
360 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2004-2009
* Author(s):
* Volker Fischer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2007-09-08 12:45:14 +02:00
#if !defined ( CHANNEL_HOIH9345KJH98_3_4344_BB23945IUHF1912__INCLUDED_ )
#define CHANNEL_HOIH9345KJH98_3_4344_BB23945IUHF1912__INCLUDED_
2008-01-20 19:07:13 +01:00
#include <qthread.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "audiocompr.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "resample.h"
#include "protocol.h"
/* Definitions ****************************************************************/
// Set the time-out for the input buffer until the state changes from
// connected to not-connected (the actual time depends on the way the error
// correction is implemented)
#define CON_TIME_OUT_SEC_MAX 5 // seconds
// no valid channel number
2006-03-06 18:04:07 +01:00
enum EPutDataStat
enum EGetDataStat
// low upload data rate settings
/* Classes ********************************************************************/
// CChannel --------------------------------------------------------------------
class CChannel : public QObject
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
// we have to make "server" the default since I do not see a chance to
// use constructor initialization in the server for a vector of channels
CChannel ( const bool bNIsServer = true );
virtual ~CChannel() {}
EPutDataStat PutData ( const CVector<unsigned char>& vecbyData,
int iNumBytes );
EGetDataStat GetData ( CVector<double>& vecdData );
CVector<unsigned char> PrepSendPacket ( const CVector<short>& vecsNPacket );
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
bool IsConnected() const { return iConTimeOut > 0; }
void SetEnable ( const bool bNEnStat );
void SetForceLowUploadRate ( const bool bNFoLoUpRat );
void SetAddress ( const CHostAddress NAddr ) { InetAddr = NAddr; }
bool GetAddress ( CHostAddress& RetAddr );
2007-09-08 12:45:14 +02:00
CHostAddress GetAddress() { return InetAddr; }
void SetName ( const QString sNNa );
QString GetName();
2008-01-22 22:15:04 +01:00
void SetRemoteName ( const QString strName )
2006-12-10 12:06:14 +01:00
{ Protocol.CreateChanNameMes ( strName ); }
void SetGain ( const int iChanID, const double dNewGain );
double GetGain ( const int iChanID );
2006-12-09 16:00:24 +01:00
void SetRemoteChanGain ( const int iId, const double dGain )
{ Protocol.CreateChanGainMes ( iId, dGain ); }
2006-12-10 12:06:14 +01:00
void SetSockBufSize ( const int iNumBlocks );
int GetSockBufSize() { return iCurSockBufSize; }
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
void SetNetwBufSizeOut ( const int iNewAudioBlockSizeOut );
void SetNetwBufSizeFactOut ( const int iNewNetwBlSiFactOut );
int GetNetwBufSizeFactOut() { return iCurNetwOutBlSiFact; }
void SetAudioCompressionOut ( const EAudComprType eNewAudComprTypeOut );
EAudComprType GetAudioCompressionOut() { return eAudComprTypeOut; }
// network protocol interface
void CreateJitBufMes ( const int iJitBufSize )
if ( ProtocolIsEnabled() )
Protocol.CreateJitBufMes ( iJitBufSize );
void CreateReqJitBufMes() { Protocol.CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void CreateReqConnClientsList() { Protocol.CreateReqConnClientsList(); }
void CreateChatTextMes ( const QString& strChatText ) { Protocol.CreateChatTextMes ( strChatText ); }
2008-08-10 23:56:03 +02:00
void CreatePingMes ( const int iMs ) { Protocol.CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
void CreateNetwBlSiFactMes ( const int iNetwBlSiFact )
if ( ProtocolIsEnabled() )
Protocol.CreateNetwBlSiFactMes ( iNetwBlSiFact );
2006-11-26 22:25:56 +01:00
void CreateConClientListMes ( const CVector<CChannelShortInfo>& vecChanInfo )
2006-11-26 22:25:56 +01:00
Protocol.CreateConClientListMes ( vecChanInfo );
void CreateNetTranspPropsMessFromCurrentSettings();
void SetAudioBlockSizeAndComprIn ( const int iNewBlockSize,
const EAudComprType eNewAudComprType );
bool ProtocolIsEnabled();
// audio compression
2008-08-05 22:59:01 +02:00
CAudioCompression AudioCompressionIn;
CAudioCompression AudioCompressionOut;
int iAudComprSizeOut;
// connection parameters
CHostAddress InetAddr;
// channel name
2008-01-22 22:15:04 +01:00
QString sName;
2006-11-26 22:25:56 +01:00
// mixer and effect settings
CVector<double> vecdGains;
// network jitter-buffer
CNetBuf SockBuf;
int iCurSockBufSize;
2006-01-28 12:29:22 +01:00
// network output conversion buffer
CConvBuf ConvBuf;
// network protocol
CProtocol Protocol;
int iConTimeOut;
int iConTimeOutStartVal;
bool bIsEnabled;
bool bIsServer;
bool bForceLowUploadRate;
int iCurAudioBlockSizeIn;
int iCurNetwOutBlSiFact;
int iCurAudioBlockSizeOut;
QMutex Mutex;
2008-08-09 18:34:02 +02:00
struct sNetwBufferInProps
int iNetwInBufSize;
int iAudioBlockSize;
EAudComprType eAudComprType;
2008-08-09 18:34:02 +02:00
CVector<sNetwBufferInProps> vecNetwBufferInProps;
EAudComprType eAudComprTypeOut;
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
public slots:
void OnSendProtMessage ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void OnJittBufSizeChange ( int iNewJitBufSize );
void OnNetwBlSiFactChange ( int iNewNetwBlSiFact );
void OnChangeChanGain ( int iChanID, double dNewGain );
2008-01-22 22:15:04 +01:00
void OnChangeChanName ( QString strName );
void OnNetTranspPropsReceived ( CNetworkTransportProps NetworkTransportProps );
void OnReqNetTranspProps();
2006-02-26 11:50:47 +01:00
void MessReadyForSending ( CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
void NewConnection();
void ReqJittBufSize();
void ReqConnClientsList();
2006-11-26 22:25:56 +01:00
void ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelShortInfo> vecChanInfo );
2006-12-10 12:06:14 +01:00
void NameHasChanged();
void ChatTextReceived ( QString strChatText );
2008-08-10 23:56:03 +02:00
void PingReceived ( int iMs );
void ReqNetTranspProps();
2006-11-26 22:25:56 +01:00
// CChannelSet (for server) ----------------------------------------------------
class CChannelSet : public QObject
2006-03-04 12:11:26 +01:00
CChannelSet ( const bool bForceLowUploadRate );
virtual ~CChannelSet() {}
bool PutData ( const CVector<unsigned char>& vecbyRecBuf,
const int iNumBytesRead, const CHostAddress& HostAdr );
int GetFreeChan();
int CheckAddr ( const CHostAddress& Addr );
void GetBlockAllConC ( CVector<int>& vecChanID,
CVector<CVector<double> >& vecvecdData,
CVector<CVector<double> >& vecvecdGains );
void GetConCliParam ( CVector<CHostAddress>& vecHostAddresses,
2008-01-22 22:15:04 +01:00
CVector<QString>& vecsName,
CVector<int>& veciJitBufSize,
CVector<int>& veciNetwOutBlSiFact );
// access functions for actual channels
bool IsConnected ( const int iChanNum )
{ return vecChannels[iChanNum].IsConnected(); }
CVector<unsigned char> PrepSendPacket ( const int iChanNum,
const CVector<short>& vecsNPacket )
{ return vecChannels[iChanNum].PrepSendPacket ( vecsNPacket ); }
CHostAddress GetAddress ( const int iChanNum )
{ return vecChannels[iChanNum].GetAddress(); }
2008-08-08 20:51:25 +02:00
void StartStatusHTMLFileWriting ( const QString& strNewFileName,
const QString& strNewServerNameWithPort );
CVector<CChannelShortInfo> CreateChannelList();
void CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels();
void CreateAndSendChanListForAllExceptThisChan ( const int iCurChanID );
void CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( const int iCurChanID );
2008-07-24 19:08:48 +02:00
void CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( const int iCurChanID, const QString& strChatText );
void WriteHTMLChannelList();
/* do not use the vector class since CChannel does not have appropriate
copy constructor/operator */
CChannel vecChannels[MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
QMutex Mutex;
CVector<QString> vstrChatColors;
2006-03-04 12:11:26 +01:00
2008-08-08 20:51:25 +02:00
// HTML file server status
bool bWriteStatusHTMLFile;
QString strServerHTMLFileListName;
QString strServerNameWithPort;
2006-03-04 12:11:26 +01:00
public slots:
2006-12-09 19:37:40 +01:00
// make sure we have MAX_NUM_CHANNELS connections!!!
// send message
2008-08-17 21:50:28 +02:00
void OnSendProtMessCh0 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 0, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh1 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 1, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh2 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 2, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh3 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 3, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh4 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 4, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh5 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 5, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh6 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 6, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh7 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 7, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh8 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 8, mess ); }
void OnSendProtMessCh9 ( CVector<uint8_t> mess ) { emit MessReadyForSending ( 9, mess ); }
2008-07-24 19:08:48 +02:00
void OnNewConnectionCh0() { vecChannels[0].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh1() { vecChannels[1].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh2() { vecChannels[2].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh3() { vecChannels[3].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh4() { vecChannels[4].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh5() { vecChannels[5].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh6() { vecChannels[6].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh7() { vecChannels[7].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh8() { vecChannels[8].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
void OnNewConnectionCh9() { vecChannels[9].CreateReqJitBufMes(); }
2006-03-04 12:11:26 +01:00
void OnReqConnClientsListCh0() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 0 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh1() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 1 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh2() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 2 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh3() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 3 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh4() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 4 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh5() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 5 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh6() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 6 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh7() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 7 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh8() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 8 ); }
void OnReqConnClientsListCh9() { CreateAndSendChanListForThisChan ( 9 ); }
2006-12-10 12:06:14 +01:00
void OnNameHasChangedCh0() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh1() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh2() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh3() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh4() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh5() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh6() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh7() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh8() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
void OnNameHasChangedCh9() { CreateAndSendChanListForAllConChannels(); }
2006-12-10 12:06:14 +01:00
2008-07-24 19:08:48 +02:00
void OnChatTextReceivedCh0 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 0, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh1 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 1, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh2 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 2, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh3 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 3, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh4 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 4, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh5 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 5, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh6 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 6, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh7 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 7, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh8 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 8, strChatText ); }
void OnChatTextReceivedCh9 ( QString strChatText ) { CreateAndSendChatTextForAllConChannels ( 9, strChatText ); }
2008-07-24 08:53:07 +02:00
2008-08-10 23:56:03 +02:00
void OnPingReceivedCh0 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[0].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh1 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[1].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh2 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[2].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh3 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[3].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh4 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[4].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh5 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[5].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh6 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[6].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh7 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[7].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh8 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[8].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
void OnPingReceivedCh9 ( int iMs ) { vecChannels[9].CreatePingMes ( iMs ); }
2008-08-02 09:28:21 +02:00
2006-03-04 12:11:26 +01:00
void MessReadyForSending ( int iChID, CVector<uint8_t> vecMessage );
2008-12-02 19:02:40 +01:00
void ChannelConnected ( CHostAddress ChanAddr );
2006-03-06 18:04:07 +01:00
2007-09-08 12:45:14 +02:00
#endif /* !defined ( CHANNEL_HOIH9345KJH98_3_4344_BB23945IUHF1912__INCLUDED_ ) */