Merge pull request #10 from corrados/master
using Qt5 connections instead of the old Qt4 ones (just a subset conv…
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 156 additions and 180 deletions
@ -369,35 +369,35 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// timers
QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerStatus() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnTimerStatus );
// slider controls
QObject::connect ( sldNetBuf, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnNetBufValueChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( sldNetBuf, &QSlider::valueChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnNetBufValueChanged );
QObject::connect ( sldNetBufServer, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnNetBufServerValueChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( sldNetBufServer, &QSlider::valueChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnNetBufServerValueChanged );
// check boxes
QObject::connect ( chbGUIDesignFancy, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnGUIDesignFancyStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbGUIDesignFancy, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnGUIDesignFancyStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbDisplayChannelLevels, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnDisplayChannelLevelsStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbDisplayChannelLevels, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnDisplayChannelLevelsStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbAutoJitBuf, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAutoJitBufStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbAutoJitBuf, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnAutoJitBufStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbEnableOPUS64, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnEnableOPUS64StateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbEnableOPUS64, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnEnableOPUS64StateChanged );
// line edits
QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished() ) );
QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished );
QObject::connect ( edtNewClientLevel, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
this, SLOT ( OnNewClientLevelEditingFinished() ) );
QObject::connect ( edtNewClientLevel, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnNewClientLevelEditingFinished );
// combo boxes
QObject::connect ( cbxSoundcard, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
@ -422,8 +422,8 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
this, SLOT ( OnAudioQualityActivated ( int ) ) );
// buttons
QObject::connect ( butDriverSetup, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( OnDriverSetupClicked() ) );
QObject::connect ( butDriverSetup, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CClientSettingsDlg::OnDriverSetupClicked );
// misc
QObject::connect ( &SndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroup,
@ -151,46 +151,44 @@ CConnectDlg::CConnectDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// list view
QObject::connect ( lvwServers,
SIGNAL ( itemSelectionChanged() ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerListItemSelectionChanged() ) );
QObject::connect ( lvwServers, &QTreeWidget::itemSelectionChanged,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnServerListItemSelectionChanged );
QObject::connect ( lvwServers,
SIGNAL ( itemDoubleClicked ( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerListItemDoubleClicked ( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( lvwServers, &QTreeWidget::itemDoubleClicked,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnServerListItemDoubleClicked );
QObject::connect ( lvwServers, // to get default return key behaviour working
SIGNAL ( activated ( QModelIndex ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnConnectClicked() ) );
// to get default return key behaviour working
QObject::connect ( lvwServers, &QTreeWidget::activated,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnConnectClicked );
// line edit
QObject::connect ( edtFilter, SIGNAL ( textEdited ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnFilterTextEdited ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( edtFilter, &QLineEdit::textEdited,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnFilterTextEdited );
// combo boxes
QObject::connect ( cbxServerAddr, SIGNAL ( editTextChanged ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerAddrEditTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxServerAddr, &QComboBox::editTextChanged,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnServerAddrEditTextChanged );
QObject::connect ( cbxCentServAddrType, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentServAddrTypeChanged ( int ) ) );
// check boxes
QObject::connect ( chbExpandAll, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnExpandAllStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbExpandAll, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnExpandAllStateChanged );
// buttons
QObject::connect ( butCancel, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( close() ) );
QObject::connect ( butCancel, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CConnectDlg::close );
QObject::connect ( butConnect, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( OnConnectClicked() ) );
QObject::connect ( butConnect, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnConnectClicked );
// timers
QObject::connect ( &TimerPing, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerPing() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPing, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnTimerPing );
QObject::connect ( &TimerReRequestServList, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerReRequestServList() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerReRequestServList, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CConnectDlg::OnTimerReRequestServList );
void CConnectDlg::Init ( const CVector<QString>& vstrIPAddresses )
@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ CJpegHistoryGraph::CJpegHistoryGraph ( const int iMaxDaysHistory ) :
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerDailyUpdate, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerDailyUpdate() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerDailyUpdate, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CJpegHistoryGraph::OnTimerDailyUpdate );
// Override Update to blank out the plot area each time
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ CSvgHistoryGraph::CSvgHistoryGraph ( const int iMaxDaysHistory ) :
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerDailyUpdate, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerDailyUpdate() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerDailyUpdate, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CSvgHistoryGraph::OnTimerDailyUpdate );
// Override Update to create the fresh SVG stream each time
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ CProtocol::CProtocol()
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerSendMess, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerSendMess() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerSendMess, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CProtocol::OnTimerSendMess );
void CProtocol::Reset()
@ -417,68 +417,53 @@ CServer::CServer ( const int iNewMaxNumChan,
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// connect timer timeout signal
QObject::connect ( &HighPrecisionTimer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );
QObject::connect ( &HighPrecisionTimer, &CHighPrecisionTimer::timeout,
this, &CServer::OnTimer );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLMessReadyForSending ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSendCLProtMessage ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLMessReadyForSending,
this, &CServer::OnSendCLProtMessage );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLPingReceived ( CHostAddress, int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLPingReceived ( CHostAddress, int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLPingReceived,
this, &CServer::OnCLPingReceived );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLPingWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLPingWithNumClientsReceived,
this, &CServer::OnCLPingWithNumClientsReceived );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLRegisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress, CHostAddress, CServerCoreInfo ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLRegisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress, CHostAddress, CServerCoreInfo ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLRegisterServerReceived,
this, &CServer::OnCLRegisterServerReceived );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLUnregisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLUnregisterServerReceived ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLUnregisterServerReceived,
this, &CServer::OnCLUnregisterServerReceived );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqServerList ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqServerList ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLReqServerList,
this, &CServer::OnCLReqServerList );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLRegisterServerResp ( CHostAddress, ESvrRegResult ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLRegisterServerResp ( CHostAddress, ESvrRegResult ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLRegisterServerResp,
this, &CServer::OnCLRegisterServerResp );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLSendEmptyMes ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLSendEmptyMes ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLSendEmptyMes,
this, &CServer::OnCLSendEmptyMes );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLDisconnection ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLDisconnection ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLDisconnection,
this, &CServer::OnCLDisconnection );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqVersionAndOS ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqVersionAndOS ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLReqVersionAndOS,
this, &CServer::OnCLReqVersionAndOS );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol,
SIGNAL ( CLReqConnClientsList ( CHostAddress ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCLReqConnClientsList ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &ConnLessProtocol, &CProtocol::CLReqConnClientsList,
this, &CServer::OnCLReqConnClientsList );
QObject::connect ( &ServerListManager,
SIGNAL ( SvrRegStatusChanged() ),
SIGNAL ( SvrRegStatusChanged() ) );
QObject::connect ( &ServerListManager, &CServerListManager::SvrRegStatusChanged,
this, &CServer::SvrRegStatusChanged );
QObject::connect( &JamRecorder,
SIGNAL ( RecordingSessionStarted ( QString ) ),
SIGNAL ( RecordingSessionStarted ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect( &JamRecorder, &recorder::CJamRecorder::RecordingSessionStarted,
this, &CServer::RecordingSessionStarted );
QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(),
SIGNAL ( aboutToQuit() ),
this, SLOT ( OnAboutToQuit() ) );
QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit,
this, &CServer::OnAboutToQuit );
QObject::connect ( pSignalHandler,
SIGNAL ( HandledSignal ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnHandledSignal ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pSignalHandler, &CSignalHandler::HandledSignal,
this, &CServer::OnHandledSignal );
@ -532,10 +517,10 @@ inline void CServer::connectChannelSignalsToServerSlots()
this, pOnServerAutoSockBufSizeChangeCh );
connectChannelSignalsToServerSlots<slotId - 1>();
inline void CServer::connectChannelSignalsToServerSlots<0>() {};
inline void CServer::connectChannelSignalsToServerSlots<0>() {}
void CServer::CreateAndSendJitBufMessage ( const int iCurChanID,
const int iNNumFra )
@ -334,27 +334,27 @@ lvwClients->setMinimumHeight ( 140 );
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
// check boxes
QObject::connect ( chbRegisterServer, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnRegisterServerStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbRegisterServer, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnRegisterServerStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbStartOnOSStart, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnStartOnOSStartStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbStartOnOSStart, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnStartOnOSStartStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbUseCCLicence, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnUseCCLicenceStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbUseCCLicence, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnUseCCLicenceStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( chbEnableRecorder, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnEnableRecorderStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbEnableRecorder, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnEnableRecorderStateChanged );
// line edits
QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished() ) );
QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
this, &CServerDlg::OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished );
QObject::connect ( edtServerName, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerNameTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( edtServerName, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnServerNameTextChanged );
QObject::connect ( edtLocationCity, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnLocationCityTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( edtLocationCity, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnLocationCityTextChanged );
// combo boxes
QObject::connect ( cbxLocationCountry, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
@ -364,34 +364,34 @@ lvwClients->setMinimumHeight ( 140 );
this, SLOT ( OnCentServAddrTypeActivated ( int ) ) );
// push buttons
QObject::connect ( pbtNewRecording, SIGNAL ( released() ),
this, SLOT ( OnNewRecordingClicked() ) );
QObject::connect ( pbtNewRecording, &QPushButton::released,
this, &CServerDlg::OnNewRecordingClicked );
// timers
QObject::connect ( &Timer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );
QObject::connect ( &Timer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerDlg::OnTimer );
// other
QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( Started() ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerStarted() ) );
QObject::connect ( pServer, &CServer::Started,
this, &CServerDlg::OnServerStarted );
QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( Stopped() ),
this, SLOT ( OnServerStopped() ) );
QObject::connect ( pServer, &CServer::Stopped,
this, &CServerDlg::OnServerStopped );
QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( SvrRegStatusChanged() ),
this, SLOT ( OnSvrRegStatusChanged() ) );
QObject::connect ( pServer, &CServer::SvrRegStatusChanged,
this, &CServerDlg::OnSvrRegStatusChanged );
QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( RecordingSessionStarted ( QString ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnRecordingSessionStarted ( QString ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pServer, &CServer::RecordingSessionStarted,
this, &CServerDlg::OnRecordingSessionStarted );
QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( StopRecorder() ),
this, SLOT ( OnStopRecorder() ) );
QObject::connect ( pServer, &CServer::StopRecorder,
this, &CServerDlg::OnStopRecorder );
QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(), SIGNAL ( aboutToQuit() ),
this, SLOT ( OnAboutToQuit() ) );
QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit,
this, &CServerDlg::OnAboutToQuit );
QObject::connect ( &SystemTrayIcon,
SIGNAL ( activated ( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSysTrayActivated ( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &SystemTrayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::activated,
this, &CServerDlg::OnSysTrayActivated );
// Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -173,20 +173,20 @@ CServerListManager::CServerListManager ( const quint16 iNPortNum,
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerPollList, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerPollList() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPollList, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPollList );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingServerInList, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerPingServerInList() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingServerInList, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPingServerInList );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingCentralServer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerPingCentralServer() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerPingCentralServer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerPingCentralServer );
QObject::connect ( &TimerRegistering, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerRegistering() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerRegistering, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerRegistering );
QObject::connect ( &TimerCLRegisterServerResp, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerCLRegisterServerResp() ) );
QObject::connect ( &TimerCLRegisterServerResp, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CServerListManager::OnTimerCLRegisterServerResp );
void CServerListManager::SetCentralServerAddress ( const QString sNCentServAddr )
@ -111,37 +111,30 @@ void CSocket::Init ( const quint16 iPortNumber )
// client connections:
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( ProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ),
pChannel, SLOT ( OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this, &CSocket::ProtcolMessageReceived,
pChannel, &CChannel::OnProtcolMessageReceived );
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( ProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ),
pChannel, SLOT ( OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this, &CSocket::ProtcolCLMessageReceived,
pChannel, &CChannel::OnProtcolCLMessageReceived );
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( NewConnection() ),
QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( NewConnection() ),
pChannel, SLOT ( OnNewConnection() ) );
// server connections:
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( ProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ),
pServer, SLOT ( OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int, int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this, &CSocket::ProtcolMessageReceived,
pServer, &CServer::OnProtcolMessageReceived );
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( ProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ),
pServer, SLOT ( OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int, CVector<uint8_t>, CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this, &CSocket::ProtcolCLMessageReceived,
pServer, &CServer::OnProtcolCLMessageReceived );
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( NewConnection ( int, CHostAddress ) ),
QObject::connect ( this, SIGNAL ( NewConnection ( int, CHostAddress ) ),
pServer, SLOT ( OnNewConnection ( int, CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this,
SIGNAL ( ServerFull ( CHostAddress ) ),
pServer, SLOT ( OnServerFull ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( this, &CSocket::ServerFull,
pServer, &CServer::OnServerFull );
@ -217,9 +217,8 @@ protected:
NetworkWorkerThread.SetSocket ( &Socket );
// connect the "InvalidPacketReceived" signal
QObject::connect ( &Socket,
SIGNAL ( InvalidPacketReceived ( CHostAddress ) ),
SIGNAL ( InvalidPacketReceived ( CHostAddress ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &Socket, &CSocket::InvalidPacketReceived,
this, &CHighPrioSocket::InvalidPacketReceived );
CSocketThread NetworkWorkerThread;
@ -61,14 +61,15 @@ public:
// connect protocol signals
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, SIGNAL ( MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSendProtMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, SIGNAL ( CLMessReadyForSending ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSendCLMessage ( CHostAddress, CVector<uint8_t> ) ) );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::MessReadyForSending,
this, &CTestbench::OnSendProtMessage );
QObject::connect ( &Protocol, &CProtocol::CLMessReadyForSending,
this, &CTestbench::OnSendCLMessage );
// connect and start the timer (testbench heartbeat)
QObject::connect ( &Timer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );
QObject::connect ( &Timer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, &CTestbench::OnTimer );
Timer.start ( 1 ); // 1 ms
@ -531,14 +531,14 @@ CLicenceDlg::CLicenceDlg ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent )
tr ( "You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict "
"others from doing anything the license permits." ) + "</p>" );
QObject::connect ( chbAgree, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAgreeStateChanged ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( chbAgree, &QCheckBox::stateChanged,
this, &CLicenceDlg::OnAgreeStateChanged );
QObject::connect ( butAccept, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( accept() ) );
QObject::connect ( butAccept, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CLicenceDlg::accept );
QObject::connect ( butDecline, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( reject() ) );
QObject::connect ( butDecline, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CLicenceDlg::reject );
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ CMusProfDlg::CMusProfDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( pedtAlias, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAliasTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pedtAlias, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
this, &CMusProfDlg::OnAliasTextChanged );
QObject::connect ( pcbxInstrument, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnInstrumentActivated ( int ) ) );
@ -737,14 +737,14 @@ CMusProfDlg::CMusProfDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
QObject::connect ( pcbxCountry, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCountryActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pedtCity, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCityTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pedtCity, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
this, &CMusProfDlg::OnCityTextChanged );
QObject::connect ( pcbxSkill, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnSkillActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( butClose, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( accept() ) );
QObject::connect ( butClose, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &CMusProfDlg::accept );
void CMusProfDlg::showEvent ( QShowEvent* )
Reference in a new issue