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2020-01-01 15:41:43 +01:00
* Copyright (c) 2004-2020
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2019-07-09 08:52:38 +02:00
#pragma once
#include <QThread>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include "global.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "socket.h"
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// set the time-out for the input buffer until the state changes from
// connected to not connected (the actual time depends on the way the error
// correction is implemented)
#define CON_TIME_OUT_SEC_MAX 30 // seconds
// number of frames for audio fade-in
// 48 kHz, 64 samples: 3 seconds / ( 64 samples / 48 kHz ) = 2250
# define FADE_IN_NUM_FRAMES 2250
// 48 kHz, 128 samples: 3 seconds / ( 128 samples / 48 kHz ) = 1125
# define FADE_IN_NUM_FRAMES 1125
enum EPutDataStat
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
class CChannel : public QObject
// we have to make "server" the default since I do not see a chance to
// use constructor initialization in the server for a vector of channels
CChannel ( const bool bNIsServer = true );
void PutProtcolData ( const int iRecCounter,
const int iRecID,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyMesBodyData,
const CHostAddress& RecHostAddr );
EPutDataStat PutAudioData ( const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData,
const int iNumBytes,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr );
EGetDataStat GetData ( CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyData,
const int iNumBytes );
void PrepAndSendPacket ( CHighPrioSocket* pSocket,
const CVector<uint8_t>& vecbyNPacket,
const int iNPacketLen );
void ResetTimeOutCounter() { iConTimeOut = iConTimeOutStartVal; }
bool IsConnected() const { return iConTimeOut > 0; }
void Disconnect();
void SetEnable ( const bool bNEnStat );
bool IsEnabled() { return bIsEnabled; }
void SetAddress ( const CHostAddress NAddr ) { InetAddr = NAddr; }
bool GetAddress ( CHostAddress& RetAddr );
2014-01-06 16:06:04 +00:00
const CHostAddress& GetAddress() const { return InetAddr; }
void ResetInfo() { ChannelInfo = CChannelCoreInfo(); } // reset does not emit a message
QString GetName();
void SetChanInfo ( const CChannelCoreInfo& NChanInf );
CChannelCoreInfo& GetChanInfo() { return ChannelInfo; }
void SetRemoteInfo ( const CChannelCoreInfo ChInfo )
{ Protocol.CreateChanInfoMes ( ChInfo ); }
void CreateReqChanInfoMes() { Protocol.CreateReqChanInfoMes(); }
void SetGain ( const int iChanID, const double dNewGain );
double GetGain ( const int iChanID );
double GetFadeInGain() { return static_cast<double> ( iFadeInCnt ) / FADE_IN_NUM_FRAMES; }
void SetRemoteChanGain ( const int iId, const double dGain )
{ Protocol.CreateChanGainMes ( iId, dGain ); }
bool SetSockBufNumFrames ( const int iNewNumFrames,
const bool bPreserve = false );
int GetSockBufNumFrames() const { return iCurSockBufNumFrames; }
2011-06-16 11:37:17 +00:00
void UpdateSocketBufferSize();
int GetUploadRateKbps();
// set/get network out buffer size and size factor
2013-02-16 18:06:18 +00:00
void SetAudioStreamProperties ( const EAudComprType eNewAudComprType,
const int iNewNetwFrameSize,
const int iNewNetwFrameSizeFact,
const int iNewNumAudioChannels );
void SetDoAutoSockBufSize ( const bool bValue )
{ bDoAutoSockBufSize = bValue; }
bool GetDoAutoSockBufSize() const { return bDoAutoSockBufSize; }
int GetNetwFrameSizeFact() const { return iNetwFrameSizeFact; }
int GetNetwFrameSize() const { return iNetwFrameSize; }
void GetBufErrorRates ( CVector<double>& vecErrRates, double& dLimit, double& dMaxUpLimit )
{ SockBuf.GetErrorRates ( vecErrRates, dLimit, dMaxUpLimit ); }
2013-02-23 17:49:44 +00:00
2013-02-16 18:06:18 +00:00
EAudComprType GetAudioCompressionType() { return eAudioCompressionType; }
int GetNumAudioChannels() const { return iNumAudioChannels; }
// network protocol interface
void CreateJitBufMes ( const int iJitBufSize )
if ( ProtocolIsEnabled() )
Protocol.CreateJitBufMes ( iJitBufSize );
void CreateReqNetwTranspPropsMes() { Protocol.CreateReqNetwTranspPropsMes(); }
void CreateReqJitBufMes() { Protocol.CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void CreateReqConnClientsList() { Protocol.CreateReqConnClientsList(); }
void CreateChatTextMes ( const QString& strChatText ) { Protocol.CreateChatTextMes ( strChatText ); }
void CreateLicReqMes ( const ELicenceType eLicenceType ) { Protocol.CreateLicenceRequiredMes ( eLicenceType ); }
void CreateReqChannelLevelListMes ( bool bOptIn ) { Protocol.CreateReqChannelLevelListMes ( bOptIn ); }
void CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector<CChannelInfo>& vecChanInfo )
{ Protocol.CreateConClientListMes ( vecChanInfo ); }
CNetworkTransportProps GetNetworkTransportPropsFromCurrentSettings();
bool ChannelLevelsRequired() const { return bChannelLevelsRequired; }
2020-04-04 22:57:16 +01:00
double GetPrevLevel() const { return dPrevLevel; }
void SetPrevLevel ( const double nPL ) { dPrevLevel = nPL; }
bool ProtocolIsEnabled();
void ResetNetworkTransportProperties()
// set it to a state were no decoding is ever possible (since we want
// only to decode data when a network transport property message is
2013-02-16 18:06:18 +00:00
// received with the correct values)
eAudioCompressionType = CT_NONE;
iNumAudioChannels = 1; // mono
2020-04-04 22:57:16 +01:00
dPrevLevel = 0.0;
// connection parameters
CHostAddress InetAddr;
// channel info
CChannelCoreInfo ChannelInfo;
// mixer and effect settings
CVector<double> vecdGains;
// network jitter-buffer
CNetBufWithStats SockBuf;
int iCurSockBufNumFrames;
bool bDoAutoSockBufSize;
// network output conversion buffer
CConvBuf<uint8_t> ConvBuf;
// network protocol
CProtocol Protocol;
int iConTimeOut;
int iConTimeOutStartVal;
int iFadeInCnt;
bool bIsEnabled;
bool bIsServer;
int iNetwFrameSizeFact;
int iNetwFrameSize;
2013-02-16 18:06:18 +00:00
EAudComprType eAudioCompressionType;
int iNumAudioChannels;
QMutex Mutex;
QMutex MutexSocketBuf;
QMutex MutexConvBuf;
bool bChannelLevelsRequired;
2020-04-04 22:57:16 +01:00
double dPrevLevel;
public slots:
void OnSendProtMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void OnJittBufSizeChange ( int iNewJitBufSize );
void OnChangeChanGain ( int iChanID, double dNewGain );
void OnChangeChanInfo ( CChannelCoreInfo ChanInfo );
void OnNetTranspPropsReceived ( CNetworkTransportProps NetworkTransportProps );
void OnReqNetTranspProps();
void OnParseMessageBody ( CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
int iRecCounter,
int iRecID )
// note that the return value is ignored here
Protocol.ParseMessageBody ( vecbyMesBodyData, iRecCounter, iRecID );
void OnProtcolMessageReceived ( int iRecCounter,
int iRecID,
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
PutProtcolData ( iRecCounter, iRecID, vecbyMesBodyData, RecHostAddr );
void OnProtcolCLMessageReceived ( int iRecID,
CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr )
emit DetectedCLMessage ( vecbyMesBodyData, iRecID, RecHostAddr );
void OnNewConnection() { emit NewConnection(); }
void OnReqChannelLevelList ( bool bOptIn ) { bChannelLevelsRequired = bOptIn; }
void MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void NewConnection();
void ReqJittBufSize();
2011-05-28 12:17:01 +00:00
void JittBufSizeChanged ( int iNewJitBufSize );
void ServerAutoSockBufSizeChange ( int iNNumFra );
void ReqConnClientsList();
void ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> vecChanInfo );
void ChanInfoHasChanged();
void ReqChanInfo();
void ChatTextReceived ( QString strChatText );
void ReqNetTranspProps();
void LicenceRequired ( ELicenceType eLicenceType );
void Disconnected();
void DetectedCLMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
int iRecID,
CHostAddress RecHostAddr );
void ParseMessageBody ( CVector<uint8_t> vecbyMesBodyData,
int iRecCounter,
int iRecID );