString strChatText )
+ ChatDlg.AddChatText ( strChatText );
+ // if requested, open window
+ if ( pClient->GetOpenChatOnNewMessage() )
+ {
+ ShowChatWindow();
+ }
+void CLlconClientDlg::ShowChatWindow()
+ // open chat dialog
+ ChatDlg.show();
+ // make sure dialog is upfront and has focus
+ ChatDlg.raise();
+ ChatDlg.activateWindow();
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnFaderTagTextChanged ( const QString& strNewName )
+ // refresh internal name parameter
+ pClient->strName = strNewName;
+ // update name at server
+ pClient->SetRemoteName();
+void CLlconClientDlg::OnTimerSigMet()
+ // get current input levels
+ double dCurSigLevelL = pClient->MicLevelL();
+ double dCurSigLevelR = pClient->MicLevelR();
+ // linear transformation of the input level range to the progress-bar
+ // range
+ // lower bound the signal
+ if ( dCurSigLevelL < 0 )
+ {
+ dCurSigLevelL = 0;
+ }
+ // lower bound the signal
+ if ( dCurSigLevelR < 0 )
+ {
+ dCurSigLevelR = 0;
+ }
+ // show current level
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setValue ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelL ) );
+ MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setValue ( (int) ceil ( dCurSigLevelR ) );
+void CLlconClientDlg::UpdateDisplay()
+ // show connection status in status bar
+ if ( pClient->IsConnected() && pClient->IsRunning() )
+ {
+ TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Connected" ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TextLabelStatus->setText ( tr ( "Disconnected" ) );
+ }
+// TEST
+//TextLabelStatus->setText ( QString( "Time: %1, Netw: %2" ).arg ( pClient->GetTimingStdDev() ).arg ( pClient->GetChannel()->GetTimingStdDev() ) );
+void CLlconClientDlg::customEvent ( QEvent* Event )
+ if ( Event->type() == QEvent::User + 11 )
+ {
+ const int iMessType = ( (CLlconEvent*) Event )->iMessType;
+ const int iStatus = ( (CLlconEvent*) Event )->iStatus;
+ switch ( iMessType )
+ {
+ case MS_SOUND_IN:
+ case MS_SOUND_OUT:
+ case MS_JIT_BUF_PUT:
+ case MS_JIT_BUF_GET:
+ // show overall status -> if any LED goes red, this LED will go red
+ LEDOverallStatus->SetLight ( iStatus );
+ break;
+ case MS_RESET_ALL:
+ LEDOverallStatus->Reset();
+ break;
+ pClient->SetSockBufNumFrames ( iStatus );
+ break;
+ }
+ // update general settings dialog, too
+ ClientSettingsDlg.SetStatus ( iMessType, iStatus );
+ }