diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts index c3078586..da214475 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.ts @@ -579,11 +579,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -635,139 +630,138 @@ - The - Die + Die - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - + Delay status LED indicator LED Stautuslampe für die Verzögerung - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + Buffers status LED indicator LED Statuslampe für den Netzwerkpuffer - - + + C&onnect &Verbinden - + &View &Ansicht - + &Connection Setup... &Verbinden... - + My &Profile... Mein &Profil... - + C&hat... C&hat... - + &Settings... &Einstellungen... - + &Analyzer Console... - + E&xit &Beenden - + None Keine - + Center Mitte - + R - + L @@ -815,7 +809,7 @@ Die Status-LED für die Verzögerung zeigt eine Bewertung der Gesamtverzögerung des Audiosignals. Wenn die LED grün leuchtet, dann ist die Verzögerung gering genug für das Jammen. Wenn die LED gelb anzeigt kann man noch spielen aber es wird schwieriger Lieder mit hohem Tempo zu spielen. Wenn die LED rot anzeigt, dann ist die Verzögerung zu hoch zum Jammen. - + Buffers Status LED Status LED für den Netzwerkpuffer @@ -824,7 +818,7 @@ Die Status-LED für den Netzwerkpuffer zeigt den aktuellen Status des Netzwerkstroms. Wenn die LED grün ist, dann gibt es keine Pufferprobleme. Wenn die LED rot anzeigt, dann ist der Netzwerkstrom kurz unterbrochen. Dies kann folgende Ursachen haben: - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. Der Netzwerkpuffer ist nicht groß genug eingestellt für die aktuellen Netzwerkbedingungen. @@ -837,27 +831,27 @@ Die Upload-Rate der Internetverbindung ist zu klein für den Netzwerkdatenstrom. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. Die CPU des Computers ist voll ausgelastet. - + Central Server Zentralserver - + user Musiker - + users Musiker - + D&isconnect &Trennen @@ -943,14 +937,12 @@ Netzwerkpuffergröße - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - Der Netzwerkpuffer kompensiert die Netzwerk- und Soundkarten-Timing-Schwankungen. Die Größe des Netzwerkpuffers hat Auswirkungen auf die Qualität des Audiosignals (wie viele Aussetzer auftreten) und die Gesamtverzögerung (je länger der Puffer, desto größer ist die Verzögerung). + Der Netzwerkpuffer kompensiert die Netzwerk- und Soundkarten-Timing-Schwankungen. Die Größe des Netzwerkpuffers hat Auswirkungen auf die Qualität des Audiosignals (wie viele Aussetzer auftreten) und die Gesamtverzögerung (je länger der Puffer, desto größer ist die Verzögerung). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann manuell verstellt werden, jeweils getrennt für die Applikation und den Server. Für den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer werden die Aussetzer durch die LED-Anzeige unter den Reglern angezeigt. Wenn die Lampe rot anzeigt, dann hat ein Pufferüberlauf oder ein Leerlauf des Puffers stattgefunden und der Audiodatenstrom wurde kurz unterbrochen. + Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann manuell verstellt werden, jeweils getrennt für die Applikation und den Server. Für den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer werden die Aussetzer durch die LED-Anzeige unter den Reglern angezeigt. Wenn die Lampe rot anzeigt, dann hat ein Pufferüberlauf oder ein Leerlauf des Puffers stattgefunden und der Audiodatenstrom wurde kurz unterbrochen. @@ -958,319 +950,300 @@ Die Netzwerkpuffergröße ist deshalb ein Kompromiss zwischen Audioqualität und Gesamtverzögerung. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann automatisch eingestellt werden. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des Servers getrennt basierend auf Messungen der Netzwerkschwankungen eingestellt. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann sind die beiden Regler gesperrt für die manuelle Verstellung (sie können nicht mit der Maus verändert werden). + Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann automatisch eingestellt werden. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des Servers getrennt basierend auf Messungen der Netzwerkschwankungen eingestellt. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann sind die beiden Regler gesperrt für die manuelle Verstellung (sie können nicht mit der Maus verändert werden). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - Wenn die Automatik zum Einstellen der Netzwerkpuffer aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des entfernten Servers auf einen konservativen Wert eingestellt, um eine möglichst gute Audioqualität zu garantieren. Um die Gesamtverzögerung zu optimieren, bietet es sich an, die Automatik zu deaktivieren und die Netzwerkpuffer etwas kleiner einzustellen. Die Werte sollte man so weit reduzieren, bis die Audioqualität gerade noch der persönlichen Akzeptanz entspricht. Die LED-Anzeige hilft dabei die Audioaussetzer verursacht durch den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer zu visualisieren (wenn die LED rot leuchtet). + Wenn die Automatik zum Einstellen der Netzwerkpuffer aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des entfernten Servers auf einen konservativen Wert eingestellt, um eine möglichst gute Audioqualität zu garantieren. Um die Gesamtverzögerung zu optimieren, bietet es sich an, die Automatik zu deaktivieren und die Netzwerkpuffer etwas kleiner einzustellen. Die Werte sollte man so weit reduzieren, bis die Audioqualität gerade noch der persönlichen Akzeptanz entspricht. Die LED-Anzeige hilft dabei die Audioaussetzer verursacht durch den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer zu visualisieren (wenn die LED rot leuchtet). - + Local jitter buffer slider control Lokale Netzwerkpuffergröße Schieberegler - + Server jitter buffer slider control Server Netzwerkpuffergröße Schieberegler - + Auto jitter buffer switch Automatik für die Netzwerkpuffergröße aktivieren - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator Netzwerkpuffer Status LED - + Sound Card Device Soundkartengerät - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using Der ASIO-Treiber (Soundkarte) kann ausgewählt werden mit der - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. Software unter Windows. Unter MacOS und Linux kann man die Soundkarte nicht auswählen. Wenn der selektierte ASIO-Treiber nicht gültig ist, dann wird eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt und der vorherige gültige Treiber wird wieder ausgewählt. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Wenn der Treiber während eine aktiven Verbindung ausgewählt wird, dann wird die Verbindung gestoppt, der neue Treiber ausgewählt und anschließend wird die Verbindung automatisch wiederhergestellt. - + Sound card device selector combo box Soundkarten Auswahlbox - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. Falls der ASIO4All-Treiber verwendet wird, kann es sein, dass dieser Treiber zusätzliche 10-30 ms Verzögerung hinzufügt. Aus diesem Grund sollte man bevorzugt einen nativen ASIO-Treiber der Soundkarte verwenden, der mit dem Produkt mitgeliefert wurde. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Falls der kx ASIO-Treiber verwendet wird, dann muss man darauf achten, dass die ASIO-Eingänge im kx DSP-Einstellungsfenster verbunden sind. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Soundkarten Kanalzuweisung - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. Falls die ausgewählte Soundkarte mehr als zwei Eingangs- oder Ausgangskanäle unterstützt, dann werden die Steuerelemente für die Kanalzuweisung angezeigt. - + For each Für jeden - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. Eingangs-/Ausgangskanal (linker und rechter Kanal) kann ein beliebiger Soundkartenkanal zugewiesen werden. - + Left input channel selection combo box Linker Eingang Kanalauswahlbox - + Right input channel selection combo box Rechter Eingang Kanalauswahlbox - + Left output channel selection combo box Linker Ausgang Kanalauswahlbox - + Right output channel selection combo box Rechter Ausgang Kanalauswahlbox - + Enable Small Network Buffers Aktiviere kleine Netzwerkpuffer - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Falls aktiviert wird die Unterstützung für sehr kleine Netzwerk-Audiopakete aktiviert. Sehr kleine Netzwerkpakete werden nur dann verwendet, wenn der Soundkartenpuffer kleiner als - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. Samples ist. Je kleiner die Netzwerkpakete sind, desto kleiner ist auch die Audioverzögerung. Aber gleichzeitig wird dadurch die Netzwerklast erhöht und die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Audioaussetzer erhöht sich dadurch auch. - + Enable small network buffers check box Aktiviere kleine Netzwerkpuffer Schalter - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Soundkarten Puffergröße - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - Die Soundkartenpuffergröße ist eine fundamentale Einstellung der + Die Soundkartenpuffergröße ist eine fundamentale Einstellung der + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + Software. Diese Einstellung hat Einfluss auf viele andere Verbindungseigenschaften. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - Software. Diese Einstellung hat Einfluss auf viele andere Verbindungseigenschaften. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Drei Puffergrößen werden unterstützt - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 Samples: Dies ist die bevorzugte Einstellung weil es die geringste Verzögerung hat. Diese Puffergröße funktioniert allerdings nicht mit allen Soundkarten. + 64 Samples: Dies ist die bevorzugte Einstellung weil es die geringste Verzögerung hat. Diese Puffergröße funktioniert allerdings nicht mit allen Soundkarten. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 Samples: Diese Puffergröße sollte mit den meisten Soundkarten funktionieren. + 128 Samples: Diese Puffergröße sollte mit den meisten Soundkarten funktionieren. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 Samples: Diese Einstellung sollte nur dann verwendet werden, wenn man einen langsamen Computer oder eine langsame Internetverbindung hat. + 256 Samples: Diese Einstellung sollte nur dann verwendet werden, wenn man einen langsamen Computer oder eine langsame Internetverbindung hat. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Manche Soundkartentreiber unterstützen nicht das Verändern der Puffergröße innerhalb der + Manche Soundkartentreiber unterstützen nicht das Verändern der Puffergröße innerhalb der - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - Software. In diesem Fall ist die Einstellungsmöglichkeit für die Puffergröße deaktiviert. Die Puffergröße muss man stattdessen direkt im Soundkartentreiber durchführen. Unter Windows kann man den ASIO-Einstellungen Knopf drücken um die Treibereinstellungen zu öffnen. Unter Linux benutzt man das Jack-Konfigurationsprogramm um die Puffergröße einzustellen. + Software. In diesem Fall ist die Einstellungsmöglichkeit für die Puffergröße deaktiviert. Die Puffergröße muss man stattdessen direkt im Soundkartentreiber durchführen. Unter Windows kann man den ASIO-Einstellungen Knopf drücken um die Treibereinstellungen zu öffnen. Unter Linux benutzt man das Jack-Konfigurationsprogramm um die Puffergröße einzustellen. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Falls keiner der vorgegebenen Puffergrößen ausgeählt ist und alle Einstellungen deaktiviert sind, dann wird eine nicht unterstützte Puffergröße im Soundkartentreiber verwendet. Die + Falls keiner der vorgegebenen Puffergrößen ausgeählt ist und alle Einstellungen deaktiviert sind, dann wird eine nicht unterstützte Puffergröße im Soundkartentreiber verwendet. Die - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - Software funktioniert trotzdem aber es könnte eine größere Verzögerung resultieren. + Software funktioniert trotzdem aber es könnte eine größere Verzögerung resultieren. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. Die Puffergröße hat einen Einfluss auf den Verbindungsstatus, die aktuelle Upload-Rate und die Gesamtverzögerung. Je kleiner der Puffer, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Auftreten einer rot leuchtenden LED (was Audioaussetzer anzeigt), eine höheren Upload-Rate und eine niedrigere Gesamtverzögerung. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. Die Puffergröße ist somit ein Kompromiss zwischen Audioqualität und Gesamtverzögerung. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Falls die Puffergröße nicht verstellt werden kann, dann hat der Soundkartentreiber die Einstellung gesperrt man kann es nicht innerhalb der + Falls die Puffergröße nicht verstellt werden kann, dann hat der Soundkartentreiber die Einstellung gesperrt man kann es nicht innerhalb der - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - Software verändern. Unter Windows kann man den ASIO-Einstellungen Knopf drücken, um die Treibereinstellungen zu öffnen. Unter Linux kann man ein Jack-Konfigurationswerkzeug verwenden, um die Puffergröße zu verändern. + Software verändern. Unter Windows kann man den ASIO-Einstellungen Knopf drücken, um die Treibereinstellungen zu öffnen. Unter Linux kann man ein Jack-Konfigurationswerkzeug verwenden, um die Puffergröße zu verändern. - + 64 samples setting radio button 64 Samples Einstellknopf - + 128 samples setting radio button 128 Samples Einstellknopf - + 256 samples setting radio button 256 Samples Einstellknopf - + ASIO setup push button ASIO-Einstellungen Knopf - + Fancy Skin Schicke Oberfläche - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Falls aktiviert wird eine schicke Oberfläche im Hauptfenster verwendet. - + Fancy skin check box Schicke Oberfläche Schalter - + Display Channel Levels Zeige Kanalsignalpegel - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Falls aktiviert wird eine Signalpegelanzeige neben jedem Kanalfader angezeigt, welcher den Pegel vor dem Fader anzeigt. - + Display channel levels check box Zeige Kanalpegel Schalter - + Audio Channels Audiokanäle - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Hiermit kann man die Anzahl an Audiokanälen auswählen. Es gibt drei Modi. Die Mono- und Stereomodi verwenden jeweils einen oder zwei Kanäle. Im Mono-In/Stereo-Out Modus wird ein Monosignal zum Server geschickt aber es kommt ein Stereo-Signal zurück vom Server. Dies ist nützlich für den Fall, dass man an die Soundkarte ein Instrument an den einen Eingangskanal und ein Mikrofon an den anderen Eingangskanal angeschlossen hat. In diesem Fall können die beiden Signale zusammen gemischt werden und an den Server geschickt werden aber man kann das Stereo-Signal von den anderen Musikern hören. + Hiermit kann man die Anzahl an Audiokanälen auswählen. Es gibt drei Modi. Die Mono- und Stereomodi verwenden jeweils einen oder zwei Kanäle. Im Mono-In/Stereo-Out Modus wird ein Monosignal zum Server geschickt aber es kommt ein Stereo-Signal zurück vom Server. Dies ist nützlich für den Fall, dass man an die Soundkarte ein Instrument an den einen Eingangskanal und ein Mikrofon an den anderen Eingangskanal angeschlossen hat. In diesem Fall können die beiden Signale zusammen gemischt werden und an den Server geschickt werden aber man kann das Stereo-Signal von den anderen Musikern hören. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Wenn man den Stereo-Modus verwendet, dann ist die Übertragungsrate etwas höher. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. + Wenn man den Stereo-Modus verwendet, dann ist die Übertragungsrate etwas höher. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - Wenn der Stereo-Modus ausgewählt wurde, dann verschwindet die Kanalselektion für den Halleffekt im Hauptfenster, da der Effekt auf beide Stereokanäle angewendet wird. + Wenn der Stereo-Modus ausgewählt wurde, dann verschwindet die Kanalselektion für den Halleffekt im Hauptfenster, da der Effekt auf beide Stereokanäle angewendet wird. - + Audio channels combo box Audiokanal Auswahlbox - + Audio Quality Audioqualität - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Wählt die gewünschte Audioqualität aus. Es wird eine niedrige, mittlere und hohe Audioqualität angeboten. Je höher die Audioqualität, desto höher ist die Netzwerkübertragungsrate. Man muss sicherstellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. + Wählt die gewünschte Audioqualität aus. Es wird eine niedrige, mittlere und hohe Audioqualität angeboten. Je höher die Audioqualität, desto höher ist die Netzwerkübertragungsrate. Man muss sicherstellen, dass die Internetverbindung die höhere Rate übertragen kann. - + Audio quality combo box Audioqualität Auswahlbox - + New Client Level Pegel für neuen Teilnehmer - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - Der Pegel für neue Teilnehmer definiert die Fadereinstellung, wenn sich ein Teilnehmer neu mit dem Server verbindet. D.h. wenn ein neuer Fader erscheint, dann wird er auf den voreingestellten Pegel gesetzt. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Fall, dass der Teilnehmer vorher schon mal mit dem Server verbunden war und der Pegel gespeichert war. + Der Pegel für neue Teilnehmer definiert die Fadereinstellung, wenn sich ein Teilnehmer neu mit dem Server verbindet. D.h. wenn ein neuer Fader erscheint, dann wird er auf den voreingestellten Pegel gesetzt. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Fall, dass der Teilnehmer vorher schon mal mit dem Server verbunden war und der Pegel gespeichert war. - + New client level edit box Neuer Teilnehmer Pegel Einstellbox - + Custom Central Server Address Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. - Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Diese Adresse wird nur benutzt, wenn die benutzerdefinierte Serverliste im Verbindungsdialog ausgewählt wird. + Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Diese Adresse wird nur benutzt, wenn die benutzerdefinierte Serverliste im Verbindungsdialog ausgewählt wird. Central Server Address @@ -1285,72 +1258,197 @@ Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox - + Central server address line edit Zentralserveradresse Eingabefeld - + Current Connection Status Parameter Verbindungsstatus Parameter - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - Die Ping-Zeit ist die Zeit, die der Audiodatenstrom benötigt, um von der Applikation zum Server und zurück zu kommen. Diese Verzögerung wird vom Netzwerk hervorgerufen. Diese Verzögerung sollte so um die 20-30 ms sein. Falls die Verzögerung größer ist (z.B. 50-60 ms), der Abstand zum Server ist zu groß oder die Internetverbindung ist nicht ausreichend. + Die Ping-Zeit ist die Zeit, die der Audiodatenstrom benötigt, um von der Applikation zum Server und zurück zu kommen. Diese Verzögerung wird vom Netzwerk hervorgerufen. Diese Verzögerung sollte so um die 20-30 ms sein. Falls die Verzögerung größer ist (z.B. 50-60 ms), der Abstand zum Server ist zu groß oder die Internetverbindung ist nicht ausreichend. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - Die Gesamtverzögerung setzt sich zusammen aus der Ping-Zeit und die Verzögerung, die durch die Puffergrößen verursacht wird. + Die Gesamtverzögerung setzt sich zusammen aus der Ping-Zeit und die Verzögerung, die durch die Puffergrößen verursacht wird. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - Die Upload-Rate hängt von der Soundkartenpuffergröße und die Audiokomprimierung ab. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Upload-Rate immer kleiner ist als die Rate, die die Internetverbindung zur Verfügung stellt (man kann die Upload-Rate des Internetproviders z.B. mit speedtest.net überprüfen). + Die Upload-Rate hängt von der Soundkartenpuffergröße und die Audiokomprimierung ab. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Upload-Rate immer kleiner ist als die Rate, die die Internetverbindung zur Verfügung stellt (man kann die Upload-Rate des Internetproviders z.B. mit speedtest.net überprüfen). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Wenn diese LED rot leuchtet, dann wirst du keinen Spaß haben mit der - + software. Software. - + ASIO Setup ASIO-Einstellung - + + Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-In/Stereo-Out - + + + Stereo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Niedrig - + Normal Normal - + High Hoch @@ -1397,23 +1495,23 @@ Standard (Nordamerika) - + preferred bevorzugt - - + + Size: Größe: - + Buffer Delay Puffergröße - + Buffer Delay: Puffergröße: @@ -1422,17 +1520,17 @@ Vordefinierte Adresse - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Das ausgewählte Audiogerät kann aus folgendem Grund nicht verwendet werden: - + The previous driver will be selected. Der vorherige Treiber wird wieder ausgewählt. - + Ok @@ -1607,92 +1705,102 @@ Severliste - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - Die Serverliste zeigt eine Liste von verfügbaren Server, die sich am Zentralserver registriert haben. Markiere einen Server von der Liste und drücke den Knopf Verbinden um eine Verbindung zu dem Server aufzubauen. Alternativ kann man auch den Server in der Liste direkt doppelklicken. Wenn ein Server belegt ist, dann wird eine Liste der verbundenen Musikern angezeigt. Server, die länger online sind (permanente Server) werden in Fettschrift dargestellt. + Die Serverliste zeigt eine Liste von verfügbaren Server, die sich am Zentralserver registriert haben. Markiere einen Server von der Liste und drücke den Knopf Verbinden um eine Verbindung zu dem Server aufzubauen. Alternativ kann man auch den Server in der Liste direkt doppelklicken. Wenn ein Server belegt ist, dann wird eine Liste der verbundenen Musikern angezeigt. Server, die länger online sind (permanente Server) werden in Fettschrift dargestellt. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Es kann einen Moment dauern, bis die Serverliste vom Zentralserver empfangen wird. Falls keine gültige Zentralserveradresse in den Einstellungen angegeben ist, kann keine Liste angezeigt werden. + Es kann einen Moment dauern, bis die Serverliste vom Zentralserver empfangen wird. Falls keine gültige Zentralserveradresse in den Einstellungen angegeben ist, kann keine Liste angezeigt werden. - + Server list view Serverliste Anzeige - + Server Address Serveradresse - The IP address or URL of the server running the - Die IP-Adresse oder URL des Servers, auf der die + Die IP-Adresse oder URL des Servers, auf der die - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - Serversoftware läuft wird hier angegeben. Optional kann eine Portnummer angefügt werden. Diese wird hinter der IP-Adresse durch ein Doppelpunkt getrennt angegeben. Beispiel: example.org: + Serversoftware läuft wird hier angegeben. Optional kann eine Portnummer angefügt werden. Diese wird hinter der IP-Adresse durch ein Doppelpunkt getrennt angegeben. Beispiel: example.org: - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - . Eine Liste der letzten IP-Adressen oder URLs wird gespeichert und kann nachträglich wieder ausgewählt werden. + . Eine Liste der letzten IP-Adressen oder URLs wird gespeichert und kann nachträglich wieder ausgewählt werden. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Serveradresse Eingabefeld - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Enthält die aktuelle Server-IP-Adresse oder URL. Es speichert auch alte URLs in der Auswahlliste. - + Server List Selection Serverlistenauswahl - + Selects the server list to be shown. Wählt die Serverliste aus, die angezeigt werden soll. - + Server list selection combo box Severlistenauswahl Selektion - + Filter Filter - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. Die Serverliste kann mit dem eingegebenen Text gefiltert werden, d.h. es werden nur Einträge angezeigt, die dem Filtertext entsprechen. Die Groß- und Kleinschreibung des Filtertexts wird dabei nicht beachtet. - + Filter edit box Filtereingabefeld - + Show All Musicians Zeige alle Musiker - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Ist diese Einstellung angehakt, dann werden alle Musiker auf allen Servern angezeigt. Wird der Haken entfernt, dann werden alle Listeneinträge eingeklappt und die verbundenen Musikernamen werden verborgen. - + Show all musicians check box Zeige alle Musiker Schalter @@ -2218,14 +2326,12 @@ Starte minimiert beim Starten des Betriebssystems - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Wenn diese Funktion angehakt ist, dann wird der + Wenn diese Funktion angehakt ist, dann wird der - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - Server automatisch mit dem Betriebssystemstart geladen und erscheint minimiert in der Systemleiste als Icon. + Server automatisch mit dem Betriebssystemstart geladen und erscheint minimiert in der Systemleiste als Icon. @@ -2243,14 +2349,12 @@ Veröffentliche meinen Server - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Mit dieser Funktion wird der eigene Server in der Serverliste des Zentralservers registriert so dass alle anderen Applikationsnutzer den + Mit dieser Funktion wird der eigene Server in der Serverliste des Zentralservers registriert so dass alle anderen Applikationsnutzer den - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - Server in der Liste sehen können und sich mit ihm verbinden können. Die Registrierung mit dem Zentralserver wird periodisch erneuert um sicherzugehen, dass alle registrierten Server auch wirklich erreichbar sind. + Server in der Liste sehen können und sich mit ihm verbinden können. Die Registrierung mit dem Zentralserver wird periodisch erneuert um sicherzugehen, dass alle registrierten Server auch wirklich erreichbar sind. @@ -2282,6 +2386,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + Custom Central Server Address diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts index e607a9c1..6f81788c 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.ts @@ -583,11 +583,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -639,139 +634,138 @@ - The - El software + El software - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - + Delay status LED indicator Indicador LED estado retardo - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + Buffers status LED indicator Indicador LED estado buffers - - + + C&onnect C&onectar - + &View &Ver - + &Connection Setup... &Configuración de Conexión... - + My &Profile... Mi &Perfil... - + C&hat... C&hat... - + &Settings... &Configuración... - + &Analyzer Console... &Analyzer Console... - + E&xit S&alir - + None Ninguno - + Center Centro - + R R - + L L @@ -819,7 +813,7 @@ El indicador LED del estado del retardo muestra el estado actual del retardo del audio. Si está en verde, el retardo es perfecto para una jam session. Si está en amarillo, la sesión aún es posible, pero quizá sea más difícil tocar. Si está en rojo, el retardo es demasiado alto para tocar. - + Buffers Status LED LED Estado Buffers @@ -828,7 +822,7 @@ El indicador LED del estado de buffers muestra el estado actual del flujo de audio. Si está verde, no hay problemas de buffer y no se interrumpe el flujo de audio. Si está rojo, el flujo de audio se interrumpe, a causa de uno de los siguientes problemas: - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. El jitter buffer de red no es lo suficientemente grande para el jitter actual de la red/interfaz de audio. @@ -841,27 +835,27 @@ La tasa de subida o bajada is demasiado alta para el ancho de banda disponible de internet. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. El procesador del cliente o del servidor está al 100%. - + Central Server Servidor Central - + user usuario - + users usuarios - + D&isconnect D&esconectar @@ -947,14 +941,12 @@ Tamaño Jitter Buffer - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - El jitter buffer compensa el jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. El tamaño de este buffer tiene por tanto un impacto sobre la calidad del flujo de audio (el número de caídas de la señal) y el retardo total (a mayor buffer, mayor retardo). + El jitter buffer compensa el jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. El tamaño de este buffer tiene por tanto un impacto sobre la calidad del flujo de audio (el número de caídas de la señal) y el retardo total (a mayor buffer, mayor retardo). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - El tamaño del jitter buffer se puede establecer para el cliente local y para el servidor remoto. Para el jitter buffer local, las caídas del flujo de audio se indican mediante la luz debajo de los faders del jitter buffer. Si la luz se vuelve roja, significa que ha habido una interrupción del flujo de audio. + El tamaño del jitter buffer se puede establecer para el cliente local y para el servidor remoto. Para el jitter buffer local, las caídas del flujo de audio se indican mediante la luz debajo de los faders del jitter buffer. Si la luz se vuelve roja, significa que ha habido una interrupción del flujo de audio. @@ -962,319 +954,300 @@ Por tanto la configuración del jitter buffer es un compromiso entre calidad y retardo total. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - Hay disponible una configuración automática del jitter buffer. Si se activa Auto, los jitter buffers del cliente local y del servidor remoto se configuran automáticamente basándose en mediciones del jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. Si se activa esta opción, los faders quedan deshabilitados (no pueden moverse con el ratón). + Hay disponible una configuración automática del jitter buffer. Si se activa Auto, los jitter buffers del cliente local y del servidor remoto se configuran automáticamente basándose en mediciones del jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. Si se activa esta opción, los faders quedan deshabilitados (no pueden moverse con el ratón). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - En caso de activar la configuración automática del jitter buffer, los buffers de red del cliente local y del servidor remoto se asignan a un valor conservador para minimizar la probabilidad de fallos de audio. Para ajustar el retardo de audio/latencia se recomienda desactivar la función automática y bajar los valores de jitter buffer manualmente utilizando los controles deslizantes hasta alcanzar un límite aceptable de caídas de audio. El indicador LED ofrece una visualización de las caídas de audio mediante una luz roja. + En caso de activar la configuración automática del jitter buffer, los buffers de red del cliente local y del servidor remoto se asignan a un valor conservador para minimizar la probabilidad de fallos de audio. Para ajustar el retardo de audio/latencia se recomienda desactivar la función automática y bajar los valores de jitter buffer manualmente utilizando los controles deslizantes hasta alcanzar un límite aceptable de caídas de audio. El indicador LED ofrece una visualización de las caídas de audio mediante una luz roja. - + Local jitter buffer slider control Control deslizante jitter buffer local - + Server jitter buffer slider control Control deslizante jitter buffer servidor - + Auto jitter buffer switch Interruptor auto jitter buffer - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator Indicador LED estado jitter buffer - + Sound Card Device Dispositivo de Audio - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using El driver ASIO (tarjeta de audio) se puede seleccionar utilizando - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. en el sistema operativo Windows. En MacOs/Linux no es posible seleccionar la tarjeta de audio. Si el driver ASIO no es válido se muestra un mensaje de error y se selecciona el driver válido anterior. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Si el driver se selecciona durante una conexión activa, la conexión se detiene, se cambia el driver y la conexión se reanuda automáticamente. - + Sound card device selector combo box Selector de dispositivo de audio - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. En caso de utilizar el driver ASIO4ALL, por favor ten en cuenta que este driver normalmente introduce una latencia adicional de 10-30 ms. Por tanto se recomienda utilizar la tarjeta de audio con un driver nativo. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Si utilizas el driver kX ASIO, asegúrate de conectar las entradas ASIO en el panel de configuración de kX DSP. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Mapeo Canales Tarjeta Audio - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. Si el dispositivo de audio ofrece más de un canal de entrada o salida, son visibles las configuraciones para el Mapeo de Canales de Entrada y de Salida. - + For each Para cada - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. canal de entrada/salida (canal Izquierdo y Derecho) se puede seleccionar un canal diferente de la tarjeta de audio. - + Left input channel selection combo box Selección canal entrada izquierdo - + Right input channel selection combo box Selección canal entrada derecho - + Left output channel selection combo box Selección canal salida izquierdo - + Right output channel selection combo box Selección canal salida derecho - + Enable Small Network Buffers Activar Buffers Red Pequeños - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Si se activa, se habilita el soporte para paquetes de red de audio muy pequeños. Solo se utilizan estos paquetes pequeños si el retardo de buffer de la tarjeta de audio es menor de - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. muestras. Cuanto menores los buffers de red, menor la latencia de audio. Pero al mismo tiempo, aumenta la carga de red y la probabilidad de caídas de audio también aumenta. - + Enable small network buffers check box Activar buffers de red pequeños - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Retardo Buffer Tarjeta Audio - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - Este parámetro es una parte fundamental de la configuración del software + Este parámetro es una parte fundamental de la configuración del software + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + . Este parámetro tiene un impacto sobre muchas propiedades de la conexión. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - . Este parámetro tiene un impacto sobre muchas propiedades de la conexión. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Hay soporte para tres tamaños de buffer - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 muestras: Es la configuración aconsejada puesto que ofrece la latencia más baja, aunque no funciona con todas las tarjetas de audio. + 64 muestras: Es la configuración aconsejada puesto que ofrece la latencia más baja, aunque no funciona con todas las tarjetas de audio. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 muestras: Esta configuración debería de funcionar con la mayoría de tarjetas de audio. + 128 muestras: Esta configuración debería de funcionar con la mayoría de tarjetas de audio. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 muestras: Esta configuración solo debería usarse con un ordenador muy lento o con una conexión a internet muy lenta. + 256 muestras: Esta configuración solo debería usarse con un ordenador muy lento o con una conexión a internet muy lenta. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Algunos drivers de tarjetas de audio no permiten cambiar el retardo de buffer desde el software + Algunos drivers de tarjetas de audio no permiten cambiar el retardo de buffer desde el software - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . En este caso la configuración del retardo de buffer se deshabilita. Para cambiarlo, esta configuración debe realizarse en el driver de la tarjeta de audio. En Windows, pulsa el botón de Configuración ASIO para acceder al panel de configuración. En Linux, utiliza la herramienta de configuración de Jack para cambiar el tamaño del buffer. + . En este caso la configuración del retardo de buffer se deshabilita. Para cambiarlo, esta configuración debe realizarse en el driver de la tarjeta de audio. En Windows, pulsa el botón de Configuración ASIO para acceder al panel de configuración. En Linux, utiliza la herramienta de configuración de Jack para cambiar el tamaño del buffer. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Si no hay ningún tamaño de buffer seleccionado y todas las configuraciones están deshabilitadas, el driver está utilizando un tamaño de buffer no soportado. El software + Si no hay ningún tamaño de buffer seleccionado y todas las configuraciones están deshabilitadas, el driver está utilizando un tamaño de buffer no soportado. El software - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - seguirá funcionando con esta configuración pero con un rendimiento limitado. + seguirá funcionando con esta configuración pero con un rendimiento limitado. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. El retardo del buffer tiene un impacto en el estado de la conexión, la tasa de subida y el retardo total. Cuanto menor sea el retardo del buffer, mayor la probabilidad de que el indicador de estado esté en rojo (caídas de audio), mayor la tasa de subida y menor el retardo total. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. Por tanto la configuración del buffer es un compromiso entre calidad de audio y retardo total. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Si la configuración de retardo de buffers se encuentra deshabilitada, es porque el driver de audio prohíbe la modificación de este parámetro desde dentro del software + Si la configuración de retardo de buffers se encuentra deshabilitada, es porque el driver de audio prohíbe la modificación de este parámetro desde dentro del software - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . En Windows, pulsa el botón de Configuración ASIO para abrir el panel de configuración del driver. En Linux, utiliza la herramienta de configuración de Jack para cambiar el tamaño del buffer. + . En Windows, pulsa el botón de Configuración ASIO para abrir el panel de configuración del driver. En Linux, utiliza la herramienta de configuración de Jack para cambiar el tamaño del buffer. - + 64 samples setting radio button Configuración 64 muestras - + 128 samples setting radio button Configuración 128 muestras - + 256 samples setting radio button Configuración 256 muestras - + ASIO setup push button Botón configuración ASIO - + Fancy Skin Interfaz Oscura - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Si se activa, se aplicará un aspecto oscuro a la ventana principal. - + Fancy skin check box Activar interfaz oscura - + Display Channel Levels Mostrar Niveles Canales - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Si se activa, cada canal de cliente mostrará una barra de nivel pre-fader. - + Display channel levels check box Mostrar niveles canales - + Audio Channels Canales Audio - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Selecciona el número de canales de audio a utilizar. Hay tres modos disponibles. Los modos mono y estéreo utilizan uno y dos canales de audio respectivamente. En modo entrada-mono/salida-estéreo la señal de audio enviada al servidor es mono pero la señal que vuelve es estéreo. Esto es útil si la tarjeta de audio tiene un instrumento en un canal de entrada y un micrófono en el otro. En ese caso las dos señales de entrada pueden combinarse en un canal mono pero la mezcla del servidor se escucha en estéreo. + Selecciona el número de canales de audio a utilizar. Hay tres modos disponibles. Los modos mono y estéreo utilizan uno y dos canales de audio respectivamente. En modo entrada-mono/salida-estéreo la señal de audio enviada al servidor es mono pero la señal que vuelve es estéreo. Esto es útil si la tarjeta de audio tiene un instrumento en un canal de entrada y un micrófono en el otro. En ese caso las dos señales de entrada pueden combinarse en un canal mono pero la mezcla del servidor se escucha en estéreo. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Activar el modo estéreo aumentará la tasa de envío de datos. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda disponible en tu conexión a internet. + Activar el modo estéreo aumentará la tasa de envío de datos. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda disponible en tu conexión a internet. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - En el caso del modo estéreo, no estará disponible la selección de canal para el efecto de reverberación en la ventana principal puesto que en este caso el efecto se aplicará a ambos canales. + En el caso del modo estéreo, no estará disponible la selección de canal para el efecto de reverberación en la ventana principal puesto que en este caso el efecto se aplicará a ambos canales. - + Audio channels combo box Selección canales audio - + Audio Quality Calidad Audio - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Selecciona la calidad de audio deseada. Se puede seleccionar una calidad baja, normal o alta. Cuanto mayor la calidad del audio, mayor la tasa de transferencia de datos de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda disponible en tu conexión a internet. + Selecciona la calidad de audio deseada. Se puede seleccionar una calidad baja, normal o alta. Cuanto mayor la calidad del audio, mayor la tasa de transferencia de datos de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no excede el ancho de banda disponible en tu conexión a internet. - + Audio quality combo box Selección calidad audio - + New Client Level Nivel Cliente Nuevo - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - La configuración del nivel de clientes nuevos define el nivel del fader para una nueva conexión expresado en un porcentaje. Esto es, si un cliente nuevo se conecta al servidor actual, su fader tomará el valor especificado si no se ha guardado ningún valor de una conexión anterior de ese cliente. + La configuración del nivel de clientes nuevos define el nivel del fader para una nueva conexión expresado en un porcentaje. Esto es, si un cliente nuevo se conecta al servidor actual, su fader tomará el valor especificado si no se ha guardado ningún valor de una conexión anterior de ese cliente. - + New client level edit box Campo para nivel nuevo cliente - + Custom Central Server Address Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. - La dirección personalizada del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el cual se gestiona la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión. Esta dirección solo se utiliza si se selecciona la lista personalizada en la ventana de conexión. + La dirección personalizada del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el cual se gestiona la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión. Esta dirección solo se utiliza si se selecciona la lista personalizada en la ventana de conexión. Central Server Address @@ -1289,72 +1262,197 @@ Selección servidor central - + Central server address line edit Dirección servidor central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parámetro Estado Conexión Actual - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - El ping es el tiempo que requiere el flujo de audio para viajar desde el cliente al servidor y volver. Este retardo lo determina la red. Esta cifra debería ser de unos 20-30 ms. Si este retardo es mayor (por ej. 50-60 ms), la distancia al servidor es demasiado grande o tu conexión a internet no es óptima. + El ping es el tiempo que requiere el flujo de audio para viajar desde el cliente al servidor y volver. Este retardo lo determina la red. Esta cifra debería ser de unos 20-30 ms. Si este retardo es mayor (por ej. 50-60 ms), la distancia al servidor es demasiado grande o tu conexión a internet no es óptima. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - El retardo total se calcula con el ping y el retardo ocasionado por la configuración de buffers. + El retardo total se calcula con el ping y el retardo ocasionado por la configuración de buffers. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - La tasa de subida depende del tamaño actual de paquetes de audio y la configuración de compresión de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no es mayor que la tasa disponible (comprueba la tasa de subida de tu conexión a internet, por ej. con speedtest.net). + La tasa de subida depende del tamaño actual de paquetes de audio y la configuración de compresión de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no es mayor que la tasa disponible (comprueba la tasa de subida de tu conexión a internet, por ej. con speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Si este indicador LED se vuelve rojo, no te divertirás demasiado utilizando el software - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Configuración ASIO - + + Mono Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Entrada mono/Salida estéreo - + + + Stereo Estéreo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Baja - + Normal Normal - + High Alta @@ -1401,23 +1499,23 @@ Por defecto (Norteamérica) - + preferred aconsejado - - + + Size: Tamaño: - + Buffer Delay Retardo Buffer - + Buffer Delay: Retardo Buffer: @@ -1426,17 +1524,17 @@ Dirección Preestablecida - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: El dispositivo de audio seleccionado no puede utilizarse a causa del siguiente error: - + The previous driver will be selected. Se utilizará el driver anterior. - + Ok Ok @@ -1611,96 +1709,106 @@ Lista Servidores - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - La lista de servidores muestra una lista de servidores disponibles que se encuentran registrados en el servidor central. Escoge un servidor de la lista y pulsa el botón de conectar para conectarte a este servidor. También es posible realizar la conexión haciendo doble clic en un servidor de la lista. Si un servidor está ocupado, se puede desplegar una lista de los músicos conectados al pulsar el icono al lado del nombre. Los servidores permanentes se muestran en negrita. + La lista de servidores muestra una lista de servidores disponibles que se encuentran registrados en el servidor central. Escoge un servidor de la lista y pulsa el botón de conectar para conectarte a este servidor. También es posible realizar la conexión haciendo doble clic en un servidor de la lista. Si un servidor está ocupado, se puede desplegar una lista de los músicos conectados al pulsar el icono al lado del nombre. Los servidores permanentes se muestran en negrita. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Ten en cuenta que puede llevar un tiempo recuperar la lista de servidores del servidor central. Si no se especifica una dirección válida en la configuración, no habrá ninguna lista de servidores disponible. + Ten en cuenta que puede llevar un tiempo recuperar la lista de servidores del servidor central. Si no se especifica una dirección válida en la configuración, no habrá ninguna lista de servidores disponible. - + Server list view Vista lista de servidores - + Server Address Dirección Servidor - The IP address or URL of the server running the - La dirección IP o URL del servidor ejecutando el software del servidor + La dirección IP o URL del servidor ejecutando el software del servidor server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a comma as a separator, e.g, example.org: debe introducirse aquí. Se puede añadir un número de puerto opcional detrás de la dirección IP o URL utilizando dos puntos como separador, por ej. ejemplo.org: - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - debe introducirse aquí. Se puede añadir un número de puerto opcional detrás de la dirección IP o URL utilizando dos puntos como separador, por ej. ejemplo.org: + debe introducirse aquí. Se puede añadir un número de puerto opcional detrás de la dirección IP o URL utilizando dos puntos como separador, por ej. ejemplo.org: - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - . Hay disponible una lista de las direcciones IP o URLs utilizadas más recientemente para su selección. + . Hay disponible una lista de las direcciones IP o URLs utilizadas más recientemente para su selección. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Selección dirección servidor - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Contiene la dirección IP o URL actual del servidor. También guarda viejas URL en la lista. - + Server List Selection Selección Lista de Servidores - + Selects the server list to be shown. Selecciona la lista de servidores a mostrar. - + Server list selection combo box Selección lista de servidores - + Filter Filtro - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. La lista de servidores se filtra con el texto introducido. El filtro no es sensible a mayúsculas/minúsculas. - + Filter edit box Campo filtro - + Show All Musicians Mostrar Todos los Músicos - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Si activas esta opción, se mostrarán los músicos de todos los servidores. Si lo desactivas, se colapsan todas las listas. - + Show all musicians check box Selección Mostrar todos los músicos @@ -2226,14 +2334,12 @@ Arranca Minimizado al Arrancar Sistema Operativo - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Si se activa el arranque al arrancar el sistema operativo, el + Si se activa el arranque al arrancar el sistema operativo, el - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - servidor arrancará cuando arranque el sistema operativo y se minimizará automáticamente a un icono en la barra de tareas. + servidor arrancará cuando arranque el sistema operativo y se minimizará automáticamente a un icono en la barra de tareas. @@ -2251,14 +2357,12 @@ Mi Servidor es Público - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Si se activa Mi Servidor es Público, este servidor se registra en el servidor central para que todos los usuarios de + Si se activa Mi Servidor es Público, este servidor se registra en el servidor central para que todos los usuarios de - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - puedan ver el servidor en la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión y puedan conectarse a él. El registro del servidor se renueva periódicamente para asegurarse de que todos los servidores en la lista se encuentren realmente disponibles. + puedan ver el servidor en la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión y puedan conectarse a él. El registro del servidor se renueva periódicamente para asegurarse de que todos los servidores en la lista se encuentren realmente disponibles. @@ -2286,6 +2390,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Selección servidor central + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + Custom Central Server Address diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts index 723be6b3..2387c736 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts @@ -591,11 +591,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -647,139 +642,138 @@ - The - Le logiciel + Le logiciel - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - + Delay status LED indicator Indicateur LED d'état de délai - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + Buffers status LED indicator Indicateur LED d'état de tampon - - + + C&onnect Se c&onnecter - + &View &Vue - + &Connection Setup... Paramètres de &connexion... - + My &Profile... Mon &profil - + C&hat... Tc&hate... - + &Settings... Paramètre&s... - + &Analyzer Console... Console d'&analyse - + E&xit &Quitter - + None Aucun - + Center Centre - + R D - + L G @@ -827,7 +821,7 @@ Le voyant d'état de délai indique l'état actuel du délai audio. Si le voyant est vert, le délai est parfait pour une session de bœuf. Si le voyant est jaune, une session est toujours possible mais elle peut être plus difficile à jouer. Si le voyant est rouge, le délai est trop important pour un bœuf. - + Buffers Status LED Voyant d'état de tampon @@ -836,7 +830,7 @@ Le voyant d'état des tampons indique l'état actuel de l'audio/du streaming. Si le voyant est vert, il n'y a pas de dépassement de mémoire tampon ni de sous-dépassement et le flux audio n'est pas interrompu. Si le voyant est rouge, le flux audio est interrompu en raison de l'un des problèmes suivants : - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. Le tampon de jitter réseau n'est pas assez grand pour le jitter actuel de l'interface réseau/audio. @@ -849,27 +843,27 @@ Le taux de flux montant ou descendant est trop élevé pour la bande passante Internet actuellement disponible. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. Le processeur du client ou du serveur est à 100%. - + Central Server Serveur central - + user utilisateur - + users utilisateurs - + D&isconnect Dé&connecter @@ -955,14 +949,12 @@ Taille du tampon de gigue - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - Le tampon de gigue compense les gigues de synchronisation du réseau et de l'interface audio. La taille de ce tampon de gigue a donc une influence sur la qualité du flux audio (combien de décrochages se produisent) et le délai global (plus le tampon est long, plus le délai est important). + Le tampon de gigue compense les gigues de synchronisation du réseau et de l'interface audio. La taille de ce tampon de gigue a donc une influence sur la qualité du flux audio (combien de décrochages se produisent) et le délai global (plus le tampon est long, plus le délai est important). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - La taille du tampon de gigue peut être choisie manuellement pour le client local et le serveur distant. Pour le tampon de gigue local, les désynchronisations dans le flux audio sont indiquées par le voyant situé en bas des chariots de taille du tampon de gigue. Si le voyant devient rouge, un dépassement de la taille de la mémoire tampon a eu lieu et le flux audio est interrompu. + La taille du tampon de gigue peut être choisie manuellement pour le client local et le serveur distant. Pour le tampon de gigue local, les désynchronisations dans le flux audio sont indiquées par le voyant situé en bas des chariots de taille du tampon de gigue. Si le voyant devient rouge, un dépassement de la taille de la mémoire tampon a eu lieu et le flux audio est interrompu. @@ -970,82 +962,80 @@ Le réglage du tampon de gigue est donc un compromis entre la qualité audio et le délai global. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - Un réglage automatique de la taille du tampon de gigue est disponible. Si la case Auto est activée, les tampons de gigue du client local et du serveur distant sont réglés automatiquement en fonction des mesures de la gigue de synchronisation du réseau et de la carte son. Si la case Auto est activée, les chariots de la taille du tampon de gigue sont désactivés (ils ne peuvent pas être déplacés avec la souris). + Un réglage automatique de la taille du tampon de gigue est disponible. Si la case Auto est activée, les tampons de gigue du client local et du serveur distant sont réglés automatiquement en fonction des mesures de la gigue de synchronisation du réseau et de la carte son. Si la case Auto est activée, les chariots de la taille du tampon de gigue sont désactivés (ils ne peuvent pas être déplacés avec la souris). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - Si le réglage automatique du tampon de gigue est activé, les tampons réseau du client local et du serveur distant sont réglés à une valeur prudente pour minimiser la probabilité de décrochage audio. Pour ajuster le délai/latence audio, il est recommandé de désactiver la fonction de réglage automatique et de réduire manuellement la taille du tampon de gigue en utilisant les curseurs jusqu'à ce que votre limite personnelle acceptable du nombre d'interruptions soit atteinte. Le voyant visualisera les décrochages audio du tampon de gigue local par une lumière rouge. + Si le réglage automatique du tampon de gigue est activé, les tampons réseau du client local et du serveur distant sont réglés à une valeur prudente pour minimiser la probabilité de décrochage audio. Pour ajuster le délai/latence audio, il est recommandé de désactiver la fonction de réglage automatique et de réduire manuellement la taille du tampon de gigue en utilisant les curseurs jusqu'à ce que votre limite personnelle acceptable du nombre d'interruptions soit atteinte. Le voyant visualisera les décrochages audio du tampon de gigue local par une lumière rouge. - + Local jitter buffer slider control Chariot de contrôle de la mémoire tampon de la gigue locale - + Server jitter buffer slider control Chariot de contrôle de la mémoire tampon de la gigue du serveur - + Auto jitter buffer switch Commutateur de tampon de gigue automatique - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator Indicateur LED de l'état du tampon de gigue - + Sound Card Device Périphérique d'interface audio - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using Le pilote ASIO (interface audio) peut être sélectionné en utilisant - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. sous le système d'exploitation Windows. Sous MacOS/Linux, aucune sélection de carte son n'est possible. Si le pilote ASIO sélectionné n'est pas valide, un message d'erreur s'affiche et le pilote valide précédent est sélectionné. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Si le pilote est sélectionné pendant une connexion active, la connexion est interrompue, le pilote est modifié et la connexion est automatiquement relancée. - + Sound card device selector combo box Choix déroulant de sélecteur de périphérique d'interface audio - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. Si le pilote ASIO4ALL est utilisé, veuillez noter que ce pilote introduit généralement environ 10 à 30 ms de latence audio supplémentaire. Il est donc recommandé d'utiliser une carte son avec un pilote ASIO natif. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Si vous utilisez le pilote ASIO kX, assurez-vous de connecter les entrées ASIO dans le panneau de configuration DSP kX. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Cartographie des canaux de la carte son - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. Si la carte son sélectionnée offre plus d'un canal d'entrée ou de sortie, les paramètres de mappage des canaux d'entrée et de sortie sont visibles. - + For each Pour chaque canal d'entrée/sortie (canal gauche et droite) de @@ -1054,243 +1044,226 @@ , un canal différent de la carte son réelle peut être sélectionné. - + Left input channel selection combo box Choix déroulant de sélection de canal d'entrée gauche - + Right input channel selection combo box Choix déroulant de sélection de canal d'entrée droite - + Left output channel selection combo box Choix déroulant de sélection de canal de sortie gauche - + Right output channel selection combo box Choix déroulant de sélection de canal de sortie droite - + Enable Small Network Buffers Activer les petits tampons de réseau - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Si activée, la prise en charge des très petits paquets audio de réseau est activée. Les très petits paquets réseau ne sont réellement utilisés que si le délai de la mémoire tampon de la carte son est inférieur à - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. échantillons. Plus la mémoire tampon du réseau est petite, plus la latence audio est faible. Mais en même temps, la charge du réseau augmente et la probabilité de décrochage audio augmente également. - + Enable small network buffers check box Case-à-cocher pour activer les petits tampons de réseau - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Délai de temporisation de l'interface audio - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - Le paramètre de délai de temporisation est un paramètre fondamental du logiciel + Le paramètre de délai de temporisation est un paramètre fondamental du logiciel + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + . Ce paramètre influence de nombreuses propriétés de connexion. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - . Ce paramètre influence de nombreuses propriétés de connexion. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Trois tailles de tampon sont prises en charge - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 échantillons : c'est le réglage préféré car il donne la latence la plus faible mais ne fonctionne pas avec toutes les interfaces audio. + 64 échantillons : c'est le réglage préféré car il donne la latence la plus faible mais ne fonctionne pas avec toutes les interfaces audio. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 échantillons : ce réglage devrait fonctionner sur la plupart des interfaces audio disponibles. + 128 échantillons : ce réglage devrait fonctionner sur la plupart des interfaces audio disponibles. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 échantillons : ce paramètre ne doit être utilisé que si seul un ordinateur très lent ou une connexion internet lente est disponible. + 256 échantillons : ce paramètre ne doit être utilisé que si seul un ordinateur très lent ou une connexion internet lente est disponible. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Certains pilotes d'interface audio ne permettent pas de modifier le délai de la mémoire tampon à partir du logiciel + Certains pilotes d'interface audio ne permettent pas de modifier le délai de la mémoire tampon à partir du logiciel - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . Dans ce cas, le réglage du délai de mise en mémoire tampon est désactivé. Pour modifier le délai actuel de la mémoire tampon, ce paramètre doit être modifié dans le pilote de l'interface audio. Sous Windows, appuyez sur le bouton ASIO Setup pour ouvrir le panneau des paramètres du pilote. Sous Linux, utilisez l'outil de configuration Jack pour modifier la taille de la mémoire tampon. + . Dans ce cas, le réglage du délai de mise en mémoire tampon est désactivé. Pour modifier le délai actuel de la mémoire tampon, ce paramètre doit être modifié dans le pilote de l'interface audio. Sous Windows, appuyez sur le bouton ASIO Setup pour ouvrir le panneau des paramètres du pilote. Sous Linux, utilisez l'outil de configuration Jack pour modifier la taille de la mémoire tampon. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Si aucune taille de tampon n'est sélectionnée et que tous les paramètres sont désactivés, une taille de tampon non prise en charge est utilisée par le pilote. Le logiciel + Si aucune taille de tampon n'est sélectionnée et que tous les paramètres sont désactivés, une taille de tampon non prise en charge est utilisée par le pilote. Le logiciel - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - continuera toujours de fonctionner avec ce réglage, mais avec des performances limitées. + continuera toujours de fonctionner avec ce réglage, mais avec des performances limitées. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. Le délai actuel de la mémoire tampon a une influence sur l'état de la connexion, le taux de téléchargement actuel et le délai global. Plus la taille de la mémoire tampon est faible, plus la probabilité d'un voyant rouge dans l'indicateur d'état (désynchronisations) est élevée, plus le taux de téléchargement est élevé et plus le délai global est faible. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. Le réglage de la mémoire tampon est donc un compromis entre la qualité audio et le délai global. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Si les paramètres de délai de la mémoire tampon sont désactivés, il est interdit par le pilote audio de modifier ce paramètre à partir du logiciel + Si les paramètres de délai de la mémoire tampon sont désactivés, il est interdit par le pilote audio de modifier ce paramètre à partir du logiciel . On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. . Sous Windows, appuyez sur le bouton ASIO Setup pour ouvrir le panneau des paramètres du pilote. Sous Linux, utilisez l'outil de configuration Jack pour modifier la taille de la mémoire tampon. - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. un canal différent de la carte son réelle peut être sélectionné. - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + . On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - + 64 samples setting radio button Bouton radio de paramétrage à 64 échantillons - + 128 samples setting radio button Bouton radio de paramétrage à 128 échantillons - + 256 samples setting radio button Bouton radio de paramétrage à 256 échantillons - + ASIO setup push button Bouton-poussoir de paramétrage ASIO - + Fancy Skin Habillage fantaisie - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Si activée, un habillage fantaisie sera appliqué à la fenêtre principale. - + Fancy skin check box Case-à-cocher pour l'habillage fantaisie - + Display Channel Levels Afficher les niveaux des canaux - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Si activée, chaque canal de client affichera une barre de niveau pré-fader. - + Display channel levels check box Case-à-cocher pour l'affichage des niveaux de canaux - + Audio Channels Canaux audio - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Sélectionnez le nombre de canaux audio à utiliser. Trois modes sont disponibles. Les modes mono et stéréo utilisent respectivement un et deux canaux audio. Dans le mode mono-in/stereo-out, le signal audio qui est envoyé au serveur est mono mais le signal de retour est stéréo. Ceci est utile dans le cas où l'interface audio place l'instrument sur un canal d'entrée et le microphone sur l'autre canal. Dans ce cas, les deux signaux d'entrée peuvent être mélangés dans un canal mono mais le mixage du serveur peut être entendu en stéréo. + Sélectionnez le nombre de canaux audio à utiliser. Trois modes sont disponibles. Les modes mono et stéréo utilisent respectivement un et deux canaux audio. Dans le mode mono-in/stereo-out, le signal audio qui est envoyé au serveur est mono mais le signal de retour est stéréo. Ceci est utile dans le cas où l'interface audio place l'instrument sur un canal d'entrée et le microphone sur l'autre canal. Dans ce cas, les deux signaux d'entrée peuvent être mélangés dans un canal mono mais le mixage du serveur peut être entendu en stéréo. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - L'activation du mode de streaming stéréo augmentera le débit de données du flux. Assurez-vous que le débit montant actuel ne dépasse pas la bande passante disponible de votre connexion internet. + L'activation du mode de streaming stéréo augmentera le débit de données du flux. Assurez-vous que le débit montant actuel ne dépasse pas la bande passante disponible de votre connexion internet. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - Dans le cas du mode de streaming stéréo, aucune sélection de canal audio pour l'effet de réverbération ne sera disponible dans la fenêtre principale puisque l'effet est appliqué sur les deux canaux dans ce cas. + Dans le cas du mode de streaming stéréo, aucune sélection de canal audio pour l'effet de réverbération ne sera disponible dans la fenêtre principale puisque l'effet est appliqué sur les deux canaux dans ce cas. - + Audio channels combo box Choix déroulant de canaux audio - + Audio Quality Qualité audio - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Sélectionnez la qualité audio souhaitée. Une qualité audio faible, normale ou élevée peut être sélectionnée. Plus la qualité audio est élevée, plus le débit de données du flux audio est élevé. Assurez-vous que le débit montant actuel ne dépasse pas la bande passante disponible de votre connexion internet. + Sélectionnez la qualité audio souhaitée. Une qualité audio faible, normale ou élevée peut être sélectionnée. Plus la qualité audio est élevée, plus le débit de données du flux audio est élevé. Assurez-vous que le débit montant actuel ne dépasse pas la bande passante disponible de votre connexion internet. - + Audio quality combo box Choix déroulant de qualité audio - + New Client Level Niveau de nouveau client - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - Le paramètre de niveau de nouveau client définit le niveau de chariot d'un client nouvellement connecté en pourcentage. C'est-à-dire que si un nouveau client se connecte au serveur actuel, il aura le niveau de chariot initial spécifié si aucun autre niveau de chariot d'une connexion précédente de ce client n'était déjà stocké. + Le paramètre de niveau de nouveau client définit le niveau de chariot d'un client nouvellement connecté en pourcentage. C'est-à-dire que si un nouveau client se connecte au serveur actuel, il aura le niveau de chariot initial spécifié si aucun autre niveau de chariot d'une connexion précédente de ce client n'était déjà stocké. - + New client level edit box Dialogue d'édition de niveau de nouveau client - + Custom Central Server Address Adresse personnalisée du serveur central - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. - L'adresse personnalisée du serveur central est l'adresse IP ou l'URL du serveur central sur lequel la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion est gérée. Cette adresse n'est utilisée que si la liste de serveurs personnalisée est sélectionnée dans le dialogue de connexion. + L'adresse personnalisée du serveur central est l'adresse IP ou l'URL du serveur central sur lequel la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion est gérée. Cette adresse n'est utilisée que si la liste de serveurs personnalisée est sélectionnée dans le dialogue de connexion. Central Server Address @@ -1305,72 +1278,197 @@ Choix déroulant de type de serveur central par défaut - + Central server address line edit Ligne d'édition pour l'adresse du serveur central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Paramètre de l'état de la connexion actuelle - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - Le temps de ping est le temps nécessaire pour que le flux audio voyage du client au serveur et vice-versa. Ce délai est introduit par le réseau. Ce délai doit être de 20 ou 30 ms. Si ce délai est supérieur (par exemple 50-60 ms), la distance qui vous sépare du serveur est trop importante ou votre connexion internet n'est pas suffisante. + Le temps de ping est le temps nécessaire pour que le flux audio voyage du client au serveur et vice-versa. Ce délai est introduit par le réseau. Ce délai doit être de 20 ou 30 ms. Si ce délai est supérieur (par exemple 50-60 ms), la distance qui vous sépare du serveur est trop importante ou votre connexion internet n'est pas suffisante. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - Le délai global est calculé à partir du temps de ping actuel et du délai qui est introduit par les paramètres actuels de la mémoire tampon. + Le délai global est calculé à partir du temps de ping actuel et du délai qui est introduit par les paramètres actuels de la mémoire tampon. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - Le débit montant dépend de la taille actuelle du paquet audio et du réglage de la compression audio. Assurez-vous que le débit montant n'est pas supérieur au débit disponible (vérifiez les capacités montant de votre connexion internet en utilisant, par exemple, speedtest.net). + Le débit montant dépend de la taille actuelle du paquet audio et du réglage de la compression audio. Assurez-vous que le débit montant n'est pas supérieur au débit disponible (vérifiez les capacités montant de votre connexion internet en utilisant, par exemple, speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Si ce voyant devient rouge, vous n'aurez pas beaucoup de plaisir à utiliser le logiciel - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Paramètres ASIO - + + Mono Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-entrée/stéréo-sortie - + + + Stereo Stéréo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Basse - + Normal Normale - + High Haute @@ -1417,23 +1515,23 @@ Défaut (Amérique du Nord) - + preferred préféré - - + + Size: Taille : - + Buffer Delay Délai de temporisation - + Buffer Delay: Délai de temporisation : @@ -1442,17 +1540,17 @@ Adresse prédéfinie - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Le périphérique audio sélectionné n'a pas pu être utilisé en raison de l'erreur suivante : - + The previous driver will be selected. Le pilote précédent sera sélectionné. - + Ok Ok @@ -1627,92 +1725,102 @@ Liste de serveurs - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - La liste de serveurs affiche une liste des serveurs disponibles qui sont inscrits sur le serveur central. Sélectionnez un serveur dans la liste et appuyez sur le bouton de connexion pour vous connecter à ce serveur. Vous pouvez également double-cliquer sur un serveur de la liste pour vous y connecter. Si un serveur est occupé, une liste des musiciens connectés est disponible en développant l'élément de la liste. Les serveurs permanents sont indiqués en caractères gras. + La liste de serveurs affiche une liste des serveurs disponibles qui sont inscrits sur le serveur central. Sélectionnez un serveur dans la liste et appuyez sur le bouton de connexion pour vous connecter à ce serveur. Vous pouvez également double-cliquer sur un serveur de la liste pour vous y connecter. Si un serveur est occupé, une liste des musiciens connectés est disponible en développant l'élément de la liste. Les serveurs permanents sont indiqués en caractères gras. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Notez que ça peut prendre un certain temps pour récupérer la liste des serveurs depuis le serveur central. Si aucune adresse de serveur central valide n'est spécifiée dans les paramètres, aucune liste de serveurs ne sera disponible. + Notez que ça peut prendre un certain temps pour récupérer la liste des serveurs depuis le serveur central. Si aucune adresse de serveur central valide n'est spécifiée dans les paramètres, aucune liste de serveurs ne sera disponible. - + Server list view Vue de la liste de serveurs - + Server Address Adresse du serveur - The IP address or URL of the server running the - L'adresse IP ou l'URL du serveur qui exécute le logiciel serveur + L'adresse IP ou l'URL du serveur qui exécute le logiciel serveur - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - doit être paramétré ici. Un numéro optionnel de port peut être ajouté après l'adresse IP ou l'URL en utilisant deux points en tant que séparateur, par exemple, exemple.org : + doit être paramétré ici. Un numéro optionnel de port peut être ajouté après l'adresse IP ou l'URL en utilisant deux points en tant que séparateur, par exemple, exemple.org : - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - . Une liste des adresses IP ou URL de serveur les plus récentes est disponible pour la sélection. + . Une liste des adresses IP ou URL de serveur les plus récentes est disponible pour la sélection. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Dialogue d'édition d'addresse de serveur - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Contient l'adresse IP ou l'URL du serveur actuel. Il stocke également les anciennes URL dans la liste déroulante. - + Server List Selection Sélection de la liste des serveurs - + Selects the server list to be shown. Sélectionne la liste de serveurs à afficher. - + Server list selection combo box Liste déroulante de sélection de la liste des serveurs - + Filter Filtre - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. La liste des serveurs est filtrée par le texte donné. Notez que le filtre n'est pas sensible à la casse. - + Filter edit box Dialogue d'édition de filtre - + Show All Musicians Afficher tous les musiciens - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Si vous cochez cette case, les musiciens de tous les serveurs sont affichés. Si vous décochez la case, tous les éléments de la vue en liste sont regroupés. - + Show all musicians check box Case-à-cocher pour afficher tous les musiciens @@ -2238,14 +2346,12 @@ Démarrage minimisé au lancement du système d'exploitation - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Si la case à cocher "Démarrage minimisé au lancement du système d'exploitation" est cochée, le serveur + Si la case à cocher "Démarrage minimisé au lancement du système d'exploitation" est cochée, le serveur - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - sera lancé au démarrage du système d'exploitation et est automatiquement minimisé dans une icône de la barre des tâches du système. + sera lancé au démarrage du système d'exploitation et est automatiquement minimisé dans une icône de la barre des tâches du système. @@ -2263,14 +2369,12 @@ Rendre mon serveur public - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Si la case Rendre mon serveur public est cochée, ce serveur s'inscrit sur le serveur central afin que tous les utilisateurs de + Si la case Rendre mon serveur public est cochée, ce serveur s'inscrit sur le serveur central afin que tous les utilisateurs de - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - puisse voir le serveur dans la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion et s'y connecter. L'inscription du serveur est renouvelée périodiquement pour s'assurer que tous les serveurs de la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion sont effectivement disponibles. + puisse voir le serveur dans la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion et s'y connecter. L'inscription du serveur est renouvelée périodiquement pour s'assurer que tous les serveurs de la liste des serveurs du dialogue de connexion sont effectivement disponibles. @@ -2298,6 +2402,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Choix déroulant de type de serveur central par défaut + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + Custom Central Server Address diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts index 71775f01..3a991872 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.ts @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ - + L L @@ -614,12 +614,12 @@ Se il LED diventa rosso avrete difficoltà nel suonare con - + Delay status LED indicator LED di stato del Delay - + Buffers Status LED LED di Stato del Buffer @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ Il LED di stato del buffer indica la qualità dello straming. Se verde non sono presenti anomalie nel buffer e lo stream audio non subirà interruzioni. Se rosso lo stream audio subirà interruzioni per causa di uno dei seguenti motivi: - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. Il Jitter Buffer non è grande abbastanza per la tipologia di rete/interfaccia audio usate. @@ -655,11 +655,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -711,153 +706,148 @@ - - The - - - - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. La CPU del client è satura al 100%. - + Buffers status LED indicator Led di stato del Buffer - - + + C&onnect C&onnetti - + &View &Vista - + &Connection Setup... Setup &Connessione... - + My &Profile... &Profilo Personale... - + C&hat... C&hat... - + &Settings... &Settaggi... - + &Analyzer Console... &Analizzatore... - + E&xit &Uscita - + None Nullo - + Center Centro - + R R - + Central Server Server Centrale - + user utente - + users utenti - + D&isconnect D&isconnetti @@ -943,14 +933,12 @@ Dimensione Jitter Bufer - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - Il Jitter Buffer compensa i ritardi della rete o della scheda audio. La sua dimensione influisce sulla qualità dello stream audio (troppe interruzioni) e sull'OverAll delay (più grande è il buffer, più alto è il delay). + Il Jitter Buffer compensa i ritardi della rete o della scheda audio. La sua dimensione influisce sulla qualità dello stream audio (troppe interruzioni) e sull'OverAll delay (più grande è il buffer, più alto è il delay). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - La dimensione del Jitter Buffer può essere settata manualmente sia per il client che per il server. Le problematiche del buffer locale sono segnalate dal LED posto sotto i Fader del Jitter buffer. Se il LED è rosso il buffer è corrotto e lo streamaudio subisce interruzioni. + La dimensione del Jitter Buffer può essere settata manualmente sia per il client che per il server. Le problematiche del buffer locale sono segnalate dal LED posto sotto i Fader del Jitter buffer. Se il LED è rosso il buffer è corrotto e lo streamaudio subisce interruzioni. @@ -958,319 +946,300 @@ I settaggi del jitter buffer regolano il compromesso tra qualità audio e ritardo generale. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - E' disponibile la funzione di regolazine Automatica del Jitter Buffer. Se Abilitata il Jitter Buffer Locale e Remoto saranno settati in base a delle misure effettuate sulla rete e sul ritardo della scheda audio. In questo caso i fader di regolazione saranno disabilitati(non potranno essere mossi con il muose). + E' disponibile la funzione di regolazine Automatica del Jitter Buffer. Se Abilitata il Jitter Buffer Locale e Remoto saranno settati in base a delle misure effettuate sulla rete e sul ritardo della scheda audio. In questo caso i fader di regolazione saranno disabilitati(non potranno essere mossi con il muose). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - Nel caso in cui sia abilitata l'impostazione automatica del jitter buffer, i buffer di rete del client locale e del server remoto sono impostati su un valore di tipo conservativo per ridurre al minimo la probabilità di dropout audio. Per modificare il ritardo / latenza audio, si consiglia di disabilitare la funzionalità di impostazione automatica e di ridurre manualmente la dimensione del JitterBuffer utilizzando i fader fino a raggiungere il limite personale per una qualità audio accettabile. L'indicatore LED visualizzerà i dropout audio del Jitter Buffer locale diventando rosso. + Nel caso in cui sia abilitata l'impostazione automatica del jitter buffer, i buffer di rete del client locale e del server remoto sono impostati su un valore di tipo conservativo per ridurre al minimo la probabilità di dropout audio. Per modificare il ritardo / latenza audio, si consiglia di disabilitare la funzionalità di impostazione automatica e di ridurre manualmente la dimensione del JitterBuffer utilizzando i fader fino a raggiungere il limite personale per una qualità audio accettabile. L'indicatore LED visualizzerà i dropout audio del Jitter Buffer locale diventando rosso. - + Local jitter buffer slider control Controlli per la gestione del Jitter Buffer - + Server jitter buffer slider control Fader del Jitter Buffer del Server - + Auto jitter buffer switch Switch Jitter Buffer Automatico - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator LED di stato del Jitter Buffer - + Sound Card Device Scheda Audio - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using I driver ASIO (scheda audio) possono essere selezionati usando - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. su sistemi operativi Windows. Su MacOS/Linux, non è possibile cambiare driver audio. Se il driver ASIO selezionato non è valido un errore viene visualizzato ripristinando il driver precedentemente attivo e funzionante. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Se il driver viene cambiato mentre si è connessi ad un server, la connessione verrà fermata, il driver sarà sostituito e successivamente la connessione verrà ripristinata automaticamente. - + Sound card device selector combo box Box per la selezione della scheda audio - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. Nel caso in cui vengano usati i driver ASIO4ALL bisogna sapere che questi di solito introducono 10-30 ms di ritardo aggiuntivo. Si consiglia di usare driver ASIO nativi per la scheda audio in uso. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Se si usano i driver kX ASIO, accertarsi di connettere l'input ASIO nel pannello dei settaggi kX DSP. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Mappa dei Canali della Scheda Audio - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. Se la scheda audio dispone di diversi Input o Output, verrà visualizzata la mappa dei canali di input e di output. - + For each Per ciascun - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. input/output (Canale Sinistro e Destro) può essere selezionata una scheda audio diversa. - + Left input channel selection combo box Box per la selezione dell'Ingresso Sinistro (Left) - + Right input channel selection combo box Box per la selezione dell'Ingresso Destro (Right) - + Left output channel selection combo box Box per la selezione dell'uscita Sinistra (Left) - + Right output channel selection combo box Box per la selezione dell'uscita Destra (Right) - + Enable Small Network Buffers Abilita Riduzione Buffer di Rete - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Se abilitato, viene attivata la possibilità di usare piccoli pacchetti di rete. L'uso di pacchetti di rete di dimensione ridotta è attivo se la scheda audio supporta un buffer delay inferiore a - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. samples. Più piccoli sono i pacchetti di rete minore sarà la latenza, ma allo stesso tempo aumenta il carico di rete umentando la possibilità di dropout audio. - + Enable small network buffers check box Check Box per abilitare la riduzione dei pacchetti di rete - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Buffer Delay della scheda audio - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - Settare correttamente il Buffer Delay è un operazione fondamentale su + Settare correttamente il Buffer Delay è un operazione fondamentale su + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + Questo settaggio ha influenza su molte proprietà di connessione. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - Questo settaggio ha influenza su molte proprietà di connessione. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Le dimensioni dei Buffer supportati sono - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 Campioni: Per le basse latenze ma non funziona su tutte le schede audio. + 64 Campioni: Per le basse latenze ma non funziona su tutte le schede audio. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 Campioni: Settaggio che trova compatibilità con la maggiorparte delle schede audio. + 128 Campioni: Settaggio che trova compatibilità con la maggiorparte delle schede audio. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 Campiono: Settaggio usato su computer connessi a reti lente o su PC obsoleti. + 256 Campiono: Settaggio usato su computer connessi a reti lente o su PC obsoleti. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Molte Schede audio non permettono di modificare il buffer delay direttamente tramite l'interfaccia di + Molte Schede audio non permettono di modificare il buffer delay direttamente tramite l'interfaccia di - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - In questo caso il Buffer Delay va settato direttamente tramite il software di gestione del driver della scheda audio. Su Windows cliccare sul bottone ASIO Setup per aprire il pannello dei driver. Su linux usare il pannello di configurazione di Jack per settare la dimensione del buffer. + In questo caso il Buffer Delay va settato direttamente tramite il software di gestione del driver della scheda audio. Su Windows cliccare sul bottone ASIO Setup per aprire il pannello dei driver. Su linux usare il pannello di configurazione di Jack per settare la dimensione del buffer. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Se non è selezionata alcuna scelta e le possibilità di scelta sono disabilitate, significa che è in uso una dimensione del buffer non supportata dal driver. Il programma + Se non è selezionata alcuna scelta e le possibilità di scelta sono disabilitate, significa che è in uso una dimensione del buffer non supportata dal driver. Il programma - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - funzionerà ma con performance ridotte. + funzionerà ma con performance ridotte. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. Il Buffer Delay influenza lo stato della connessione, la velocità di upload e l'Overall Delay. Usare una dimensione troppo bassa del buffer comporta, maggiore probabilità che l'indicatore di stato diventi rosso (drop outs) consumo di banda in upload e una diminuzione dell'Overall Delay. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. L'impostazione del buffer è quindi un compromesso tra qualità audio e ritardo generale. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Se le impostazioni del buffer delay sono disabilitate, il driver audio non può modificare questa impostazione tramite + Se le impostazioni del buffer delay sono disabilitate, il driver audio non può modificare questa impostazione tramite - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - Su Windows premere il bottone ASIo setup per aprire il pannello di settaggio del driver. Su Linux usare il tool di configurazione di Jack per modificare la dimensione del buffer. + Su Windows premere il bottone ASIo setup per aprire il pannello di settaggio del driver. Su Linux usare il tool di configurazione di Jack per modificare la dimensione del buffer. - + 64 samples setting radio button Pulsante per abilitare 64 Campioni - + 128 samples setting radio button Pulsante per abilitare 128 Campioni - + 256 samples setting radio button Pulsante per abilitare 256 Campioni - + ASIO setup push button Pulsante del pannello di setup ASIO - + Fancy Skin Tema Fantaia - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Se selezionato questo tema verrà applicato alla finestra principale. - + Fancy skin check box Check Box Tema Fantasia - + Display Channel Levels Mostra livelli canali audio - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Se abilitato su ogni client apparirà un metet a LED prima del Fader. - + Display channel levels check box Check Box per abilitare la visualizzazione dei livelli dei canali audio - + Audio Channels Canali Audio - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Seleziona il numero dei canali audio che saranno usati. Si possono usare tre modalità. In modalità mono e in modalità stereo vengono usati rispettivamente uno o due canali. Nella modalità mono-in/stereo-out il segnale inviato al server è mono ma il segnale di ritorno è stereo. Questà modalità è utile se si collega lo strumento su di un canale e il microfono nell'altro. In questo modo i due segnali verranno mixati su di un canale mono ma sarà possibile ascoltare il mix ricevuto dal server in stereo. + Seleziona il numero dei canali audio che saranno usati. Si possono usare tre modalità. In modalità mono e in modalità stereo vengono usati rispettivamente uno o due canali. Nella modalità mono-in/stereo-out il segnale inviato al server è mono ma il segnale di ritorno è stereo. Questà modalità è utile se si collega lo strumento su di un canale e il microfono nell'altro. In questo modo i due segnali verranno mixati su di un canale mono ma sarà possibile ascoltare il mix ricevuto dal server in stereo. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Abilitando lo streaming stereo verrà incrementato l'uso dei dati in upload. Accertarsi di avere velocità in upload sufficiente per lo stream. + Abilitando lo streaming stereo verrà incrementato l'uso dei dati in upload. Accertarsi di avere velocità in upload sufficiente per lo stream. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - Nel caso in cui si una lo streaming stereo, non sarà possibile selezionare su quale canale far intervenire il riverbero inquanto sarà applicato ad entrambi i canali Left e Right. + Nel caso in cui si una lo streaming stereo, non sarà possibile selezionare su quale canale far intervenire il riverbero inquanto sarà applicato ad entrambi i canali Left e Right. - + Audio channels combo box Combo Box Canali Audio - + Audio Quality Qualità Audio - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Selezionare la qualità audio desiderata. Si può scegliere tra Low (Bassa), normal (standard), high (Alta). Maggiore è la qualità settata più alto sarà il valore di streaming audio. Accertarsi di avere sufficiente banda in upload. + Selezionare la qualità audio desiderata. Si può scegliere tra Low (Bassa), normal (standard), high (Alta). Maggiore è la qualità settata più alto sarà il valore di streaming audio. Accertarsi di avere sufficiente banda in upload. - + Audio quality combo box Combo Box Qualità Audio - + New Client Level Livello Volume Nuovo Client - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - Settare il livello per il nuovo client definisce il livello, in percentuale, di ingresso per un nuovo utente che si connette. Un nuovo client che si connette alla sessione assume un volume uguale a quello settato se non ci sono livelli memorizzati per questo client in precedenti connessioni con lo stesso. + Settare il livello per il nuovo client definisce il livello, in percentuale, di ingresso per un nuovo utente che si connette. Un nuovo client che si connette alla sessione assume un volume uguale a quello settato se non ci sono livelli memorizzati per questo client in precedenti connessioni con lo stesso. - + New client level edit box Box per modificare il livello di ingresso di un nuovo client - + Custom Central Server Address Indirizzo personalizzato del Server Centrale - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. - L'indirizzo personalizzato del server centrale è un indirizzo IP o URL di un server centrale in cui viene gestito l'elenco dei server della finestra di dialogo della connessione. Questo indirizzo viene utilizzato solo se l'elenco dei server personalizzati è selezionato nella finestra di dialogo della connessione. + L'indirizzo personalizzato del server centrale è un indirizzo IP o URL di un server centrale in cui viene gestito l'elenco dei server della finestra di dialogo della connessione. Questo indirizzo viene utilizzato solo se l'elenco dei server personalizzati è selezionato nella finestra di dialogo della connessione. Central Server Address @@ -1285,93 +1254,218 @@ Box per l'indirizzo del Server Centrale - + Central server address line edit Modifica indirizzo Server Centrale - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parametri attuali di connessione - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - Il Ping è il tempo richiesto dallo stream audio per essere trasmesso dal client al server e tornare indietro. Questo ritardo è introdotto dalla rete. Questo ritardo dovrebbe non superare i 20-30 ms. Se tale ritardo supera i 50-60 ms significa che la distanza dal server è eccessiva oppure che la connessione non è adeguata. + Il Ping è il tempo richiesto dallo stream audio per essere trasmesso dal client al server e tornare indietro. Questo ritardo è introdotto dalla rete. Questo ritardo dovrebbe non superare i 20-30 ms. Se tale ritardo supera i 50-60 ms significa che la distanza dal server è eccessiva oppure che la connessione non è adeguata. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - L'Overall è un valore calcolato in base al ping corrente e al ritardo introdotto dai settaggi del buffer. + L'Overall è un valore calcolato in base al ping corrente e al ritardo introdotto dai settaggi del buffer. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - La velocità di trasferimento dati in upload dipende dalla dimensione dei pacchetti audio e dai settaggi di compressione dell'audio. Assicurarsi di non usare valori di upstream non adeguati alla propria connessione (è possibile verificare tali valori mediante un test sulla propria connessione, usando per esempio il sito speedtest.net). + La velocità di trasferimento dati in upload dipende dalla dimensione dei pacchetti audio e dai settaggi di compressione dell'audio. Assicurarsi di non usare valori di upstream non adeguati alla propria connessione (è possibile verificare tali valori mediante un test sulla propria connessione, usando per esempio il sito speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Se questo indicatore a LED diventa rosso non si godrà di un esperienza ottimale del programma - + software. . - + ASIO Setup ASIO Setup - + + Mono Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-in/Stereo-out - + + + Stereo Stereo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Low - + Normal Normal - + High High - + preferred consigliato - - + + Size: Livello: - + Buffer Delay Buffer Delay - + Buffer Delay: Buffer Delay: @@ -1380,17 +1474,17 @@ Indirizzo Preferito - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: La scheda audio selezionata non può essere usata per i seguenti motivi: - + The previous driver will be selected. Sarà ripristinato il driver precedentemente usato. - + Ok Ok @@ -1595,92 +1689,102 @@ Lista dei Server - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - La lista dei server mostra i server disponibili che si sono registrati sul server centrale. Selezionare un server dalla lista e preme connetti per entrane nella sessione. Altrimenti eseguire un doppio click sul nome del server in lista per connettersi. Se ad un server sono già connessi altri client sarà possibili vedere una lista di musicisti connessi a tale server. I server che sono registrati come permanenti sono visualizzati in grassetto. + La lista dei server mostra i server disponibili che si sono registrati sul server centrale. Selezionare un server dalla lista e preme connetti per entrane nella sessione. Altrimenti eseguire un doppio click sul nome del server in lista per connettersi. Se ad un server sono già connessi altri client sarà possibili vedere una lista di musicisti connessi a tale server. I server che sono registrati come permanenti sono visualizzati in grassetto. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Si noti che potrebbe essere necessario del tempo per recuperare l'elenco dei server dal server centrale. Se nelle impostazioni non è specificato alcun indirizzo di server centrale valido, non sarà disponibile alcun elenco di server. + Si noti che potrebbe essere necessario del tempo per recuperare l'elenco dei server dal server centrale. Se nelle impostazioni non è specificato alcun indirizzo di server centrale valido, non sarà disponibile alcun elenco di server. - + Server list view Lista dei Server - + Server Address Indirizzo del Server - The IP address or URL of the server running the - L'indirizzo IP o l'URL del server in cui è attivo + L'indirizzo IP o l'URL del server in cui è attivo - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - come server deve essere settato qui. Una porta di connessione opzionale può essere specificata aggiungendo i due punti ed il numero della porta dopo l'indirizzo. Es. example.org: + come server deve essere settato qui. Una porta di connessione opzionale può essere specificata aggiungendo i due punti ed il numero della porta dopo l'indirizzo. Es. example.org: - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - .Una lista di server recentementi usati è disponibile mediante il menù a tendina. + .Una lista di server recentementi usati è disponibile mediante il menù a tendina. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Box di editing dell'indirizzo del server - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Contiene l'indirizzo IP o l'URL del server corrente. Memorizza anche i vecchi URL visibili aprendo il menù a tendina. - + Server List Selection Lista dei Server selezionabili - + Selects the server list to be shown. Seleziona la lista dei server da visualizzare. - + Server list selection combo box Box di selezione Lista Server - + Filter Filtro - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. L'elenco dei server è filtrato secondo il testo inserito. Si noti che il filtro non fa distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole. - + Filter edit box Box di modifica del Filtro - + Show All Musicians Visualizza tutti i Musicisti - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Se questa casella è selezionata, saranno visualizzati tutti i musicisti connessi nei vari server. Se non selezionata la lista sarà compattata. - + Show all musicians check box Box di Visualizzazione dei Musicisti @@ -2206,14 +2310,12 @@ Avvia ridotto a icona all'avvio del sistema operativo - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Se è selezionato l'avvio in modalità minimizzata il server + Se è selezionato l'avvio in modalità minimizzata il server - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - si avvierà all'apertura del sistema operativo e si ridurrà automaticamente a icona sulla barra delle applicazioni. + si avvierà all'apertura del sistema operativo e si ridurrà automaticamente a icona sulla barra delle applicazioni. @@ -2231,14 +2333,12 @@ Rendi il mio server pubblico - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Se il Rendi il mio server Pubblico è attivato, questo server si registrerà con il server centrale in modo che tutti gli utenti di + Se il Rendi il mio server Pubblico è attivato, questo server si registrerà con il server centrale in modo che tutti gli utenti di - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - possono vedere il server nell'elenco dei server nella finestra di connessione e possono connettersi ad esso. La registrazione del server viene periodicamente aggiornata per garantire che tutti i server nell'elenco siano effettivamente disponibili. + possono vedere il server nell'elenco dei server nella finestra di connessione e possono connettersi ad esso. La registrazione del server viene periodicamente aggiornata per garantire che tutti i server nell'elenco siano effettivamente disponibili. @@ -2261,6 +2361,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Box di selezione Server Centrale + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list. diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts index 68568ade..9889ce53 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ - + L L @@ -606,12 +606,12 @@ Als deze LED-indicator rood wordt, zult u niet veel plezier beleven aan het gebruik van de - + Delay status LED indicator Vertragingsstatus LED-indicator - + Buffers Status LED Buffers Status LED @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ De indicator voor de status van de buffers geeft de huidige status van de audio/streaming aan. Als het lampje groen is, zijn er geen bufferoverschrijdingen/onderschrijdingen en wordt de audiostream niet onderbroken. Als het lampje rood is, wordt de audiostream onderbroken door een van de volgende problemen: - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. De buffer voor de netwerkjitter is niet groot genoeg voor de huidige netwerk-/audio-interfacejitter. @@ -647,11 +647,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -703,153 +698,148 @@ - - The - - - - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. De CPU van de client of server staat op 100%. - + Buffers status LED indicator Status van de buffers LED-indicator - - + + C&onnect C&onnect - + &View &Bekijken - + &Connection Setup... &Verbindingsinstellingen... - + My &Profile... Mijn &Profiel... - + C&hat... C&hat... - + &Settings... &Settings... - + &Analyzer Console... &Analyzer Console... - + E&xit E&xit - + None Geen - + Center Centrum - + R R - + Central Server - + user gebruiker - + users gebruikers - + D&isconnect &Afmelden @@ -935,14 +925,12 @@ Jitter Buffermaat - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - De jitterbuffer compenseert voor netwerk- en geluidskaart-timingstoestanden. De grootte van deze jitterbuffer heeft dus invloed op de kwaliteit van de audiostream (hoeveel uitvallers er optreden) en de totale vertraging (hoe langer de buffer, hoe hoger de vertraging). + De jitterbuffer compenseert voor netwerk- en geluidskaart-timingstoestanden. De grootte van deze jitterbuffer heeft dus invloed op de kwaliteit van de audiostream (hoeveel uitvallers er optreden) en de totale vertraging (hoe langer de buffer, hoe hoger de vertraging). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - De jitter-buffergrootte kan handmatig worden gekozen voor de lokale client en de externe server. Voor de lokale jitterbuffer worden drop-outs in de audiostream aangegeven door het lampje op de onderkant van de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte. Als het lampje op rood springt, heeft er een bufferoverschrijding/onderbenedenrijding plaatsgevonden en wordt de audiostream onderbroken. + De jitter-buffergrootte kan handmatig worden gekozen voor de lokale client en de externe server. Voor de lokale jitterbuffer worden drop-outs in de audiostream aangegeven door het lampje op de onderkant van de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte. Als het lampje op rood springt, heeft er een bufferoverschrijding/onderbenedenrijding plaatsgevonden en wordt de audiostream onderbroken. @@ -950,318 +938,295 @@ De jitterbufferinstelling is dus een afweging tussen geluidskwaliteit en totale vertraging. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - Een automatische instelling van de jitterbuffergrootte is beschikbaar. Als de controle Auto is ingeschakeld, worden de jitterbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server automatisch ingesteld op basis van metingen van de netwerk- en geluidskaarttimingsjitter. Als de automatische controle is ingeschakeld, zijn de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte uitgeschakeld (ze kunnen niet met de muis worden verplaatst). + Een automatische instelling van de jitterbuffergrootte is beschikbaar. Als de controle Auto is ingeschakeld, worden de jitterbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server automatisch ingesteld op basis van metingen van de netwerk- en geluidskaarttimingsjitter. Als de automatische controle is ingeschakeld, zijn de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte uitgeschakeld (ze kunnen niet met de muis worden verplaatst). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - In het geval dat de automatische instelling van de jitterbuffer is ingeschakeld, worden de netwerkbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server op een conservatieve waarde gezet om de kans op audio-uitval te minimaliseren. Om de audio delay/latentie te tweaken is het aan te raden om de automatische instelling uit te schakelen en de grootte van de jitterbuffer handmatig te verlagen met behulp van de schuifregelaars totdat de persoonlijke aanvaardbare limiet van het aantal drop-outs is bereikt. De LED-indicator zal de audio dropouts van de lokale jitterbuffer visualiseren met een rood lampje. + In het geval dat de automatische instelling van de jitterbuffer is ingeschakeld, worden de netwerkbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server op een conservatieve waarde gezet om de kans op audio-uitval te minimaliseren. Om de audio delay/latentie te tweaken is het aan te raden om de automatische instelling uit te schakelen en de grootte van de jitterbuffer handmatig te verlagen met behulp van de schuifregelaars totdat de persoonlijke aanvaardbare limiet van het aantal drop-outs is bereikt. De LED-indicator zal de audio dropouts van de lokale jitterbuffer visualiseren met een rood lampje. - + Local jitter buffer slider control Lokale jitter-buffer-schuifregelaar - + Server jitter buffer slider control Server jitter-buffer-schuifregelaar - + Auto jitter buffer switch Automatische jitterbufferschakelaar - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator Jitter-buffer status LED-indicator - + Sound Card Device Geluidskaartapparaat - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using Het ASIO-stuurprogramma (geluidskaart) kan worden geselecteerd met behulp van - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. onder het Windows besturingssysteem. Onder MacOS/Linux is geen geluidskaartkeuze mogelijk. Als het geselecteerde ASIO-stuurprogramma niet geldig is, wordt een foutmelding weergegeven en wordt het vorige geldige stuurprogramma geselecteerd. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Als het stuurprogramma tijdens een actieve verbinding wordt geselecteerd, wordt de verbinding gestopt, wordt het stuurprogramma gewijzigd en wordt de verbinding automatisch opnieuw gestart. - + Sound card device selector combo box Geluidskaart apparaat selector combo box - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. In het geval dat de ASIO4ALL driver wordt gebruikt, dient u er rekening mee te houden dat deze driver meestal ongeveer 10-30 ms extra geluidsvertraging introduceert. Het gebruik van een geluidskaart met een native ASIO-driver wordt daarom aanbevolen. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Als u het kX ASIO-stuurprogramma gebruikt, zorg er dan voor dat u de ASIO-ingangen in het kX DSP-instellingenpaneel aansluit. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Geluidskaartkanalen in kaart brengen - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. In het geval dat het geselecteerde geluidskaartapparaat meer dan één ingangs- of uitgangskanaal biedt, zijn de instellingen voor het ingangs- en uitgangskanaal in kaart brengen zichtbaar. - + For each Voor elk - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. Invoer-/uitvoerkanaal (linker- en rechterkanaal) kan een ander daadwerkelijk kanaal van de geluidskaart worden geselecteerd. - + Left input channel selection combo box Linker ingangskanaal selectie combo box - + Right input channel selection combo box Juiste ingangskanaal selectie combo box - + Left output channel selection combo box Linkeruitgangskanaal selectie combobox - + Right output channel selection combo box Rechter uitgangskanaal selectie combo box - + Enable Small Network Buffers Kleine netwerkbuffers inschakelen - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Indien ingeschakeld, wordt de ondersteuning voor zeer kleine netwerkaudiopakketten geactiveerd. Zeer kleine netwerkpakketten worden alleen daadwerkelijk gebruikt als de buffervertraging van de geluidskaart kleiner is dan - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. monsters. Hoe kleiner de netwerkbuffers, hoe kleiner de audiolatentie. Maar tegelijkertijd neemt de netwerkbelasting toe en neemt ook de kans op audio-uitval toe. - + Enable small network buffers check box Schakel het selectievakje kleine netwerkbuffers in - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Geluidskaartbuffervertraging - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - De instelling van de buffervertraging is een belangrijke instelling van de + De instelling van de buffervertraging is een belangrijke instelling van de + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + software. Deze instelling heeft invloed op veel verbindingseigenschappen. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - software. Deze instelling heeft invloed op veel verbindingseigenschappen. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Drie buffermaten worden ondersteund - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 monsters: Dit is de voorkeursinstelling omdat het de laagste latentie geeft, maar niet met alle geluidskaarten werkt. + 64 monsters: Dit is de voorkeursinstelling omdat het de laagste latentie geeft, maar niet met alle geluidskaarten werkt. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 monsters: Deze instelling zou moeten werken op de meeste beschikbare geluidskaarten. + 128 monsters: Deze instelling zou moeten werken op de meeste beschikbare geluidskaarten. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 monsters: Deze instelling mag alleen worden gebruikt als er alleen een zeer langzame computer of een langzame internetverbinding beschikbaar is. + 256 monsters: Deze instelling mag alleen worden gebruikt als er alleen een zeer langzame computer of een langzame internetverbinding beschikbaar is. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Sommige geluidskaartbestuurders staan niet toe dat de buffervertraging wordt gewijzigd van binnenuit de + Sommige geluidskaartbestuurders staan niet toe dat de buffervertraging wordt gewijzigd van binnenuit de - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - software. In dit geval is de instelling van de buffervertraging uitgeschakeld. Om de eigenlijke buffervertraging te wijzigen, moet deze instelling in het stuurprogramma van de geluidskaart worden gewijzigd. Druk in Windows op de knop ASIO Setup om het instellingenpaneel van het stuurprogramma te openen. Op Linux gebruikt u de Jack-configuratietool om de grootte van de buffer te wijzigen. + software. In dit geval is de instelling van de buffervertraging uitgeschakeld. Om de eigenlijke buffervertraging te wijzigen, moet deze instelling in het stuurprogramma van de geluidskaart worden gewijzigd. Druk in Windows op de knop ASIO Setup om het instellingenpaneel van het stuurprogramma te openen. Op Linux gebruikt u de Jack-configuratietool om de grootte van de buffer te wijzigen. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Als er geen buffergrootte is geselecteerd en alle instellingen zijn uitgeschakeld, wordt een niet-ondersteunde buffergrootte gebruikt door het stuurprogramma. De + Als er geen buffergrootte is geselecteerd en alle instellingen zijn uitgeschakeld, wordt een niet-ondersteunde buffergrootte gebruikt door het stuurprogramma. De - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - software zal nog steeds werken met deze instelling, maar met beperkte prestaties. + software zal nog steeds werken met deze instelling, maar met beperkte prestaties. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. De werkelijke buffervertraging heeft invloed op de verbindingsstatus, de huidige uploadsnelheid en de totale vertraging. Hoe lager de buffergrootte, hoe hoger de kans op rood licht in de statusindicator (drop outs) en hoe hoger de uploadsnelheid en hoe lager de totale vertraging. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. De bufferinstelling is dus een afweging tussen de geluidskwaliteit en de totale vertraging. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Als de instellingen voor de buffervertraging zijn uitgeschakeld, is het door het audiostuurprogramma verboden om deze instelling te wijzigen vanuit de + Als de instellingen voor de buffervertraging zijn uitgeschakeld, is het door het audiostuurprogramma verboden om deze instelling te wijzigen vanuit de - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - software. Druk in Windows op de knop ASIO Setup om het instellingenpaneel van het stuurprogramma te openen. Op Linux gebruikt u de Jack-configuratietool om de grootte van de buffer te wijzigen. + software. Druk in Windows op de knop ASIO Setup om het instellingenpaneel van het stuurprogramma te openen. Op Linux gebruikt u de Jack-configuratietool om de grootte van de buffer te wijzigen. - + 64 samples setting radio button 64 monsters instellen radioknop - + 128 samples setting radio button 128 voorbeelden van het instellen van de radioknop - + 256 samples setting radio button 256 voorbeelden van het instellen van het radioknopje - + ASIO setup push button ASIO-instellingsdrukknop - + Fancy Skin Edele huid - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Indien ingeschakeld wordt er een fancy skin op het hoofdvenster aangebracht. - + Fancy skin check box Fancy skin check box - + Display Channel Levels Weergave Kanaalniveaus - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Indien ingeschakeld, zal elk clientkanaal een pre-fader niveau balk weergeven. - + Display channel levels check box Vinkje bij de weergave van de kanaalniveaus - + Audio Channels Audiokanalen - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Selecteer het aantal te gebruiken audiokanalen. Er zijn drie modi beschikbaar. De mono- en stereomodus gebruiken respectievelijk één en twee audiokanalen. In de mono-in/stereo-uit modus is het audiosignaal dat naar de server wordt gestuurd mono, maar het retoursignaal is stereo. Dit is handig voor het geval dat de geluidskaart het instrument op het ene ingangskanaal zet en de microfoon op het andere kanaal. In dat geval kunnen de twee ingangssignalen worden gemixt naar één monokanaal, maar de servermix is in stereo te horen. + Selecteer het aantal te gebruiken audiokanalen. Er zijn drie modi beschikbaar. De mono- en stereomodus gebruiken respectievelijk één en twee audiokanalen. In de mono-in/stereo-uit modus is het audiosignaal dat naar de server wordt gestuurd mono, maar het retoursignaal is stereo. Dit is handig voor het geval dat de geluidskaart het instrument op het ene ingangskanaal zet en de microfoon op het andere kanaal. In dat geval kunnen de twee ingangssignalen worden gemixt naar één monokanaal, maar de servermix is in stereo te horen. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Het inschakelen van de stereo-streaming modus zal de stream-datasnelheid verhogen. Zorg ervoor dat de huidige uploadsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare bandbreedte van uw internetverbinding. + Het inschakelen van de stereo-streaming modus zal de stream-datasnelheid verhogen. Zorg ervoor dat de huidige uploadsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare bandbreedte van uw internetverbinding. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - In het geval van de stereo streaming-mode is er geen audiokanaalselectie voor het galmeffect beschikbaar op het hoofdvenster, aangezien het effect in dit geval op beide kanalen wordt toegepast. + In het geval van de stereo streaming-mode is er geen audiokanaalselectie voor het galmeffect beschikbaar op het hoofdvenster, aangezien het effect in dit geval op beide kanalen wordt toegepast. - + Audio channels combo box Audiokanalen combo-box - + Audio Quality Audiokwaliteit - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Selecteer de gewenste audiokwaliteit. Er kan een lage, normale of hoge audiokwaliteit worden geselecteerd. Hoe hoger de audiokwaliteit, hoe meer audiodata moet worden verstuurd. Zorg ervoor dat de vereiste bandbreedte niet hoger is dan de beschikbare bandbreedte van uw internetverbinding. + Selecteer de gewenste audiokwaliteit. Er kan een lage, normale of hoge audiokwaliteit worden geselecteerd. Hoe hoger de audiokwaliteit, hoe meer audiodata moet worden verstuurd. Zorg ervoor dat de vereiste bandbreedte niet hoger is dan de beschikbare bandbreedte van uw internetverbinding. - + Audio quality combo box Audiokwaliteit combo-box - + New Client Level Nieuw clientniveau - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - De nieuwe instelling van het clientniveau definieert het faderniveau van een nieuwe verbonden client in procenten. D.w.z. als een nieuwe client verbinding maakt met de server, krijgt hij het opgegeven initiële faderniveau als er in de vorige verbinding niets is opgeslagen. + De nieuwe instelling van het clientniveau definieert het faderniveau van een nieuwe verbonden client in procenten. D.w.z. als een nieuwe client verbinding maakt met de server, krijgt hij het opgegeven initiële faderniveau als er in de vorige verbinding niets is opgeslagen. - + New client level edit box Nieuw bewerkingsvak op clientniveau - - - Custom Central Server Address - - - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. + Custom Central Server Address @@ -1277,72 +1242,197 @@ Centraal serveradrestype combo box - + Central server address line edit Centraal serveradres bewerking van de lijn - + Current Connection Status Parameter Huidige verbindingsstatus-parameter - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - De ping-tijd is de tijd die nodig is voor de audiostream om van de client naar de server en terug te reizen. Deze vertraging wordt geïntroduceerd door het netwerk. Deze vertraging moet zo laag zijn als 20-30 ms. Als deze vertraging hoger is (bijv. 50-60 ms), is uw afstand tot de server te groot of is uw internetverbinding niet toereikend. + De ping-tijd is de tijd die nodig is voor de audiostream om van de client naar de server en terug te reizen. Deze vertraging wordt geïntroduceerd door het netwerk. Deze vertraging moet zo laag zijn als 20-30 ms. Als deze vertraging hoger is (bijv. 50-60 ms), is uw afstand tot de server te groot of is uw internetverbinding niet toereikend. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - De totale vertraging wordt berekend op basis van de huidige ping-tijd en de vertraging die door de huidige bufferinstellingen wordt veroorzaakt. + De totale vertraging wordt berekend op basis van de huidige ping-tijd en de vertraging die door de huidige bufferinstellingen wordt veroorzaakt. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - De upstreamsnelheid is afhankelijk van de huidige grootte van het audiopakket en de instelling van de audiocompressie. Zorg ervoor dat de upstreamsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare snelheid (controleer de upstreammogelijkheden van uw internetverbinding door bijvoorbeeld speedtest.net te gebruiken). + De upstreamsnelheid is afhankelijk van de huidige grootte van het audiopakket en de instelling van de audiocompressie. Zorg ervoor dat de upstreamsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare snelheid (controleer de upstreammogelijkheden van uw internetverbinding door bijvoorbeeld speedtest.net te gebruiken). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Als deze LED-indicator rood wordt, zult u niet veel plezier beleven aan het gebruik van de - + software. software. - + ASIO Setup ASIO-instelling - + + Mono Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Mono-in/Stereo-out - + + + Stereo Stereo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Laag - + Normal Normaal - + High Hoog @@ -1385,38 +1475,38 @@ Standaard (Noord-Amerika) - + preferred gewenst - - + + Size: Size: - + Buffer Delay Buffervertraging - + Buffer Delay: Buffervertraging: - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: Het geselecteerde audioapparaat kon niet worden gebruikt vanwege de volgende fout: - + The previous driver will be selected. Het vorige stuurprogramma wordt geselecteerd. - + Ok Ok @@ -1591,92 +1681,102 @@ Serverlijst - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - De serverlijst toont een lijst van beschikbare servers die op de centrale server zijn geregistreerd. Selecteer een server uit de lijst en druk op de verbindingsknop om verbinding te maken met deze server. U kunt ook dubbelklikken op een server uit de lijst om verbinding te maken met deze server. Als een server bezet is, is een lijst van de verbonden muzikanten beschikbaar door het lijstitem uit te breiden. Permanente servers worden vetgedrukt weergegeven. + De serverlijst toont een lijst van beschikbare servers die op de centrale server zijn geregistreerd. Selecteer een server uit de lijst en druk op de verbindingsknop om verbinding te maken met deze server. U kunt ook dubbelklikken op een server uit de lijst om verbinding te maken met deze server. Als een server bezet is, is een lijst van de verbonden muzikanten beschikbaar door het lijstitem uit te breiden. Permanente servers worden vetgedrukt weergegeven. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Merk op dat het enige tijd kan duren om de serverlijst op te halen van de centrale server. Als er geen geldig centraal serveradres is opgegeven in de instellingen, zal er geen serverlijst beschikbaar zijn. + Merk op dat het enige tijd kan duren om de serverlijst op te halen van de centrale server. Als er geen geldig centraal serveradres is opgegeven in de instellingen, zal er geen serverlijst beschikbaar zijn. - + Server list view Serverlijstweergave - + Server Address Serveradres - The IP address or URL of the server running the - Het IP-adres of de URL van de server waarop de + Het IP-adres of de URL van de server waarop de - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - serversoftware moet worden ingesteld. Een optioneel poortnummer kan worden toegevoegd na het IP-adres of de URL met een dubbele punt als scheidingsteken, bijvoorbeeld example.org: + serversoftware moet worden ingesteld. Een optioneel poortnummer kan worden toegevoegd na het IP-adres of de URL met een dubbele punt als scheidingsteken, bijvoorbeeld example.org: - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - . Een lijst met de meest recent gebruikte server-IP-adressen of URL's is beschikbaar voor selectie. + . Een lijst met de meest recent gebruikte server-IP-adressen of URL's is beschikbaar voor selectie. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Serveradres bewerkingsvak - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Bevat het huidige server-IP-adres of de URL. Het slaat ook oude URL's op in de comboboxlijst. - + Server List Selection - + Selects the server list to be shown. - + Server list selection combo box - + Filter Filter - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. De serverlijst wordt gefilterd met de gegeven tekst. Merk op dat het filter ongevoelig is voor hoofdletters. - + Filter edit box Filter bewerkingsvak - + Show All Musicians Toon alle muzikanten - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Als u dit selectievakje aanvinkt, worden de muzikanten van alle servers getoond. Als u het selectievakje uitvinkt, worden alle items van de lijstweergave samengevouwen. - + Show all musicians check box Toon alle muzikanten checkbox @@ -2202,14 +2302,12 @@ Start geminimaliseerd bij de start van het besturingssysteem - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Als het selectievakje Starten geminimaliseerd op het besturingssysteem is aangevinkt, wordt de + Als het selectievakje Starten geminimaliseerd op het besturingssysteem is aangevinkt, wordt de - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - server gestart wanneer het besturingssysteem wordt opgestart en wordt automatisch geminimaliseerd tot een systeemtaakbalkpictogram. + server gestart wanneer het besturingssysteem wordt opgestart en wordt automatisch geminimaliseerd tot een systeemtaakbalkpictogram. @@ -2227,14 +2325,12 @@ Maak Mijn Server Openbaar - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Als het selectievakje Maak Mijn Server Openbaar is aangevinkt, registreert deze server zichzelf op de centrale server zodat alle + Als het selectievakje Maak Mijn Server Openbaar is aangevinkt, registreert deze server zichzelf op de centrale server zodat alle - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - gebruikers kunnen de server zien in de lijst van de verbindingsserver in het dialoogvenster en er verbinding mee maken. De registratie van de server wordt periodiek vernieuwd om er zeker van te zijn dat alle servers in de connect dialog server lijst daadwerkelijk beschikbaar zijn. + gebruikers kunnen de server zien in de lijst van de verbindingsserver in het dialoogvenster en er verbinding mee maken. De registratie van de server wordt periodiek vernieuwd om er zeker van te zijn dat alle servers in de connect dialog server lijst daadwerkelijk beschikbaar zijn. @@ -2262,6 +2358,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Standaard centrale server type combo box + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + Custom Central Server Address diff --git a/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts b/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts index dd789672..73873a4f 100644 --- a/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts +++ b/src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts @@ -591,11 +591,6 @@ For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected.This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - - - Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to.If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - - Clicking on this button changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting the application. @@ -647,139 +642,134 @@ - - The - - - - - Delay Status - - - - - LED shows the current audio delay status: - - - - + Green - - - The delay is perfect for a jam session - - - - + Yellow - - - A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - - - - + Red - - - The delay is too large for jamming. - - - - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the application - + Delay status LED indicator Indicador LED do estado de latência - - The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted.This is caused by one of the following problems: + + Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + + Shows the current audio delay status: + + + + + The delay is perfect for a jam session + + + + + A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. + + + + + The delay is too large for jamming. + + + + + The buffers status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: + + + + The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + Buffers status LED indicator Indicador LED do estado dos buffers - - + + C&onnect &Ligar - + &View &Ver - + &Connection Setup... &Ligar a Servidor... - + My &Profile... Meu &Perfil... - + C&hat... &Mensagens... - + &Settings... &Definições... - + &Analyzer Console... Consola de &Análise... - + E&xit &Sair - + None Nenhum - + Center Centro - + R R - + L L @@ -827,7 +817,7 @@ O indicador LED do estado da latência mostra o estado atual do atraso do áudio. Se a luz estiver verde, o atraso é perfeito para uma jam session. Se a luz estiver amarela, uma sessão ainda é possível, mas pode ser mais difícil tocar sincronizado. Se a luz estiver vermelha, o atraso é demasiado grande para uma sessão de jamming. - + Buffers Status LED LED do Estado dos Buffers @@ -836,7 +826,7 @@ O indicador LED do estado dos buffers mostra o estado atual do áudio/transmissão. Se a luz estiver verde, não haverá buffer em excesso/déficit e o fluxo de áudio não será interrompido. Se a luz estiver vermelha, o fluxo de áudio é interrompido devido a um dos seguintes problemas: - + The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. O jitter buffer da rede não é grande o suficiente para o jitter atual da interface de rede/áudio. @@ -849,27 +839,27 @@ A taxa de upload ou download é muito alta para a largura de banda disponível na ligação à Internet. - + The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. O CPU do cliente ou servidor está a 100%. - + Central Server Servidor Central - + user utilizador - + users utilizadores - + D&isconnect Desl&igar @@ -955,14 +945,12 @@ Tamanho do Jitter Buffer - The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - O jitter buffer (ou buffer de instabilidade) compensa os desvios de temporização da rede e da placa de som. O tamanho desse jitter buffer influencia, portanto, a qualidade do fluxo de áudio (quantas interrupções ocorrem) e a latência geral (quanto maior o buffer, maior a latência). + O jitter buffer (ou buffer de instabilidade) compensa os desvios de temporização da rede e da placa de som. O tamanho desse jitter buffer influencia, portanto, a qualidade do fluxo de áudio (quantas interrupções ocorrem) e a latência geral (quanto maior o buffer, maior a latência). - The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted. - O tamanho do jitter buffer pode ser escolhido manualmente para o cliente local e o servidor remoto. Para o jitter buffer local, as interrupções no fluxo de áudio são indicadas pela luz na parte inferior dos faders do jitter buffer. Se a luz ficar vermelha, ocorreu um excesso/déficit do buffer e o fluxo de áudio é interrompido. + O tamanho do jitter buffer pode ser escolhido manualmente para o cliente local e o servidor remoto. Para o jitter buffer local, as interrupções no fluxo de áudio são indicadas pela luz na parte inferior dos faders do jitter buffer. Se a luz ficar vermelha, ocorreu um excesso/déficit do buffer e o fluxo de áudio é interrompido. @@ -970,319 +958,300 @@ A configuração do jitter buffer é, portanto, uma troca entre a qualidade do áudio e o atraso geral. - An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). - Está disponível uma configuração automática do tamanho do jitter buffer. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os jitter buffers do cliente local e do servidor remoto serão configurados automaticamente com base nas medições da instabilidade de sincronização da rede e da placa de som. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os faders do jitter buffer serão desativados (não poderão ser movidos manualmente). + Está disponível uma configuração automática do tamanho do jitter buffer. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os jitter buffers do cliente local e do servidor remoto serão configurados automaticamente com base nas medições da instabilidade de sincronização da rede e da placa de som. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os faders do jitter buffer serão desativados (não poderão ser movidos manualmente). - If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. - Caso a configuração automática do jitter buffer estiver ativada, os buffers de rede do cliente local e do servidor remoto são configurados com um valor conservador para minimizar a probabilidade de perda de áudio. Para ajustar o atraso/latência do áudio, é recomendável desativar a funcionalidade de configuração automática e diminuir o tamanho do jitter buffer manualmente usando os controles deslizantes até que a quantidade de perdas de áudio lhe sejam pessoalmente aceitáveis. O indicador LED representará as interrupções de áudio do jitter buffer local através de uma luz vermelha. + Caso a configuração automática do jitter buffer estiver ativada, os buffers de rede do cliente local e do servidor remoto são configurados com um valor conservador para minimizar a probabilidade de perda de áudio. Para ajustar o atraso/latência do áudio, é recomendável desativar a funcionalidade de configuração automática e diminuir o tamanho do jitter buffer manualmente usando os controles deslizantes até que a quantidade de perdas de áudio lhe sejam pessoalmente aceitáveis. O indicador LED representará as interrupções de áudio do jitter buffer local através de uma luz vermelha. - + Local jitter buffer slider control Controle deslizante do jitter buffer local - + Server jitter buffer slider control Controle deslizante do jitter buffer do servidor - + Auto jitter buffer switch Interruptor do jitter buffer automático - + Jitter buffer status LED indicator Indicador LED de estado do jitter buffer - + Sound Card Device Dispositivo da Placa de Som - + The ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using O driver ASIO (placa de som) pode ser selecionado usando o - + under the Windows operating system. Under MacOS/Linux, no sound card selection is possible. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. no Windows. No MacOS/Linux, não é possível seleccionar a placa de som. Se o driver ASIO selecionado não for válido, uma mensagem de erro será exibida e o driver válido anterior será selecionado. - + If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again automatically. Se o driver for selecionado durante uma ligação ativa, a ligação será interrompida, o driver será alterado e a ligação reiniciada automaticamente. - + Sound card device selector combo box Seletor de dispositivo da placa de som - + If the ASIO4ALL driver is used, please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver is therefore recommended. Caso o driver ASIO4ALL seja usado, note que esse driver geralmente introduz aprox. 10-30 ms de atraso de áudio adicional. Dado isto, é recomendável usar uma placa de som com um driver ASIO nativo. - + If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. Se estiver a usar o driver kX ASIO, certifique-se de ligar as entradas ASIO no painel de configurações do kX DSP. - + Sound Card Channel Mapping Mapeamento de Canais da Placa de Som - + If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible. Caso o dispositivo selecionado da placa de som ofereça mais que um canal de entrada ou saída, as configurações de Mapeamento de canais de entrada e de saída estarão visíveis. - + For each Para cada canal de entrada/saída do - + input/output channel (Left and Right channel) a different actual sound card channel can be selected. (canal esquerdo e direito), um canal real da placa de som pode ser selecionado. - + Left input channel selection combo box Seletor de canal de entrada esquerdo - + Right input channel selection combo box Seletor de canal de entrada direito - + Left output channel selection combo box Seletor de canal de saída esquerdo - + Right output channel selection combo box Seletor de canal de saída direito - + Enable Small Network Buffers Activar Buffers de Rede Pequenos - + If enabled, the support for very small network audio packets is activated. Very small network packets are only actually used if the sound card buffer delay is smaller than Se ativado, o suporte para pacotes de áudio de rede muito pequenos é ativado. Pacotes de rede muito pequenos serão apenas realmente usados se o atraso do buffer da placa de som for menor que - + samples. The smaller the network buffers, the lower the audio latency. But at the same time the network load increases and the probability of audio dropouts also increases. amostras. Quanto menor o buffer da rede, menor a latência do áudio. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, a carga da rede e a probabilidade de interrupção do áudio também aumentam. - + Enable small network buffers check box Caixa de activação de buffers de rede pequenos - + Sound Card Buffer Delay Atraso do Buffer da Placa de Som - The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the - A configuração do atraso do buffer (buffer delay) é uma configuração fundamental do cliente + A configuração do atraso do buffer (buffer delay) é uma configuração fundamental do cliente + + + software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. + . Esta configuração tem influência em muitas propriedades da ligação. - software. This setting has influence on many connection properties. - . Esta configuração tem influência em muitas propriedades da ligação. - - - Three buffer sizes are supported Três tamanhos de buffer são suportados - 64 samples: This is the preferred setting since it provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - 64 amostras: esta é a configuração preferida, pois oferece menor latência, mas não funciona com todas as placas de som. + 64 amostras: esta é a configuração preferida, pois oferece menor latência, mas não funciona com todas as placas de som. - 128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards. - 128 amostras: esta configuração deve funcionar na maioria das placas de som disponíveis. + 128 amostras: esta configuração deve funcionar na maioria das placas de som disponíveis. - 256 samples: This setting should only be used if only a very slow computer or a slow internet connection is available. - 256 amostras: esta configuração deve ser usada se apenas estiver disponível um computador muito lento ou uma ligação lenta à Internet. + 256 amostras: esta configuração deve ser usada se apenas estiver disponível um computador muito lento ou uma ligação lenta à Internet. - Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the - Alguns drivers da placa de som não permitem que o atraso do buffer seja alterado pelo cliente + Alguns drivers da placa de som não permitem que o atraso do buffer seja alterado pelo cliente - software. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . Nesse caso, a configuração de atraso do buffer estará desativada. Para alterar o atraso do buffer, essa configuração deve ser alterada no driver da placa de som. No Windows, pressione o botão Configuração do Driver para abrir o painel de configurações do driver. No Linux, use a ferramenta de configuração Jack para alterar o atraso do buffer. + . Nesse caso, a configuração de atraso do buffer estará desativada. Para alterar o atraso do buffer, essa configuração deve ser alterada no driver da placa de som. No Windows, pressione o botão Configuração do Driver para abrir o painel de configurações do driver. No Linux, use a ferramenta de configuração Jack para alterar o atraso do buffer. - If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The - Se nenhum atraso do buffer estiver selecionado e todas as configurações estiverem desativadas, um atraso do buffer não suportado será usado pelo driver. O cliente + Se nenhum atraso do buffer estiver selecionado e todas as configurações estiverem desativadas, um atraso do buffer não suportado será usado pelo driver. O cliente - software will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. - ainda funcionará com essa configuração, mas com desempenho restrito. + ainda funcionará com essa configuração, mas com desempenho restrito. - + The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. O atraso do buffer influencia o estado da ligação, a taxa de upload atual e a latência geral. Quanto menor o atraso do buffer, maior a probabilidade de a luz vermelha no indicador de estado (interrupções), maior a taxa de upload e menor a latência geral. - + The buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio quality and overall delay. A configuração do buffer é, portanto, uma troca entre qualidade de áudio e latência geral. - If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the - Se as configurações de atraso do buffer estiverem desativadas, é porque o driver de áudio proibe modificar essa configuração a partir do cliente + Se as configurações de atraso do buffer estiverem desativadas, é porque o driver de áudio proibe modificar essa configuração a partir do cliente - software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. - . No Windows, pressione o botão <i>Configuração do Driver</i> para abrir o painel de configurações do driver. No Linux, use a ferramenta de configuração <i>Jack</i> para alterar o atraso do buffer. + . No Windows, pressione o botão <i>Configuração do Driver</i> para abrir o painel de configurações do driver. No Linux, use a ferramenta de configuração <i>Jack</i> para alterar o atraso do buffer. - + 64 samples setting radio button Botão de configuração de 64 amostras - + 128 samples setting radio button Botão de configuração de 128 amostras - + 256 samples setting radio button Botão de configuração de 256 amostras - + ASIO setup push button Botão de configuração do ASIO - + Fancy Skin Skin Sofisticada - + If enabled, a fancy skin will be applied to the main window. Se ativada, uma skin sofisticada será aplicada à janela principal. - + Fancy skin check box Caixa de ativação da skin sofisticada - + Display Channel Levels Mostrar Níveis de Canais - + If enabled, each client channel will display a pre-fader level bar. Se ativado, cada canal de cliente exibirá uma barra de nível pré-fader. - + Display channel levels check box Caixa de activação para exibir níveis de canais - + Audio Channels Canais de Áudio - Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo. - Selecione o número de canais de áudio a serem usados. Existem três modos disponíveis. Os modos mono e estéreo usam um e dois canais de áudio, respectivamente. No modo Entrada Mono/Saída Estéreo, o sinal de áudio enviado ao servidor é mono, mas o sinal de retorno é estéreo. Isso é útil quando a placa de som coloca o instrumento e o microfone em canais diferentes. Nesse caso, os dois sinais de entrada podem ser misturados num canal mono, mas a mistura do servidor pode ser ouvida em estéreo. + Selecione o número de canais de áudio a serem usados. Existem três modos disponíveis. Os modos mono e estéreo usam um e dois canais de áudio, respectivamente. No modo Entrada Mono/Saída Estéreo, o sinal de áudio enviado ao servidor é mono, mas o sinal de retorno é estéreo. Isso é útil quando a placa de som coloca o instrumento e o microfone em canais diferentes. Nesse caso, os dois sinais de entrada podem ser misturados num canal mono, mas a mistura do servidor pode ser ouvida em estéreo. - Enabling the stereo streaming mode will increase the stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Ativar o modo de transmissão estéreo aumenta a taxa do fluxo de dados. Verifique que a taxa de transmissão não excede a largura de banda disponível da sua ligação à Internet. + Ativar o modo de transmissão estéreo aumenta a taxa do fluxo de dados. Verifique que a taxa de transmissão não excede a largura de banda disponível da sua ligação à Internet. - In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverberation effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied on both channels in this case. - No modo de transmissão estéreo, nenhuma seleção de canal de áudio para o efeito de reverberação estará disponível na janela principal, pois o efeito é aplicado em ambos os canais. + No modo de transmissão estéreo, nenhuma seleção de canal de áudio para o efeito de reverberação estará disponível na janela principal, pois o efeito é aplicado em ambos os canais. - + Audio channels combo box Seletor de canais áudio - + Audio Quality Qualidade de Áudio - Select the desired audio quality. A low, normal or high audio quality can be selected. The higher the audio quality, the higher the audio stream data rate. Make sure that the current upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. - Selecione a qualidade de áudio desejada. Pode ser selecionada uma qualidade de áudio baixa, normal ou alta. Quanto maior a qualidade do áudio, maior a taxa de dados do fluxo de áudio. Verifique que a taxa de transmissão não excede a largura de banda disponível da sua ligação à Internet. + Selecione a qualidade de áudio desejada. Pode ser selecionada uma qualidade de áudio baixa, normal ou alta. Quanto maior a qualidade do áudio, maior a taxa de dados do fluxo de áudio. Verifique que a taxa de transmissão não excede a largura de banda disponível da sua ligação à Internet. - + Audio quality combo box Seletor de qualidade áudio - + New Client Level Nível de Novo Cliente - The new client level setting defines the fader level of a new connected client in percent. I.e. if a new client connects to the current server, it will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level of a previous connection of that client was already stored. - A configuração de nível de novo cliente define, em percentagem, o nível do fader de um novo cliente ligado. Por exemplo, se um cliente novo se ligar ao servidor atual, o seu canal terá o nível inicial do fader especificado, excepto quando um diferente nível do fader de uma ligação anterior desse mesmo cliente já tenha sido definido. + A configuração de nível de novo cliente define, em percentagem, o nível do fader de um novo cliente ligado. Por exemplo, se um cliente novo se ligar ao servidor atual, o seu canal terá o nível inicial do fader especificado, excepto quando um diferente nível do fader de uma ligação anterior desse mesmo cliente já tenha sido definido. - + New client level edit box Caixa de edição no nível de novo cliente - + Custom Central Server Address Endereço do Servidor Central Personalizado - The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog. - O endereço personalizado do servidor central é o endereço IP ou URL do servidor central no qual a lista de servidores da Configuração de Ligação é gerida. Este endereço é usado apenas se a lista de servidores personalizados estiver selecionada na Configuração de Ligação. + O endereço personalizado do servidor central é o endereço IP ou URL do servidor central no qual a lista de servidores da Configuração de Ligação é gerida. Este endereço é usado apenas se a lista de servidores personalizados estiver selecionada na Configuração de Ligação. Central Server Address @@ -1297,72 +1266,197 @@ Seletor de servidor central padrão - + Central server address line edit Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor central - + Current Connection Status Parameter Parâmetros do Estado da Ligação - The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. - A latência da ligação é o tempo necessário para o fluxo de áudio viajar do cliente para o servidor e vice-versa. Esta latência é introduzida pela rede. Esta latência deve ser tão baixa quanto 20-30 ms. Se esta latência for maior (por exemplo, 50-60 ms), a distância até ao servidor é muito grande ou sua ligação à Internet não é suficiente. + A latência da ligação é o tempo necessário para o fluxo de áudio viajar do cliente para o servidor e vice-versa. Esta latência é introduzida pela rede. Esta latência deve ser tão baixa quanto 20-30 ms. Se esta latência for maior (por exemplo, 50-60 ms), a distância até ao servidor é muito grande ou sua ligação à Internet não é suficiente. - The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings. - A latência geral é calculada a partir da latência da ligação atual e do atraso introduzido pelas configurações do buffer. + A latência geral é calculada a partir da latência da ligação atual e do atraso introduzido pelas configurações do buffer. - The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using speedtest.net). - A taxa de transmissão depende do tamanho do pacote de áudio e da configuração de compactação de áudio. Verifique se a taxa de transmissão não é maior que a taxa disponível (verifique a taxa de upload da sua ligação à Internet usando, por exemplo, o speedtest.net). + A taxa de transmissão depende do tamanho do pacote de áudio e da configuração de compactação de áudio. Verifique se a taxa de transmissão não é maior que a taxa disponível (verifique a taxa de upload da sua ligação à Internet usando, por exemplo, o speedtest.net). - + If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the Se este indicador LED ficar vermelho, não se irá divertir muito ao usar o - + software. . - + ASIO Setup Configuração ASIO - + + Mono Mono - + Mono-in/Stereo-out Entrada Mono/Saída Estéreo - + + + Stereo Estéreo - + + The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). + + + + + You can set the jitter buffer size manually for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun has taken place and the audio stream is interrupted. + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the jitter buffers of the local client and the remote server are set automatically based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer size faders are disabled (they cannot be moved with the mouse). + + + + + If the Auto setting is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the Auto setting and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will display the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light. + + + + + The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of this software. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. + + + + + 64 samples: The preferred setting. Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. + + + + + 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. + + + + + 256 samples: Should only be used on very slow computers or with a slow internet connection. + + + + + Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the application. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + If no buffer size is selected and all settings are disabled, an unsupported buffer size is used by the driver. The application will still work with this setting but with restricted performance. + + + + + If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within the software. On Windows, press the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size. + + + + + Selects the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server. There are three modes available: + + + + + and + + + + + These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. + + + + + Mono in/Stereo-out + + + + + The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo. + + + + + Enabling + + + + + mode will increase your stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available upload speed of your internet connection. + + + + + In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. + + + + + The higher the audio quality, the higher your audio stream's data rate. Make sure your upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your internet connection. + + + + + This setting defines the fader level of a newly connected client in percent. If a new client connects to the current server, they will get the specified initial fader level if no other fader level from a previous connection of that client was already stored. + + + + + Leave this blank unless you need to enter the address of a central server other than the default. + + + + + The Ping Time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network and should be about 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher than about 50 ms, your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient. + + + + + Overall Delay is calculated from the current Ping Time and the delay introduced by the current buffer settings. + + + + + Audio Upstream Rate depends on the current audio packet size and compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than your available internet upload speed (check this with a service such as speedtest.net. + + + + Low Baixa - + Normal Normal - + High Alta @@ -1409,38 +1503,38 @@ Servidor Padrão (America do Norte) - + preferred preferido - - + + Size: Tamanho: - + Buffer Delay Atraso do buffer - + Buffer Delay: Atraso do buffer: - + The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: O dispositivo de áudio selecionado não pôde ser usado devido ao seguinte erro: - + The previous driver will be selected. O driver anterior será selecionado. - + Ok Ok @@ -1615,92 +1709,102 @@ Lista de servidores - The server list shows a list of available servers which are registered at the central server. Select a server from the list and press the connect button to connect to this server. Alternatively, double click a server from the list to connect to it. If a server is occupied, a list of the connected musicians is available by expanding the list item. Permanent servers are shown in bold font. - A lista de servidores mostra a os servidores disponíveis registados no servidor central. Selecione um servidor da lista e pressione o botão Ligar para se ligar a este servidor. Como alternativa, clique duas vezes num servidor da lista para se ligar ao mesmo. Se um servidor estiver ocupado, uma lista dos músicos ligados estará disponível expandindo o item da lista. Os servidores permanentes são mostrados em negrito. + A lista de servidores mostra a os servidores disponíveis registados no servidor central. Selecione um servidor da lista e pressione o botão Ligar para se ligar a este servidor. Como alternativa, clique duas vezes num servidor da lista para se ligar ao mesmo. Se um servidor estiver ocupado, uma lista dos músicos ligados estará disponível expandindo o item da lista. Os servidores permanentes são mostrados em negrito. - Note that it may take some time to retrieve the server list from the central server. If no valid central server address is specified in the settings, no server list will be available. - Observe que pode demorar algum tempo para obter a lista de servidores do servidor central. Se nenhum endereço de servidor central válido for especificado nas definições, nenhuma lista de servidores estará disponível. + Observe que pode demorar algum tempo para obter a lista de servidores do servidor central. Se nenhum endereço de servidor central válido for especificado nas definições, nenhuma lista de servidores estará disponível. - + Server list view Vista da lista de servidores - + Server Address Endereço do servidor - The IP address or URL of the server running the - O endereço IP ou URL do servidor executando o servidor + O endereço IP ou URL do servidor executando o servidor - server software must be set here. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: - deve ser definido aqui. Um número de porta opcional pode ser adicionado após o endereço IP ou URL usando o caractere dois pontos como separador, por exemplo, example.org: + deve ser definido aqui. Um número de porta opcional pode ser adicionado após o endereço IP ou URL usando o caractere dois pontos como separador, por exemplo, example.org: - . A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection. - . Uma lista dos endereços IP ou URLs dos servidores usados recentemente está disponível para seleção. + . Uma lista dos endereços IP ou URLs dos servidores usados recentemente está disponível para seleção. - + + The Connection Setup window shows a list of available servers. Server operators can optionally list their servers by music genre. Use the List dropdown to select a genre, click on the server you want to join and press the Connect button to connect to it. Alternatively, double click on on the server name. Permanent servers (those that have been listed for longer than 24 hours) are shown in bold. + + + + + If you know the IP address or URL of a server, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the IP address or URL using a colon as a separator, e.g, example.org: + + + + + . The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. + + + + Server address edit box Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor - + Holds the current server IP address or URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list. Contém o endereço IP ou URL do servidor atual. Também armazena URLs antigos na lista do seletor. - + Server List Selection Selecção da Lista de Servidores - + Selects the server list to be shown. Seleciona a lista de servidores a ser apresentada. - + Server list selection combo box Caixa de selecção de lista de servidores - + Filter Filtro - + The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. A lista de servidores é filtrada pelo texto fornecido. Note que o filtro não diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas. - + Filter edit box Caixa de edição do filtro - + Show All Musicians Mostrar Todos os Músicos - + If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. Se marcar esta caixa de seleção, os músicos de todos os servidores serão mostrados. Se desmarcar a caixa de seleção, todos os itens em exibição na lista serão recolhidos. - + Show all musicians check box Caixa de seleção para mostrar músicos @@ -2226,14 +2330,12 @@ Iniciar Minimizado com o Sistema Operativo - If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the - Se a caixa de seleção Iniciar Minimizado com o Sistema Operativo estiver marcada, o servidor + Se a caixa de seleção Iniciar Minimizado com o Sistema Operativo estiver marcada, o servidor - server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. - será iniciado quando o sistema operativo for iniciado, e minimizado automaticamente para um ícone da barra de tarefas do sistema. + será iniciado quando o sistema operativo for iniciado, e minimizado automaticamente para um ícone da barra de tarefas do sistema. @@ -2251,14 +2353,12 @@ Tornar Servidor Público - If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all - Se a caixa de seleção Tornar Servidor Público estiver marcada, esse servidor irá registar-se no servidor central para que todos os utilizadores do + Se a caixa de seleção Tornar Servidor Público estiver marcada, esse servidor irá registar-se no servidor central para que todos os utilizadores do - users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. - possam ver o servidor na lista do diálogo de ligação e ligar-se a ele. O registo do servidor é renovado periodicamente para garantir que todos os servidores na lista de diálogo de ligação estejam realmente disponíveis. + possam ver o servidor na lista do diálogo de ligação e ligar-se a ele. O registo do servidor é renovado periodicamente para garantir que todos os servidores na lista de diálogo de ligação estejam realmente disponíveis. @@ -2286,6 +2386,16 @@ Default central server type combo box Seletor do servidor central padrão + + + If the start minimized on operating system start check box is checked, the server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon. + + + + + If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers itself at the central server so that all users of the application can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available. + + Custom Central Server Address diff --git a/src/serverdlg.cpp b/src/serverdlg.cpp index 4da2893a..f30882e2 100755 --- a/src/serverdlg.cpp +++ b/src/serverdlg.cpp @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ CServerDlg::CServerDlg ( CServer* pNServP, // start minimized on operating system start chbStartOnOSStart->setWhatsThis ( "" + tr ( "Start Minimized on Operating " "System Start" ) + ": " + tr ( "If the start minimized on operating system start " - "check box is checked, the " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " server will be " + "check box is checked, the server will be " "started when the operating system starts up and is automatically " "minimized to a system task bar icon." ) ); @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ CServerDlg::CServerDlg ( CServer* pNServP, // Make My Server Public flag chbRegisterServer->setWhatsThis ( "" + tr ( "Make My Server Public" ) + ": " + tr ( "If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this server registers " - "itself at the central server so that all " ) + APP_NAME + - tr ( " users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and " + "itself at the central server so that all users of the application " + "can see the server in the connect dialog server list and " "connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically " "to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are " "actually available." ) );