SVG history graph
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 557 additions and 95 deletions
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ HEADERS += src/audiomixerboard.h \
src/connectdlg.h \
src/global.h \
src/clientdlg.h \
src/historygraph.h \
src/serverdlg.h \
src/multicolorled.h \
src/multicolorledbar.h \
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ HEADERS += src/audiomixerboard.h \
src/settings.h \
src/socket.h \
src/soundbase.h \
src/svghistorygraph.h \
src/testbench.h \
src/util.h \
src/analyzerconsole.h \
@ -266,6 +268,7 @@ SOURCES += src/audiomixerboard.cpp \
src/settings.cpp \
src/socket.cpp \
src/soundbase.cpp \
src/svghistorygraph.cpp \
src/util.cpp \
src/analyzerconsole.cpp \
src/recorder/jamrecorder.cpp \
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QFile>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include "global.h"
#include "util.h"
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// number of history items to store
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
class CHistoryGraph : public QObject
enum EHistoryItemType
void Start ( const QString& sNewFileName );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const EHistoryItemType curType );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const QHostAddress ClientInetAddr );
void Update();
struct SHistoryData
QDateTime DateTime;
EHistoryItemType Type;
void DrawFrame ( const int iNewNumTicksX );
void AddMarker ( const SHistoryData& curHistoryData );
void Save ( const QString sFileName );
QString sFileName;
bool bDoHistory;
CFIFO<SHistoryData> vHistoryDataFifo;
QRect PlotCanvasRect;
int iNumTicksX;
int iYAxisStart;
int iYAxisEnd;
int iNumTicksY;
int iGridFrameOffset;
int iGridWidthWeekend;
int iTextOffsetToGrid;
int iXAxisTextHeight;
int iMarkerSizeNewCon;
int iMarkerSizeServSt;
QFont AxisFont;
int iTextOffsetX;
QColor PlotBackgroundColor;
QColor PlotFrameColor;
QColor PlotGridColor;
QColor PlotTextColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewLocalColor;
QColor PlotMarkerStopColor;
QImage PlotPixmap;
double dXSpace;
int iYSpace;
QDate curDate;
QRect PlotGridFrame;
QTimer TimerDailyUpdate;
public slots:
void OnTimerDailyUpdate() { Update(); }
@ -415,8 +415,7 @@ int main ( int argc, char** argv )
// Application object
if ( !bUseGUI && !strHistoryFileName.isEmpty() )
tsConsole << "Qt5 requires a windowing system to paint a JPEG image; disabling history graph" << endl;
strHistoryFileName = "";
tsConsole << "Qt5 requires a windowing system to paint a JPEG image; image will use SVG" << endl;
QCoreApplication* pApp = bUseGUI
? new QApplication ( argc, argv )
@ -333,7 +333,14 @@ void CServerLogging::Start ( const QString& strLoggingFileName )
void CServerLogging::EnableHistory ( const QString& strHistoryFileName )
HistoryGraph.Start ( strHistoryFileName );
if ( strHistoryFileName.right(4).compare(".svg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 )
SvgHistoryGraph.Start ( strHistoryFileName );
HistoryGraph.Start ( strHistoryFileName );
void CServerLogging::AddNewConnection ( const QHostAddress& ClientInetAddr )
@ -342,14 +349,13 @@ void CServerLogging::AddNewConnection ( const QHostAddress& ClientInetAddr )
const QString strLogStr = CurTimeDatetoLogString() + ", " +
ClientInetAddr.toString() + ", connected";
#ifndef _WIN32
QTextStream tsConsoleStream ( stdout );
QTextStream& tsConsoleStream = *( ( new ConsoleWriterFactory() )->get() );
tsConsoleStream << strLogStr << endl; // on console
*this << strLogStr; // in log file
// add element to history
HistoryGraph.Add ( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), ClientInetAddr );
SvgHistoryGraph.Add ( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), ClientInetAddr );
void CServerLogging::AddServerStopped()
@ -357,17 +363,16 @@ void CServerLogging::AddServerStopped()
const QString strLogStr = CurTimeDatetoLogString() + ",, server stopped "
#ifndef _WIN32
QTextStream tsConsoleStream ( stdout );
QTextStream& tsConsoleStream = *( ( new ConsoleWriterFactory() )->get() );
tsConsoleStream << strLogStr << endl; // on console
*this << strLogStr; // in log file
// add element to history and update on server stop
HistoryGraph.Add ( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),
CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
HistoryGraph.Add ( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
SvgHistoryGraph.Add ( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
void CServerLogging::operator<< ( const QString& sNewStr )
@ -420,8 +425,8 @@ void CServerLogging::ParseLogFile ( const QString& strFileName )
if ( strAddress.isEmpty() )
// server stop
HistoryGraph.Add ( curDateTime,
CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
HistoryGraph.Add ( curDateTime, CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
SvgHistoryGraph.Add ( curDateTime, CHistoryGraph::HIT_SERVER_STOP );
@ -432,13 +437,15 @@ void CServerLogging::ParseLogFile ( const QString& strFileName )
// new client connection
HistoryGraph.Add ( curDateTime, curAddress );
SvgHistoryGraph.Add ( curDateTime, curAddress );
QString CServerLogging::CurTimeDatetoLogString()
@ -22,11 +22,9 @@
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QFile>
@ -35,84 +33,10 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "util.h"
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// number of history items to store
#include "historygraph.h"
#include "svghistorygraph.h"
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
class CHistoryGraph : public QObject
enum EHistoryItemType
void Start ( const QString& sNewFileName );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const EHistoryItemType curType );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const QHostAddress ClientInetAddr );
void Update();
struct SHistoryData
QDateTime DateTime;
EHistoryItemType Type;
void DrawFrame ( const int iNewNumTicksX );
void AddMarker ( const SHistoryData& curHistoryData );
void Save ( const QString sFileName );
QString sFileName;
bool bDoHistory;
CFIFO<SHistoryData> vHistoryDataFifo;
QRect PlotCanvasRect;
int iNumTicksX;
int iYAxisStart;
int iYAxisEnd;
int iNumTicksY;
int iGridFrameOffset;
int iGridWidthWeekend;
int iTextOffsetToGrid;
int iXAxisTextHeight;
int iMarkerSizeNewCon;
int iMarkerSizeServSt;
QFont AxisFont;
int iTextOffsetX;
QColor PlotBackgroundColor;
QColor PlotFrameColor;
QColor PlotGridColor;
QColor PlotTextColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewColor;
QColor PlotMarkerNewLocalColor;
QColor PlotMarkerStopColor;
QImage PlotPixmap;
double dXSpace;
int iYSpace;
QDate curDate;
QRect PlotGridFrame;
QTimer TimerDailyUpdate;
public slots:
void OnTimerDailyUpdate() { Update(); }
class CServerLogging
@ -122,6 +46,7 @@ public:
void Start ( const QString& strLoggingFileName );
void EnableHistory ( const QString& strHistoryFileName );
void EnableSVGHistory ( const QString& strHistoryFileName );
void AddNewConnection ( const QHostAddress& ClientInetAddr );
void AddServerStopped();
void ParseLogFile ( const QString& strFileName );
@ -131,8 +56,9 @@ protected:
QString CurTimeDatetoLogString();
CHistoryGraph HistoryGraph;
CSvgHistoryGraph SvgHistoryGraph;
bool bDoLogging;
QFile File;
#endif /* !defined ( SERVERLOGGING_HOIHOKIH83JH8_3_43445KJIUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#include "svghistorygraph.h"
CSvgHistoryGraph::CSvgHistoryGraph() :
sFileName ( "" ),
bDoHistory ( false ),
vHistoryDataFifo ( NUM_ITEMS_HISTORY ),
plotCanvasRectX ( 0 ),
plotCanvasRectY ( 0 ),
plotCanvasRectWidth ( 600 ),
plotCanvasRectHeight ( 450 ),
numDays ( 0 ),
iYAxisStart ( 0 ),
iYAxisEnd ( 24 ),
iNumTicksY ( 5 ),
iGridFrameOffset ( 10 ),
iGridWidthWeekend ( 3 ), // should be an odd value
iTextOffsetToGrid ( 3 ),
iXAxisTextHeight ( 22 ),
iMarkerSizeNewCon ( 11 ),
iMarkerSizeServSt ( 8 ),
axisFontFamily ( "sans-serif" ),
axisFontWeight ( "80" ),
axisFontSize ( 10 ),
iTextOffsetX ( 18 ),
plotGridFrameX ( plotCanvasRectX + iGridFrameOffset ),
plotGridFrameY ( plotCanvasRectY + iGridFrameOffset ),
plotGridFrameWidth ( plotCanvasRectWidth - 2 * iGridFrameOffset ),
plotGridFrameHeight ( plotCanvasRectHeight - 2 * iGridFrameOffset - iXAxisTextHeight ),
plotGridFrameRight ( plotGridFrameX + plotGridFrameWidth ),
plotGridFrameBottom ( plotGridFrameY + plotGridFrameHeight ),
PlotBackgroundColor ( "white" ), // background
PlotFrameColor ( "black" ), // frame
PlotGridColor ( "gray" ), // grid
PlotTextColor ( "black" ), // text
PlotMarkerNewColor ( "darkCyan" ), // marker for new connection
PlotMarkerNewLocalColor ( "blue" ), // marker for new local connection
PlotMarkerStopColor ( "red" ) // marker for server stop
// set SVG veiwBox to correct size to ensure correct scaling
QString("%1, %2, %3, %4")
svgRootAttributes.append("xmlns", "");
svgRootAttributes.append("xmlns:xlink", "");
// generate plot grid frame rectangle
gridFrameAttributes.append("stroke", QString("%1").arg(PlotFrameColor));
gridFrameAttributes.append("stroke-width", QString("%1").arg(1));
gridFrameAttributes.append("style", QString("fill: none;"));
textAttributes.append("stroke", QString("%1").arg(PlotTextColor));
textAttributes.append("font-family", axisFontFamily);
textAttributes.append("font-weight", axisFontWeight);
textAttributes.append("font-size", QString("%1").arg(axisFontSize));
gridAttributes.append("stroke", QString("%1").arg(PlotGridColor));
gridAttributes.append("stroke-width", QString("%1").arg(1));
gridWeekendAttributes.append("stroke", QString("%1").arg(PlotGridColor));
gridWeekendAttributes.append("stroke-width", QString("%1").arg(iGridWidthWeekend));
// Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
QObject::connect ( &TimerDailyUpdate, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
this, SLOT ( OnTimerDailyUpdate() ) );
void CSvgHistoryGraph::Start ( const QString& sNewFileName )
if ( !sNewFileName.isEmpty() )
// save file name
sFileName = sNewFileName;
// set enable flag
bDoHistory = true;
// enable timer (update once a day)
TimerDailyUpdate.start ( 3600000 * 24 );
// initial update (empty graph)
void CSvgHistoryGraph::DrawFrame( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int _numDays )
unsigned int i;
// store number of x-axis ticks (number of days we want to draw
// the history for
numDays = _numDays;
// Create actual plot region (grid frame) ----------------------------------
rect(svgStreamWriter, plotGridFrameX, plotGridFrameY, plotGridFrameWidth, plotGridFrameHeight, gridFrameAttributes);
// calculate step for x-axis ticks so that we get the desired number of
// ticks -> 5 ticks
// TODO the following equation does not work as expected but results are acceptable
// we want to have "floor ( numDays / 5 )" which is the same as
// "numDays / 5" since "numDays" is an integer variable
const unsigned int iXAxisTickStep = numDays / 5 + 1;
// grid (ticks) for x-axis
dayXSpace = static_cast<double> ( plotCanvasRectWidth / ( numDays + 1 ) );
for ( i = 0; i < numDays; i++ )
unsigned int iBottomExtraTickLen = 0;
const unsigned int iCurX = plotGridFrameX + static_cast<unsigned int> ( dayXSpace * ( i + 1 ) );
const QDate curXAxisDate = curDate.addDays ( i - numDays + 1 );
// text (print only every "iXAxisTickStep" tick)
if ( !( i % iXAxisTickStep ) )
text(svgStreamWriter, static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(0, static_cast<signed int>(iCurX - iTextOffsetX))), plotGridFrameBottom + iXAxisTextHeight + iTextOffsetToGrid, curXAxisDate.toString ( "dd.MM." ), textAttributes);
iBottomExtraTickLen = 5;
// regular grid
line(svgStreamWriter, iCurX, 1 + plotGridFrameY, iCurX, plotGridFrameBottom + iBottomExtraTickLen, gridAttributes);
// different grid width for weekends (overwrite regular grid)
if ( ( curXAxisDate.dayOfWeek() == 6 ) || // check for Saturday
( curXAxisDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 ) ) // check for Sunday
const unsigned int iGridWidthWeekendHalf = iGridWidthWeekend / 2;
line(svgStreamWriter, iCurX, 1 + plotGridFrameY + iGridWidthWeekendHalf, iCurX, plotGridFrameBottom - iGridWidthWeekendHalf, gridWeekendAttributes);
// grid (ticks) for y-axis, draw iNumTicksY - 2 grid lines and
// iNumTicksY - 1 text labels (the lowest grid line is the grid frame)
iYSpace = plotGridFrameHeight / ( iNumTicksY - 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < ( iNumTicksY - 1 ); i++ )
const unsigned int iCurY = plotGridFrameY + iYSpace * ( i + 1 );
// text
text(svgStreamWriter, plotGridFrameX + iTextOffsetToGrid, iCurY - iTextOffsetToGrid,
QString ( "%1:00" ).arg ( ( iYAxisEnd - iYAxisStart ) / ( iNumTicksY - 1 ) * ( ( iNumTicksY - 2 ) - i ) ),
textAttributes );
// grid (do not overwrite frame)
if ( i < ( iNumTicksY - 2 ) )
line(svgStreamWriter, plotGridFrameX, iCurY, plotGridFrameRight, iCurY, gridAttributes);
void CSvgHistoryGraph::AddMarker ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const SHistoryData& curHistoryData )
// calculate x-axis offset (difference of days compared to
// current date)
const unsigned int iXAxisOffs = static_cast<unsigned int>( curDate.daysTo ( ) );
// check range, if out of range, do not plot anything
if ( -iXAxisOffs > ( numDays - 1 ) )
// calculate y-axis offset (consider hours and minutes)
const double dYAxisOffs = 24 - curHistoryData.DateTime.time().hour() -
static_cast<double> ( curHistoryData.DateTime.time().minute() ) / 60;
// calculate the actual point in the graph (in pixels)
unsigned int curPointX = plotGridFrameX + static_cast<unsigned int> ( dayXSpace * ( numDays + iXAxisOffs ) );
unsigned int curPointY = plotGridFrameY + static_cast<unsigned int> ( static_cast<double> ( plotGridFrameHeight ) / ( iYAxisEnd - iYAxisStart ) * dYAxisOffs );
unsigned int wh = 0;
QXmlStreamAttributes curPointAttibutes;
curPointAttibutes.append("stroke", "0");
// we use different markers for new connection and server stop items
switch ( curHistoryData.Type )
case CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType::HIT_SERVER_STOP:
curPointAttibutes.append("fill", PlotMarkerStopColor);
wh = iMarkerSizeServSt;
case CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType::HIT_LOCAL_CONNECTION:
curPointAttibutes.append("fill", PlotMarkerNewLocalColor);
wh = iMarkerSizeNewCon;
case CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType::HIT_REMOTE_CONNECTION:
curPointAttibutes.append("fill", PlotMarkerNewColor);
wh = iMarkerSizeNewCon;
rect(svgStreamWriter, curPointX, curPointY, wh, wh, curPointAttibutes);
void CSvgHistoryGraph::Save ( const QString sFileName, const QString& svgImage )
QFile outf (sFileName);
if (! {
throw std::runtime_error( (sFileName + " could not be written. Aborting.").toStdString() );
QTextStream out(&outf);
out << svgImage << endl;
void CSvgHistoryGraph::Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime,
const QHostAddress ClientInetAddr )
if ( bDoHistory )
// add element to history, distinguish between a local connection
// and a remote connection
if ( ( ClientInetAddr == QHostAddress ( "" ) ) ||
( ClientInetAddr.toString().left ( 7 ).compare ( "192.168" ) == 0 ) )
// local connection
Add ( newDateTime, CHistoryGraph::HIT_LOCAL_CONNECTION );
// remote connection
Add ( newDateTime, CHistoryGraph::HIT_REMOTE_CONNECTION );
void CSvgHistoryGraph::Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime,
const CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType curType )
if ( bDoHistory )
// create and add new element in FIFO
SHistoryData curHistoryData;
curHistoryData.DateTime = newDateTime;
curHistoryData.Type = curType;
vHistoryDataFifo.Add ( curHistoryData );
void CSvgHistoryGraph::Update()
if ( bDoHistory )
int i;
// store current date for reference
curDate = QDate::currentDate();
// get oldest date in history
QDate oldestDate = curDate.addDays ( 1 ); // one day in the future
const int iNumItemsForHistory = vHistoryDataFifo.Size();
for ( i = 0; i < iNumItemsForHistory; i++ )
// only use valid dates
if ( vHistoryDataFifo[i] )
if ( vHistoryDataFifo[i] < oldestDate )
oldestDate = vHistoryDataFifo[i];
const unsigned int iNumDaysInHistory = static_cast<const unsigned>( -curDate.daysTo ( oldestDate ) + 1 );
// create SVG document
QString svgImage;
QXmlStreamWriter svgStreamWriter( &svgImage );
// draw frame of the graph
DrawFrame ( svgStreamWriter, iNumDaysInHistory );
// add markers
for ( i = 0; i < iNumItemsForHistory; i++ )
// only use valid dates
if ( vHistoryDataFifo[i] )
AddMarker ( svgStreamWriter, vHistoryDataFifo[i] );
// save graph as picture in file
Save ( sFileName, svgImage );
void CSvgHistoryGraph::rect ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs )
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("x", QString("%1").arg(x));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("y", QString("%1").arg(y));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("width", QString("%1").arg(width));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("height", QString("%1").arg(height));
if (attrs.size() > 0) {
void CSvgHistoryGraph::line ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x1, const unsigned int y1, const unsigned int x2, const unsigned int y2, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs )
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("x1", QString("%1").arg(x1));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("y1", QString("%1").arg(y1));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("x2", QString("%1").arg(x2));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("y2", QString("%1").arg(y2));
if (attrs.size() > 0) {
void CSvgHistoryGraph::text ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const QString &value, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs )
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("x", QString("%1").arg(x));
svgStreamWriter.writeAttribute("y", QString("%1").arg(y));
if (attrs.size() > 0) {
svgStreamWriter.writeCharacters( value );
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#include "historygraph.h"
#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
#include <QXmlStreamAttributes>
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// number of history items to store
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
class CSvgHistoryGraph : public QObject
void Start ( const QString& sNewFileName );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType curType );
void Add ( const QDateTime& newDateTime, const QHostAddress ClientInetAddr );
void Update();
struct SHistoryData
QDateTime DateTime;
CHistoryGraph::EHistoryItemType Type;
void DrawFrame ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int numDays );
void AddMarker ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const SHistoryData& curHistoryData );
void Save ( const QString sFileName, const QString& svgImage );
void rect ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs = QXmlStreamAttributes() );
void line ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x1, const unsigned int y1, const unsigned int x2, const unsigned int y2, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs = QXmlStreamAttributes() );
void text ( QXmlStreamWriter &svgStreamWriter, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const QString &value, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs = QXmlStreamAttributes() );
QString sFileName;
bool bDoHistory;
CFIFO<SHistoryData> vHistoryDataFifo;
const unsigned int plotCanvasRectX;
const unsigned int plotCanvasRectY;
const unsigned int plotCanvasRectWidth;
const unsigned int plotCanvasRectHeight;
unsigned int numDays;
const unsigned int iYAxisStart;
const unsigned int iYAxisEnd;
const unsigned int iNumTicksY;
const unsigned int iGridFrameOffset;
const unsigned int iGridWidthWeekend;
const unsigned int iTextOffsetToGrid;
const unsigned int iXAxisTextHeight;
const unsigned int iMarkerSizeNewCon;
const unsigned int iMarkerSizeServSt;
const QString axisFontFamily;
const QString axisFontWeight;
const unsigned int axisFontSize;
const unsigned int iTextOffsetX;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameX;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameY;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameWidth;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameHeight;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameRight;
const unsigned int plotGridFrameBottom;
QString PlotBackgroundColor;
QString PlotFrameColor;
QString PlotGridColor;
QString PlotTextColor;
QString PlotMarkerNewColor;
QString PlotMarkerNewLocalColor;
QString PlotMarkerStopColor;
double dayXSpace;
unsigned int iYSpace;
QDate curDate;
QXmlStreamAttributes svgRootAttributes;
QXmlStreamAttributes gridFrameAttributes;
QXmlStreamAttributes textAttributes;
QXmlStreamAttributes gridAttributes;
QXmlStreamAttributes gridWeekendAttributes;
QTimer TimerDailyUpdate;
public slots:
void OnTimerDailyUpdate() { Update(); }
Add table
Reference in a new issue