small fix for initialization of host address in case not actual address could be obtained
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 494 additions and 491 deletions
@ -1,491 +1,494 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2011
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "util.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
// Input level meter implementation --------------------------------------------
void CStereoSignalLevelMeter::Update ( CVector<short>& vecsAudio )
// get the stereo vector size
const int iStereoVecSize = vecsAudio.Size();
// Get maximum of current block
// Speed optimization:
// - we only make use of the positive values and ignore the negative ones
// -> we do not need to call the fabs() function
// - we only evaluate every third sample
// With these speed optimizations we might loose some information in
// special cases but for the average music signals the following code
// should give good results.
short sMaxL = 0;
short sMaxR = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < iStereoVecSize; i += 6 ) // 2 * 3 = 6 -> stereo
// left channel
if ( sMaxL < vecsAudio[i] )
sMaxL = vecsAudio[i];
// right channel
if ( sMaxR < vecsAudio[i + 1] )
sMaxR = vecsAudio[i + 1];
dCurLevelL = UpdateCurLevel ( dCurLevelL, sMaxL );
dCurLevelR = UpdateCurLevel ( dCurLevelR, sMaxR );
double CStereoSignalLevelMeter::UpdateCurLevel ( double dCurLevel,
const short& sMax )
// decrease max with time
if ( dCurLevel >= METER_FLY_BACK )
// TODO calculate factor from sample rate
dCurLevel *= 0.95;
dCurLevel = 0;
// update current level -> only use maximum
if ( static_cast<double> ( sMax ) > dCurLevel )
return static_cast<double> ( sMax );
return dCurLevel;
double CStereoSignalLevelMeter::CalcLogResult ( const double& dLinearLevel )
const double dNormMicLevel = dLinearLevel / _MAXSHORT;
// logarithmic measure
if ( dNormMicLevel > 0 )
return 20.0 * log10 ( dNormMicLevel );
return -100000.0; // large negative value
// CRC -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCRC::Reset()
// init state shift-register with ones. Set all registers to "1" with
// bit-wise not operation
iStateShiftReg = ~uint32_t ( 0 );
void CCRC::AddByte ( const uint8_t byNewInput )
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// shift bits in shift-register for transistion
iStateShiftReg <<= 1;
// take bit, which was shifted out of the register-size and place it
// at the beginning (LSB)
// (If condition is not satisfied, implicitely a "0" is added)
if ( ( iStateShiftReg & iBitOutMask) > 0 )
iStateShiftReg |= 1;
// add new data bit to the LSB
if ( ( byNewInput & ( 1 << ( 8 - i - 1 ) ) ) > 0 )
iStateShiftReg ^= 1;
// add mask to shift-register if first bit is true
if ( iStateShiftReg & 1 )
iStateShiftReg ^= iPoly;
uint32_t CCRC::GetCRC()
// return inverted shift-register (1's complement)
iStateShiftReg = ~iStateShiftReg;
// remove bit which where shifted out of the shift-register frame
return iStateShiftReg & ( iBitOutMask - 1 );
* Audio Reverberation *
The following code is based on "JCRev: John Chowning's reverberator class"
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2004
which is in "The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)"
Original description:
This class is derived from the CLM JCRev function, which is based on the use
of networks of simple allpass and comb delay filters. This class implements
three series allpass units, followed by four parallel comb filters, and two
decorrelation delay lines in parallel at the output.
void CAudioReverb::Init ( const int iSampleRate, const double rT60 )
int delay, i;
// delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate
int lengths[9] = { 1777, 1847, 1993, 2137, 389, 127, 43, 211, 179 };
const double scaler = (double) iSampleRate / 44100.0;
if ( scaler != 1.0 )
for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
delay = (int) floor ( scaler * lengths[i] );
if ( ( delay & 1 ) == 0 )
while ( !isPrime ( delay ) )
delay += 2;
lengths[i] = delay;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
allpassDelays_[i].Init ( lengths[i + 4] );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
combDelays_[i].Init ( lengths[i] );
setT60 ( rT60, iSampleRate );
allpassCoefficient_ = (double) 0.7;
bool CAudioReverb::isPrime ( const int number )
Returns true if argument value is prime. Taken from "class Effect" in
"STK abstract effects parent class".
if ( number == 2 )
return true;
if ( number & 1 )
for ( int i = 3; i < (int) sqrt ( (double) number ) + 1; i += 2 )
if ( ( number % i ) == 0 )
return false;
return true; // prime
return false; // even
void CAudioReverb::Clear()
// reset and clear all internal state
allpassDelays_[0].Reset ( 0 );
allpassDelays_[1].Reset ( 0 );
allpassDelays_[2].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[0].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[1].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[2].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[3].Reset ( 0 );
void CAudioReverb::setT60 ( const double rT60,
const int iSampleRate )
// set the reverberation T60 decay time
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
combCoefficient_[i] = pow ( (double) 10.0, (double) ( -3.0 *
combDelays_[i].Size() / ( rT60 * iSampleRate ) ) );
double CAudioReverb::ProcessSample ( const double input )
// compute one output sample
double temp, temp0, temp1, temp2;
temp = allpassDelays_[0].Get();
temp0 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp0 += input;
allpassDelays_[0].Add ( (int) temp0 );
temp0 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp0 ) + temp;
temp = allpassDelays_[1].Get();
temp1 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp1 += temp0;
allpassDelays_[1].Add ( (int) temp1 );
temp1 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp1 ) + temp;
temp = allpassDelays_[2].Get();
temp2 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp2 += temp1;
allpassDelays_[2].Add ( (int) temp2 );
temp2 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp2 ) + temp;
const double temp3 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[0] * combDelays_[0].Get() );
const double temp4 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[1] * combDelays_[1].Get() );
const double temp5 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[2] * combDelays_[2].Get() );
const double temp6 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[3] * combDelays_[3].Get() );
combDelays_[0].Add ( (int) temp3 );
combDelays_[1].Add ( (int) temp4 );
combDelays_[2].Add ( (int) temp5 );
combDelays_[3].Add ( (int) temp6 );
return ( temp3 + temp4 + temp5 + temp6 ) * (double) 0.5;
* GUI Utilities *
// About dialog ----------------------------------------------------------------
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent )
setupUi ( this );
// set the text for the about dialog html text control
txvCredits->setOpenExternalLinks ( true );
txvCredits->setText (
"<p>" // general description of llcon software
"<big><b>llcon</b> " + tr("The llcon software enables musicians to "
"perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. There is a llcon "
"server which collects the audio data from each llcon client, "
"mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client.") +
"<p><font face=\"courier\">" // GPL header text
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify "
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by "
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or "
"(at your option) any later version.<br>This program is distributed in "
"the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without "
"even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A "
"PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more "
"details.<br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public "
"License along with his program; if not, write to the Free Software "
"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 "
"<p><b>" + // libraries used by this compilation of llcon
tr("llcon uses the following libraries, resources or code snippets:") +
"<li>Qt cross-platform application framework: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>The CELT ultra-low delay audio codec: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>Audio reverberation code: by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, "
"1995 - 2004 (taken from "
"<i><a href="""">"
"The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)</a></i>)</li>"
"<li>Parts from Dream DRM Receiver by Volker Fischer and Alexander "
"Kurpiers: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>Some pixmaps are from <i> - vector clip art online, "
"royalty free & public domain</i></li>"
// set version number in about dialog
lblVersion->setText ( GetVersionAndNameStr() );
QString CAboutDlg::GetVersionAndNameStr ( const bool bWithHtml )
QString strVersionText = "";
// name, short description and GPL hint
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "<center><b>";
strVersionText += " *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "llcon, Version " ) + VERSION;
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "</b><br>";
strVersionText += "\n *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "llcon, Low-Latency (internet) CONnection" );
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "<br>";
strVersionText += "\n *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "Under the GNU General Public License (GPL)" );
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "</center>";
return strVersionText;
// Help menu -------------------------------------------------------------------
CLlconHelpMenu::CLlconHelpMenu ( QWidget* parent ) : QMenu ( "&?", parent )
// standard help menu consists of about and what's this help
addAction ( tr ( "What's &This" ), this,
SLOT ( OnHelpWhatsThis() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F1 ) );
addAction ( tr ( "&Download Link..." ), this,
SLOT ( OnHelpDownloadLink() ) );
addAction ( tr ( "&About..." ), this, SLOT ( OnHelpAbout() ) );
* Other Classes *
bool LlconNetwUtil::ParseNetworkAddress ( QString strAddress,
CHostAddress& HostAddress )
QHostAddress InetAddr;
// parse input address for the type [IP address]:[port number]
QString strPort = strAddress.section ( ":", 1, 1 );
if ( !strPort.isEmpty() )
// a colon is present in the address string, try to extract port number
iNetPort = strPort.toInt();
// extract address port before colon (should be actual internet address)
strAddress = strAddress.section ( ":", 0, 0 );
// first try if this is an IP number an can directly applied to QHostAddress
if ( !InetAddr.setAddress ( strAddress ) )
// it was no vaild IP address, try to get host by name, assuming
// that the string contains a valid host name string
const QHostInfo HostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName ( strAddress );
if ( HostInfo.error() == QHostInfo::NoError )
// apply IP address to QT object
if ( !HostInfo.addresses().isEmpty() )
// use the first IP address
InetAddr = HostInfo.addresses().first();
return false; // invalid address
HostAddress = CHostAddress ( InetAddr, iNetPort );
return true;
* Global Functions Implementation *
void DebugError ( const QString& pchErDescr,
const QString& pchPar1Descr,
const double dPar1,
const QString& pchPar2Descr,
const double dPar2 )
QFile File ( "DebugError.dat" );
if ( ( QIODevice::Append ) )
// append new line in logging file
QTextStream out ( &File );
out << pchErDescr << " ### " <<
pchPar1Descr << ": " << QString().setNum ( dPar1, 'f', 2 ) <<
" ### " <<
pchPar2Descr << ": " << QString().setNum ( dPar2, 'f', 2 ) <<
printf ( "\nDebug error! For more information see test/DebugError.dat\n" );
exit ( 1 );
* Copyright (c) 2004-2011
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "util.h"
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
// Input level meter implementation --------------------------------------------
void CStereoSignalLevelMeter::Update ( CVector<short>& vecsAudio )
// get the stereo vector size
const int iStereoVecSize = vecsAudio.Size();
// Get maximum of current block
// Speed optimization:
// - we only make use of the positive values and ignore the negative ones
// -> we do not need to call the fabs() function
// - we only evaluate every third sample
// With these speed optimizations we might loose some information in
// special cases but for the average music signals the following code
// should give good results.
short sMaxL = 0;
short sMaxR = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < iStereoVecSize; i += 6 ) // 2 * 3 = 6 -> stereo
// left channel
if ( sMaxL < vecsAudio[i] )
sMaxL = vecsAudio[i];
// right channel
if ( sMaxR < vecsAudio[i + 1] )
sMaxR = vecsAudio[i + 1];
dCurLevelL = UpdateCurLevel ( dCurLevelL, sMaxL );
dCurLevelR = UpdateCurLevel ( dCurLevelR, sMaxR );
double CStereoSignalLevelMeter::UpdateCurLevel ( double dCurLevel,
const short& sMax )
// decrease max with time
if ( dCurLevel >= METER_FLY_BACK )
// TODO calculate factor from sample rate
dCurLevel *= 0.95;
dCurLevel = 0;
// update current level -> only use maximum
if ( static_cast<double> ( sMax ) > dCurLevel )
return static_cast<double> ( sMax );
return dCurLevel;
double CStereoSignalLevelMeter::CalcLogResult ( const double& dLinearLevel )
const double dNormMicLevel = dLinearLevel / _MAXSHORT;
// logarithmic measure
if ( dNormMicLevel > 0 )
return 20.0 * log10 ( dNormMicLevel );
return -100000.0; // large negative value
// CRC -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCRC::Reset()
// init state shift-register with ones. Set all registers to "1" with
// bit-wise not operation
iStateShiftReg = ~uint32_t ( 0 );
void CCRC::AddByte ( const uint8_t byNewInput )
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// shift bits in shift-register for transistion
iStateShiftReg <<= 1;
// take bit, which was shifted out of the register-size and place it
// at the beginning (LSB)
// (If condition is not satisfied, implicitely a "0" is added)
if ( ( iStateShiftReg & iBitOutMask) > 0 )
iStateShiftReg |= 1;
// add new data bit to the LSB
if ( ( byNewInput & ( 1 << ( 8 - i - 1 ) ) ) > 0 )
iStateShiftReg ^= 1;
// add mask to shift-register if first bit is true
if ( iStateShiftReg & 1 )
iStateShiftReg ^= iPoly;
uint32_t CCRC::GetCRC()
// return inverted shift-register (1's complement)
iStateShiftReg = ~iStateShiftReg;
// remove bit which where shifted out of the shift-register frame
return iStateShiftReg & ( iBitOutMask - 1 );
* Audio Reverberation *
The following code is based on "JCRev: John Chowning's reverberator class"
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2004
which is in "The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)"
Original description:
This class is derived from the CLM JCRev function, which is based on the use
of networks of simple allpass and comb delay filters. This class implements
three series allpass units, followed by four parallel comb filters, and two
decorrelation delay lines in parallel at the output.
void CAudioReverb::Init ( const int iSampleRate, const double rT60 )
int delay, i;
// delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate
int lengths[9] = { 1777, 1847, 1993, 2137, 389, 127, 43, 211, 179 };
const double scaler = (double) iSampleRate / 44100.0;
if ( scaler != 1.0 )
for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
delay = (int) floor ( scaler * lengths[i] );
if ( ( delay & 1 ) == 0 )
while ( !isPrime ( delay ) )
delay += 2;
lengths[i] = delay;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
allpassDelays_[i].Init ( lengths[i + 4] );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
combDelays_[i].Init ( lengths[i] );
setT60 ( rT60, iSampleRate );
allpassCoefficient_ = (double) 0.7;
bool CAudioReverb::isPrime ( const int number )
Returns true if argument value is prime. Taken from "class Effect" in
"STK abstract effects parent class".
if ( number == 2 )
return true;
if ( number & 1 )
for ( int i = 3; i < (int) sqrt ( (double) number ) + 1; i += 2 )
if ( ( number % i ) == 0 )
return false;
return true; // prime
return false; // even
void CAudioReverb::Clear()
// reset and clear all internal state
allpassDelays_[0].Reset ( 0 );
allpassDelays_[1].Reset ( 0 );
allpassDelays_[2].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[0].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[1].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[2].Reset ( 0 );
combDelays_[3].Reset ( 0 );
void CAudioReverb::setT60 ( const double rT60,
const int iSampleRate )
// set the reverberation T60 decay time
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
combCoefficient_[i] = pow ( (double) 10.0, (double) ( -3.0 *
combDelays_[i].Size() / ( rT60 * iSampleRate ) ) );
double CAudioReverb::ProcessSample ( const double input )
// compute one output sample
double temp, temp0, temp1, temp2;
temp = allpassDelays_[0].Get();
temp0 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp0 += input;
allpassDelays_[0].Add ( (int) temp0 );
temp0 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp0 ) + temp;
temp = allpassDelays_[1].Get();
temp1 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp1 += temp0;
allpassDelays_[1].Add ( (int) temp1 );
temp1 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp1 ) + temp;
temp = allpassDelays_[2].Get();
temp2 = allpassCoefficient_ * temp;
temp2 += temp1;
allpassDelays_[2].Add ( (int) temp2 );
temp2 = - ( allpassCoefficient_ * temp2 ) + temp;
const double temp3 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[0] * combDelays_[0].Get() );
const double temp4 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[1] * combDelays_[1].Get() );
const double temp5 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[2] * combDelays_[2].Get() );
const double temp6 = temp2 + ( combCoefficient_[3] * combDelays_[3].Get() );
combDelays_[0].Add ( (int) temp3 );
combDelays_[1].Add ( (int) temp4 );
combDelays_[2].Add ( (int) temp5 );
combDelays_[3].Add ( (int) temp6 );
return ( temp3 + temp4 + temp5 + temp6 ) * (double) 0.5;
* GUI Utilities *
// About dialog ----------------------------------------------------------------
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent )
setupUi ( this );
// set the text for the about dialog html text control
txvCredits->setOpenExternalLinks ( true );
txvCredits->setText (
"<p>" // general description of llcon software
"<big><b>llcon</b> " + tr("The llcon software enables musicians to "
"perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. There is a llcon "
"server which collects the audio data from each llcon client, "
"mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client.") +
"<p><font face=\"courier\">" // GPL header text
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify "
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by "
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or "
"(at your option) any later version.<br>This program is distributed in "
"the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without "
"even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A "
"PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more "
"details.<br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public "
"License along with his program; if not, write to the Free Software "
"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 "
"<p><b>" + // libraries used by this compilation of llcon
tr("llcon uses the following libraries, resources or code snippets:") +
"<li>Qt cross-platform application framework: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>The CELT ultra-low delay audio codec: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>Audio reverberation code: by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, "
"1995 - 2004 (taken from "
"<i><a href="""">"
"The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)</a></i>)</li>"
"<li>Parts from Dream DRM Receiver by Volker Fischer and Alexander "
"Kurpiers: "
"<i><a href=""""></a></i></li>"
"<li>Some pixmaps are from <i> - vector clip art online, "
"royalty free & public domain</i></li>"
// set version number in about dialog
lblVersion->setText ( GetVersionAndNameStr() );
QString CAboutDlg::GetVersionAndNameStr ( const bool bWithHtml )
QString strVersionText = "";
// name, short description and GPL hint
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "<center><b>";
strVersionText += " *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "llcon, Version " ) + VERSION;
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "</b><br>";
strVersionText += "\n *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "llcon, Low-Latency (internet) CONnection" );
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "<br>";
strVersionText += "\n *** ";
strVersionText += tr ( "Under the GNU General Public License (GPL)" );
if ( bWithHtml )
strVersionText += "</center>";
return strVersionText;
// Help menu -------------------------------------------------------------------
CLlconHelpMenu::CLlconHelpMenu ( QWidget* parent ) : QMenu ( "&?", parent )
// standard help menu consists of about and what's this help
addAction ( tr ( "What's &This" ), this,
SLOT ( OnHelpWhatsThis() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F1 ) );
addAction ( tr ( "&Download Link..." ), this,
SLOT ( OnHelpDownloadLink() ) );
addAction ( tr ( "&About..." ), this, SLOT ( OnHelpAbout() ) );
* Other Classes *
bool LlconNetwUtil::ParseNetworkAddress ( QString strAddress,
CHostAddress& HostAddress )
QHostAddress InetAddr;
// init requested host address with invalid address first
HostAddress = CHostAddress();
// parse input address for the type [IP address]:[port number]
QString strPort = strAddress.section ( ":", 1, 1 );
if ( !strPort.isEmpty() )
// a colon is present in the address string, try to extract port number
iNetPort = strPort.toInt();
// extract address port before colon (should be actual internet address)
strAddress = strAddress.section ( ":", 0, 0 );
// first try if this is an IP number an can directly applied to QHostAddress
if ( !InetAddr.setAddress ( strAddress ) )
// it was no vaild IP address, try to get host by name, assuming
// that the string contains a valid host name string
const QHostInfo HostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName ( strAddress );
if ( HostInfo.error() == QHostInfo::NoError )
// apply IP address to QT object
if ( !HostInfo.addresses().isEmpty() )
// use the first IP address
InetAddr = HostInfo.addresses().first();
return false; // invalid address
HostAddress = CHostAddress ( InetAddr, iNetPort );
return true;
* Global Functions Implementation *
void DebugError ( const QString& pchErDescr,
const QString& pchPar1Descr,
const double dPar1,
const QString& pchPar2Descr,
const double dPar2 )
QFile File ( "DebugError.dat" );
if ( ( QIODevice::Append ) )
// append new line in logging file
QTextStream out ( &File );
out << pchErDescr << " ### " <<
pchPar1Descr << ": " << QString().setNum ( dPar1, 'f', 2 ) <<
" ### " <<
pchPar2Descr << ": " << QString().setNum ( dPar2, 'f', 2 ) <<
printf ( "\nDebug error! For more information see test/DebugError.dat\n" );
exit ( 1 );
Add table
Reference in a new issue