mirror of https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager synced 2024-09-12 14:26:30 +02:00
Karl Hallsby e469020cb0 mbsync: write function to generate group-channel blocks
This function takes in a set of groups, and their consituent
channels and writes the appropriate .mbsyncrc block. The block is as
shown below:

      Group groupName1
      Channel channelName1
      Channel channelName2

      Group groupName2
      Channel channelName3

Each group must have a unique name, no matter which account it is
declared under. The same holds true for channels. However, if there is
a group that shares the same name as the channel, the channel will
effectively be "shadowed" by the group, and mbsync will default to
working with the group in that case.
2020-06-26 20:22:38 +02:00

190 lines
6.3 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.programs.mbsync;
# Accounts for which mbsync is enabled.
mbsyncAccounts =
filter (a: a.mbsync.enable) (attrValues config.accounts.email.accounts);
genTlsConfig = tls:
SSLType = if !tls.enable then
else if tls.useStartTls then
} // optionalAttrs (tls.enable && tls.certificatesFile != null) {
CertificateFile = toString tls.certificatesFile;
masterSlaveMapping = {
none = "None";
imap = "Master";
maildir = "Slave";
both = "Both";
genSection = header: entries:
escapeValue = escape [ ''"'' ];
hasSpace = v: builtins.match ".* .*" v != null;
genValue = n: v:
if isList v then
concatMapStringsSep " " (genValue n) v
else if isBool v then
(if v then "yes" else "no")
else if isInt v then
toString v
else if isString v && hasSpace v then
''"${escapeValue v}"''
else if isString v then
let prettyV = lib.generators.toPretty { } v;
in throw "mbsync: unexpected value for option ${n}: '${prettyV}'";
in ''
${concatStringsSep "\n"
(mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${n} ${genValue n v}") entries)}
genAccountConfig = account:
with account;
genSection "IMAPAccount ${name}" ({
Host = imap.host;
User = userName;
PassCmd = toString passwordCommand;
} // genTlsConfig imap.tls
// optionalAttrs (imap.port != null) { Port = toString imap.port; }
// mbsync.extraConfig.account) + "\n"
+ genSection "IMAPStore ${name}-remote"
({ Account = name; } // mbsync.extraConfig.remote) + "\n"
+ genSection "MaildirStore ${name}-local" ({
Path = "${maildir.absPath}/";
Inbox = "${maildir.absPath}/${folders.inbox}";
SubFolders = "Verbatim";
} // optionalAttrs (mbsync.flatten != null) { Flatten = mbsync.flatten; }
// mbsync.extraConfig.local) + "\n" + genSection "Channel ${name}" ({
Master = ":${name}-remote:";
Slave = ":${name}-local:";
Patterns = mbsync.patterns;
Create = masterSlaveMapping.${mbsync.create};
Remove = masterSlaveMapping.${mbsync.remove};
Expunge = masterSlaveMapping.${mbsync.expunge};
SyncState = "*";
} // mbsync.extraConfig.channel) + "\n";
# Given the attr set of groups, return a string of channels to put into each group.
# Given the attr set of groups, return a string which maps channels to groups
genAccountGroups = groups:
# Given the name of the group and the attribute set of channels, make
# make "Channel <grpName>-<chnName>" for each channel to list os strings
genChannelStrings = groupName: channels: mapAttrsToList
(name: info: "Channel ${groupName}-${name}") channels;
# Take in 1 group, construct the "Group <grpName>" header, and construct
# each of the channels.
genGroupChannelString = group:
[("Group " + group.name)] ++
(genChannelStrings group.name group.channels);
# Given set of groups, generates list of strings, where each string is one
# of the groups and its consituent channels.
genGroupsStrings = mapAttrsToList (name: info: concatStringsSep "\n"
(genGroupChannelString groups.${name})) groups;
in (concatStringsSep "\n\n" genGroupsStrings) # Put all strings together.
# 2 \n needed in concatStringsSep because last element genGroupsStrings
# has no \n.
+ "\n\n"; # Additional spacing after this account's group setup.
genGroupConfig = name: channels:
genGroupChannel = n: boxes: "Channel ${n}:${concatStringsSep "," boxes}";
in concatStringsSep "\n"
([ "Group ${name}" ] ++ mapAttrsToList genGroupChannel channels);
in {
options = {
programs.mbsync = {
enable = mkEnableOption "mbsync IMAP4 and Maildir mailbox synchronizer";
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.isync;
defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.isync";
example = literalExample "pkgs.isync";
description = "The package to use for the mbsync binary.";
groups = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf (types.attrsOf (types.listOf types.str));
default = { };
example = literalExample ''
inboxes = {
account1 = [ "Inbox" ];
account2 = [ "Inbox" ];
description = ''
Definition of groups.
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Extra configuration lines to add to the mbsync configuration.
accounts.email.accounts = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf (submodule (import ./mbsync-accounts.nix));
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = let
checkAccounts = pred: msg:
let badAccounts = filter pred mbsyncAccounts;
in {
assertion = badAccounts == [ ];
message = "mbsync: ${msg} for accounts: "
+ concatMapStringsSep ", " (a: a.name) badAccounts;
in [
(checkAccounts (a: a.maildir == null) "Missing maildir configuration")
(checkAccounts (a: a.imap == null) "Missing IMAP configuration")
(checkAccounts (a: a.passwordCommand == null) "Missing passwordCommand")
(checkAccounts (a: a.userName == null) "Missing username")
home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
programs.notmuch.new.ignore = [ ".uidvalidity" ".mbsyncstate" ];
home.file.".mbsyncrc".text = let
accountsConfig = map genAccountConfig mbsyncAccounts;
groupsConfig = mapAttrsToList genGroupConfig cfg.groups;
in concatStringsSep "\n" ([''
# Generated by Home Manager.
''] ++ optional (cfg.extraConfig != "") cfg.extraConfig ++ accountsConfig
++ groupsConfig) + "\n";
home.activation = mkIf (mbsyncAccounts != [ ]) {
createMaildir =
hm.dag.entryBetween [ "linkGeneration" ] [ "writeBoundary" ] ''
$DRY_RUN_CMD mkdir -m700 -p $VERBOSE_ARG ${
concatMapStringsSep " " (a: a.maildir.absPath) mbsyncAccounts