added protocol message for additional client infos for client list

This commit is contained in:
Volker Fischer 2013-02-10 08:50:43 +00:00
parent 553beb64b5
commit ac8a93d9ea
2 changed files with 131 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -76,6 +76,22 @@ MESSAGES (with connection)
... ----------------------+
- PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST_ADD: Additional information about connected
for each connected client append following data:
+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+ ...
| 1 byte channel ID | 2 bytes country | 4 bytes instrument | ...
+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+ ...
... --------------------+ ...
... 1 byte skill level | ...
... --------------------+ ...
... ------------------+---------------------------+
... 2 bytes number n | n bytes UTF-8 string city |
... ------------------+---------------------------+
- PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST: Request connected clients list
note: does not have any data -> n = 0
@ -502,6 +518,10 @@ if ( rand() < ( RAND_MAX / 2 ) ) return false;
bRet = EvaluateConClientListMes ( vecData );
bRet = EvaluateConClientListAddMes ( vecData );
bRet = EvaluateReqConnClientsList();
@ -737,18 +757,15 @@ void CProtocol::CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector<CChannelShortInfo>& vecCh
// convert name string to utf-8
const QByteArray strUTF8Name = vecChanInfo[i].strName.toUtf8();
// current utf-8 string size
const int iCurStrUTF8Len = strUTF8Name.size();
// size of current list entry
const int iCurListEntrLen =
1 /* chan ID */ + 4 /* IP addr. */ +
2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + iCurStrUTF8Len;
2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8Name.size();
// make space for new data
vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen );
// channel ID
// channel ID (1 byte)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iChanID ), 1 );
@ -811,6 +828,111 @@ bool CProtocol::EvaluateConClientListMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
return false; // no error
void CProtocol::CreateConClientListAddMes ( const CVector<CChannelAdditionalInfo>& vecChanInfo )
const int iNumClients = vecChanInfo.Size();
// build data vector
CVector<uint8_t> vecData ( 0 );
int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumClients; i++ )
// convert city string to utf-8
const QByteArray strUTF8City = vecChanInfo[i].strCity.toUtf8();
// size of current list entry
const int iCurListEntrLen =
1 /* chan ID */ + 2 /* country */ +
4 /* instrument */ + 1 /* skill level */ +
2 /* utf-8 str. size */ + strUTF8City.size();
// make space for new data
vecData.Enlarge ( iCurListEntrLen );
// channel ID (1 byte)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iChanID ), 1 );
// country (2 bytes)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].eCountry ), 2 );
// instrument (4 bytes)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iInstrument ), 4 );
// skill level (1 byte)
PutValOnStream ( vecData, iPos,
static_cast<uint32_t> ( vecChanInfo[i].iSkillLevel ), 1 );
// city
PutStringUTF8OnStream ( vecData, iPos, strUTF8City );
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST_ADD, vecData );
bool CProtocol::EvaluateConClientListAddMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData )
int iPos = 0; // init position pointer
const int iDataLen = vecData.Size();
CVector<CChannelAdditionalInfo> vecChanInfo ( 0 );
while ( iPos < iDataLen )
// check size (the next 8 bytes)
if ( ( iDataLen - iPos ) < 8 )
return true; // return error code
// channel ID (1 byte)
const int iChanID =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
// country (2 bytes)
const QLocale::Country eCountry =
static_cast<QLocale::Country> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 2 ) );
// instrument (4 bytes)
const int iInstrument =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 4 ) );
// skill level (1 byte)
const int iSkillLevel =
static_cast<int> ( GetValFromStream ( vecData, iPos, 1 ) );
// city
QString strCurStr;
if ( GetStringFromStream ( vecData,
strCurStr ) )
return true; // return error code
// add channel information to vector
vecChanInfo.Add ( CChannelAdditionalInfo ( iChanID,
iSkillLevel ) );
// check size: all data is read, the position must now be at the end
if ( iPos != iDataLen )
return true; // return error code
// invoke message action
emit ConClientListAddMesReceived ( vecChanInfo );
return false; // no error
void CProtocol::CreateReqConnClientsList()
CreateAndSendMessage ( PROTMESSID_REQ_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST, CVector<uint8_t> ( 0 ) );

View file

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#define PROTMESSID_REQ_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS 21 // request properties for network transport
#define PROTMESSID_DISCONNECTION 22 // OLD (not used anymore)
#define PROTMESSID_REQ_CHANNEL_NAME 23 // request channel name for fader tag
#define PROTMESSID_CONN_CLIENTS_LIST_ADD 24 // additional infos for connected clients
// message IDs of connection less messages (CLM)
// DEFINITION -> start at 1000, end at 1999, see IsConnectionLessMessageID
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ public:
void CreateReqJitBufMes();
void CreateChanGainMes ( const int iChanID, const double dGain );
void CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector<CChannelShortInfo>& vecChanInfo );
void CreateConClientListAddMes ( const CVector<CChannelAdditionalInfo>& vecChanInfo );
void CreateReqConnClientsList();
void CreateChanNameMes ( const QString strName );
void CreateReqChanNameMes();
@ -199,6 +201,7 @@ protected:
bool EvaluateReqJitBufMes();
bool EvaluateChanGainMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData );
bool EvaluateConClientListMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData );
bool EvaluateConClientListAddMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData );
bool EvaluateReqConnClientsList();
bool EvaluateChanNameMes ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecData );
bool EvaluateReqChanNameMes();
@ -246,6 +249,7 @@ signals:
void ChangeNetwBlSiFact ( int iNewNetwBlSiFact );
void ChangeChanGain ( int iChanID, double dNewGain );
void ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelShortInfo> vecChanInfo );
void ConClientListAddMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelAdditionalInfo> vecChanInfo );
void ServerFullMesReceived();
void ReqConnClientsList();
void ChangeChanName ( QString strName );