modulePath: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = getAttrFromPath modulePath config; firefoxMockOverlay = import ./setup-firefox-mock-overlay.nix modulePath; in { imports = [ firefoxMockOverlay ]; config = mkIf config.test.enableBig ({ home.stateVersion = "23.05"; } // setAttrByPath modulePath { enable = true; policies = { BlockAboutConfig = true; }; package = pkgs.${cfg.wrappedPackageName}.override { extraPolicies = { DownloadDirectory = "/foo"; }; }; } // { nmt.script = '' jq=${lib.getExe pkgs.jq} config_file="${cfg.finalPackage}/lib/${cfg.wrappedPackageName}/distribution/policies.json" assertFileExists "$config_file" blockAboutConfig_actual_value="$($jq ".policies.BlockAboutConfig" $config_file)" if [[ $blockAboutConfig_actual_value != "true" ]]; then fail "Expected '$config_file' to set 'policies.BlockAboutConfig' to true" fi downloadDirectory_actual_value="$($jq ".policies.DownloadDirectory" $config_file)" if [[ $downloadDirectory_actual_value != "\"/foo\"" ]]; then fail "Expected '$config_file' to set 'policies.DownloadDirectory' to \"/foo\"" fi ''; }); }