new history plot class, more fixes
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 112 additions and 93 deletions
@ -31,74 +31,52 @@ CHistoryGraph::CHistoryGraph() :
iYAxisEnd ( 24 ),
iYAxisEnd ( 24 ),
iNumTicksX ( 9 ),
iNumTicksX ( 9 ),
iNumTicksY ( 5 ),
iNumTicksY ( 5 ),
iPlotWidth ( 500 ),
iPlotHeight ( 500 ),
iGridFrameOffset ( 10 ),
iGridFrameOffset ( 10 ),
iTextOffsetToGrid ( 3 ),
iTextOffsetToGrid ( 3 ),
iYAxisTextHeight ( 20 ),
iYAxisTextHeight ( 20 ),
AxisFont ( "Arial", 10 ),
AxisFont ( "Arial", 10 ),
iMarkerSize ( 9 ),
PlotBackgroundColor ( Qt::white ), // white background
PlotBackgroundColor ( Qt::white ), // white background
PlotFrameColor ( Qt::black ), // black frame
PlotFrameColor ( Qt::black ), // black frame
PlotGridColor ( Qt::gray ), // gray grid
PlotGridColor ( Qt::gray ), // gray grid
PlotTextColor ( Qt::black ), // black text
PlotTextColor ( Qt::black ), // black text
PlotMarkerNewColor ( Qt::blue ), // blue marker for new connection
PlotMarkerNewColor ( Qt::blue ), // blue marker for new connection
PlotMarkerStopColor ( Qt::red ) // red marker server stop
PlotMarkerStopColor ( Qt::red ), // red marker server stop
PlotCanvasRect ( 0, 0, 500, 500 ),
PlotPixmap ( 1, 1 )
// generate plot grid frame rectangle
PlotGridFrame.setCoords ( PlotCanvasRect.x() + iGridFrameOffset,
CServerLogging::CServerLogging() :
bDoLogging ( false ), File ( DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME )
#if 0
int i;
// constants defining the plot properties
const int iYAxisStart = 0;
const int iYAxisEnd = 24;
const int iNumTicksX = 9;
const int iNumTicksY = 5;
const int iPlotWidth = 500;
const int iPlotHeight = 500;
const int iGridFrameOffset = 10;
const int iTextOffsetToGrid = 3;
const int iYAxisTextHeight = 20;
const QFont AxisFont ( "Arial", 10 );
const QColor PlotBackgroundColor ( Qt::white ); // white background
const QColor PlotFrameColor ( Qt::black ); // black frame
const QColor PlotGridColor ( Qt::gray ); // gray grid
const QColor PlotTextColor ( Qt::black ); // black text
const QColor PlotMarkerNewColor ( Qt::blue ); // blue marker for new connection
const QColor PlotMarkerStopColor ( Qt::red ); // red marker server stop
// get current date (this is the right edge of the x-axis)
const QDate curDate = QDate::currentDate();
// create base pixmap for plot
QRect PlotCanvasRect ( QPoint ( 0, 0 ), QPoint ( iPlotWidth, iPlotHeight ) );
QPixmap PlotPixmap ( PlotCanvasRect.size() );
PlotPixmap.fill ( PlotBackgroundColor ); // fill background
// create painter for plot
QPainter PlotPainter ( &PlotPixmap );
// create actual plot region (grid frame) ----------------------------------
QRect PlotGridFrame (
PlotCanvasRect.x() + iGridFrameOffset,
PlotCanvasRect.y() + iGridFrameOffset,
PlotCanvasRect.y() + iGridFrameOffset,
PlotCanvasRect.width() - 2 * iGridFrameOffset,
PlotCanvasRect.width() - 2 * iGridFrameOffset,
PlotCanvasRect.height() - 2 * iGridFrameOffset - iYAxisTextHeight );
PlotCanvasRect.height() - 2 * iGridFrameOffset - iYAxisTextHeight );
// scale pixmap to correct size
PlotPixmap = PlotPixmap.scaled (
PlotCanvasRect.width(), PlotCanvasRect.height() );
void CHistoryGraph::DrawFrame()
int i;
// get current date (this is the right edge of the x-axis)
curDate = QDate::currentDate();
// clear base pixmap for new plotting
PlotPixmap.fill ( PlotBackgroundColor ); // fill background
// create painter
QPainter PlotPainter ( &PlotPixmap );
// create actual plot region (grid frame) ----------------------------------
PlotPainter.setPen ( PlotFrameColor );
PlotPainter.setPen ( PlotFrameColor );
PlotPainter.drawRect ( PlotGridFrame );
PlotPainter.drawRect ( PlotGridFrame );
// grid (ticks) for x-axis
// grid (ticks) for x-axis
const int iTextOffsetX = 20;
const int iTextOffsetX = 20;
const int iXSpace = PlotGridFrame.width() / ( iNumTicksX + 1 );
iXSpace = PlotGridFrame.width() / ( iNumTicksX + 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < iNumTicksX; i++ )
for ( i = 0; i < iNumTicksX; i++ )
const int iCurX = PlotGridFrame.x() + iXSpace * ( i + 1 );
const int iCurX = PlotGridFrame.x() + iXSpace * ( i + 1 );
@ -122,7 +100,7 @@ CServerLogging::CServerLogging() :
// grid (ticks) for y-axis, draw iNumTicksY - 2 grid lines and
// grid (ticks) for y-axis, draw iNumTicksY - 2 grid lines and
// iNumTicksY - 1 text labels (the lowest grid line is the grid frame)
// iNumTicksY - 1 text labels (the lowest grid line is the grid frame)
const int iYSpace = PlotGridFrame.height() / ( iNumTicksY - 1 );
iYSpace = PlotGridFrame.height() / ( iNumTicksY - 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < ( iNumTicksY - 1 ); i++ )
for ( i = 0; i < ( iNumTicksY - 1 ); i++ )
const int iCurY = PlotGridFrame.y() + iYSpace * ( i + 1 );
const int iCurY = PlotGridFrame.y() + iYSpace * ( i + 1 );
@ -145,38 +123,69 @@ CServerLogging::CServerLogging() :
PlotGridFrame.right(), iCurY );
PlotGridFrame.right(), iCurY );
// TEST add some points in the graph
const QDate testDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays ( -3 );
const QTime testTime = QTime ( 18, 0, 0, 0 );
const bool bIsServerStop = false;
const int iXAxisOffs = curDate.daysTo ( testDate );
const int iYAxisOffs = 24 - testTime.hour();
const QPoint curPoint (
PlotGridFrame.x() + iXSpace * ( iNumTicksX + iXAxisOffs ),
PlotGridFrame.y() + static_cast<int> ( static_cast<double> ( PlotGridFrame.height() ) / ( iYAxisEnd - iYAxisStart ) * iYAxisOffs ) );
// we use different markers for new connection and server stop items
if ( bIsServerStop )
PlotPainter.setPen ( QPen ( QBrush ( PlotMarkerStopColor ), 9, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ) );
void CHistoryGraph::AddMarker ( const QDateTime curDateTime,
const bool bIsServerStop )
PlotPainter.setPen ( QPen ( QBrush ( PlotMarkerNewColor ), 9 ) );
// create painter for plot
QPainter PlotPainter ( &PlotPixmap );
// TODO add range check for date
const int iXAxisOffs = curDate.daysTo ( );
const double dYAxisOffs = 24 - curDateTime.time().hour() -
static_cast<double> ( curDateTime.time().minute() ) / 60;
const QPoint curPoint (
PlotGridFrame.x() + iXSpace * ( iNumTicksX + iXAxisOffs ),
PlotGridFrame.y() + static_cast<int> ( static_cast<double> (
PlotGridFrame.height() ) / ( iYAxisEnd - iYAxisStart ) * dYAxisOffs ) );
// we use different markers for new connection and server stop items
if ( bIsServerStop )
// filled circle marker
PlotPainter.setPen ( QPen ( QBrush ( PlotMarkerStopColor ),
iMarkerSize, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ) );
// filled square marker
PlotPainter.setPen ( QPen ( QBrush ( PlotMarkerNewColor ),
iMarkerSize ) );
PlotPainter.drawPoint ( curPoint );
void CHistoryGraph::Save ( const QString sFileName )
// save plot as a file
| ( sFileName, "JPG", 90 );
PlotPainter.drawPoint ( curPoint );
CServerLogging::CServerLogging() :
bDoLogging ( false ), File ( DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME )
// save plot as a file
#if 0
|||||| ( "test.jpg", "JPG", 90 );
HistoryGraph.AddMarker (
QDateTime ( QDate::currentDate().addDays ( -3 ),
QTime ( 17, 50, 0, 0 ) ), false );
HistoryGraph.AddMarker (
QDateTime ( QDate::currentDate().addDays ( -3 ),
QTime ( 18, 0, 0, 0 ) ), true );
HistoryGraph.Save ( "test.jpg" );
@ -39,24 +39,33 @@ class CHistoryGraph
void DrawFrame();
void AddMarker ( const QDateTime curDateTime,
const bool bIsServerStop );
void Save ( const QString sFileName );
int iYAxisStart;
int iYAxisStart;
int iYAxisEnd;
int iYAxisEnd;
int iNumTicksX;
int iNumTicksX;
int iNumTicksY;
int iNumTicksY;
int iPlotWidth;
int iGridFrameOffset;
int iPlotHeight;
int iTextOffsetToGrid;
int iGridFrameOffset;
int iYAxisTextHeight;
int iTextOffsetToGrid;
int iMarkerSize;
int iYAxisTextHeight;
int iXSpace;
QFont AxisFont;
int iYSpace;
QColor PlotBackgroundColor;
QFont AxisFont;
QColor PlotFrameColor;
QColor PlotBackgroundColor;
QColor PlotGridColor;
QColor PlotFrameColor;
QColor PlotTextColor;
QColor PlotGridColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewColor;
QColor PlotTextColor;
QColor PlotMarkerStopColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewColor;
QColor PlotMarkerStopColor;
QDate curDate;
QPixmap PlotPixmap;
QRect PlotCanvasRect;
QRect PlotGridFrame;
@ -74,8 +83,9 @@ protected:
void operator<< ( const QString& sNewStr );
void operator<< ( const QString& sNewStr );
QString CurTimeDatetoLogString();
QString CurTimeDatetoLogString();
bool bDoLogging;
CHistoryGraph HistoryGraph;
QFile File;
bool bDoLogging;
QFile File;
#endif /* !defined ( SERVERLOGGING_HOIHOKIH83JH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */
#endif /* !defined ( SERVERLOGGING_HOIHOKIH83JH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */
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