
116 lines
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{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.home-manager;
serviceEnvironment = optionalAttrs (cfg.backupFileExtension != null) {
HOME_MANAGER_BACKUP_EXT = cfg.backupFileExtension;
} // optionalAttrs cfg.verbose { VERBOSE = "1"; };
in {
imports = [ ./common.nix ];
options.home-manager = {
enableLegacyProfileManagement = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = versionOlder config.system.stateVersion "24.05";
defaultText = lib.literalMD ''
- `true` for `system.stateVersion` < 24.05,
- `false` otherwise'';
description = ''
Whether to enable legacy profile (and garbage collection root)
management during activation. When enabled, the Home Manager activation
will produce a per-user `home-manager` Nix profile as well as a garbage
collection root, just like in the standalone installation of Home
Manager. Typically, this is not desired when Home Manager is embedded in
the system configuration.
config = mkMerge [
home-manager = {
extraSpecialArgs.nixosConfig = config;
sharedModules = [{
# The per-user directory inside /etc/profiles is not known by
# fontconfig by default.
fonts.fontconfig.enable = lib.mkDefault
(cfg.useUserPackages && config.fonts.fontconfig.enable);
# Inherit glibcLocales setting from NixOS.
i18n.glibcLocales = lib.mkDefault config.i18n.glibcLocales;
# Legacy profile management is when the activation script generates GC
# root and home-manager profile. The modern way simply relies on the
# GC root that the system maintains, which should also protect the
# Home Manager activation package outputs.
home.activationGenerateGcRoot = cfg.enableLegacyProfileManagement;
(mkIf (cfg.users != { }) {
systemd.services = mapAttrs' (_: usercfg:
username = usercfg.home.username;
driverVersion =
if cfg.enableLegacyProfileManagement then "0" else "1";
in nameValuePair ("home-manager-${utils.escapeSystemdPath username}") {
description = "Home Manager environment for ${username}";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
wants = [ "nix-daemon.socket" ];
after = [ "nix-daemon.socket" ];
before = [ "systemd-user-sessions.service" ];
environment = serviceEnvironment;
unitConfig = { RequiresMountsFor = usercfg.home.homeDirectory; };
stopIfChanged = false;
serviceConfig = {
User = usercfg.home.username;
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
TimeoutStartSec = "5m";
SyslogIdentifier = "hm-activate-${username}";
ExecStart = let
systemctl =
"XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$UID} systemctl";
sed = "${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed";
exportedSystemdVariables = concatStringsSep "|" [
setupEnv = pkgs.writeScript "hm-setup-env" ''
#! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} -el
# The activation script is run by a login shell to make sure
# that the user is given a sane environment.
# If the user is logged in, import variables from their current
# session environment.
eval "$(
${systemctl} --user show-environment 2> /dev/null \
| ${sed} -En '/^(${exportedSystemdVariables})=/s/^/export /p'
exec "$1/activate" --driver-version ${driverVersion}
in "${setupEnv} ${usercfg.home.activationPackage}";
}) cfg.users;