{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.lieer; lieerAccounts = filter (a: a.lieer.enable) (attrValues config.accounts.email.accounts); nonGmailAccounts = map (a: a.name) (filter (a: a.flavor != "gmail.com") lieerAccounts); nonGmailConfigHelp = map (name: ''accounts.email.accounts.${name}.flavor = "gmail.com";'') nonGmailAccounts; missingNotmuchAccounts = map (a: a.name) (filter (a: !a.notmuch.enable && a.lieer.notmuchSetupWarning) lieerAccounts); notmuchConfigHelp = map (name: "accounts.email.accounts.${name}.notmuch.enable = true;") missingNotmuchAccounts; configFile = account: { name = "${account.maildir.absPath}/.gmailieer.json"; value = { text = builtins.toJSON { inherit (account.lieer) timeout; account = account.address; replace_slash_with_dot = account.lieer.replaceSlashWithDot; drop_non_existing_label = account.lieer.dropNonExistingLabels; ignore_tags = account.lieer.ignoreTagsLocal; ignore_remote_labels = account.lieer.ignoreTagsRemote; } + "\n"; }; }; in { meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.tadfisher ]; options = { programs.lieer.enable = mkEnableOption "lieer Gmail synchronization for notmuch"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [ (mkIf (missingNotmuchAccounts != [ ]) { warnings = ['' lieer is enabled for the following email accounts, but notmuch is not: ${concatStringsSep "\n " missingNotmuchAccounts} Notmuch can be enabled with: ${concatStringsSep "\n " notmuchConfigHelp} If you have configured notmuch outside of Home Manager, you can suppress this warning with: programs.lieer.notmuchSetupWarning = false; '']; }) { assertions = [{ assertion = nonGmailAccounts == [ ]; message = '' lieer is enabled for non-Gmail accounts: ${concatStringsSep "\n " nonGmailAccounts} If these accounts are actually Gmail accounts, you can fix this error with: ${concatStringsSep "\n " nonGmailConfigHelp} ''; }]; home.packages = [ pkgs.gmailieer ]; # Notmuch should ignore non-mail files created by lieer. programs.notmuch.new.ignore = [ "/.*[.](json|lock|bak)$/" ]; home.file = listToAttrs (map configFile lieerAccounts); } ]); }