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synced 2025-03-15 18:35:11 +01:00
In most cases where this function is used, suppressing only the standard output is more appropriate. Culling diagnostic output hides error messages and makes debugging more difficult and confusing. `$DRY_RUN_NULL`, which the `--silence` flag replaced, was used both for suppressing standard output on its own, and for doing so along with diagnostic output; however, when the `run` function was added this distinction was lost, and both outputs would be discarded. This reintroduces the needed functionality, and changes usages of `--silence` to `--quiet` where previously only standard output was suppressed, or where this should have probably been the case anyway. Change-Id: Ifb1b52a1d1eea0117261c782d686ad7c71b43162
195 lines
7 KiB
Executable file
195 lines
7 KiB
Executable file
# Moves the existing profile from /nix or $XDG_STATE_HOME/home-manager to
# $XDG_STATE_HOME/nix to match changed behavior in Nix 2.14. See
# https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/5226.
function migrateProfile() {
declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}"
declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix"
declare -r hmStateDir="$stateHome/home-manager"
declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}"
declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER"
if [[ -e $globalProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then
declare -r oldProfilesDir="$globalProfilesDir"
elif [[ -e $hmStateDir/profiles/home-manager ]]; then
declare -r oldProfilesDir="$hmStateDir/profiles"
declare -r newProfilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles"
if [[ -v oldProfilesDir && -e $newProfilesDir ]]; then
if [[ ! -e $newProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then
_i 'Migrating profile from %s to %s' "$oldProfilesDir" "$newProfilesDir"
for p in "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-*; do
declare name="${p##*/}"
nix-store --realise "$p" --add-root "$newProfilesDir/$name" > /dev/null
cp -P "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$newProfilesDir"
rm "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-*
function setupVars() {
declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}"
declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix"
declare -gr hmStatePath="$stateHome/home-manager"
declare -r hmGcrootsDir="$hmStatePath/gcroots"
declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}"
declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER"
declare -r globalGcrootsDir="$globalNixStateDir/gcroots/per-user/$USER"
# If the user Nix profiles path exists, then place the HM profile there.
# Otherwise, if the global Nix per-user state directory exists then use
# that. If neither exists, then we give up.
# shellcheck disable=2174
if [[ -d $userNixStateDir/profiles ]]; then
declare -r profilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles"
elif [[ -d $globalProfilesDir ]]; then
declare -r profilesDir="$globalProfilesDir"
_iError 'Could not find suitable profile directory, tried %s and %s' \
"$userNixStateDir/profiles" "$globalProfilesDir" >&2
exit 1
declare -gr hmDataPath="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/home-manager"
declare -gr genProfilePath="$profilesDir/home-manager"
declare -gr newGenPath="@GENERATION_DIR@";
declare -gr newGenGcPath="$hmGcrootsDir/current-home"
declare -gr legacyGenGcPath="$globalGcrootsDir/current-home"
declare greatestGenNum
greatestGenNum=$( \
nix-env --list-generations --profile "$genProfilePath" \
| tail -1 \
| sed -E 's/ *([[:digit:]]+) .*/\1/')
if [[ -n $greatestGenNum ]] ; then
declare -gr oldGenNum=$greatestGenNum
declare -gr newGenNum=$((oldGenNum + 1))
declare -gr newGenNum=1
if [[ -e $genProfilePath ]] ; then
declare -g oldGenPath
oldGenPath="$(readlink -e "$genProfilePath")"
_iVerbose "Sanity checking oldGenNum and oldGenPath"
if [[ -v oldGenNum && ! -v oldGenPath
|| ! -v oldGenNum && -v oldGenPath ]]; then
_i $'The previous generation number and path are in conflict! These\nmust be either both empty or both set but are now set to\n\n \'%s\' and \'%s\'\n\nIf you don\'t mind losing previous profile generations then\nthe easiest solution is probably to run\n\n rm %s/home-manager*\n rm %s/current-home\n\nand trying home-manager switch again. Good luck!' \
"${oldGenNum:-}" "${oldGenPath:-}" \
"$profilesDir" "$hmGcrootsDir"
exit 1
# Helper used to list content of a `nix profile` profile.
function nixProfileList() {
# We attempt to use `--json` first (added in Nix 2.17). Otherwise attempt to
# parse the legacy output format.
nix profile list --json 2>/dev/null \
| jq -r --arg name "$1" '.elements[].storePaths[] | select(endswith($name))'
} || {
nix profile list \
| { grep "$1\$" || test $? = 1; } \
| cut -d ' ' -f 4
# Helper used to remove a package from a Nix profile. Supports both `nix-env`
# and `nix profile`.
function nixProfileRemove() {
# We don't use `cfg.profileDirectory` here because it defaults to
# `/etc/profiles/per-user/<user>` which is constructed by NixOS or
# nix-darwin and won't require uninstalling `home-manager-path`.
if [[ -e $HOME/.nix-profile/manifest.json \
|| -e ${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/nix/profile/manifest.json ]] ; then
nixProfileList "$1" | xargs -rt $DRY_RUN_CMD nix profile remove $VERBOSE_ARG
if nix-env -q | grep -q "^$1$"; then
run --quiet nix-env -e "$1"
function checkUsername() {
local expectedUser="$1"
if [[ "$USER" != "$expectedUser" ]]; then
_iError 'Error: USER is set to "%s" but we expect "%s"' "$USER" "$expectedUser"
exit 1
function checkHomeDirectory() {
local expectedHome="$1"
if ! [[ $HOME -ef $expectedHome ]]; then
_iError 'Error: HOME is set to "%s" but we expect "%s"' "$HOME" "$expectedHome"
exit 1
# Note, the VERBOSE_ECHO variable is deprecated and should not be used inside
# the Home Manager project. It is provided here for backwards compatibility.
if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then
export VERBOSE_ECHO=echo
export VERBOSE_ARG="--verbose"
export VERBOSE_RUN=""
export VERBOSE_ECHO=true
export VERBOSE_ARG=""
export VERBOSE_RUN=true
_i "Starting Home Manager activation"
# Verify that we can connect to the Nix store and/or daemon. This will
# also create the necessary directories in profiles and gcroots.
_iVerbose "Sanity checking Nix"
nix-build --expr '{}' --no-out-link
# Also make sure that the Nix profiles path is created.
nix-env -q > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
# Note, the DRY_RUN_CMD and DRY_RUN_NULL variables are deprecated and should not
# be used inside the Home Manager project. They are provided here for backwards
# compatibility.
if [[ -v DRY_RUN ]] ; then
_i "This is a dry run"
export DRY_RUN_CMD=echo
export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/stdout
_iVerbose "This is a live run"
export DRY_RUN_CMD=""
export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/null
if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then
_i 'Using Nix version: %s' "$(nix-env --version)"
_iVerbose "Activation variables:"
if [[ -v oldGenNum ]] ; then
verboseEcho " oldGenNum=$oldGenNum"
verboseEcho " oldGenPath=$oldGenPath"
verboseEcho " oldGenNum undefined (first run?)"
verboseEcho " oldGenPath undefined (first run?)"
verboseEcho " newGenPath=$newGenPath"
verboseEcho " newGenNum=$newGenNum"
verboseEcho " genProfilePath=$genProfilePath"
verboseEcho " newGenGcPath=$newGenGcPath"
verboseEcho " legacyGenGcPath=$legacyGenGcPath"