{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.git; gitIniType = with types; let primitiveType = either str (either bool int); multipleType = either primitiveType (listOf primitiveType); sectionType = attrsOf multipleType; supersectionType = attrsOf (either multipleType sectionType); in attrsOf supersectionType; signModule = types.submodule { options = { key = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; description = '' The default GPG signing key fingerprint. Set to `null` to let GnuPG decide what signing key to use depending on commit’s author. ''; }; signByDefault = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "Whether commits and tags should be signed by default."; }; gpgPath = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg2"; defaultText = "\${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg2"; description = "Path to GnuPG binary to use."; }; }; }; includeModule = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { condition = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; description = '' Include this configuration only when {var}`condition` matches. Allowed conditions are described in {manpage}`git-config(1)`. ''; }; path = mkOption { type = with types; either str path; description = "Path of the configuration file to include."; }; contents = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.anything; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { user = { email = "bob@work.example.com"; name = "Bob Work"; signingKey = "1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H"; }; commit = { gpgSign = true; }; }; ''; description = '' Configuration to include. If empty then a path must be given. This follows the configuration structure as described in {manpage}`git-config(1)`. ''; }; contentSuffix = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "gitconfig"; description = '' Nix store name for the git configuration text file, when generating the configuration text from nix options. ''; }; }; config.path = mkIf (config.contents != { }) (mkDefault (pkgs.writeText (hm.strings.storeFileName config.contentSuffix) (generators.toGitINI config.contents))); }); in { meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ]; options = { programs.git = { enable = mkEnableOption "Git"; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.git; defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.git"; description = '' Git package to install. Use {var}`pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull` to gain access to {command}`git send-email` for instance. ''; }; userName = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; description = "Default user name to use."; }; userEmail = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; description = "Default user email to use."; }; aliases = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.str; default = { }; example = { co = "checkout"; }; description = "Git aliases to define."; }; signing = mkOption { type = types.nullOr signModule; default = null; description = "Options related to signing commits using GnuPG."; }; extraConfig = mkOption { type = types.either types.lines gitIniType; default = { }; example = { core = { whitespace = "trailing-space,space-before-tab"; }; url."ssh://git@host".insteadOf = "otherhost"; }; description = '' Additional configuration to add. The use of string values is deprecated and will be removed in the future. ''; }; hooks = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.path; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { pre-commit = ./pre-commit-script; } ''; description = '' Configuration helper for Git hooks. See for reference. ''; }; iniContent = mkOption { type = gitIniType; internal = true; }; ignores = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; example = [ "*~" "*.swp" ]; description = "List of paths that should be globally ignored."; }; attributes = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; example = [ "*.pdf diff=pdf" ]; description = "List of defining attributes set globally."; }; includes = mkOption { type = types.listOf includeModule; default = [ ]; example = literalExpression '' [ { path = "~/path/to/config.inc"; } { path = "~/path/to/conditional.inc"; condition = "gitdir:~/src/dir"; } ] ''; description = "List of configuration files to include."; }; lfs = { enable = mkEnableOption "Git Large File Storage"; skipSmudge = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Skip automatic downloading of objects on clone or pull. This requires a manual {command}`git lfs pull` every time a new commit is checked out on your repository. ''; }; }; maintenance = { enable = mkEnableOption "" // { description = '' Enable the automatic {command}`git maintenance`. See . ''; }; repositories = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = [ ]; description = '' Repositories on which {command}`git maintenance` should run. Should be a list of absolute paths. ''; }; timers = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.str; default = { hourly = "*-*-* 1..23:53:00"; daily = "Tue..Sun *-*-* 0:53:00"; weekly = "Mon 0:53:00"; }; description = '' Systemd timers to create for scheduled {command}`git maintenance`. Key is passed to `--schedule` argument in {command}`git maintenance run` and value is passed to `Timer.OnCalendar` in `systemd.user.timers`. ''; }; }; diff-highlight = { enable = mkEnableOption "" // { description = '' Enable the contrib {command}`diff-highlight` syntax highlighter. See , ''; }; pagerOpts = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; example = [ "--tabs=4" "-RFX" ]; description = '' Arguments to be passed to {command}`less`. ''; }; }; difftastic = { enable = mkEnableOption "" // { description = '' Enable the {command}`difftastic` syntax highlighter. See . ''; }; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "difftastic" { }; background = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "light" "dark" ]; default = "light"; example = "dark"; description = '' Determines whether difftastic should use the lighter or darker colors for syntax highlighting. ''; }; color = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "always" "auto" "never" ]; default = "auto"; example = "always"; description = '' Determines when difftastic should color its output. ''; }; display = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "side-by-side" "side-by-side-show-both" "inline" ]; default = "side-by-side"; example = "inline"; description = '' Determines how the output displays - in one column or two columns. ''; }; }; delta = { enable = mkEnableOption "" // { description = '' Whether to enable the {command}`delta` syntax highlighter. See . ''; }; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "delta" { }; options = mkOption { type = with types; let primitiveType = either str (either bool int); sectionType = attrsOf primitiveType; in attrsOf (either primitiveType sectionType); default = { }; example = { features = "decorations"; whitespace-error-style = "22 reverse"; decorations = { commit-decoration-style = "bold yellow box ul"; file-style = "bold yellow ul"; file-decoration-style = "none"; }; }; description = '' Options to configure delta. ''; }; }; diff-so-fancy = { enable = mkEnableOption "" // { description = '' Enable the {command}`diff-so-fancy` diff colorizer. See . ''; }; pagerOpts = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "--tabs=4" "-RFX" ]; description = '' Arguments to be passed to {command}`less`. ''; }; markEmptyLines = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; example = false; description = '' Whether the first block of an empty line should be colored. ''; }; changeHunkIndicators = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; example = false; description = '' Simplify git header chunks to a more human readable format. ''; }; stripLeadingSymbols = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; example = false; description = '' Whether the `+` or `-` at line-start should be removed. ''; }; useUnicodeRuler = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; example = false; description = '' By default, the separator for the file header uses Unicode line-drawing characters. If this is causing output errors on your terminal, set this to false to use ASCII characters instead. ''; }; rulerWidth = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.int; default = null; example = false; description = '' By default, the separator for the file header spans the full width of the terminal. Use this setting to set the width of the file header manually. ''; }; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [ { home.packages = [ cfg.package ]; assertions = [{ assertion = let enabled = [ cfg.delta.enable cfg.diff-so-fancy.enable cfg.difftastic.enable cfg.diff-highlight.enable ]; in count id enabled <= 1; message = "Only one of 'programs.git.delta.enable' or 'programs.git.difftastic.enable' or 'programs.git.diff-so-fancy.enable' or 'programs.git.diff-highlight' can be set to true at the same time."; }]; programs.git.iniContent.user = { name = mkIf (cfg.userName != null) cfg.userName; email = mkIf (cfg.userEmail != null) cfg.userEmail; }; xdg.configFile = { "git/config".text = generators.toGitINI cfg.iniContent; "git/ignore" = mkIf (cfg.ignores != [ ]) { text = concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.ignores + "\n"; }; "git/attributes" = mkIf (cfg.attributes != [ ]) { text = concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.attributes + "\n"; }; }; } { programs.git.iniContent = let hasSmtp = name: account: account.smtp != null; genIdentity = name: account: with account; nameValuePair "sendemail.${name}" (if account.msmtp.enable then { smtpServer = "${pkgs.msmtp}/bin/msmtp"; envelopeSender = "auto"; from = "${realName} <${address}>"; } else { smtpEncryption = if smtp.tls.enable then (if smtp.tls.useStartTls || versionOlder config.home.stateVersion "20.09" then "tls" else "ssl") else ""; smtpSslCertPath = mkIf smtp.tls.enable (toString smtp.tls.certificatesFile); smtpServer = smtp.host; smtpUser = userName; from = "${realName} <${address}>"; } // optionalAttrs (smtp.port != null) { smtpServerPort = smtp.port; }); in mapAttrs' genIdentity (filterAttrs hasSmtp config.accounts.email.accounts); } (mkIf (cfg.signing != null) { programs.git.iniContent = { user.signingKey = mkIf (cfg.signing.key != null) cfg.signing.key; commit.gpgSign = mkDefault cfg.signing.signByDefault; tag.gpgSign = mkDefault cfg.signing.signByDefault; gpg.program = cfg.signing.gpgPath; }; }) (mkIf (cfg.hooks != { }) { programs.git.iniContent = { core.hooksPath = let entries = mapAttrsToList (name: path: { inherit name path; }) cfg.hooks; in toString (pkgs.linkFarm "git-hooks" entries); }; }) (mkIf (cfg.aliases != { }) { programs.git.iniContent.alias = cfg.aliases; }) (mkIf (lib.isAttrs cfg.extraConfig) { programs.git.iniContent = cfg.extraConfig; }) (mkIf (lib.isString cfg.extraConfig) { warnings = ['' Using programs.git.extraConfig as a string option is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please change to using it as an attribute set instead. '']; xdg.configFile."git/config".text = cfg.extraConfig; }) (mkIf (cfg.includes != [ ]) { xdg.configFile."git/config".text = let include = i: with i; if condition != null then { includeIf.${condition}.path = "${path}"; } else { include.path = "${path}"; }; in mkAfter (concatStringsSep "\n" (map generators.toGitINI (map include cfg.includes))); }) (mkIf cfg.lfs.enable { home.packages = [ pkgs.git-lfs ]; programs.git.iniContent.filter.lfs = let skipArg = optional cfg.lfs.skipSmudge "--skip"; in { clean = "git-lfs clean -- %f"; process = concatStringsSep " " ([ "git-lfs" "filter-process" ] ++ skipArg); required = true; smudge = concatStringsSep " " ([ "git-lfs" "smudge" ] ++ skipArg ++ [ "--" "%f" ]); }; }) (mkIf cfg.maintenance.enable { programs.git.iniContent.maintenance.repo = cfg.maintenance.repositories; systemd.user.services."git-maintenance@" = { Unit = { Description = "Optimize Git repositories data"; Documentation = [ "man:git-maintenance(1)" ]; }; Service = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = let exe = lib.getExe cfg.package; in '' "${exe}" --exec-path="${exe}" for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run --schedule=%i ''; LockPersonality = "yes"; MemoryDenyWriteExecute = "yes"; NoNewPrivileges = "yes"; RestrictAddressFamilies = "AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_VSOCK"; RestrictNamespaces = "yes"; RestrictRealtime = "yes"; RestrictSUIDSGID = "yes"; SystemCallArchitectures = "native"; SystemCallFilter = "@system-service"; }; }; systemd.user.timers = let toSystemdTimer = name: time: lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "git-maintenance@${name}" { Unit.Description = "Optimize Git repositories data"; Timer = { OnCalendar = time; Persistent = true; }; Install.WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; }; in lib.attrsets.mapAttrs' toSystemdTimer cfg.maintenance.timers; }) (mkIf cfg.diff-highlight.enable { programs.git.iniContent = let dhCommand = "${cfg.package}/share/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight"; in { core.pager = "${dhCommand} | ${getExe pkgs.less} ${ escapeShellArgs cfg.diff-highlight.pagerOpts }"; interactive.diffFilter = dhCommand; }; }) (mkIf cfg.difftastic.enable { home.packages = [ cfg.difftastic.package ]; programs.git.iniContent = let difftCommand = concatStringsSep " " [ "${getExe cfg.difftastic.package}" "--color ${cfg.difftastic.color}" "--background ${cfg.difftastic.background}" "--display ${cfg.difftastic.display}" ]; in { diff.external = difftCommand; }; }) (let deltaPackage = cfg.delta.package; deltaCommand = "${deltaPackage}/bin/delta"; in mkIf cfg.delta.enable { home.packages = [ deltaPackage ]; programs.git.iniContent = { core.pager = deltaCommand; interactive.diffFilter = "${deltaCommand} --color-only"; delta = cfg.delta.options; }; }) (mkIf cfg.diff-so-fancy.enable { home.packages = [ pkgs.diff-so-fancy ]; programs.git.iniContent = let dsfCommand = "${pkgs.diff-so-fancy}/bin/diff-so-fancy"; in { core.pager = "${dsfCommand} | ${pkgs.less}/bin/less ${ escapeShellArgs cfg.diff-so-fancy.pagerOpts }"; interactive.diffFilter = "${dsfCommand} --patch"; diff-so-fancy = { markEmptyLines = cfg.diff-so-fancy.markEmptyLines; changeHunkIndicators = cfg.diff-so-fancy.changeHunkIndicators; stripLeadingSymbols = cfg.diff-so-fancy.stripLeadingSymbols; useUnicodeRuler = cfg.diff-so-fancy.useUnicodeRuler; rulerWidth = mkIf (cfg.diff-so-fancy.rulerWidth != null) (cfg.diff-so-fancy.rulerWidth); }; }; }) ]); }