29 changed files with 1223 additions and 1016 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- added an indicator that another client has muted me (#257)
- duplicate Central Server type dropdown to Connection Setup (#157)
- move central server type dropdown to connection setup (#157)
- added vocal bass/tenor/alto/soprano instrument icons created by Alberstein8 (#131)
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
3.5.3 (2020-05-15)
- correct unregister of headless server and RPP file creation on
@ -422,24 +422,6 @@ HEADERS_OPUS_X86 = libs/opus/celt/x86/celt_lpc_sse.h \
libs/opus/celt/x86/vq_sse.h \
android {
contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm64) {
} else:contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86_64) {
} else:win32 | unix | macx {
contains(QT_ARCH, arm) | contains(QT_ARCH, arm64) {
} else:contains(QT_ARCH, x86) | contains(QT_ARCH, x86_64) {
win32 {
HEADERS_OPUS += libs/opus/win32/config.h
SOURCES += src/audiomixerboard.cpp \
src/buffer.cpp \
src/channel.cpp \
@ -610,22 +592,35 @@ SOURCES_OPUS_X86 = libs/opus/celt/x86/celt_lpc_sse4_1.c \
android {
contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, arm64) {
} else:contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86) | contains(ANDROID_ARCHITECTURE, x86_64) {
} else:win32 | unix | macx {
contains(QT_ARCH, arm) | contains(QT_ARCH, arm64) {
} else:contains(QT_ARCH, x86) | contains(QT_ARCH, x86_64) {
win32 {
HEADERS_OPUS += libs/opus/win32/config.h
DISTFILES += ChangeLog \
|||| \
|||| \
src/res/translation/translation_de_DE.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_fr_FR.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_pt_PT.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_es_ES.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_nl_NL.qm \
src/res/translation/translation_it_IT.qm \
src/res/CLEDBlack.png \
src/res/CLEDBlackSmall.png \
src/res/CLEDDisabledSmall.png \
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# This script is intended to setup a clean Raspberry Pi system for running Jamulus
# Regarding the old OPUS version (#252): I just tried out the following:
# * Do not use OPUS in shared library but use the version which is included in the jamulus source code:
# instead of 80 % load I get 90 % load on my Raspberry Pi Zero
# * Do not use OPUS in shared libaray but use the version which is included in the Jamulus source code
# but try to compile in fixed-point: I get compilation errors so this is not possible right now
# * I replaced the opus-1.1 with OPUS="opus-1.3.1" in the -> OPUS version 1.3.1 has a
# known bug with the custom interface. If I use that version as a shared libaray, I get a runtime error
# on starting Jamulus. So this is also not possible. We have to wait for the next official OPUS version.
# Therefore it is the best to keep the opus-1.1 version.
@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ CChannelFader::CChannelFader ( QWidget* pNW,
pFader->setMinimumHeight ( 75 );
// setup panning control
pPan->setRange ( 0, AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX );
pPan->setValue ( AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX / 2 );
pPan->setFixedSize ( 55, 55 );
pPan->setRange ( 0, AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX );
pPan->setValue ( AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX / 2 );
pPan->setFixedSize ( 50, 50 );
pPan->setNotchesVisible ( true );
pPanInfoGrid->addWidget ( pPanLabel, 0, Qt::AlignLeft );
pPanInfoGrid->addWidget ( pPanLabel, 0, Qt::AlignLeft );
pPanInfoGrid->addWidget ( pInfoLabel );
pPanGrid->addLayout ( pPanInfoGrid );
pPanGrid->addWidget ( pPan, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
pPanGrid->addLayout ( pPanInfoGrid );
pPanGrid->addWidget ( pPan, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
// setup fader tag label (black bold text which is centered)
plblLabel->setTextFormat ( Qt::PlainText );
@ -360,10 +360,13 @@ void CChannelFader::SetRemoteFaderIsMute ( const bool bIsMute )
// show orange utf8 SPEAKER WITH CANCELLATION STROKE (U+1F507)
pInfoLabel->setText ( "<font color=""orange"">🔇</font>" );
//QPixmap CancelledSpeakerPixmap ( QString::fromUtf8 ( ":/png/main/res/speakerwithcancellationstroke.png" ) );
//pInfoLabel->setPixmap ( CancelledSpeakerPixmap.scaled ( 15, 15, Qt::KeepAspectRatio ) );
pInfoLabel->setText ( "" );
//pInfoLabel->setPixmap ( QPixmap() );
@ -607,6 +610,8 @@ CAudioMixerBoard::CAudioMixerBoard ( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags ) :
vecStoredFaderIsSolo ( MAX_NUM_STORED_FADER_SETTINGS, false ),
vecStoredFaderIsMute ( MAX_NUM_STORED_FADER_SETTINGS, false ),
iNewClientFaderLevel ( 100 ),
bDisplayPans ( false ),
bIsPanSupported ( false ),
bNoFaderVisible ( true ),
strServerName ( "" )
@ -718,14 +723,22 @@ void CAudioMixerBoard::SetDisplayChannelLevels ( const bool eNDCL )
void CAudioMixerBoard::SetPanIsSupported()
void CAudioMixerBoard::SetDisplayPans ( const bool eNDP )
bDisplayPans = eNDP;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++ )
vecpChanFader[i]->SetDisplayPans ( true );
vecpChanFader[i]->SetDisplayPans ( eNDP && bIsPanSupported );
void CAudioMixerBoard::SetPanIsSupported()
bIsPanSupported = true;
SetDisplayPans ( bDisplayPans );
void CAudioMixerBoard::HideAll()
// make all controls invisible
@ -740,7 +753,8 @@ void CAudioMixerBoard::HideAll()
// set flag
// set flags
bIsPanSupported = false;
bNoFaderVisible = true;
// emit status of connected clients
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ public:
void SetServerName ( const QString& strNewServerName );
void SetGUIDesign ( const EGUIDesign eNewDesign );
void SetDisplayChannelLevels ( const bool eNDCL );
void SetDisplayPans ( const bool eNDP );
void SetPanIsSupported();
void SetRemoteFaderIsMute ( const int iChannelIdx, const bool bIsMute );
@ -192,6 +193,8 @@ protected:
CMixerBoardScrollArea* pScrollArea;
QHBoxLayout* pMainLayout;
bool bDisplayChannelLevels;
bool bDisplayPans;
bool bIsPanSupported;
bool bNoFaderVisible;
QString strServerName;
@ -661,6 +661,9 @@ void CClientDlg::UpdateRevSelection()
rbtReverbSelR->setChecked ( true );
// update visibility of the pan controls in the audio mixer board (pan is not supported for mono)
MainMixerBoard->SetDisplayPans ( pClient->GetAudioChannels() != CC_MONO );
void CClientDlg::OnAudioPanValueChanged ( int value )
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
"(the longer the buffer, the higher the delay)." ) + "<br>" + tr (
"The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client "
"and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the "
"audio stream are indicated by the light below the"
"audio stream are indicated by the light below the "
"jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer "
"overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted." ) + "<br>" + tr (
"The jitter buffer setting is therefore a trade-off between audio "
@ -242,18 +242,15 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
edtNewClientLevel->setWhatsThis ( strNewClientLevel );
edtNewClientLevel->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "New client level edit box" ) );
// central server address
QString strCentrServAddr = "<b>" + tr ( "Central Server Address" ) + ":</b> " +
tr ( "The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server "
"at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the "
"central server address type either the local region can be selected of "
"the default central servers or a manual address can be specified." );
// custom central server address
QString strCentrServAddr = "<b>" + tr ( "Custom Central Server Address" ) + ":</b> " +
tr ( "The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central "
"server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This "
"address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection "
"dialog." );
lblCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
cbxCentServAddrType->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
edtCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
cbxCentServAddrType->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Default central server type combo box" ) );
edtCentralServerAddress->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Central server address line edit" ) );
// current connection status parameter
@ -344,15 +341,8 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
cbxAudioQuality->addItem ( tr ( "High" ) ); // AQ_HIGH
cbxAudioQuality->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pClient->GetAudioQuality() ) );
// central server address type combo box
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_CUSTOM ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_DEFAULT ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENERAL_NORTHAMERICA ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_ROCK ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_JAZZ ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pClient->GetCentralServerAddressType() ) );
// custom central server address
edtCentralServerAddress->setText ( pClient->GetServerListCentralServerAddress() );
// update new client fader level edit box
edtNewClientLevel->setText ( QString::number ( pClient->iNewClientFaderLevel ) );
@ -433,9 +423,6 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
QObject::connect ( cbxAudioQuality, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnAudioQualityActivated ( int ) ) );
QObject::connect ( cbxCentServAddrType, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentServAddrTypeActivated ( int ) ) );
// buttons
QObject::connect ( butDriverSetup, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
this, SLOT ( OnDriverSetupClicked() ) );
@ -445,10 +432,6 @@ CClientSettingsDlg::CClientSettingsDlg ( CClient* pNCliP, QWidget* parent,
SIGNAL ( buttonClicked ( QAbstractButton* ) ), this,
SLOT ( OnSndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroupClicked ( QAbstractButton* ) ) );
QObject::connect ( pClient,
SIGNAL ( CentralServerAddressTypeChanged() ),
this, SLOT ( OnCentralServerAddressTypeChanged() ) );
// Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
// start timer for status bar
@ -585,40 +568,6 @@ void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateSoundChannelSelectionFrame()
void CClientSettingsDlg::UpdateCentralServerDependency()
const bool bCurUseDefCentServAddr = ( pClient->GetCentralServerAddressType() != AT_CUSTOM );
// update server type combo box (because the value may have ben changed
// by a control in another dialog, e.g., the connect dialog),
// since it is just an update, do not fire signals for the update
cbxCentServAddrType->blockSignals ( true );
cbxCentServAddrType->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pClient->GetCentralServerAddressType() ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->blockSignals ( false );
// make sure the line edit does not fire signals when we update the text
edtCentralServerAddress->blockSignals ( true );
if ( bCurUseDefCentServAddr )
// if the default central server is used, just show a text of the
// server name
edtCentralServerAddress->setText ( tr ( "Predefined Address" ) );
// show the current user defined server address
edtCentralServerAddress->setText (
pClient->GetServerListCentralServerAddress() );
edtCentralServerAddress->blockSignals ( false );
// the line edit of the central server address is only enabled, if not the
// default address is used
edtCentralServerAddress->setEnabled ( !bCurUseDefCentServAddr );
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnDriverSetupClicked()
@ -692,15 +641,6 @@ void CClientSettingsDlg::OnAudioQualityActivated ( int iQualityIdx )
UpdateDisplay(); // upload rate will be changed
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnCentServAddrTypeActivated ( int iTypeIdx )
// apply new setting to the client
pClient->SetCentralServerAddressType ( static_cast<ECSAddType> ( iTypeIdx ) );
// update GUI dependencies
void CClientSettingsDlg::OnAutoJitBufStateChanged ( int value )
pClient->SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( value == Qt::Checked );
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ protected:
void UpdateJitterBufferFrame();
void UpdateSoundCardFrame();
void UpdateSoundChannelSelectionFrame();
void UpdateCentralServerDependency();
QString GenSndCrdBufferDelayString ( const int iFrameSize,
const QString strAddText = "" );
@ -101,8 +100,6 @@ protected:
void OnROutChanActivated ( int iChanIdx );
void OnAudioChannelsActivated ( int iChanIdx );
void OnAudioQualityActivated ( int iQualityIdx );
void OnCentServAddrTypeActivated ( int iTypeIdx );
void OnCentralServerAddressTypeChanged() { UpdateCentralServerDependency(); }
void OnDriverSetupClicked();
@ -555,18 +555,11 @@
<layout class="QHBoxLayout">
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblCentralServerAddress">
<property name="text">
<string>Central Server Address:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbxCentServAddrType"/>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblCentralServerAddress">
<property name="text">
<string>Custom Central Server Address:</string>
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="edtCentralServerAddress">
@ -735,7 +728,6 @@
@ -78,11 +78,15 @@ CConnectDlg::CConnectDlg ( CClient* pNCliP,
// central server address type combo box
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_CUSTOM ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_DEFAULT ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENERAL_NORTHAMERICA ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_ROCK ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_JAZZ ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_ALL_GENRES ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_ROCK_JAZZ ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_CLASSICAL_FOLK ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_CUSTOM ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setWhatsThis ( "<b>" + tr ( "Server List Selection" ) + ":</b> " + tr (
"Selects the server list to be shown." ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Server list selection combo box" ) );
// filter
edtFilter->setWhatsThis ( "<b>" + tr ( "Filter" ) + ":</b> " + tr ( "The server "
@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ LED bar: lbr
// default server address and port numbers
// getting started and software manual URL
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ void CJamClient::Disconnect()
CJamSession::CJamSession(QDir recordBaseDir) :
sessionDir (QDir(recordBaseDir.absoluteFilePath("Jam-" + QDateTime().currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmsszzz")))),
currentFrame (0),
chIdDisconnected (-1),
vecptrJamClients (MAX_NUM_CHANNELS),
@ -130,8 +131,6 @@ CJamSession::CJamSession(QDir recordBaseDir) :
// Explicitly set all the pointers to "empty"
currentFrame = 0;
@ -150,6 +149,7 @@ void CJamSession::DisconnectClient(int iChID)
delete vecptrJamClients[iChID];
vecptrJamClients[iChID] = nullptr;
chIdDisconnected = iChID;
@ -167,6 +167,13 @@ void CJamSession::DisconnectClient(int iChID)
void CJamSession::Frame(const int iChID, const QString name, const CHostAddress address, const int numAudioChannels, const CVector<int16_t> data, int iServerFrameSizeSamples)
if ( iChID == chIdDisconnected )
// DisconnectClient has just been called for this channel - this frame is "too late"
chIdDisconnected = -1;
if (vecptrJamClients[iChID] == nullptr)
// then we have not seen this client this session
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ private:
const QDir sessionDir;
qint64 currentFrame;
int chIdDisconnected;
QVector<CJamClient*> vecptrJamClients;
QList<CJamClientConnection*> jamClientConnections;
Binary file not shown.
@ -168,17 +168,17 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="680"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="688"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="689"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="697"/>
<source>T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T</source>
<translation>V E R B I N D U N G S A U F B A U</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="753"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="770"/>
<source>Personal Mix at the Server: </source>
<translation>Eigener Mix am Server: </translation>
@ -186,189 +186,189 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="128"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="130"/>
<source>Channel Level</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="129"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<source>Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for each client.</source>
<translation>Zeigt den Audiopegel vor dem Lautstärkeregler des Kanals. Allen verbundenen Musikern am Server wird ein Audiopegel zugewiesen.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Input level of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Eingangspegel des aktuellen Musikers am Server</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Mixer Fader</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio fader at each client, adjusting the local mix.</source>
<translation>Regelt die Lautstärke des Kanals. Für alle Musiker, die gerade am Server verbunden sind, wird ein Lautstärkeregler angezeigt. Damit kann man seinen eigenen lokalen Mix erstellen.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="137"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="139"/>
<source>Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Lokale Mixerpegeleinstellung des aktuellen Kanals am Server</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Status Indicator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation>Zeigt den Status über den Musiker, der dem Kanal zugewiesen ist. Unterstützte Indikatoren sind:</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="145"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="144"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation>Durchgestrichener Lautsprecher: Zeigt an, dass der andere Musiker dich stummgeschaltet hat.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<source>Sets the panning position from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode.</source>
<translation>Legt die Pan-Position von Links nach Rechts fest. Der Pan funktioniert nur im Stereo oder Mono-In/Stereo-Out Modus.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="150"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<source>Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Lokale Pan-Position von dem aktuellen Audiokanal am Server</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<source>With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted.</source>
<translation>Mit dem Mute-Schalter kann man den Kanal stumm schalten.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Mute button</source>
<translation>Mute Schalter</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<source>With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo.</source>
<translation>Bei aktiviertem Solo Status hört man nur diesen Kanal. Alle anderen Kanäle sind stumm geschaltet. Es ist möglich mehrere Kanäle auf Solo zu stellen. Dann hört man nur die Kanäle, die auf Solo gestellt wurden.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="160"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<source>Solo button</source>
<translation>Solo Schalter</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>Fader Tag</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, the picture of your instrument and a flag of your country can be set in the main window.</source>
<translation>Mit der Kanalbeschriftung wird der verbundene Teilnehmen identifiziert. Der Name, ein Bild des Instruments und eine Flagge des eigenen Landes kann im eigenen Profil ausgewählt werden.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="167"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<source>Mixer channel instrument picture</source>
<translation>Mixerkanal Instrumentenbild</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<source>Mixer channel label (fader tag)</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="173"/>
<source>Mixer channel country flag</source>
<translation>Mixerkanal Landesflagge</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="209"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="211"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="212"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="515"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="527"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="535"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<source>Skill Level</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<translation>Mittlere Spielstärke</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="570"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="576"/>
<source>Musician Profile</source>
<translation>Profil des Musikers</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="47"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="218"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="220"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="43"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="217"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="48"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="221"/>
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="205"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1100"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1103"/>
@ -685,22 +685,22 @@
<translation>Die CPU des Computers ist voll ausgelastet.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="716"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="719"/>
<source>Central Server</source>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="834"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="837"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="839"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="842"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1076"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1079"/>
@ -791,8 +791,9 @@
<translation>Der Netzwerkpuffer kompensiert die Netzwerk- und Soundkarten-Timing-Schwankungen. Die Größe des Netzwerkpuffers hat Auswirkungen auf die Qualität des Audiosignals (wie viele Aussetzer auftreten) und die Gesamtverzögerung (je länger der Puffer, desto größer ist die Verzögerung).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann manuell verstellt werden, jeweils getrennt für die Applikation und den Server. Für den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer werden die Aussetzer durch die LED-Anzeige unter den Reglern angezeigt. Wenn die Lampe rot anzeigt, dann hat ein Pufferüberlauf oder ein Leerlauf des Puffers stattgefunden und der Audiodatenstrom wurde kurz unterbrochen.</translation>
<translation>Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann manuell verstellt werden, jeweils getrennt für die Applikation und den Server. Für den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer werden die Aussetzer durch die LED-Anzeige unter den Reglern angezeigt. Wenn die Lampe rot anzeigt, dann hat ein Pufferüberlauf oder ein Leerlauf des Puffers stattgefunden und der Audiodatenstrom wurde kurz unterbrochen.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="46"/>
@ -805,8 +806,9 @@
<translation>Die Netzwerkpuffergröße kann automatisch eingestellt werden. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des Servers getrennt basierend auf Messungen der Netzwerkschwankungen eingestellt. Wenn die Automatik aktiviert ist, dann sind die beiden Regler gesperrt für die manuelle Verstellung (sie können nicht mit der Maus verändert werden).</translation>
<source>If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Wenn die Automatik zum Einstellen der Netzwerkpuffer aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des entfernten Servers auf einen konservativen Wert eingestellt, um eine möglichst gute Audioqualität zu garantieren. Um die Gesamtverzögerung zu optimieren, bietet es sich an, die Automatik zu deaktivieren und die Netzwerkpuffer etwas kleiner einzustellen. Die Werte sollte man so weit reduzieren, bis die Audioqualität gerade noch der persönlichen Akzeptanz entspricht. Die LED-Anzeige hilft dabei die Audioaussetzer verursacht durch den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer zu visualisieren (wenn die LED rot leuchtet).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation>Wenn die Automatik zum Einstellen der Netzwerkpuffer aktiviert ist, dann werden die Netzwerkpuffer der Applikation und des entfernten Servers auf einen konservativen Wert eingestellt, um eine möglichst gute Audioqualität zu garantieren. Um die Gesamtverzögerung zu optimieren, bietet es sich an, die Automatik zu deaktivieren und die Netzwerkpuffer etwas kleiner einzustellen. Die Werte sollte man so weit reduzieren, bis die Audioqualität gerade noch der persönlichen Akzeptanz entspricht. Die LED-Anzeige hilft dabei die Audioaussetzer verursacht durch den lokalen Netzwerkpuffer zu visualisieren (wenn die LED rot leuchtet).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="72"/>
@ -869,8 +871,9 @@
<translation>Soundkarten Kanalzuweisung</translation>
<source>If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Falls die ausgewählte Soundkarte mehr als zwei Eingangs- oder Ausgangskanäle unterstützt, dann werden die Steuerelemente für die Kanalzuweisung angezeigt.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>In case the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation>Falls die ausgewählte Soundkarte mehr als zwei Eingangs- oder Ausgangskanäle unterstützt, dann werden die Steuerelemente für die Kanalzuweisung angezeigt.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="108"/>
@ -948,8 +951,9 @@
<translation>64 Samples: Dies ist die bevorzugte Einstellung weil es die geringste Verzögerung hat. Diese Puffergröße funktioniert allerdings nicht mit allen Soundkarten.</translation>
<source>128 samples: This setting should work on most of the available sound cards.</source>
<translation type="vanished">128 Samples: Diese Puffergröße sollte mit den meisten Soundkarten funktionieren.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="143"/>
<source>128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards.</source>
<translation>128 Samples: Diese Puffergröße sollte mit den meisten Soundkarten funktionieren.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="145"/>
@ -957,8 +961,9 @@
<translation>256 Samples: Diese Einstellung sollte nur dann verwendet werden, wenn man einen langsamen Computer oder eine langsame Internetverbindung hat.</translation>
<source>Some sound card driver do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the </source>
<translation type="vanished">Manche Soundkartentreiber unterstützen nicht das Verändern der Puffergröße innerhalb der </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the </source>
<translation>Manche Soundkartentreiber unterstützen nicht das Verändern der Puffergröße innerhalb der </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="150"/>
@ -1050,39 +1055,10 @@
<source>Audio Channels</source>
<source>Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful for the case that the sound card puts the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Hiermit kann man die Anzahl an Audiokanälen auswählen. Es gibt drei Modi. Die Mono- und Stereomodi verwenden jeweils einen oder zwei Kanäle. Im Mono-In/Stereo-Out Modus wird ein Monosignal zum Server geschickt aber es kommt ein Stereo-Signal zurück vom Server. Dies ist nützlich für den Fall, dass man an die Soundkarte ein Instrument an den einen Eingangskanal und ein Mikrofon an den anderen Eingangskanal angeschlossen hat. In diesem Fall können die beiden Signale zusammen gemischt werden und an den Server geschickt werden aber man kann das Stereo-Signal von den anderen Musikern hören.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below thejitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>In case the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="143"/>
<source>128 samples: This setting should work for most available sound cards.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within the </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="200"/>
<source>Select the number of audio channels to be used. There are three modes available. The mono and stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively. In mono-in/stereo-out mode the audio signal which is sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other channel. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix can be heard in stereo.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation>Hiermit kann man die Anzahl an Audiokanälen auswählen. Es gibt drei Modi. Die Mono- und Stereomodi verwenden jeweils einen oder zwei Kanäle. Im Mono-In/Stereo-Out Modus wird ein Monosignal zum Server geschickt aber es kommt ein Stereo-Signal zurück vom Server. Dies ist nützlich für den Fall, dass man an die Soundkarte ein Instrument an den einen Eingangskanal und ein Mikrofon an den anderen Eingangskanal angeschlossen hat. In diesem Fall können die beiden Signale zusammen gemischt werden und an den Server geschickt werden aber man kann das Stereo-Signal von den anderen Musikern hören.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="209"/>
@ -1131,86 +1107,93 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="246"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="247"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog.</source>
<translation>Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Diese Adresse wird nur benutzt, wenn die benutzerdefinierte Serverliste im Verbindungsdialog ausgewählt wird.</translation>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="vanished">Zentralserveradresse</translation>
<source>The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Mit der Zentralserveradresse kann entweder die örtliche Region festgelegt werden (durch Auswahl des entsprechenden vorgegebenen Zentralservers) oder man gibt eine beliebige Adresse manuell ein.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste organisiert und bereitstellt. Mit der Zentralserveradresse kann entweder die örtliche Region festgelegt werden (durch Auswahl des entsprechenden vorgegebenen Zentralservers) oder man gibt eine beliebige Adresse manuell ein.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="256"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="254"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Zentralserveradresse Eingabefeld</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="260"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<source>Current Connection Status Parameter</source>
<translation>Verbindungsstatus Parameter</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="261"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="258"/>
<source>The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient.</source>
<translation>Die Ping-Zeit ist die Zeit, die der Audiodatenstrom benötigt, um von der Applikation zum Server und zurück zu kommen. Diese Verzögerung wird vom Netzwerk hervorgerufen. Diese Verzögerung sollte so um die 20-30 ms sein. Falls die Verzögerung größer ist (z.B. 50-60 ms), der Abstand zum Server ist zu groß oder die Internetverbindung ist nicht ausreichend.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="266"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="263"/>
<source>The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.</source>
<translation>Die Gesamtverzögerung setzt sich zusammen aus der Ping-Zeit und die Verzögerung, die durch die Puffergrößen verursacht wird.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="268"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="265"/>
<source>The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using</source>
<translation>Die Upload-Rate hängt von der Soundkartenpuffergröße und die Audiokomprimierung ab. Man muss sicher stellen, dass die Upload-Rate immer kleiner ist als die Rate, die die Internetverbindung zur Verfügung stellt (man kann die Upload-Rate des Internetproviders z.B. mit überprüfen).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="281"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="278"/>
<source>If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the </source>
<translation>Wenn diese LED rot leuchtet, dann wirst du keinen Spaß haben mit der </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="283"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="280"/>
<source> software.</source>
<translation> Software.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="288"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="285"/>
<source>ASIO Setup</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="335"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="332"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="336"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="333"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="337"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="334"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="342"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="339"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="343"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="340"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="344"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="341"/>
@ -1230,13 +1213,13 @@
<location filename="../../util.h" line="587"/>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<source>Genre Rock/Jazz</source>
<translation>Genre Rock/Jazz</translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="590"/>
<source>Genre Jazz</source>
<source>Genre Classical/Folk/Choir</source>
<translation>Genre Klassik/Volksmusik/Chor</translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="593"/>
@ -1248,43 +1231,42 @@
<translation type="vanished">Standard (Nordamerika)</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="369"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="359"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="463"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="467"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="446"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="450"/>
<source>Size: </source>
<translation>Größe: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="524"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="507"/>
<source>Buffer Delay</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="512"/>
<source>Buffer Delay: </source>
<translation>Puffergröße: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="606"/>
<source>Predefined Address</source>
<translation>Vordefinierte Adresse</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Vordefinierte Adresse</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="646"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="595"/>
<source>The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: </source>
<translation>Das ausgewählte Audiogerät kann aus folgendem Grund nicht verwendet werden: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="648"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="597"/>
<source> The previous driver will be selected.</source>
<translation> Der vorherige Treiber wird wieder ausgewählt.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="649"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="598"/>
@ -1420,29 +1402,33 @@
<translation>Zeige Signalpegel</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="562"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="560"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="599"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Zentralserveradresse:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="592"/>
<source>Audio Stream Rate</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="612"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="642"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="677"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="605"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="635"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="670"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="623"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="616"/>
<source>Ping Time</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="653"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="646"/>
<source>Overall Delay</source>
@ -1487,7 +1473,7 @@
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="68"/>
<source>. A list of the most recent used server IP addresses or URLs is available for selection.</source>
<translation> Eine Liste der letzten IP-Adressen oder URLs wird gespeichert und kann nachträglich wieder ausgewählt werden.</translation>
<translation>. Eine Liste der letzten IP-Adressen oder URLs wird gespeichert und kann nachträglich wieder ausgewählt werden.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
@ -1500,32 +1486,47 @@
<translation>Enthält die aktuelle Server-IP-Adresse oder URL. Es speichert auch alte URLs in der Auswahlliste.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Selects the server list to be shown.</source>
<translation>Wählt die Serverliste aus, die angezeigt werden soll.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation>Severlistenauswahl Selektion</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive.</source>
<translation>Die Serverliste kann mit dem eingegebenen Text gefiltert werden, d.h. es werden nur Einträge angezeigt, die dem Filtertext entsprechen. Die Groß- und Kleinschreibung des Filtertexts wird dabei nicht beachtet.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="94"/>
<source>Filter edit box</source>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>Show All Musicians</source>
<translation>Zeige alle Musiker</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed.</source>
<translation>Ist diese Einstellung angehakt, dann werden alle Musiker auf allen Servern angezeigt. Wird der Haken entfernt, dann werden alle Listeneinträge eingeklappt und die verbundenen Musikernamen werden verborgen.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="100"/>
<source>Show all musicians check box</source>
<translation>Zeige alle Musiker Schalter</translation>
@ -1725,7 +1726,7 @@
<location filename="../../util.cpp" line="712"/>
<source> server. This tag will also show up at each client which is connected to the same server as you. If the name is left empty, the IP address is shown instead.</source>
<translation>-Server. Dieses Schild wird auch bei allen anderen Musikern, die mit dem gleichen Server verbunden sind, angezeigt. Wenn der Name leer gelassen wurde, dann wird die IP-Adresse stattdessen angezeigt.</translation>
<translation> Server. Dieses Schild wird auch bei allen anderen Musikern, die mit dem gleichen Server verbunden sind, angezeigt. Wenn der Name leer gelassen wurde, dann wird die IP-Adresse stattdessen angezeigt.</translation>
<location filename="../../util.cpp" line="717"/>
@ -2041,7 +2042,7 @@
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="55"/>
<source> server will be started when the operating system starts up and is automatically minimized to a system task bar icon.</source>
<translation>-Server automatisch mit dem Betriebssystemstart geladen und erscheint minimiert in der Systemleiste als Icon.</translation>
<translation> Server automatisch mit dem Betriebssystemstart geladen und erscheint minimiert in der Systemleiste als Icon.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="60"/>
@ -2066,7 +2067,7 @@
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="68"/>
<source> users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and connect to it. The registration of the server is renewed periodically to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are actually available.</source>
<translation>-Server in der Liste sehen können und sich mit ihm verbinden können. Die Registrierung mit dem Zentralserver wird periodisch erneuert um sicherzugehen, dass alle registrierten Server auch wirklich erreichbar sind.</translation>
<translation> Server in der Liste sehen können und sich mit ihm verbinden können. Die Registrierung mit dem Zentralserver wird periodisch erneuert um sicherzugehen, dass alle registrierten Server auch wirklich erreichbar sind.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="74"/>
@ -2074,29 +2075,59 @@
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful.</source>
<translation>Wenn der eigene Server veröffentlicht wurde, dann zeigt der Registrierungsstatus and, ob die Registrierung erfolgreich war oder nicht.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Wenn der eigene Server veröffentlicht wurde, dann zeigt der Registrierungsstatus and, ob die Registrierung erfolgreich war oder nicht.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="79"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="vanished">Zentralserveradresse</translation>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Die Zentralserveradrees ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers bei dem man sich registrieren möchte. Mit dem Zentralservertyp legt man die Region fest, in der man sich befindet. Außerdem kann eine freie Adresse eingetragen werden.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list.</source>
<translation>Wenn der eigene Server veröffentlicht wurde, dann zeigt der Registrierungsstatus and, ob die Registrierung erfolgreich war oder nicht. Wenn die Registrierung fehlgeschlagen ist, dann wähle eine andere Serverliste aus.</translation>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. Pre-defined server addresses are available</source>
<translation type="vanished">Die Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers bei dem man sich registrieren möchte. Vordefinierte Serveradressen sind verfügbar.</translation>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation type="vanished">Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>Die Zentralserveradrees ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers bei dem man sich registrieren möchte. Mit dem Zentralservertyp legt man die Region fest, in der man sich befindet. Außerdem kann eine freie Adresse eingetragen werden.</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Voreingestellter Zentralservertyp Auswahlbox</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="81"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed.</source>
<translation>Die benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse ist die IP-Adresse oder URL des Zentralservers, der die Serverliste für den Verbindungsdialog bereitstellt.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Zentralserveradresse Eingabefeld</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added.</source>
<translation>Wählt die Serverliste (d.h. die Zentralserveradresse) aus, in welche dein Server registriert werden soll.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Zentralserveradresse Eingabefeld</translation>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation>Severlistenauswahl Selektion</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
@ -2159,7 +2190,7 @@
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="144"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="150"/>
<source> server</source>
<translation> Server</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="144"/>
@ -2273,14 +2304,18 @@
<translation>Veröffentliche meinen Server in der Serverliste</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="91"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="94"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="102"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="105"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Benutzerdefinierte Zentralserveradresse:</translation>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Zentralserveradresse</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="117"/>
@ -2323,7 +2358,7 @@
<location filename="../../../linux/sound.cpp" line="64"/>
<source>Make sure to set the Frames/Period to a low value like </source>
<translation>Versichere dich, dass die Frames/Perioden auf einen niedrigen Wert wie z.B. </translation>
<translation>Versichere dich, dass die Frames/Perioden auf einen niedrigen Wert wie zum Beispiel </translation>
<location filename="../../../linux/sound.cpp" line="67"/>
Binary file not shown.
@ -172,17 +172,17 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="680"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="688"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="689"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="697"/>
<source>T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T</source>
<translation>I N T E N T A N D O C O N E C T A R</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="753"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="770"/>
<source>Personal Mix at the Server: </source>
<translation>Mezcla Personal en el Servidor: </translation>
@ -190,189 +190,189 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="128"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="130"/>
<source>Channel Level</source>
<translation>Nivel Canal</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="129"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<source>Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for each client.</source>
<translation>Muestra el nivel de audio pre-fader de este canal. Todos los clientes conectados al servidor tienen un nivel de audio asignado, el mismo para cada cliente.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Input level of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Nivel de entrada del canal de audio actual en el servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Mixer Fader</source>
<translation>Fader Mezclador</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio fader at each client, adjusting the local mix.</source>
<translation>Ajusta el nivel de audio de este canal. Todos los clientes conectados al servidor tienen asignado un fader en el cliente, ajustando la mezcla local.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="137"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="139"/>
<source>Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Ajuste local de la mezcla del canal de audio actual en el servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Status Indicator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation>Indicador de Estado</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation>Muestra una indicación del estado del cliente asignado a este canal. Los indicadores soportados son:</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="145"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="144"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation>Altavoz tachado: Indica que el otro cliente te ha muteado.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation>Etiqueta indicador estado</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<source>Sets the panning position from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode.</source>
<translation>Fija el paneo de Izquierda a Derecha del canal. Solo funciona en estéreo o preferiblemente en modo Entrada mono/Salida estéreo.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="150"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<source>Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Posición local del paneo del canal de audio actual en el servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<source>With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted.</source>
<translation>Activando Mute, se puede mutear el canal de audio.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Mute button</source>
<translation>Botón Mute</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<source>With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo.</source>
<translation>Activando Solo, todos los demás canales de audio excepto este se mutean. Es posible activar esta función para más de un canal.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="160"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<source>Solo button</source>
<translation>Botón Solo</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>Fader Tag</source>
<translation>Etiqueta Fader</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, the picture of your instrument and a flag of your country can be set in the main window.</source>
<translation>La etiqueta del fader identifica al cliente conectado. El nombre de la etiqueta, la imagen de tu instrumento y la bandera de tu país se pueden establecer en la ventana principal.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="167"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<source>Mixer channel instrument picture</source>
<translation>Imagen mezclador canal instrumento</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<source>Mixer channel label (fader tag)</source>
<translation>Etiqueta mezclador canal (etiqueta fader)</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="173"/>
<source>Mixer channel country flag</source>
<translation>Bandera país mezclador canal</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="209"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="211"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="212"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="515"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="527"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="535"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<source>Skill Level</source>
<translation>Nivel Habilidad</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="570"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="576"/>
<source>Musician Profile</source>
<translation>Perfil Músico</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="47"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="218"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="220"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="43"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="217"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="48"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="221"/>
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="205"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1100"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1103"/>
@ -689,22 +689,22 @@
<translation>El procesador del cliente o del servidor está al 100%.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="716"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="719"/>
<source>Central Server</source>
<translation>Servidor Central</translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="834"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="837"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="839"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="842"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1076"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1079"/>
@ -795,8 +795,9 @@
<translation>El jitter buffer compensa el jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. El tamaño de este buffer tiene por tanto un impacto sobre la calidad del flujo de audio (el número de caídas de la señal) y el retardo total (a mayor buffer, mayor retardo).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="vanished">El tamaño del jitter buffer se puede establecer para el cliente local y para el servidor remoto. Para el jitter buffer local, las caídas del flujo de audio se indican mediante la luz debajo de los faders del jitter buffer. Si la luz se vuelve roja, significa que ha habido una interrupción del flujo de audio.</translation>
<translation>El tamaño del jitter buffer se puede establecer para el cliente local y para el servidor remoto. Para el jitter buffer local, las caídas del flujo de audio se indican mediante la luz debajo de los faders del jitter buffer. Si la luz se vuelve roja, significa que ha habido una interrupción del flujo de audio.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="46"/>
@ -809,8 +810,9 @@
<translation>Hay disponible una configuración automática del jitter buffer. Si se activa Auto, los jitter buffers del cliente local y del servidor remoto se configuran automáticamente basándose en mediciones del jitter de la red y la tarjeta de audio. Si se activa esta opción, los faders quedan deshabilitados (no pueden moverse con el ratón).</translation>
<source>If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="vanished">En caso de activar la configuración automática del jitter buffer, los buffers de red del cliente local y del servidor remoto se asignan a un valor conservador para minimizar la probabilidad de fallos de audio. Para ajustar el retardo de audio/latencia se recomienda desactivar la función automática y bajar los valores de jitter buffer manualmente utilizando los controles deslizantes hasta alcanzar un límite aceptable de caídas de audio. El indicador LED ofrece una visualización de las caídas de audio mediante una luz roja.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation>En caso de activar la configuración automática del jitter buffer, los buffers de red del cliente local y del servidor remoto se asignan a un valor conservador para minimizar la probabilidad de fallos de audio. Para ajustar el retardo de audio/latencia se recomienda desactivar la función automática y bajar los valores de jitter buffer manualmente utilizando los controles deslizantes hasta alcanzar un límite aceptable de caídas de audio. El indicador LED ofrece una visualización de las caídas de audio mediante una luz roja.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="72"/>
@ -872,24 +874,10 @@
<source>Sound Card Channel Mapping</source>
<translation>Mapeo Canales Tarjeta Audio</translation>
<source>If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Si el dispositivo de audio ofrece más de un canal de entrada o salida, son visibles las configuraciones para el Mapeo de Canales de Entrada y de Salida.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below thejitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>In case the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation>Si el dispositivo de audio ofrece más de un canal de entrada o salida, son visibles las configuraciones para el Mapeo de Canales de Entrada y de Salida.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="108"/>
@ -1123,86 +1111,93 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="246"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Dirección Servidor Central</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="247"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog.</source>
<translation>La dirección personalizada del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el cual se gestiona la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión. Esta dirección solo se utiliza si se selecciona la lista personalizada en la ventana de conexión.</translation>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="vanished">Dirección Servidor Central</translation>
<source>The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>La dirección del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el que se gestiona la lista de servidores en la ventana de conexión. Aquí se puede escoger la región local de entre los servidores centrales por defecto o se puede especificar una dirección manualmente.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">La dirección del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el que se gestiona la lista de servidores en la ventana de conexión. Aquí se puede escoger la región local de entre los servidores centrales por defecto o se puede especificar una dirección manualmente.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="256"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Selección servidor central</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Selección servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="254"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Dirección servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="260"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<source>Current Connection Status Parameter</source>
<translation>Parámetro Estado Conexión Actual</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="261"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="258"/>
<source>The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient.</source>
<translation>El ping es el tiempo que requiere el flujo de audio para viajar desde el cliente al servidor y volver. Este retardo lo determina la red. Esta cifra debería ser de unos 20-30 ms. Si este retardo es mayor (por ej. 50-60 ms), la distancia al servidor es demasiado grande o tu conexión a internet no es óptima.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="266"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="263"/>
<source>The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.</source>
<translation>El retardo total se calcula con el ping y el retardo ocasionado por la configuración de buffers.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="268"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="265"/>
<source>The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using</source>
<translation>La tasa de subida depende del tamaño actual de paquetes de audio y la configuración de compresión de audio. Asegúrate de que la tasa de subida no es mayor que la tasa disponible (comprueba la tasa de subida de tu conexión a internet, por ej. con</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="281"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="278"/>
<source>If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the </source>
<translation>Si este indicador LED se vuelve rojo, no te divertirás demasiado utilizando el software </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="283"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="280"/>
<source> software.</source>
<translation> .</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="288"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="285"/>
<source>ASIO Setup</source>
<translation>Configuración ASIO</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="335"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="332"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="336"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="333"/>
<translation>Entrada mono/Salida estéreo</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="337"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="334"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="342"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="339"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="343"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="340"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="344"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="341"/>
@ -1222,13 +1217,21 @@
<location filename="../../util.h" line="587"/>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<translation>Género Rock</translation>
<source>Genre Rock/Jazz</source>
<translation>Género Rock/Jazz</translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="590"/>
<source>Genre Classical/Folk/Choir</source>
<translation>Género Clásica/Folk/Coro</translation>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<translation type="vanished">Género Rock</translation>
<source>Genre Jazz</source>
<translation>Género Jazz</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Género Jazz</translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="593"/>
@ -1240,43 +1243,42 @@
<translation type="vanished">Por defecto (Norteamérica)</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="369"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="359"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="463"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="467"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="446"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="450"/>
<source>Size: </source>
<translation>Tamaño: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="524"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="507"/>
<source>Buffer Delay</source>
<translation>Retardo Buffer</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="512"/>
<source>Buffer Delay: </source>
<translation>Retardo Buffer: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="606"/>
<source>Predefined Address</source>
<translation>Dirección Preestablecida</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Dirección Preestablecida</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="646"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="595"/>
<source>The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: </source>
<translation>El dispositivo de audio seleccionado no puede utilizarse a causa del siguiente error: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="648"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="597"/>
<source> The previous driver will be selected.</source>
<translation> Se utilizará el driver anterior.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="649"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="598"/>
@ -1412,29 +1414,33 @@
<translation>Mostrar Nivel Canales</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="562"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Dirección Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="560"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="599"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Dirección Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="592"/>
<source>Audio Stream Rate</source>
<translation>Tasa Muestreo Audio</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="612"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="642"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="677"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="605"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="635"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="670"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="623"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="616"/>
<source>Ping Time</source>
<translation>Tiempo Ping</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="653"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="646"/>
<source>Overall Delay</source>
<translation>Retardo Total</translation>
@ -1496,32 +1502,47 @@
<translation>Contiene la dirección IP o URL actual del servidor. También guarda viejas URL en la lista.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation>Selección Lista de Servidores</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Selects the server list to be shown.</source>
<translation>Selecciona la lista de servidores a mostrar.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation>Selección lista de servidores</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive.</source>
<translation>La lista de servidores se filtra con el texto introducido. El filtro no es sensible a mayúsculas/minúsculas.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="94"/>
<source>Filter edit box</source>
<translation>Campo filtro</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>Show All Musicians</source>
<translation>Mostrar Todos los Músicos</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed.</source>
<translation>Si activas esta opción, se mostrarán los músicos de todos los servidores. Si lo desactivas, se colapsan todas las listas.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="100"/>
<source>Show all musicians check box</source>
<translation>Selección Mostrar todos los músicos</translation>
@ -2070,29 +2091,55 @@
<translation>Estado Registro Servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful.</source>
<translation>Si se ha activado Mi Servidor es Público, esto mostrará si se ha registrado en el servidor central con éxito.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Si se ha activado Mi Servidor es Público, esto mostrará si se ha registrado en el servidor central con éxito.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="79"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Dirección Servidor Central</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Dirección Servidor Central</translation>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation type="vanished">La dirección del Servidor Central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el que se ha registrado este servidor. Aquí se puede escoger la región local de entre los servidores centrales por defecto o se puede especificar una dirección manualmente.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list.</source>
<translation>Si se activa Mi Servidor es Público, se mostrará si el registro con el servidor central ha tenido éxito. Si el registro falla, por favor escoge otra lista de servidores.</translation>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation type="vanished">Selección servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>La dirección del Servidor Central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el que se ha registrado este servidor. Aquí se puede escoger la región local de entre los servidores centrales por defecto o se puede especificar una dirección manualmente.</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Selección servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="81"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed.</source>
<translation>La dirección personalizada del servidor central es la dirección IP o URL del servidor central en el cual se gestiona la lista de servidores de la ventana de conexión.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Dirección servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation>Selección Lista Servidores</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added.</source>
<translation>Selecciona la lista de servidores (por ej. dirección servidor central) al que se añadirá tu servidor.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Dirección servidor central</translation>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation>Selección lista de servidores</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
@ -2269,14 +2316,18 @@
<translation>Mi Servidor es Público (Registra Mi Servidor en la Lista de Servidores)</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="91"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="94"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="102"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="105"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Dirección Personalizada Servidor Central</translation>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Dirección Servidor Central:</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Dirección Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="117"/>
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -168,17 +168,17 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="680"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="688"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="689"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="697"/>
<source>T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="753"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="770"/>
<source>Personal Mix at the Server: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -187,188 +187,188 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="43"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="217"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="47"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="218"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="220"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="48"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="221"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="128"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="130"/>
<source>Channel Level</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="129"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<source>Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for each client.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Input level of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Mixer Fader</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio fader at each client, adjusting the local mix.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="137"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="139"/>
<source>Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Status Indicator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="144"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="145"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<source>Sets the panning position from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="150"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<source>Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<source>With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Mute button</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<source>With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="160"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<source>Solo button</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>Fader Tag</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, the picture of your instrument and a flag of your country can be set in the main window.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="167"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<source>Mixer channel instrument picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<source>Mixer channel label (fader tag)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="173"/>
<source>Mixer channel country flag</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="209"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="211"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="212"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="515"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="527"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="535"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<source>Skill Level</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="570"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="576"/>
<source>Musician Profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="205"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1100"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1103"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -685,22 +685,22 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="716"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="719"/>
<source>Central Server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="834"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="837"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="839"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="842"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1076"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1079"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below thejitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1107,127 +1107,117 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="246"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="247"/>
<source>The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="256"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="254"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="260"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<source>Current Connection Status Parameter</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="261"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="258"/>
<source>The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="266"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="263"/>
<source>The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="268"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="265"/>
<source>The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="281"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="278"/>
<source>If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="283"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="280"/>
<source> software.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="288"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="285"/>
<source>ASIO Setup</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="335"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="332"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="336"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="333"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="337"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="334"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="342"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="339"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="343"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="340"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="344"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="341"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="369"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="359"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="463"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="467"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="446"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="450"/>
<source>Size: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="524"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="507"/>
<source>Buffer Delay</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="512"/>
<source>Buffer Delay: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="606"/>
<source>Predefined Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="646"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="595"/>
<source>The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="648"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="597"/>
<source> The previous driver will be selected.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="649"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="598"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1243,12 +1233,12 @@
<location filename="../../util.h" line="587"/>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<source>Genre Rock/Jazz</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="590"/>
<source>Genre Jazz</source>
<source>Genre Classical/Folk/Choir</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1388,29 +1378,29 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="562"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="560"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="599"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="592"/>
<source>Audio Stream Rate</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="612"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="642"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="677"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="605"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="635"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="670"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="623"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="616"/>
<source>Ping Time</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="653"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="646"/>
<source>Overall Delay</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1468,32 +1458,47 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Selects the server list to be shown.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="94"/>
<source>Filter edit box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>Show All Musicians</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="100"/>
<source>Show all musicians check box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2043,27 +2048,37 @@
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="79"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="81"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2229,13 +2244,13 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="91"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="94"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="102"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="105"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
Binary file not shown.
@ -168,17 +168,17 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="680"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="688"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="689"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="697"/>
<source>T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T</source>
<translation>A A N H E T V E R B I N D E N</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="753"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="770"/>
<source>Personal Mix at the Server: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -187,188 +187,188 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="43"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="217"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Pan</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="47"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="218"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="220"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="48"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="221"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="128"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="130"/>
<source>Channel Level</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="129"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<source>Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for each client.</source>
<translation>Geeft het pre-fader-audioniveau van dit kanaal weer. Alle verbonden clients op de server krijgen een audioniveau toegewezen, dezelfde waarde voor elke client.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Input level of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Invoerniveau van het huidige audiokanaal op de server</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Mixer Fader</source>
<translation>Mixer Fader</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio fader at each client, adjusting the local mix.</source>
<translation>Past het geluidsniveau van dit kanaal aan. Alle verbonden clients op de server krijgen een audiofader toegewezen bij elke client, waarbij de lokale mix wordt aangepast.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="137"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="139"/>
<source>Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Lokale instelling van het mixniveau van het huidige audiokanaal op de server</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Status Indicator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="144"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="145"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<source>Sets the panning position from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="150"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<source>Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<source>With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted.</source>
<translation>Met het selectievakje Demp kan het audiokanaal worden gedempt.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Mute button</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<source>With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo.</source>
<translation>Met het selectievakje Solo kan het audiokanaal worden ingesteld op solo, zodat alle overige kanalen worden gedempt. Het is mogelijk om meer dan één kanaal op solo in te stellen.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="160"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<source>Solo button</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>Fader Tag</source>
<translation>Fader tag</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, the picture of your instrument and a flag of your country can be set in the main window.</source>
<translation>De fadertag identificeert de verbonden client. De tagnaam, de afbeelding van uw instrument en een vlag van uw land kunnen in het hoofdvenster worden ingesteld.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="167"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<source>Mixer channel instrument picture</source>
<translation>Afbeelding van het mengkanaalinstrument</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<source>Mixer channel label (fader tag)</source>
<translation>Label van het mengkanaal (faderlabel)</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="173"/>
<source>Mixer channel country flag</source>
<translation>Landvlag van het kanaal</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="209"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="211"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="212"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="515"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="527"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="535"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<source>Skill Level</source>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="570"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="576"/>
<source>Musician Profile</source>
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="205"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1100"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1103"/>
@ -685,22 +685,22 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="716"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="719"/>
<source>Central Server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="834"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="837"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="839"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="842"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1076"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1079"/>
@ -791,8 +791,9 @@
<translation>De jitterbuffer compenseert voor netwerk- en geluidskaart-timingstoestanden. De grootte van deze jitterbuffer heeft dus invloed op de kwaliteit van de audiostream (hoeveel uitvallers er optreden) en de totale vertraging (hoe langer de buffer, hoe hoger de vertraging).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="vanished">De jitter-buffergrootte kan handmatig worden gekozen voor de lokale client en de externe server. Voor de lokale jitterbuffer worden drop-outs in de audiostream aangegeven door het lampje op de onderkant van de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte. Als het lampje op rood springt, heeft er een bufferoverschrijding/onderbenedenrijding plaatsgevonden en wordt de audiostream onderbroken.</translation>
<translation>De jitter-buffergrootte kan handmatig worden gekozen voor de lokale client en de externe server. Voor de lokale jitterbuffer worden drop-outs in de audiostream aangegeven door het lampje op de onderkant van de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte. Als het lampje op rood springt, heeft er een bufferoverschrijding/onderbenedenrijding plaatsgevonden en wordt de audiostream onderbroken.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="46"/>
@ -805,8 +806,9 @@
<translation>Een automatische instelling van de jitterbuffergrootte is beschikbaar. Als de controle Auto is ingeschakeld, worden de jitterbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server automatisch ingesteld op basis van metingen van de netwerk- en geluidskaarttimingsjitter. Als de automatische controle is ingeschakeld, zijn de faders voor de jitterbuffergrootte uitgeschakeld (ze kunnen niet met de muis worden verplaatst).</translation>
<source>If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="vanished">In het geval dat de automatische instelling van de jitterbuffer is ingeschakeld, worden de netwerkbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server op een conservatieve waarde gezet om de kans op audio-uitval te minimaliseren. Om de audio delay/latentie te tweaken is het aan te raden om de automatische instelling uit te schakelen en de grootte van de jitterbuffer handmatig te verlagen met behulp van de schuifregelaars totdat de persoonlijke aanvaardbare limiet van het aantal drop-outs is bereikt. De LED-indicator zal de audio dropouts van de lokale jitterbuffer visualiseren met een rood lampje.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation>In het geval dat de automatische instelling van de jitterbuffer is ingeschakeld, worden de netwerkbuffers van de lokale client en de externe server op een conservatieve waarde gezet om de kans op audio-uitval te minimaliseren. Om de audio delay/latentie te tweaken is het aan te raden om de automatische instelling uit te schakelen en de grootte van de jitterbuffer handmatig te verlagen met behulp van de schuifregelaars totdat de persoonlijke aanvaardbare limiet van het aantal drop-outs is bereikt. De LED-indicator zal de audio dropouts van de lokale jitterbuffer visualiseren met een rood lampje.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="72"/>
@ -868,24 +870,10 @@
<source>Sound Card Channel Mapping</source>
<translation>Geluidskaartkanalen in kaart brengen</translation>
<source>If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="vanished">In het geval dat het geselecteerde geluidskaartapparaat meer dan één ingangs- of uitgangskanaal biedt, zijn de instellingen voor het ingangs- en uitgangskanaal in kaart brengen zichtbaar.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below thejitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>In case the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation>In het geval dat het geselecteerde geluidskaartapparaat meer dan één ingangs- of uitgangskanaal biedt, zijn de instellingen voor het ingangs- en uitgangskanaal in kaart brengen zichtbaar.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="108"/>
@ -1119,86 +1107,93 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="246"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Centraal Serveradres</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="247"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="vanished">Centraal Serveradres</translation>
<source>The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>Het centrale serveradres is het IP-adres of de URL van de centrale server waarop de serverlijst van het verbindingsdialoogvenster wordt beheerd. Met het centraal serveradrestype kan ofwel de lokale regio worden geselecteerd van de standaard centrale servers, ofwel kan een handmatig adres worden opgegeven.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Het centrale serveradres is het IP-adres of de URL van de centrale server waarop de serverlijst van het verbindingsdialoogvenster wordt beheerd. Met het centraal serveradrestype kan ofwel de lokale regio worden geselecteerd van de standaard centrale servers, ofwel kan een handmatig adres worden opgegeven.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="256"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Centraal serveradrestype combo box</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Centraal serveradrestype combo box</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="254"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Centraal serveradres bewerking van de lijn</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="260"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<source>Current Connection Status Parameter</source>
<translation>Huidige verbindingsstatus-parameter</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="261"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="258"/>
<source>The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient.</source>
<translation>De ping-tijd is de tijd die nodig is voor de audiostream om van de client naar de server en terug te reizen. Deze vertraging wordt geïntroduceerd door het netwerk. Deze vertraging moet zo laag zijn als 20-30 ms. Als deze vertraging hoger is (bijv. 50-60 ms), is uw afstand tot de server te groot of is uw internetverbinding niet toereikend.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="266"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="263"/>
<source>The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.</source>
<translation>De totale vertraging wordt berekend op basis van de huidige ping-tijd en de vertraging die door de huidige bufferinstellingen wordt veroorzaakt.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="268"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="265"/>
<source>The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using</source>
<translation>De upstreamsnelheid is afhankelijk van de huidige grootte van het audiopakket en de instelling van de audiocompressie. Zorg ervoor dat de upstreamsnelheid niet hoger is dan de beschikbare snelheid (controleer de upstreammogelijkheden van uw internetverbinding door bijvoorbeeld te gebruiken).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="281"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="278"/>
<source>If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the </source>
<translation>Als deze LED-indicator rood wordt, zult u niet veel plezier beleven aan het gebruik van de </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="283"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="280"/>
<source> software.</source>
<translation> software.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="288"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="285"/>
<source>ASIO Setup</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="335"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="332"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="336"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="333"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="337"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="334"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="342"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="339"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="343"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="340"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="344"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="341"/>
@ -1218,12 +1213,12 @@
<location filename="../../util.h" line="587"/>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<source>Genre Rock/Jazz</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="590"/>
<source>Genre Jazz</source>
<source>Genre Classical/Folk/Choir</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1236,43 +1231,38 @@
<translation type="vanished">Standaard (Noord-Amerika)</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="369"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="359"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="463"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="467"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="446"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="450"/>
<source>Size: </source>
<translation>Size: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="524"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="507"/>
<source>Buffer Delay</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="512"/>
<source>Buffer Delay: </source>
<translation>Buffervertraging: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="606"/>
<source>Predefined Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="646"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="595"/>
<source>The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: </source>
<translation>Het geselecteerde audioapparaat kon niet worden gebruikt vanwege de volgende fout: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="648"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="597"/>
<source> The previous driver will be selected.</source>
<translation> Het vorige stuurprogramma wordt geselecteerd.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="649"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="598"/>
@ -1408,29 +1398,33 @@
<translation>Weergave Kanaalniveaus</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="562"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Centraal Serveradres:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="560"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="599"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Centraal Serveradres:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="592"/>
<source>Audio Stream Rate</source>
<translation>Audio Stream Rate</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="612"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="642"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="677"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="605"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="635"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="670"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="623"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="616"/>
<source>Ping Time</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="653"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="646"/>
<source>Overall Delay</source>
<translation>Algehele vertraging</translation>
@ -1488,32 +1482,47 @@
<translation>Bevat het huidige server-IP-adres of de URL. Het slaat ook oude URL's op in de comboboxlijst.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Selects the server list to be shown.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive.</source>
<translation>De serverlijst wordt gefilterd met de gegeven tekst. Merk op dat het filter ongevoelig is voor hoofdletters.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="94"/>
<source>Filter edit box</source>
<translation>Filter bewerkingsvak</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>Show All Musicians</source>
<translation>Toon alle muzikanten</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed.</source>
<translation>Als u dit selectievakje aanvinkt, worden de muzikanten van alle servers getoond. Als u het selectievakje uitvinkt, worden alle items van de lijstweergave samengevouwen.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="100"/>
<source>Show all musicians check box</source>
<translation>Toon alle muzikanten checkbox</translation>
@ -2062,29 +2071,55 @@
<translation>Tabblad Serverstatus</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful.</source>
<translation>Als het selectievakje Maak Mijn Server Openbaar is aangevinkt, zal dit het succes van de registratie bij de centrale server laten zien.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Als het selectievakje Maak Mijn Server Openbaar is aangevinkt, zal dit het succes van de registratie bij de centrale server laten zien.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="79"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Centrale Serveradres</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Centrale Serveradres</translation>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Het adres van de centrale server is het IP-adres of de URL van de centrale server waarop deze server is geregistreerd. Met het type centraal serveradres kan ofwel de lokale regio worden geselecteerd van de standaard centrale servers of kan een handmatig adres worden opgegeven.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation type="vanished">Standaard centrale server type combo box</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>Het adres van de centrale server is het IP-adres of de URL van de centrale server waarop deze server is geregistreerd. Met het type centraal serveradres kan ofwel de lokale regio worden geselecteerd van de standaard centrale servers of kan een handmatig adres worden opgegeven.</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Standaard centrale server type combo box</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="81"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Centrale server adresbewerking van de lijn</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Centrale server adresbewerking van de lijn</translation>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
@ -2261,14 +2296,18 @@
<translation>Maak mijn server openbaar (Registreer mijn server in de lijst met servers)</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="91"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="94"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="102"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="105"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Adres Centrale Server:</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Adres Centrale Server:</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="117"/>
Binary file not shown.
@ -180,17 +180,17 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="680"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="688"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="689"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="697"/>
<source>T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T</source>
<translation>T E N T A N D O L I G A R</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="753"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="770"/>
<source>Personal Mix at the Server: </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -198,189 +198,189 @@
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="128"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="130"/>
<source>Channel Level</source>
<translation>Nível do Canal</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="129"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<source>Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for each client.</source>
<translation>Mostra o nível de áudio pré-fader deste canal. Todos os clientes ligados ao servidor terão atribuído um nível de áudio, o mesmo valor para cada cliente.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="131"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Input level of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Nível de entrada deste canal de áudio do servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Mixer Fader</source>
<translation>Fader da Mistura</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="134"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="136"/>
<source>Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All connected clients at the server will be assigned an audio fader at each client, adjusting the local mix.</source>
<translation>Ajusta o nível de áudio deste canal. Por cada cliente ligado ao servidor será atribuído um fader de áudio em todos os clientes, podendo cada um ajustar a sua mistura local.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="137"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="139"/>
<source>Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation>Configuração do nível de mistura local deste canal de áudio do servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Status Indicator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="140"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="142"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="144"/>
<source>Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that the other client has muted you.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="145"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<source>Status indicator label</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="147"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="149"/>
<source>Sets the panning position from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="150"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<source>Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<source>With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted.</source>
<translation>Com a caixa de seleção Mute, o canal de áudio pode ser silenciado.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Mute button</source>
<translation>Botão Mute</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<source>With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo.</source>
<translation>Com a caixa de seleção Solo, o canal de áudio pode ser definido como solo, o que significa que todos os outros canais, exceto o canal atual, serão silenciados. É possível definir mais que um canal no modo solo.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="160"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<source>Solo button</source>
<translation>Botão Solo</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>Fader Tag</source>
<translation>Identificador do Fader</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="162"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="164"/>
<source>The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, the picture of your instrument and a flag of your country can be set in the main window.</source>
<translation>O Identificador do fader identifica o cliente ligado. O nome no identificador, a imagem do instrumento e a bandeira do país podem ser definidos no Meu Perfil.</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="167"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<source>Mixer channel instrument picture</source>
<translation>Imagem do instrumento do canal da mistura</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="169"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<source>Mixer channel label (fader tag)</source>
<translation>Identificação do canal da mistura (identificador do fader)</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="171"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="173"/>
<source>Mixer channel country flag</source>
<translation>Bandeira do país do canal da mistura</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="209"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="211"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="210"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="212"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="515"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="521"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="527"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="535"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<source>Skill Level</source>
<translation>Nível de Habilidade</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="551"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="557"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="555"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="561"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="559"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="565"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="570"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="576"/>
<source>Musician Profile</source>
<translation>Perfil do músico</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="47"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="152"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="218"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="220"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="43"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="217"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Pan</translation>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="48"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="156"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="219"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="158"/>
<location filename="../../audiomixerboard.cpp" line="221"/>
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="205"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1100"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1103"/>
@ -697,22 +697,22 @@
<translation>O CPU do cliente ou servidor está a 100%.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="716"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="719"/>
<source>Central Server</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="834"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="837"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="839"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="842"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1076"/>
<location filename="../../clientdlg.cpp" line="1079"/>
@ -803,8 +803,9 @@
<translation>O jitter buffer (ou buffer de instabilidade) compensa os desvios de temporização da rede e da placa de som. O tamanho desse jitter buffer influencia, portanto, a qualidade do fluxo de áudio (quantas interrupções ocorrem) e a latência geral (quanto maior o buffer, maior a latência).</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below the jitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="vanished">O tamanho do jitter buffer pode ser escolhido manualmente para o cliente local e o servidor remoto. Para o jitter buffer local, as interrupções no fluxo de áudio são indicadas pela luz na parte inferior dos faders do jitter buffer. Se a luz ficar vermelha, ocorreu um excesso/déficit do buffer e o fluxo de áudio é interrompido.</translation>
<translation>O tamanho do jitter buffer pode ser escolhido manualmente para o cliente local e o servidor remoto. Para o jitter buffer local, as interrupções no fluxo de áudio são indicadas pela luz na parte inferior dos faders do jitter buffer. Se a luz ficar vermelha, ocorreu um excesso/déficit do buffer e o fluxo de áudio é interrompido.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="46"/>
@ -817,8 +818,9 @@
<translation>Está disponível uma configuração automática do tamanho do jitter buffer. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os jitter buffers do cliente local e do servidor remoto serão configurados automaticamente com base nas medições da instabilidade de sincronização da rede e da placa de som. Se a opção Auto estiver ativada, os faders do jitter buffer serão desativados (não poderão ser movidos manualmente).</translation>
<source>If the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Caso a configuração automática do jitter buffer estiver ativada, os buffers de rede do cliente local e do servidor remoto são configurados com um valor conservador para minimizar a probabilidade de perda de áudio. Para ajustar o atraso/latência do áudio, é recomendável desativar a funcionalidade de configuração automática e diminuir o tamanho do jitter buffer manualmente usando os controles deslizantes até que a quantidade de perdas de áudio lhe sejam pessoalmente aceitáveis. O indicador LED representará as interrupções de áudio do jitter buffer local através de uma luz vermelha.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation>Caso a configuração automática do jitter buffer estiver ativada, os buffers de rede do cliente local e do servidor remoto são configurados com um valor conservador para minimizar a probabilidade de perda de áudio. Para ajustar o atraso/latência do áudio, é recomendável desativar a funcionalidade de configuração automática e diminuir o tamanho do jitter buffer manualmente usando os controles deslizantes até que a quantidade de perdas de áudio lhe sejam pessoalmente aceitáveis. O indicador LED representará as interrupções de áudio do jitter buffer local através de uma luz vermelha.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="72"/>
@ -880,24 +882,10 @@
<source>Sound Card Channel Mapping</source>
<translation>Mapeamento de Canais da Placa de Som</translation>
<source>If the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Caso o dispositivo selecionado da placa de som ofereça mais que um canal de entrada ou saída, as configurações de Mapeamento de canais de entrada e de saída estarão visíveis.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="41"/>
<source>The jitter buffer size can be manually chosen for the local client and the remote server. For the local jitter buffer, dropouts in the audio stream are indicated by the light below thejitter buffer size faders. If the light turns to red, a buffer overrun/underrun took place and the audio stream is interrupted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="56"/>
<source>In case the auto setting of the jitter buffer is enabled, the network buffers of the local client and the remote server are set to a conservative value to minimize the audio dropout probability. To tweak the audio delay/latency it is recommended to disable the auto setting functionality and to lower the jitter buffer size manually by using the sliders until your personal acceptable limit of the amount of dropouts is reached. The LED indicator will visualize the audio dropouts of the local jitter buffer with a red light.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>In case the selected sound card device offers more than one input or output channel, the Input Channel Mapping and Output Channel Mapping settings are visible.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation>Caso o dispositivo selecionado da placa de som ofereça mais que um canal de entrada ou saída, as configurações de Mapeamento de canais de entrada e de saída estarão visíveis.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="108"/>
@ -1131,86 +1119,93 @@
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="246"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Endereço do servidor central</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="247"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. This address is only used if the custom server list is selected in the connection dialog.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="vanished">Endereço do servidor central</translation>
<source>The central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>O endereço do servidor central é o endereço IP ou URL do servidor central a partir do qual é gerida a lista de servidores do diálogo de ligação. Com a configuração do endereço do servidor central, é possível selecionar um dos servidores centrais padrão ou especificar um endereço manual.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">O endereço do servidor central é o endereço IP ou URL do servidor central a partir do qual é gerida a lista de servidores do diálogo de ligação. Com a configuração do endereço do servidor central, é possível selecionar um dos servidores centrais padrão ou especificar um endereço manual.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="256"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Seletor de servidor central padrão</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Seletor de servidor central padrão</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="254"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="260"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="257"/>
<source>Current Connection Status Parameter</source>
<translation>Parâmetros do Estado da Ligação</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="261"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="258"/>
<source>The ping time is the time required for the audio stream to travel from the client to the server and back again. This delay is introduced by the network. This delay should be as low as 20-30 ms. If this delay is higher (e.g., 50-60 ms), your distance to the server is too large or your internet connection is not sufficient.</source>
<translation>A latência da ligação é o tempo necessário para o fluxo de áudio viajar do cliente para o servidor e vice-versa. Esta latência é introduzida pela rede. Esta latência deve ser tão baixa quanto 20-30 ms. Se esta latência for maior (por exemplo, 50-60 ms), a distância até ao servidor é muito grande ou sua ligação à Internet não é suficiente.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="266"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="263"/>
<source>The overall delay is calculated from the current ping time and the delay which is introduced by the current buffer settings.</source>
<translation>A latência geral é calculada a partir da latência da ligação atual e do atraso introduzido pelas configurações do buffer.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="268"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="265"/>
<source>The upstream rate depends on the current audio packet size and the audio compression setting. Make sure that the upstream rate is not higher than the available rate (check the upstream capabilities of your internet connection by, e.g., using</source>
<translation>A taxa de transmissão depende do tamanho do pacote de áudio e da configuração de compactação de áudio. Verifique se a taxa de transmissão não é maior que a taxa disponível (verifique a taxa de upload da sua ligação à Internet usando, por exemplo, o</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="281"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="278"/>
<source>If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using the </source>
<translation>Se este indicador LED ficar vermelho, não se irá divertir muito ao usar o </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="283"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="280"/>
<source> software.</source>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="288"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="285"/>
<source>ASIO Setup</source>
<translation>Configuração ASIO</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="335"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="332"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="336"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="333"/>
<translation>Entrada Mono/Saída Estéreo</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="337"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="334"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="342"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="339"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="343"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="340"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="344"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="341"/>
@ -1230,12 +1225,12 @@
<location filename="../../util.h" line="587"/>
<source>Genre Rock</source>
<source>Genre Rock/Jazz</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../util.h" line="590"/>
<source>Genre Jazz</source>
<source>Genre Classical/Folk/Choir</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1248,43 +1243,38 @@
<translation type="vanished">Servidor Padrão (America do Norte)</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="369"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="359"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="463"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="467"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="446"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="450"/>
<source>Size: </source>
<translation>Tamanho: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="524"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="507"/>
<source>Buffer Delay</source>
<translation>Atraso do buffer</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="529"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="512"/>
<source>Buffer Delay: </source>
<translation>Atraso do buffer:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="606"/>
<source>Predefined Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="646"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="595"/>
<source>The selected audio device could not be used because of the following error: </source>
<translation>O dispositivo de áudio selecionado não pôde ser usado devido ao seguinte erro: </translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="648"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="597"/>
<source> The previous driver will be selected.</source>
<translation> O driver anterior será selecionado.</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="649"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlg.cpp" line="598"/>
@ -1420,29 +1410,33 @@
<translation>Mostrar Níveis de Canais</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="562"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Endereço do Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="560"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="599"/>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Endereço do Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="592"/>
<source>Audio Stream Rate</source>
<translation>Taxa de Transmissão de Áudio</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="612"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="642"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="677"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="605"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="635"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="670"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="623"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="616"/>
<source>Ping Time</source>
<translation>Latência da Ligação</translation>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="653"/>
<location filename="../../clientsettingsdlgbase.ui" line="646"/>
<source>Overall Delay</source>
<translation>Latência Geral</translation>
@ -1500,32 +1494,47 @@
<translation>Contém o endereço IP ou URL do servidor atual. Também armazena URLs antigos na lista do seletor.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="87"/>
<source>Selects the server list to be shown.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>The server list is filtered by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive.</source>
<translation>A lista de servidores é filtrada pelo texto fornecido. Note que o filtro não diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="94"/>
<source>Filter edit box</source>
<translation>Caixa de edição do filtro</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>Show All Musicians</source>
<translation>Mostrar Todos os Músicos</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="97"/>
<source>If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed.</source>
<translation>Se marcar esta caixa de seleção, os músicos de todos os servidores serão mostrados. Se desmarcar a caixa de seleção, todos os itens em exibição na lista serão recolhidos.</translation>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../../connectdlg.cpp" line="100"/>
<source>Show all musicians check box</source>
<translation>Caixa de seleção para mostrar músicos</translation>
@ -2074,29 +2083,55 @@
<translation>Estado de Registo do Servidor</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful.</source>
<translation>Se a caixa de seleção Tornar Servidor Público estiver marcada, isto mostrará o sucesso ou insucesso do registo no servidor central.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Se a caixa de seleção Tornar Servidor Público estiver marcada, isto mostrará o sucesso ou insucesso do registo no servidor central.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="79"/>
<source>Central Server Address</source>
<translation>Endereço do servidor central</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Endereço do servidor central</translation>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation type="vanished">O endereço do servidor central é o endereço IP ou o URL do servidor central no qual esse servidor será registado. Com o menu dos servidores centrais, é possível selecionar um dos servidores centrais padrão ou especificar um endereço manual.</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="75"/>
<source>If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show whether registration with the central server is successful. If the registration failed, please choose another server list.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation type="vanished">Seletor do servidor central padrão</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which this server is registered. With the central server address type either the local region can be selected of the default central servers or a manual address can be specified.</source>
<translation>O endereço do servidor central é o endereço IP ou o URL do servidor central no qual esse servidor será registado. Com o menu dos servidores centrais, é possível selecionar um dos servidores centrais padrão ou especificar um endereço manual.</translation>
<source>Custom Central Server Address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Default central server type combo box</source>
<translation>Seletor do servidor central padrão</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="81"/>
<source>The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor central</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Server List Selection</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="88"/>
<source>Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>Central server address line edit</source>
<translation>Caixa de edição do endereço do servidor central</translation>
<source>Server list selection combo box</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlg.cpp" line="93"/>
@ -2273,14 +2308,18 @@
<translation>Tornar Servidor Público (Registar na Lista de Servidores)</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="91"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="94"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="102"/>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="105"/>
<source>Custom Central Server Address:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Central Server Address:</source>
<translation>Endereço do Servidor Central:</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Endereço do Servidor Central:</translation>
<location filename="../../serverdlgbase.ui" line="117"/>
@ -73,22 +73,22 @@ CServerDlg::CServerDlg ( CServer* pNServP,
// register server status label
lblRegSvrStatus->setWhatsThis ( "<b>" + tr ( "Register Server Status" ) + ":</b> " +
tr ( "If the Make My Server Public check box is checked, this will show "
"whether registration with the central server is successful." ) );
"whether registration with the central server is successful. If the "
"registration failed, please choose another server list." ) );
// central server address
QString strCentrServAddr = "<b>" + tr ( "Central Server Address" ) + ":</b> " +
tr ( "The Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server "
"at which this server is registered. With the central server address "
"type either the local region can be selected of the default central "
"servers or a manual address can be specified." );
// custom central server address
QString strCentrServAddr = "<b>" + tr ( "Custom Central Server Address" ) + ":</b> " +
tr ( "The custom central server address is the IP address or URL of the central "
"server at which the server list of the connection dialog is managed." );
lblCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
cbxCentServAddrType->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
edtCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
cbxCentServAddrType->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Default central server type combo box" ) );
edtCentralServerAddress->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Central server address line edit" ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setWhatsThis ( "<b>" + tr ( "Server List Selection" ) + ":</b> " + tr (
"Selects the server list (i.e. central server address) in which your server will be added." ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Server list selection combo box" ) );
// server name
QString strServName = "<b>" + tr ( "Server Name" ) + ":</b> " + tr ( "The server name identifies "
"your server in the connect dialog server list at the clients. If no "
@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ lvwClients->setMinimumHeight ( 140 );
// central server address type combo box
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_CUSTOM ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_DEFAULT ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENERAL_NORTHAMERICA ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_ROCK ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_JAZZ ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_ALL_GENRES ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_ROCK_JAZZ ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_GENRE_CLASSICAL_FOLK ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->addItem ( csCentServAddrTypeToString ( AT_CUSTOM ) );
cbxCentServAddrType->setCurrentIndex ( static_cast<int> ( pServer->GetCentralServerAddressType() ) );
// update server name line edit
@ -63,11 +63,14 @@
<layout class="QHBoxLayout">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="chbRegisterServer">
<property name="text">
<string>Make My Server Public (Register My Server in the Server List)</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="chbRegisterServer">
<property name="text">
<string>Make My Server Public (Register My Server in the Server List)</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbxCentServAddrType"/>
@ -99,16 +102,13 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblCentralServerAddress">
<property name="text">
<string>Central Server Address:</string>
<string>Custom Central Server Address:</string>
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="edtCentralServerAddress"/>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbxCentServAddrType"/>
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void CSettings::Load()
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client",
QString ( "storedpanvalue%1" ).arg ( iIdx ),
0, AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX/2, iValue ) )
0, AUD_MIX_PAN_MAX, iValue ) )
pClient->vecStoredPanValues[iIdx] = iValue;
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void CSettings::Load()
// central server address type
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "centservaddrtype",
0, 4 /* AT_GENRE_JAZZ */, iValue ) )
0, 4 /* AT_CUSTOM */, iValue ) )
pClient->SetCentralServerAddressType ( static_cast<ECSAddType> ( iValue ) );
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ if ( GetFlagIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "defcentservaddr", bValue ) )
// central server address type (note that it is important
// to set this setting prior to the "central server address")
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "server", "centservaddrtype",
0, 4 /* AT_GENRE_JAZZ */, iValue ) )
0, 4 /* AT_CUSTOM */, iValue ) )
pServer->SetCentralServerAddressType ( static_cast<ECSAddType> ( iValue ) );
@ -952,9 +952,9 @@ QString NetworkUtil::GetCentralServerAddress ( const ECSAddType eCentralServerAd
switch ( eCentralServerAddressType )
case AT_CUSTOM: return strCentralServerAddress;
@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ ECSAddType CLocale::GetCentralServerAddressType ( const QLocale::Country eCountr
case QLocale::Canada:
case QLocale::Mexico:
case QLocale::Greenland:
return AT_DEFAULT;
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ private:
// Audio channel configuration -------------------------------------------------
enum EAudChanConf
// used for settings -> enum values must be fixed!
// used for settings -> enum values should be fixed
CC_MONO = 0,
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ enum EGetDataStat
// GUI design enum -------------------------------------------------------------
enum EGUIDesign
// used for settings -> enum values must be fixed!
// used for settings -> enum values should be fixed
@ -565,12 +565,12 @@ enum ELicenceType
// Central server address type -------------------------------------------------
enum ECSAddType
// used for settings -> enum values must be fixed!
// used for settings -> enum values should be fixed
inline QString csCentServAddrTypeToString ( ECSAddType eAddrType )
@ -580,14 +580,14 @@ inline QString csCentServAddrTypeToString ( ECSAddType eAddrType )
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Custom" );
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "All Genres" );
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Genre Rock" );
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Genre Rock/Jazz" );
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Genre Jazz" );
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Genre Classical/Folk/Choir" );
default: // AT_DEFAULT
return QCoreApplication::translate ( "CClientSettingsDlg", "Default" );
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