fixes for error messages, removed std::string -> replaced by QString
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 95 additions and 64 deletions
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void CSound::OpenJack()
pJackClient = jack_client_open ( "llcon", JackNullOption, &JackStatus );
if ( pJackClient == NULL )
throw CGenErr ( "Jack server not running" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Jack server not running" ) );
// tell the JACK server to call "process()" whenever
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ void CSound::OpenJack()
// TEST check sample rate, if not correct, just fire error
if ( jack_get_sample_rate ( pJackClient ) != SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE )
throw CGenErr ( "Jack server sample rate is different from "
"required one" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Jack server sample rate is different from "
"required one" ) );
// create four ports (two for input, two for output -> stereo)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ if ( jack_get_sample_rate ( pJackClient ) != SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE )
// tell the JACK server that we are ready to roll
if ( jack_activate ( pJackClient ) )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot activate client" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot activate client" ) );
// connect the ports, note: you cannot do this before
@ -66,21 +66,21 @@ if ( jack_get_sample_rate ( pJackClient ) != SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE )
if ( ( ports = jack_get_ports ( pJackClient, NULL, NULL,
JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsOutput ) ) == NULL )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot find any physical capture ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot find any physical capture ports" ) );
if ( !ports[1] )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot find enough physical capture ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot find enough physical capture ports" ) );
if ( jack_connect ( pJackClient, ports[0], jack_port_name ( input_port_left ) ) )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot connect input ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot connect input ports" ) );
if ( jack_connect ( pJackClient, ports[1], jack_port_name ( input_port_right ) ) )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot connect input ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot connect input ports" ) );
free ( ports );
@ -88,21 +88,21 @@ if ( jack_get_sample_rate ( pJackClient ) != SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE )
if ( ( ports = jack_get_ports ( pJackClient, NULL, NULL,
JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsInput ) ) == NULL )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot find any physical playback ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot find any physical playback ports" ) );
if ( !ports[1] )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot find enough physical playback ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot find enough physical playback ports" ) );
if ( jack_connect ( pJackClient, jack_port_name ( output_port_left ), ports[0] ) )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot connect output ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot connect output ports" ) );
if ( jack_connect ( pJackClient, jack_port_name ( output_port_right ), ports[1] ) )
throw CGenErr ( "Cannot connect output ports" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Cannot connect output ports" ) );
free ( ports );
@ -238,6 +238,6 @@ void CSound::shutdownCallback ( void *arg )
// without a Jack server, our software makes no sense to run, throw
// error message
throw CGenErr ( "Jack server was shut down" );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "Jack server was shut down" ) );
#endif // WITH_SOUND
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ public:
virtual void Stop();
// not implemented yet, always return one device and default string
int GetNumDev() { return 1; }
std::string GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return "wave mapper"; }
std::string SetDev ( const int iNewDev ) { return ""; } // dummy
int GetDev() { return 0; }
int GetNumDev() { return 1; }
QString GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return "wave mapper"; }
QString SetDev ( const int iNewDev ) { return ""; } // dummy
int GetDev() { return 0; }
// these variables should be protected but cannot since we want
// to access them from the callback function
@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ public:
virtual ~CSound() { Close(); }
// not used
int GetNumDev() { return 1; }
std::string GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return "wave mapper"; }
std::string SetDev ( const int iNewDev ) { return ""; } // dummy
int GetDev() { return 0; }
int GetNumDev() { return 1; }
QString GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return "wave mapper"; }
QString SetDev ( const int iNewDev ) { return ""; } // dummy
int GetDev() { return 0; }
// dummy definitions
virtual int Init ( const int iNewPrefMonoBufferSize ) { CSoundBase::Init ( iNewPrefMonoBufferSize ); }
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ QString CClient::SetSndCrdDev ( const int iNewDev )
const QString strReturn = Sound.SetDev ( iNewDev ).c_str();
const QString strReturn = Sound.SetDev ( iNewDev );
// init again because the sound card actual buffer size might
// be changed on new device
@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ public:
int GetUploadRateKbps() { return Channel.GetUploadRateKbps(); }
int GetSndCrdNumDev() { return Sound.GetNumDev(); }
std::string GetSndCrdDeviceName ( const int iDiD )
int GetSndCrdNumDev() { return Sound.GetNumDev(); }
QString GetSndCrdDeviceName ( const int iDiD )
{ return Sound.GetDeviceName ( iDiD ); }
QString SetSndCrdDev ( const int iNewDev );
int GetSndCrdDev() { return Sound.GetDev(); }
void OpenSndCrdDriverSetup() { Sound.OpenDriverSetup(); }
QString SetSndCrdDev ( const int iNewDev );
int GetSndCrdDev() { return Sound.GetDev(); }
void OpenSndCrdDriverSetup() { Sound.OpenDriverSetup(); }
void SetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor ( const int iNewFactor );
int GetSndCrdPrefFrameSizeFactor()
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
for ( int iSndDevIdx = 0; iSndDevIdx < pClient->GetSndCrdNumDev(); iSndDevIdx++ )
cbSoundcard->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdDeviceName ( iSndDevIdx ).c_str() );
cbSoundcard->addItem ( pClient->GetSndCrdDeviceName ( iSndDevIdx ) );
cbSoundcard->setCurrentIndex ( pClient->GetSndCrdDev() );
@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ CSound* pSound;
* Common *
std::string CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
QString CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
std::string strReturn = ""; // init with no error
QString strReturn = ""; // init with no error
bool bTryLoadAnyDriver = false;
// check if an ASIO driver was already initialized
if ( lCurDev >= 0 )
@ -72,9 +73,9 @@ std::string CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
const std::string strErrorMessage = LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev );
const QString strErrorMessage = LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev );
if ( !strErrorMessage.empty() )
if ( !strErrorMessage.isEmpty() )
if ( iNewDev != lCurDev )
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ std::string CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
"have changed to a state which is incompatible to this "
"software. The selected audio device could not be used "
"because of the following error: <b>" ) ) +
strErrorMessage.c_str() +
strErrorMessage +
QString ( tr ( "</b><br><br>Please restart the software." ) ),
"Close", 0 );
@ -115,32 +116,52 @@ std::string CSound::SetDev ( const int iNewDev )
// throw an error that no driver is available -> it does not make
// sense to start the llcon software if no audio hardware is
// available
if ( !LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev ).empty() )
if ( !LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iNewDev ).isEmpty() )
// loading and initializing the new driver failed, try to find
// at least one usable driver
if ( !LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver() )
throw CGenErr ( "No usable ASIO audio device "
"(driver) found." );
bTryLoadAnyDriver = true;
// try to find one usable driver (select the first valid driver)
if ( !LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver() )
bTryLoadAnyDriver = true;
if ( bTryLoadAnyDriver )
// try to load and initialize any valid driver
QVector<QString> vsErrorList =
if ( !vsErrorList.isEmpty() )
// create error message with all details
QString sErrorMessage = tr ( "<b>No usable ASIO audio device "
"(driver) found.</b><br><br>"
"In the following there is a list of all available drivers "
"with the associated error message:<ul>" );
for ( int i = 0; i < lNumDevs; i++ )
throw CGenErr ( "No usable ASIO audio device (driver) found." );
sErrorMessage += "<li><b>" + GetDeviceName ( i ) + "</b>: " +
vsErrorList[i] + "</li>";
sErrorMessage += "</ul>";
throw CGenErr ( sErrorMessage );
return strReturn;
bool CSound::LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver()
QVector<QString> CSound::LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver()
QVector<QString> vsErrorList;
// load and initialize first valid ASIO driver
bool bValidDriverDetected = false;
int iCurDriverIdx = 0;
@ -148,23 +169,32 @@ bool CSound::LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver()
// try all available drivers in the system ("lNumDevs" devices)
while ( !bValidDriverDetected && ( iCurDriverIdx < lNumDevs ) )
if ( LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iCurDriverIdx ).empty() )
// try to load and initialize current driver, store error message
const QString strCurError =
LoadAndInitializeDriver ( iCurDriverIdx );
vsErrorList.append ( strCurError );
if ( strCurError.isEmpty() )
// initialization was successful
bValidDriverDetected = true;
// store ID of selected driver
lCurDev = iCurDriverIdx;
// empty error list shows that init was successful
// try next driver
return bValidDriverDetected;
return vsErrorList;
std::string CSound::LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iDriverIdx )
QString CSound::LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iDriverIdx )
// first check and correct input parameter
if ( iDriverIdx >= lNumDevs )
@ -179,14 +209,14 @@ std::string CSound::LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iDriverIdx )
// clean up and return error string
return "The audio driver could not be initialized.";
return tr ( "The audio driver could not be initialized." );
// check device capabilities if it fullfills our requirements
const std::string strStat = CheckDeviceCapabilities();
const QString strStat = CheckDeviceCapabilities();
// store ID of selected driver if initialization was successful
if ( strStat.empty() )
if ( strStat.isEmpty() )
lCurDev = iDriverIdx;
@ -199,7 +229,7 @@ std::string CSound::LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iDriverIdx )
return strStat;
std::string CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
QString CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
// This function checks if our required input/output channel
// properties are supported by the selected device. If the return
@ -212,8 +242,9 @@ std::string CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
( CanSaRateReturn == ASE_NotPresent ) )
// return error string
return "The audio device does not support the "
"required sample rate.";
return tr ( "The audio device does not support the "
"required sample rate. The required sample rate is: " ) +
QString().setNum ( SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE ) + " Hz";
// check the number of available channels
@ -224,8 +255,9 @@ std::string CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
( lNumOutChan < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS ) )
// return error string
return "The audio device does not support the "
"required number of channels.";
return tr ( "The audio device does not support the "
"required number of channels. The required number of channels "
"is: " ) + QString().setNum ( NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS );
// check sample format
@ -249,8 +281,8 @@ std::string CSound::CheckDeviceCapabilities()
( channelInfos[i].type != ASIOSTInt32LSB ) )
// return error string
return "Required audio sample format not "
"available (16/24/32 bit LSB).";
return tr ( "Required audio sample format not "
"available (16/24/32 bit LSB)." );
@ -417,7 +449,7 @@ pSound = this;
// in case we do not have a driver available, throw error
if ( lNumDevs == 0 )
throw CGenErr ( "No ASIO audio device (driver) found." );
throw CGenErr ( tr ( "No ASIO audio device (driver) found." ) );
@ -578,7 +610,7 @@ void CSound::bufferSwitch ( long index, ASIOBool processNow )
long CSound::asioMessages ( long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt )
long ret = 0;
switch ( selector )
case kAsioEngineVersion:
// return the supported ASIO version of the host application
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#define _SOUNDIN_H__9518A621_7F78_11D3_8C0D_EEBF182CF549__INCLUDED_
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include "../src/util.h"
@ -65,16 +64,16 @@ public:
virtual void OpenDriverSetup() { ASIOControlPanel(); }
int GetNumDev() { return lNumDevs; }
std::string GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return cDriverNames[iDiD]; }
QString GetDeviceName ( const int iDiD ) { return cDriverNames[iDiD]; }
std::string SetDev ( const int iNewDev );
QString SetDev ( const int iNewDev );
int GetDev() { return lCurDev; }
bool LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver();
std::string LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iIdx );
int GetActualBufferSize ( const int iDesiredBufferSizeMono );
std::string CheckDeviceCapabilities();
QVector<QString> LoadAndInitializeFirstValidDriver();
QString LoadAndInitializeDriver ( int iIdx );
int GetActualBufferSize ( const int iDesiredBufferSizeMono );
QString CheckDeviceCapabilities();
// audio hardware buffer info
struct sHWBufferInfo
Add table
Reference in a new issue