diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm index f4b6a5fe..72b40090 100644 Binary files a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm and b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm differ diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts index 62aa6b52..3b3509dd 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts @@ -1203,12 +1203,12 @@ Wenn der Stereo-Modus ausgewählt wurde, dann verschwindet die Kanalselektion für den Halleffekt im Hauptfenster, da der Effekt auf beide Stereokanäle angewendet wird. - + Audio channels combo box Audiokanal Auswahlbox - + Audio Quality Audioqualität @@ -1217,12 +1217,12 @@ Wählt die gewünschte Audioqualität aus. Es wird eine niedrige, mittlere und hohe Audioqualität angeboten. Je höher die Audioqualität, desto höher ist die Netzwerkübertragungsrate. Man muss sicherstellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. - + Audio quality combo box Audioqualität Auswahlbox - + New Client Level Pegel für neuen Teilnehmer @@ -1231,12 +1231,12 @@ Der Pegel für neue Teilnehmer definiert die Fadereinstellung, wenn sich ein Teilnehmer neu mit dem Server verbindet. D.h. wenn ein neuer Fader erscheint, dann wird er auf den voreingestellten Pegel gesetzt. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Fall, dass der Teilnehmer vorher schon mal mit dem Server verbunden war und der Pegel gespeichert war. - + New client level edit box Neuer Teilnehmer Pegel Einstellbox - + Custom Central Server Address Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse @@ -1257,12 +1257,12 @@ Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox - + Central server address line edit Zentralserveradresse Eingabefeld - + Current Connection Status Parameter Verbindungsstatus Parameter @@ -1279,35 +1279,40 @@ Die Upload-Rate hängt von der Soundkartenpuffergröße und die Audiokomprimierung ab. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Upload-Rate immer kleiner ist als die Rate, die die Internetverbindung zur Verfügung stellt (man kann die Upload-Rate des Internetproviders z.B. mit speedtest.net überprüfen). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Wenn diese LED rot leuchtet, dann wirst du keinen Spaß haben mit der - + software. Software. - + ASIO Setup ASIO-Einstellung - + Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + Modus ist die Übertragungsrate etwas höher. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-In/Stereo-Out - + Stereo @@ -1397,57 +1402,56 @@ Im - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - Modus ist die Übertragungsrate etwas höher. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. + Modus ist die Übertragungsrate etwas höher. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. Wenn der Stereo-Modus ausgewählt wurde, dann verschwindet die Kanalselektion für den Halleffekt im Hauptfenster, da der Effekt auf beide Stereokanäle angewendet wird. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. Je höher die Audioqualität, desto höher ist die Netzwerkübertragungsrate. Man muss sicherstellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Der Pegel für neue Teilnehmer definiert die Fadereinstellung, wenn sich ein Teilnehmer neu mit dem Server verbindet. D.h. wenn ein neuer Fader erscheint, dann wird er auf den voreingestellten Pegel gesetzt. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Fall, dass der Teilnehmer vorher schon mal mit dem Server verbunden war und der Pegel gespeichert war. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Diese Adresse wird nur benutzt, wenn die benutzerdefinierte Serverliste im Verbindungsdialog ausgewählt wird. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Die Ping-Zeit ist die Zeit, die der Audiodatenstrom benötigt, um von der Applikation zum Server und zurück zu kommen. Diese Verzögerung wird vom Netzwerk hervorgerufen. Diese Verzögerung sollte so um die 20-30 ms sein. Falls die Verzögerung größer ist (z.B. 50-60 ms), der Abstand zum Server ist zu groß oder die Internetverbindung ist nicht ausreichend. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Die Gesamtverzögerung setzt sich zusammen aus der Ping-Zeit und die Verzögerung, die durch die Puffergrößen verursacht wird. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Die Upload-Rate hängt von der Soundkartenpuffergröße und die Audiokomprimierung ab. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Upload-Rate immer kleiner ist als die Rate, die die Internetverbindung zur Verfügung stellt (man kann die Upload-Rate des Internetproviders z.B. mit speedtest.net überprüfen). - + Low Niedrig - + Normal Normal - + High Hoch @@ -1494,23 +1498,23 @@ Standard (Nordamerika) - + preferred bevorzugt - - + + Size: Größe: - + Buffer Delay Puffergröße - + Buffer Delay: Puffergröße: @@ -1519,17 +1523,17 @@ Vordefinierte Adresse - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Das ausgewählte Audiogerät kann aus folgendem Grund nicht verwendet werden: - + The previous driver will be selected. Der vorherige Treiber wird wieder ausgewählt. - + Ok @@ -1736,17 +1740,17 @@ The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 48 hours) are shown in bold. - + Die Serverliste zeigt eine Liste von verfügbaren Server, die sich am Zentralserver registriert haben. Markiere einen Server von der Liste und drücke den Knopf Verbinden um eine Verbindung zu dem Server aufzubauen. Alternativ kann man auch den Server in der Liste direkt doppelklicken. Wenn ein Server belegt ist, dann wird eine Liste der verbundenen Musikern angezeigt. Server, die länger online sind (permanente Server) werden in Fettschrift dargestellt. If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - + Die IP-Adresse oder URL des Servers, auf der die Serversoftware läuft wird hier angegeben. Optional kann eine Portnummer angefügt werden. Diese wird hinter der IP-Adresse durch ein Doppelpunkt getrennt angegeben. Beispiel: example.org: . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. - + . Eine Liste der letzten IP-Adressen oder URLs wird gespeichert und kann nachträglich wieder ausgewählt werden. @@ -2103,7 +2107,7 @@ What you set here will appear at your fader on the mixer board when you are connected to a Jamulus server. This tag will also be shown at each client which is connected to the same server as you. - + Was man hier sieht wird auch am Fader im Mixer angezeigt, wenn du mit einem Server verbunden bist. Dieses Schild wird auch bei allen anderen Musikern, die mit dem gleichen Server verbunden sind, angezeigt. @@ -2318,7 +2322,7 @@ No Name - + Kein Name @@ -2407,12 +2411,12 @@ If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - + Wenn diese Funktion angehakt ist, dann wird der Server automatisch mit dem Betriebssystemstart geladen und erscheint minimiert in der Systemleiste als Icon. If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - + Mit dieser Funktion wird der eigene Server in der Serverliste des Zentralservers registriert so dass alle anderen Applikationsnutzer den Server in der Liste sehen können und sich mit ihm verbinden können. Die Registrierung mit dem Zentralserver wird periodisch erneuert um sicherzugehen, dass alle registrierten Server auch wirklich erreichbar sind. @@ -2456,7 +2460,7 @@ The server name identifies your server in the connect dialog server list at the clients. - + Der Servername identifiziert deinen Server in der Serverliste. @@ -2496,62 +2500,62 @@ Checkbox to turn on or off server recording - + Schalter zum aktivieren oder deaktivieren der Aufnahmefunktion Enable Recorder - + Aktiviere die Aufnahmefunktion Checked when the recorder is enabled, otherwise unchecked. The recorder will run when a session is in progress, if (set up correctly and) enabled. - + Angehakt, wenn die Aufnahmefunktion aktiviert ist. Die Aufnahme wird automatisch gestartet, wenn eine Jam-Session läuft. Current session directory text box (read-only) - + Aktuelle Session Checkbox Current Session Directory - + Verzeichnisname für das Speichern der Aufnahmen Enabled during recording and holds the current recording session directory. Disabled after recording or when the recorder is not enabled. - + Wenn die Aufnahmefunktion aktiviert ist, dann kann das Verzeichnis ausgewählt werden, in dem die Aufnahmen gespeichert werden. Recorder status label - + Recorder Statusanzeige Recorder Status - + Aufnahmestatus Displays the current status of the recorder. - + Zeigt den Aufnahmestatus an. Request new recording button - + Anfordern einer neuen Aufnahme New Recording - + Neue Aufnahme During a recording session, the button can be used to start a new recording. - + Mit diesem Knopf kann man die Aufnahme neu starten (d.h. es wird eine neue Aufnahmedatei angelegt). @@ -2589,17 +2593,17 @@ Recording - + Aufnahme Not recording - + Keine Aufnahme Not enabled - + Nicht aktiviert Manual @@ -2730,17 +2734,17 @@ Enable jam recorder - + Aktivere die Aufnahme New recording - + Neue Aufnahme Recordings folder - + Verzeichnis für die Aufnahmen diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm index 379a6b9a..d418ab75 100644 Binary files a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm and b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm differ diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts index f1a7058f..eea9838d 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts @@ -1215,12 +1215,12 @@ En el caso del modo estéreo, no estará disponible la selección de canal para el efecto de reverberación en la ventana principal puesto que en este caso el efecto se aplicará a ambos canales. - + Audio channels combo box Selección canales audio - + Audio Quality Calidad Audio @@ -1229,12 +1229,12 @@ Selecciona la calidad de audio deseada. Se puede seleccionar una calidad baja, normal o alta. Cuanto mayor la calidad del audio, mayor la tasa de transferencia de datos de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda disponible en tu conexión a internet. - + Audio quality combo box Selección calidad audio - + New Client Level Nivel Cliente Nuevo @@ -1243,12 +1243,12 @@ La configuración del nivel de clientes nuevos define el nivel del fader para una nueva conexión expresado en un porcentaje. Esto es, si un cliente nuevo se conecta al servidor actual, su fader tomará el valor especificado si no se ha guardado ningún valor de una conexión anterior de ese cliente. - + New client level edit box Campo para nivel nuevo cliente - + Custom Central Server Address Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central @@ -1269,12 +1269,12 @@ Selección servidor central - + Central server address line edit Dirección servidor central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parámetro Estado Conexión Actual @@ -1291,35 +1291,40 @@ La tasa de subida depende del tamaño actual de paquetes de audio y la configuración de compresión de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no es mayor que la tasa disponible (comprueba la tasa de subida de tu conexión a internet, por ej. con speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Si este indicador LED se vuelve rojo, no te divertirás demasiado utilizando el software - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Configuración ASIO - + Mono Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Entrada mono/Salida estéreo - + Stereo Estéreo @@ -1409,57 +1414,56 @@ Habilitar el modo - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - aumentará la tasa de datos. Asegúrate de que tu tasa de subida no excede el valor de subida disponible con tu ancho de banda de Internet. + aumentará la tasa de datos. Asegúrate de que tu tasa de subida no excede el valor de subida disponible con tu ancho de banda de Internet. - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. En modo estéreo, no habrá ninguna selección de canal para el efecto de reverb en la ventana principal porque el efecto se aplica a ambos canales en este caso. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. Cuanto mayor la calidad del audio, mayor la tasa de subida del audio. Asegúrate de que tu tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda de tu conexión a Internet. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. Este ajuste define el nivel del fader de una nueva conexión de cliente, en porcentaje. Si se conecta un nuevo cliente al servidor actual, el nivel inicial de su fader tomará este valor si no se ha especificado anteriormente un valor para ese cliente de una conexión anterior. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. Deja esto en blanco a menos que necesites escribir la dirección de un servidor distinto a los que hay por defecto. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. El Ping es el tiempo que requiere el flujo de audio para viajar desde el cliente al servidor y volver. Este retardo lo determina la red y debería ser de unos 20-30 ms. Si este retardo es de unos 50 ms, la distancia al servidor es demasiado grande o tu conexión a internet no es óptima. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. El Retardo Total se calcula con el Ping actual y el retardo ocasionado por la configuración de buffers. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. La Tasa de Subida de Audio depende del tamaño actual de paquetes de audio y la configuración de compresión de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no es mayor que la velocidad de subida disponible (comprueba la tasa de subida de tu conexión a internet, por ej. con speedtest.net). - + Low Baja - + Normal Normal - + High Alta @@ -1506,23 +1510,23 @@ Por defecto (Norteamérica) - + preferred aconsejado - - + + Size: Tamaño: - + Buffer Delay Retardo Buffer - + Buffer Delay: Retardo Buffer: @@ -1531,17 +1535,17 @@ Dirección Preestablecida - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: El dispositivo de audio seleccionado no puede utilizarse a causa del siguiente error: - + The previous driver will be selected. Se utilizará el driver anterior. - + Ok Ok diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts index 2ff66b58..97dd67c7 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts @@ -1219,12 +1219,12 @@ Dans le cas du mode de streaming stéréo, aucune sélection de canal audio pour l'effet de réverbération ne sera disponible dans la fenêtre principale puisque l'effet est appliqué sur les deux canaux dans ce cas. - + Audio channels combo box Choix déroulant de canaux audio - + Audio Quality Qualité audio @@ -1233,12 +1233,12 @@ Sélectionnez la qualité audio souhaitée. Une qualité audio faible, normale ou élevée peut être sélectionnée. Plus la qualité audio est élevée, plus le débit de données du flux audio est élevé. Assurez-vous que le débit montant actuel ne dépasse pas la bande passante disponible de votre connexion internet. - + Audio quality combo box Choix déroulant de qualité audio - + New Client Level Niveau de nouveau client @@ -1247,12 +1247,12 @@ Le paramètre de niveau de nouveau client définit le niveau de chariot d'un client nouvellement connecté en pourcentage. C'est-à-dire que si un nouveau client se connecte au serveur actuel, il aura le niveau de chariot initial spécifié si aucun autre niveau de chariot d'une connexion précédente de ce client n'était déjà stocké. - + New client level edit box Dialogue d'édition de niveau de nouveau client - + Custom Central Server Address Adresse personnalisée du serveur central @@ -1273,12 +1273,12 @@ Choix déroulant de type de serveur central par défaut - + Central server address line edit Ligne d'édition pour l'adresse du serveur central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Paramètre de l'état de la connexion actuelle @@ -1295,35 +1295,40 @@ Le débit montant dépend de la taille actuelle du paquet audio et du réglage de la compression audio. Assurez-vous que le débit montant n'est pas supérieur au débit disponible (vérifiez les capacités montant de votre connexion internet en utilisant, par exemple, speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Si ce voyant devient rouge, vous n'aurez pas beaucoup de plaisir à utiliser le logiciel - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Paramètres ASIO - + Mono Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-entrée/stéréo-sortie - + Stereo Stéréo @@ -1413,57 +1418,52 @@ - - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - - - - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Low Basse - + Normal Normale - + High Haute @@ -1510,23 +1510,23 @@ Défaut (Amérique du Nord) - + preferred préféré - - + + Size: Taille : - + Buffer Delay Délai de temporisation - + Buffer Delay: Délai de temporisation : @@ -1535,17 +1535,17 @@ Adresse prédéfinie - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Le périphérique audio sélectionné n'a pas pu être utilisé en raison de l'erreur suivante : - + The previous driver will be selected. Le pilote précédent sera sélectionné. - + Ok Ok diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts index 77e82dad..51905b57 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts @@ -1195,12 +1195,12 @@ Nel caso in cui si una lo streaming stereo, non sarà possibile selezionare su quale canale far intervenire il riverbero inquanto sarà applicato ad entrambi i canali Left e Right. - + Audio channels combo box Combo Box Canali Audio - + Audio Quality Qualità Audio @@ -1209,12 +1209,12 @@ Selezionare la qualità audio desiderata. Si può scegliere tra Low (Bassa), normal (standard), high (Alta). Maggiore è la qualità settata più alto sarà il valore di streaming audio. Accertarsi di avere sufficiente banda in upload. - + Audio quality combo box Combo Box Qualità Audio - + New Client Level Livello Volume Nuovo Client @@ -1223,12 +1223,12 @@ Settare il livello per il nuovo client definisce il livello, in percentuale, di ingresso per un nuovo utente che si connette. Un nuovo client che si connette alla sessione assume un volume uguale a quello settato se non ci sono livelli memorizzati per questo client in precedenti connessioni con lo stesso. - + New client level edit box Box per modificare il livello di ingresso di un nuovo client - + Custom Central Server Address Indirizzo personalizzato del Server Centrale @@ -1249,12 +1249,12 @@ Box per l'indirizzo del Server Centrale - + Central server address line edit Modifica indirizzo Server Centrale - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parametri attuali di connessione @@ -1271,35 +1271,40 @@ La velocità di trasferimento dati in upload dipende dalla dimensione dei pacchetti audio e dai settaggi di compressione dell'audio. Assicurarsi di non usare valori di upstream non adeguati alla propria connessione (è possibile verificare tali valori mediante un test sulla propria connessione, usando per esempio il sito speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Se questo indicatore a LED diventa rosso non si godrà di un esperienza ottimale del programma - + software. . - + ASIO Setup ASIO Setup - + Mono Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-in/Stereo-out - + Stereo Stereo @@ -1389,78 +1394,73 @@ - - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - - - - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Low Low - + Normal Normal - + High High - + preferred consigliato - - + + Size: Livello: - + Buffer Delay Buffer Delay - + Buffer Delay: Buffer Delay: @@ -1469,17 +1469,17 @@ Indirizzo Preferito - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: La scheda audio selezionata non può essere usata per i seguenti motivi: - + The previous driver will be selected. Sarà ripristinato il driver precedentemente usato. - + Ok Ok diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts index 0cca28e1..fc317978 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts @@ -1187,12 +1187,12 @@ In het geval van de stereo streaming-mode is er geen audiokanaalselectie voor het galmeffect beschikbaar op het hoofdvenster, aangezien het effect in dit geval op beide kanalen wordt toegepast. - + Audio channels combo box Audiokanalen combo-box - + Audio Quality Audiokwaliteit @@ -1201,12 +1201,12 @@ Selecteer de gewenste audiokwaliteit. Er kan een lage, normale of hoge audiokwaliteit worden geselecteerd. Hoe hoger de audiokwaliteit, hoe meer audiodata moet worden verstuurd. Zorg ervoor dat de vereiste bandbreedte niet hoger is dan de beschikbare bandbreedte van uw internetverbinding. - + Audio quality combo box Audiokwaliteit combo-box - + New Client Level Nieuw clientniveau @@ -1215,12 +1215,12 @@ De nieuwe instelling van het clientniveau definieert het faderniveau van een nieuwe verbonden client in procenten. D.w.z. als een nieuwe client verbinding maakt met de server, krijgt hij het opgegeven initiële faderniveau als er in de vorige verbinding niets is opgeslagen. - + New client level edit box Nieuw bewerkingsvak op clientniveau - + Custom Central Server Address @@ -1237,12 +1237,12 @@ Centraal serveradrestype combo box - + Central server address line edit Centraal serveradres bewerking van de lijn - + Current Connection Status Parameter Huidige verbindingsstatus-parameter @@ -1259,35 +1259,40 @@ De upstreamsnelheid is afhankelijk van de huidige grootte van het audiopakket en de instelling van de audiocompressie. Zorg ervoor dat de upstreamsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare snelheid (controleer de upstreammogelijkheden van uw internetverbinding door bijvoorbeeld speedtest.net te gebruiken). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Als deze LED-indicator rood wordt, zult u niet veel plezier beleven aan het gebruik van de - + software. software. - + ASIO Setup ASIO-instelling - + Mono Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-in/Stereo-out - + Stereo Stereo @@ -1377,57 +1382,52 @@ - - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - - - - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Low Laag - + Normal Normaal - + High Hoog @@ -1470,38 +1470,38 @@ Standaard (Noord-Amerika) - + preferred gewenst - - + + Size: Size: - + Buffer Delay Buffervertraging - + Buffer Delay: Buffervertraging: - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Het geselecteerde audioapparaat kon niet worden gebruikt vanwege de volgende fout: - + The previous driver will be selected. Het vorige stuurprogramma wordt geselecteerd. - + Ok Ok diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts index 792238c2..9521afb6 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts @@ -950,37 +950,42 @@ - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Audio channels combo box - + Audio Quality - + Audio quality combo box - + New Client Level - + New client level edit box - + Central server address line edit - + Current Connection Status Parameter @@ -1010,40 +1015,40 @@ - + Custom Central Server Address - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the - + software. - + ASIO Setup - + Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out - + Stereo @@ -1133,57 +1138,52 @@ - - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - - - - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Low - + Normal - + High @@ -1218,38 +1218,38 @@ - + preferred - - + + Size: - + Buffer Delay - + Buffer Delay: - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: - + The previous driver will be selected. - + Ok diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts index 47030fde..837767bb 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts @@ -1207,12 +1207,12 @@ No modo de transmissão estéreo, nenhuma seleção de canal de áudio para o efeito de reverberação estará disponível na janela principal, pois o efeito é aplicado em ambos os canais. - + Audio channels combo box Seletor de canais áudio - + Audio Quality Qualidade de Áudio @@ -1221,12 +1221,12 @@ Selecione a qualidade de áudio desejada. Pode ser selecionada uma qualidade de áudio baixa, normal ou alta. Quanto maior a qualidade do áudio, maior a taxa de dados do fluxo de áudio. Verifique que a taxa de transmissão não excede a largura de banda disponível da sua ligação à Internet. - + Audio quality combo box Seletor de qualidade áudio - + New Client Level Nível de Novo Cliente @@ -1235,12 +1235,12 @@ A configuração de nível de novo cliente define, em percentagem, o nível do fader de um novo cliente ligado. Por exemplo, se um cliente novo se ligar ao servidor atual, o seu canal terá o nível inicial do fader especificado, excepto quando um diferente nível do fader de uma ligação anterior desse mesmo cliente já tenha sido definido. - + New client level edit box Caixa de edição no nível de novo cliente - + Custom Central Server Address Endereço do Servidor Central Personalizado @@ -1261,12 +1261,12 @@ Seletor de servidor central padrão - + Central server address line edit Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parâmetros do Estado da Ligação @@ -1283,35 +1283,40 @@ A taxa de transmissão depende do tamanho do pacote de áudio e da configuração de compactação de áudio. Verifique se a taxa de transmissão não é maior que a taxa disponível (verifique a taxa de upload da sua ligação à Internet usando, por exemplo, o speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Se este indicador LED ficar vermelho, não se irá divertir muito ao usar o - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Configuração ASIO - + Mono Mono - + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + Mono-in/Stereo-out Entrada Mono/Saída Estéreo - + Stereo Estéreo @@ -1401,57 +1406,52 @@ - - mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. - - - - + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. - + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. - + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. - + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. - + Low Baixa - + Normal Normal - + High Alta @@ -1498,38 +1498,38 @@ Servidor Padrão (America do Norte) - + preferred preferido - - + + Size: Tamanho: - + Buffer Delay Atraso do buffer - + Buffer Delay: Atraso do buffer: - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: O dispositivo de áudio selecionado não pôde ser usado devido ao seguinte erro: - + The previous driver will be selected. O driver anterior será selecionado. - + Ok Ok