added tool tips to aid the users of the llcon software
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 106 additions and 21 deletions
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CChannelFader::CChannelFader ( QWidget* pNW,
pcbSolo->setWhatsThis ( "<b>Solo:</b> With the Solo checkbox, the current "
"audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels "
"except of the current channel are muted.<br/>"
"except of the current channel are muted.<br>"
"Only one channel at a time can be set to solo." );
pcbSolo->setAccessibleName ( "Solo button" );
@ -37,24 +37,38 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
"buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The "
"size of this jitter buffer has therefore influence on the quality of "
"the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay "
"(the longer the buffer, the higher the delay).<br/>"
"(the longer the buffer, the higher the delay).<br>"
"Dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light on the bottom "
"of the jitter buffer size fader. If the light turns to red, a buffer "
"overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.<br/>"
"overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.<br>"
"The jitter buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio "
"quality and overall delay.<br/>"
"quality and overall delay.<br>"
"An auto setting of the jitter buffer size setting is available. If "
"the check Auto is enabled, the jitter buffer is set automatically "
"based on measurements of the network and sound card timing jitter. If "
"the Auto check is enabled, the jitter buffer size fader is disabled "
"(cannot be moved by the mouse)." );
QString strJitterBufferSizeTT = tr ( "In case the Auto setting of the "
"jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffer is set to a conservative "
"value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To <b>tweak the "
"audio delay/latency</b> it is recommended to disable the Auto "
"functionality and to <b>lower the jitter buffer size manually</b> by "
"using the slider until your personal acceptable limit of the amount "
"of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio "
"dropouts by a red light" ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT;
TextNetBuf->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
TextNetBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
GroupBoxJitterBuffer->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
GroupBoxJitterBuffer->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
SliderNetBuf->setWhatsThis ( strJitterBufferSize );
SliderNetBuf->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Jitter buffer slider control" ) );
SliderNetBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
cbAutoJitBuf->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Auto jitter buffer switch" ) );
cbAutoJitBuf->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
CLEDNetw->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Jitter buffer status LED indicator" ) );
CLEDNetw->setToolTip ( strJitterBufferSizeTT );
// sound card device
cbSoundcard->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Sound Card Device:</b> The ASIO "
@ -62,16 +76,24 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
"operating system. Under Linux, no sound card selection is possible "
"(always wave mapper is shown and cannot be changed). If the selected "
"ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous "
"valid driver is selected.<br/>"
"valid driver is selected.<br>"
"If the driver is selected during an active connection, the connection "
"is stopped, the driver is changed and the connection is started again "
"automatically." ) );
cbSoundcard->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Sound card device selector combo box" ) );
cbSoundcard->setToolTip ( tr ( "In case the <b>ASIO4ALL</b> driver is used, "
"please note that this driver usually introduces approx. 10-30 ms of "
"additional audio delay. Using a sound card with a native ASIO driver "
"is therefore recommended.<br>If you are using the <b>kX ASIO</b> "
"driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings "
"panel." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT );
// sound card buffer delay
QString strSndCrdBufDelay = tr ( "<b>Sound Card Buffer Delay:</b> The "
"buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of the llcon software. "
"This setting has influence on many connection properties.<br/>"
"This setting has influence on many connection properties.<br>"
"Three buffer sizes are supported:"
"<li>128 samples: This is the preferred setting since it gives lowest "
@ -86,37 +108,54 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
"is disabled. To change the actual buffer delay, this "
"setting has to be changed in the sound card driver. On Windows, press "
"the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, "
"use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size.<br/>"
"use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size.<br>"
"The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection status, the "
"current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, "
"the higher the probability of red light in the status indicator (drop "
"outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall "
"The jitter buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio "
"quality and overall delay." );
QString strSndCrdBufDelayTT = tr ( "If the buffer delay settings are "
"disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this "
"setting from within the llcon software. On Windows, press "
"the ASIO Setup button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, "
"use the Jack configuration tool to change the buffer size." ) +
rButBufferDelayPreferred->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rButBufferDelayPreferred->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "128 samples setting radio button" ) );
rButBufferDelayPreferred->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
rButBufferDelayDefault->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rButBufferDelayDefault->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "256 samples setting radio button" ) );
rButBufferDelayDefault->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
rButBufferDelaySafe->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
rButBufferDelaySafe->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "512 samples setting radio button" ) );
rButBufferDelaySafe->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
ButtonDriverSetup->setWhatsThis ( strSndCrdBufDelay );
ButtonDriverSetup->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "ASIO setup push button" ) );
ButtonDriverSetup->setToolTip ( strSndCrdBufDelayTT );
// open chat on new message
cbOpenChatOnNewMessage->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Open Chat on New "
"Message:</b> If this checkbox is enabled, the chat window will "
"open on any incoming chat text if it not already opened." ) );
cbOpenChatOnNewMessage->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Open chat on new "
"message check box" ) );
cbOpenChatOnNewMessage->setToolTip ( tr ( "If Open Chat on New Message "
"is disabled, a hint in the main window status bar is shown when a "
"new message has arrived" ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT );
// use high quality audio
cbUseHighQualityAudio->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Use High Quality Audio</b> "
"Enabling ""Use High Quality Audio"" will improve the audio quality "
"by increasing the stream data rate. Make sure that the current "
"upload rate does not exceed the available bandwidth of your "
"internet connection." ) );
cbUseHighQualityAudio->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Use high quality audio "
"check box" ) );
@ -127,9 +166,9 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
"delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as "
"20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to "
"the server is too large or your internet connection is not "
"The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the "
"delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.<br/>"
"delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.<br>"
"The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the "
"audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not "
"higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of "
@ -141,6 +180,10 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
TextLabelOverallDelay->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
TextUpstream->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
TextUpstreamValue->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
CLEDOverallDelay->setWhatsThis ( strConnStats );
CLEDOverallDelay->setToolTip ( tr ( "If this LED indicator turns red, "
"you will not have much fun using the llcon software..." ) +
// init driver button
@ -150,6 +193,11 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
// no use for this button for Linux right now, maybe later used
// for Jack
// for Jack interface, we cannot choose the audio hardware from
// within the llcon software, hide the combo box
// init delay and other information controls
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
// common tool tip bottom line text
#define TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT tr ( \
"<br><div align=right><font size=-1><i>" \
"To get more information use the ""What's " \
"This"" help (? menu or Shift+F1)" \
"For more information use the ""What's " \
"This"" help (? menu, right mouse button or Shift+F1)" \
"</i></font></div>" )
#define _MAXSHORT 32767
@ -55,35 +55,56 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"indicators show the current input level of the two stereo channels "
"of the current selected audio input. The upper level display belongs "
"to the left channel and the lower level display to the right channel "
"of the audio input.<br/>"
"of the audio input.<br>"
"Make sure not to clip the input signal to avoid distortions of the "
"audio signal." );
QString strInpLevHTT = tr ( "If the llcon software is connected and "
"you play your instrument/sing in the microphone, the LED level "
"meter should flicker. If this is not the case, you have "
"probably selected the wrong input channel (e.g. line in instead "
"of the microphone input) or set the input gain too low in the "
"(Windows) audio mixer.<br>For a proper usage of the llcon software, "
"you should not hear your singing/instrument in the loudspeaker or "
"your headphone when the llcon software is not connected. This can "
"be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback "
"mixer (<b>not</b> the Recording mixer!)." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT;
QString strInpLevHAccText = tr ( "Input level meter" );
QString strInpLevHAccDescr = tr ( "Simulates an analog LED level meter." );
TextLabelInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
TextLabelInputLevelL->setToolTip ( strInpLevHTT );
TextLabelInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
TextLabelInputLevelR->setToolTip ( strInpLevHTT );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setAccessibleName ( strInpLevHAccText );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setAccessibleDescription ( strInpLevHAccDescr );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelL->setToolTip ( strInpLevHTT );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setWhatsThis ( strInpLevH );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setAccessibleName ( strInpLevHAccText );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setAccessibleDescription ( strInpLevHAccDescr );
MultiColorLEDBarInputLevelR->setToolTip ( strInpLevHTT );
// connect/disconnect button
PushButtonConnect->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Connect / Disconnect Button:"
"</b> Push this button to connect the server. A valid IP address has "
"to be specified before. If the client is connected, pressing this "
"button will disconnect the connection." ) );
PushButtonConnect->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Connect and disconnect toggle button" ) );
PushButtonConnect->setAccessibleDescription ( tr ( "Clicking on this button "
"changes the caption of the button from Connect to Disconnect, i.e., it "
"implements a toggle functionality for connecting and disconnecting "
"the llcon software." ) );
PushButtonConnect->setAccessibleName (
tr ( "Connect and disconnect toggle button" ) );
PushButtonConnect->setAccessibleDescription ( tr ( "Clicking on this "
"button changes the caption of the button from Connect to "
"Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting "
"and disconnecting the llcon software." ) );
// status bar
TextLabelStatus->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Status Bar:</b> In the status bar "
"different messages are displayed. E.g., if an error occurred or the "
"status of the connection is shown." ) );
TextLabelStatus->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Status bar" ) );
// server address
@ -92,8 +113,10 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"A list of the most recent used server URLs is available for "
"selection. If an invalid address was chosen, an error message is "
"shown in the status bar." );
TextLabelServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
LineEditServerAddr->setWhatsThis ( strServAddrH );
LineEditServerAddr->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Server address edit box" ) );
LineEditServerAddr->setAccessibleDescription ( tr ( "Holds the current server "
"URL. It also stores old URLs in the combo box list." ) );
@ -105,8 +128,16 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"server. This tag will also show up at each client which is connected "
"to the same server as the local client. If the fader tag is empty, "
"the IP address of the client is displayed instead." );
TextLabelServerTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
LineEditFaderTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
QString strFaderTagTT = tr ( "Set your name and/or instrument and/or "
"pseoudonym here so that the other musicians can identify you." ) +
TextLabelServerTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
TextLabelServerTag->setToolTip ( strFaderTagTT );
LineEditFaderTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
LineEditFaderTag->setToolTip ( strFaderTagTT );
LineEditFaderTag->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Fader tag edit box" ) );
// local audio input fader
@ -118,8 +149,10 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"which is much louder than the microphone, move the audio fader in "
"a direction where the label above the fader shows <i>L -x</i>, where "
"<i>x</i> is the current attenuation indication. " );
TextAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
SliderAudInFader->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
SliderAudInFader->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Local audio input fader (left/right)" ) );
// reverberation level
@ -129,13 +162,15 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"the microphone signal is fed into the right audio channel of the "
"sound card and a reverberation effect shall be applied, set the "
"channel selector to right and move the fader upwards until the "
"desired reverberation level is reached.<br/>"
"desired reverberation level is reached.<br>"
"The reverberation effect requires significant CPU so that it should "
"only be used on fast PCs. If the reverberation level fader is set to "
"minimum (which is the default setting), the reverberation effect is "
"switched off and does not cause any additional CPU usage." );
TextLabelAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
SliderAudReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
SliderAudReverb->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Reverberation effect level setting" ) );
// reverberation channel selection
@ -143,6 +178,7 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"With these radio buttons the audio input channel on which the "
"reverberation effect is applied can be chosen. Either the left "
"or right input channel can be selected." );
RadioButtonRevSelL->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
RadioButtonRevSelL->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Left channel selection for reverberation" ) );
RadioButtonRevSelR->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
@ -163,6 +199,7 @@ CLlconClientDlg::CLlconClientDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
"available internet bandwidth.</li>"
"<li>The CPU of the client or server is at 100%.</li>"
"</ul>" ) );
LEDOverallStatus->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Overall status LED indicator" ) );
Add table
Reference in a new issue