complete redesign of ASIO conversion buffers to have greater flexibility with different ASIO buffer sizes, not yet working correctly
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 122 additions and 187 deletions
@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ void CSettings::ReadIniFile ( const QString& sFileName )
// sound card in number of buffers
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audinbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audinbuf", 1, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetInNumBuf( iValue );
// sound card out number of buffers
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audoutbuf", 0, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
if ( GetNumericIniSet ( IniXMLDocument, "client", "audoutbuf", 1, AUD_SLIDER_LENGTH, iValue ) )
pClient->GetSndInterface()->SetOutNumBuf ( iValue );
@ -57,21 +57,14 @@ int iASIOBufferSizeMono;
// wave in
int iInCurBlockToWrite;
short* psSoundcardBuffer[MAX_SND_BUF_IN];
bool bBufferOverrun;
short* psCaptureBuffer;
int iBufferPosCapture;
bool bCaptureBufferOverrun;
// wave out
int iOutCurBlockToWrite;
short* psPlaybackBuffer[MAX_SND_BUF_OUT];
bool bBufferUnderrun;
// ASIO buffer size conversion buffer
short* psCaptureConvBuf;
int iCurPosCaptConvBuf;
short* psPlayConvBuf;
int iCurPosPlayConvBuf;
int iASIOConfBufSize;
short* psPlayBuffer;
int iBufferPosPlay;
bool bPlayBufferUnderrun;
int iCurNumSndBufIn;
int iCurNumSndBufOut;
@ -79,8 +72,8 @@ int iNewNumSndBufIn;
int iNewNumSndBufOut;
// we must implement these functions here to get access to global variables
int CSound::GetOutNumBuf() { return iCurNumSndBufOut; }
int CSound::GetInNumBuf() { return iCurNumSndBufIn; }
int CSound::GetOutNumBuf() { return iNewNumSndBufOut; }
int CSound::GetInNumBuf() { return iNewNumSndBufIn; }
@ -88,7 +81,7 @@ int CSound::GetInNumBuf() { return iCurNumSndBufIn; }
bool CSound::Read ( CVector<short>& psData )
int i, j;
int i;
bool bError;
// check if device must be opened or reinitialized
@ -101,46 +94,44 @@ bool CSound::Read ( CVector<short>& psData )
bChangParamIn = false;
// wait until data is available
if ( iInCurBlockToWrite == 0 )
// wait until enough data is available
while ( iBufferPosCapture < iBufferSizeStereo )
if ( bBlockingRec )
if ( bBlockingRec && !bCaptureBufferOverrun )
WaitForSingleObject ( m_ASIOEvent, INFINITE );
return false;
return true;
ASIOMutex.lock(); // get mutex lock
// check for buffer overrun in ASIO thread
bError = bBufferOverrun;
if ( bBufferOverrun )
bError = bCaptureBufferOverrun;
if ( bCaptureBufferOverrun )
// reset flag
bBufferOverrun = false;
bCaptureBufferOverrun = false;
// copy data from sound card in output buffer
// copy data from sound card capture buffer in function output buffer
for ( i = 0; i < iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
psData[i] = psSoundcardBuffer[0][i];
psData[i] = psCaptureBuffer[i];
// move all other data in buffer
for ( j = 0; j < iInCurBlockToWrite - 1; j++ )
const int iLenCopyRegion = iBufferPosCapture - iBufferSizeStereo;
for ( i = 0; i < iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
psSoundcardBuffer[j][i] = psSoundcardBuffer[j + 1][i];
psCaptureBuffer[i] = psCaptureBuffer[iBufferSizeStereo + i];
// adjust "current block to write" pointer
iBufferPosCapture -= iBufferSizeStereo;
// in case more than one buffer was ready, reset event
ResetEvent ( m_ASIOEvent );
@ -187,29 +178,31 @@ bool CSound::Write ( CVector<short>& psData )
ASIOMutex.lock(); // get mutex lock
// check for buffer underrun in ASIO thread
bError = bBufferUnderrun;
if ( bBufferUnderrun )
bError = bPlayBufferUnderrun;
if ( bPlayBufferUnderrun )
// reset flag
bBufferUnderrun = false;
bPlayBufferUnderrun = false;
// first check if buffer is available
if ( iOutCurBlockToWrite < iCurNumSndBufOut )
// copy stereo data from input in soundcard buffer
for ( int i = 0; i < iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
psPlaybackBuffer[iOutCurBlockToWrite][i] = psData[i];
// first check if enough data in buffer is available
const int iPlayBufferLen = iCurNumSndBufOut * iBufferSizeStereo;
if ( iBufferPosPlay + iBufferSizeStereo > iPlayBufferLen )
// buffer overrun, return error
bError = true;
// copy stereo data from function input in soundcard play buffer
for ( int i = 0; i < iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
psPlayBuffer[iBufferPosPlay + i] = psData[i];
iBufferPosPlay += iBufferSizeStereo;
@ -238,7 +231,7 @@ void CSound::SetOutNumBuf ( int iNewNum )
void CSound::InitRecordingAndPlayback ( int iNewBufferSize )
int i, j;
int i;
// first, stop audio and dispose ASIO buffers
@ -313,6 +306,7 @@ void CSound::InitRecordingAndPlayback ( int iNewBufferSize )
// TEST test if requested buffer size is supported by the audio hardware, if not, fire error
if ( iASIOBufferSizeMono != iBufferSizeMono )
@ -320,6 +314,10 @@ if ( iASIOBufferSizeMono != iBufferSizeMono )
"not supported by the audio hardware." ).arg(iBufferSizeMono) );
//iASIOBufferSizeMono = 256;
// prepare input channels
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ )
@ -363,62 +361,31 @@ if ( iASIOBufferSizeMono != iBufferSizeMono )
iCurNumSndBufOut = iNewNumSndBufOut;
// initialize write block pointer in and overrun flag
iInCurBlockToWrite = 0;
bBufferOverrun = false;
iBufferPosCapture = 0;
bCaptureBufferOverrun = false;
// create memory for sound card buffer
for ( i = 0; i < iCurNumSndBufIn; i++ )
// create memory for capture buffer
if ( psCaptureBuffer != NULL )
if ( psSoundcardBuffer[i] != NULL )
delete[] psSoundcardBuffer[i];
psSoundcardBuffer[i] = new short[iBufferSizeStereo];
delete[] psCaptureBuffer;
psCaptureBuffer = new short[iCurNumSndBufIn * iBufferSizeStereo];
// initialize write block pointer out and underrun flag
iOutCurBlockToWrite = 0;
bBufferUnderrun = false;
iBufferPosPlay = 0;
bPlayBufferUnderrun = false;
// create memory for playback buffer
for ( j = 0; j < iCurNumSndBufOut; j++ )
// create memory for play buffer
if ( psPlayBuffer != NULL )
if ( psPlaybackBuffer[j] != NULL )
delete[] psPlaybackBuffer[j];
delete[] psPlayBuffer;
psPlaybackBuffer[j] = new short[iBufferSizeStereo];
psPlayBuffer = new short[iCurNumSndBufOut * iBufferSizeStereo];
// clear new buffer
for ( i = 0; i < iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
for ( i = 0; i < iCurNumSndBufOut * iBufferSizeStereo; i++ )
psPlaybackBuffer[j][i] = 0;
// create memory for ASIO buffer conversion if required
if ( iASIOBufferSizeMono != iBufferSizeMono )
// required size: two times of one stereo buffer of the larger buffer
iASIOConfBufSize = max(4 * iASIOBufferSizeMono, 2 * iBufferSizeStereo);
if ( psCaptureConvBuf != NULL )
delete[] psCaptureConvBuf;
psCaptureConvBuf = new short[iASIOConfBufSize];
iCurPosCaptConvBuf = 0;
if ( psPlayConvBuf != NULL )
delete[] psPlayConvBuf;
psPlayConvBuf = new short[iASIOConfBufSize];
iCurPosPlayConvBuf = 0;
psPlayBuffer[i] = 0;
// reset event
@ -510,7 +477,6 @@ iNumDevs = 1;
pstrDevices[0] =;
// check the number of available channels
long lNumInChan;
long lNumOutChan;
@ -518,7 +484,8 @@ pstrDevices[0] =;
if ( ( lNumInChan < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS ) ||
( lNumOutChan < NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS ) )
throw CGenErr ( "The audio device does not support required number of channels." );
throw CGenErr ( "The audio device does not support the "
"required number of channels." );
// query the usable buffer sizes
@ -534,7 +501,8 @@ pstrDevices[0] =;
ASIOGetSampleRate ( &sampleRate );
if ( sampleRate != SND_CRD_SAMPLE_RATE )
throw CGenErr ( "The audio device does not support required sample rate." );
throw CGenErr ( "The audio device does not support the "
"required sample rate." );
// check wether the driver requires the ASIOOutputReady() optimization
@ -548,19 +516,8 @@ pstrDevices[0] =;
asioCallbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &bufferSwitchTimeInfo;
// init buffer pointer to zero
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SND_BUF_IN; i++ )
psSoundcardBuffer[i] = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SND_BUF_OUT; i++ )
psPlaybackBuffer[i] = NULL;
// init ASIO convertion buffers
psCaptureConvBuf = NULL;
psPlayConvBuf = NULL;
psCaptureBuffer = NULL;
psPlayBuffer = NULL;
// we use an event controlled structure
// create event
@ -573,8 +530,6 @@ pstrDevices[0] =;
int i;
// cleanup ASIO stuff
@ -582,20 +537,13 @@ CSound::~CSound()
// delete allocated memory
for ( i = 0; i < iCurNumSndBufIn; i++ )
if ( psCaptureBuffer != NULL )
if ( psSoundcardBuffer[i] != NULL )
delete[] psSoundcardBuffer[i];
delete[] psCaptureBuffer;
for ( i = 0; i < iCurNumSndBufOut; i++ )
if ( psPlayBuffer != NULL )
if ( psPlaybackBuffer[i] != NULL )
delete[] psPlaybackBuffer[i];
delete[] psPlayBuffer;
// close the handle for the event
@ -620,46 +568,44 @@ void CSound::bufferSwitch ( long index, ASIOBool processNow )
ASIOMutex.lock(); // get mutex lock
// check if special treatment is required with buffer conversion
const bool bConvBufNeeded = ( iASIOBufferSizeMono != iBufferSizeMono );
// first check buffer state of capture and play buffers
const int iCaptureBufferLen = iCurNumSndBufIn * iBufferSizeStereo;
bCaptureBufferOverrun =
( iBufferPosCapture + 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono > iCaptureBufferLen );
// TODO implementation of ASIO conversion buffer
// psCaptureConvBuf
// iCurPosCaptConvBuf
// psPlayConvBuf
// iCurPosPlayConvBuf
bPlayBufferUnderrun = ( 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono > iBufferPosPlay );
// perform the processing for input and output
for ( int i = 0; i < 2 * NUM_IN_OUT_CHANNELS; i++ ) // stereo
if ( bufferInfos[i].isInput == ASIOFalse )
if ( bufferInfos[i].isInput == ASIOTrue )
// CAPTURE -----------------------------------------------------
// first check if space in buffer is available
if ( !bCaptureBufferOverrun )
// copy new captured block in thread transfer buffer
for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
// copy mono data interleaved in stereo buffer
psCaptureBuffer[iBufferPosCapture +
2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] =
((short*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index])[iCurSample];
// PLAYBACK ----------------------------------------------------
if ( iOutCurBlockToWrite > 0 )
if ( !bPlayBufferUnderrun )
// copy data from sound card in output buffer
for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
// copy interleaved stereo data in mono sound card buffer
((short*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index])[iCurSample] =
psPlaybackBuffer[0][2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum];
// CAPTURE -----------------------------------------------------
// first check if space in buffer is available
if ( iInCurBlockToWrite < iCurNumSndBufIn )
// copy new captured block in thread transfer buffer
for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iASIOBufferSizeMono; iCurSample++ )
// copy mono data interleaved in stereo buffer
psSoundcardBuffer[iInCurBlockToWrite][2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum] =
((short*) bufferInfos[i].buffers[index])[iCurSample];
psPlayBuffer[2 * iCurSample + bufferInfos[i].channelNum];
@ -667,41 +613,30 @@ void CSound::bufferSwitch ( long index, ASIOBool processNow )
// Manage thread interface buffers for input and output ----------------
// playback
if ( iOutCurBlockToWrite > 0 )
// capture
if ( !bCaptureBufferOverrun )
// move all other data in playback buffer
for ( int j = 0; j < iOutCurBlockToWrite - 1; j++ )
for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iBufferSizeStereo; iCurSample++ )
psPlaybackBuffer[j][iCurSample] =
psPlaybackBuffer[j + 1][iCurSample];
iBufferPosCapture += 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono;
// play
if ( !bPlayBufferUnderrun )
// move all other data in play buffer
const int iLenCopyRegion = iBufferPosPlay - 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono;
for ( iCurSample = 0; iCurSample < iLenCopyRegion; iCurSample++ )
psPlayBuffer[iCurSample] =
psPlayBuffer[2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono + iCurSample];
// adjust "current block to write" pointer
// set buffer underrun flag
bBufferUnderrun = true;
iBufferPosPlay -= 2 * iASIOBufferSizeMono;
// capture
if ( iInCurBlockToWrite < iCurNumSndBufIn )
// set buffer overrun flag
bBufferOverrun = true;
// finally if the driver supports the ASIOOutputReady() optimization,
// do it here, all data are in place
// do it here, all data are in place -----------------------------------
if ( bASIOPostOutput )
Add table
Reference in a new issue